Chapter 1685: Two Types Of Luck.

Chapter 1685: Two Types Of Luck.

Not all void beasts are stupid. But for the ones that are stupid, the combined effect of spatial divine ability and resistance to damage makes it easy for them to survive after making stupid decisions. They might be weak, but they can take a beating and run away easily.

But this void beast isn't thinking that. It just wants to eat, and she looks like something to kill. It knows that she is strong, but she is not an Origin god, so it feels like it can take her on.

It was wrong. The fountain of life rounded up on it and smashed it with her spiked tail. The void beast finally took damage. After all, she may be small, but she is powerful. Her tail can crush mountains, much less some stupid void beast.

The void beast put up a worthy fight by refusing to die. Her tail fell on it again and again, dealing little damage each time. It was as if she was trying to crush a small diamond, not some rock. The void beast just refused to die. In fact, her tail was beginning to hurt. But her efforts bore fruit. The void beast was eventually beaten within an inch of death after one too many strikes.

Not only was its body highly durable, but void energy from the surrounding area was also rushing into its body to heal it. However, the combination of the two will not be enough to save it if the beatings continue.

Luck was on the void beast's side. The fountain of life was interrupted when she wanted to finish it off. She stopped because she noticed many more void beasts staring at her. Their round, compound eyes were examining her with curiosity.

They couldn't understand why she was so strong, but they know that she is not an Origin god, so they don't think that they have anything to worry about. Anything that is not an Origin god is their prey in the void. So they swarmed her.

At first, they were 22 in number that attacked her. But that number soon increased to 112 during the fight. Apparently, there was a swarm of them nearby. More and more void beasts were drawn by the fight to kill her. And they were also about to succeed.

These void beasts may be stupid, but they were right to think that anything not at the Origin god level is prey. This is because they have the advantage of the void in their fights.

Most creatures that are not Origin gods will need to actively protect themselves from the corrosive void energy if they don't want to die. Only void beasts and dragons at the titan level like the fountain of life, don't need to protect themselves. Their bodies are strong enough to withstand the void energy. But the fountain of life couldn't avoid the issue of the negation of power in the void.

She couldn't cast spells or use her concept, as it would be destroyed by the void energy, so she had to use her physical strength. That aspect is her strongest suit, but it is not as effective against the bodies of void beasts.

She is surely stronger than them. Unfortunately, her strength is not as effective as it should be. It is certainly not effective against 112 void beasts who can take a beating and have very sharp claws that can break the defense of her divine body.

They swarmed her like ants would a lion. But unlike ants, they were bigger than her and could actually succeed in this hunt. Their four arms moved with the augmentation of the laws of space to make their claws slice through her scales like butter. Soon, she was near death.

She had to expand to her full size so that they wouldn't overwhelm her. Her full size made it easy for her to fling them around and smash them. Still they didn't give up. It helped that her being bigger has given them a larger surface to cut. It was only her superior regeneration ability that kept her alive against the onslaught of the void beasts.

Success was so close for them. Unfortunately, they couldn't kill her. The fountain of life was also lucky, so the killing blow from the void beasts didn't come.

This is because someone else interrupted them. It was a large beast. The fountain of life is very big, so for her to consider something large, it must be colossal.

This creature is indeed colossal. It is half the size of a plane. It is easily 100,000 kilometers long. That is more than 100 times the fountain of life in her full form.

The beast had been attracted because of her. She looked good enough to eat from afar and being close has only confirmed its initial estimate.

Both the dragon and the void beast froze when it appeared. It looked at them fighting with a little disdain. Then it opened its mouth, and the world froze.

The dragon and the void beasts were frozen, and were forced to shrink in size as they approached its mouth. It was unnecessary since the mouth of the world beast was large enough to swallow them whole without shrinking them.

The fountain of life roared in anger. "Nooooo. You can't do this to me!"

She let go of her restraints and released her domain. This broke the hold of World Devour on her and stopped her from shrinking in size.

She roared in determination, "I cannot die here."

The world beast didn't care. It shot forward with blinding speed. As a void beast, a world beast also has the gift of space. It may be big, but it is also fast. She found herself in its mouth before she knew it.

"You can't do this to me. I belong to the dragon alliance. You will pay for this."

The world beast didn't even register her complaints. As a true predator of the void and an Origin god, it doesn't talk with its food. Her life ended as soon as it closed its mouth. She will never become an immortal now.

The world beast smacked its lips and continued surfing the void.

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