Chapter 1690: Consolation Prize.

Chapter 1690: Consolation Prize.

Unfortunately, LUST couldn't replenish his energy as fast as it was ripped away. The star at the center shrank under the dedicated ministrations of violence. It couldn't hold on anymore, so it went out with a bang.

This outcome surprised the three demon gods.

"Did we win?" they thought to themselves.

LUST was truly dead. His existence had been scattered. What was left was the energy pillar.

Then the demon gods began fighting each other for the energy pillar. It was another brutal fight. The three waning stars collided with each other in a bid for supremacy. They fought for several hours before there was a victor.

PRIDE said with pride, "I won. I am the victor. I can never lose. Everyone else is trash. I am the best."

The sin of pride is one proficient in resistance and defense. That turned out to be the best sin for prolonged fighting. Now she is about to reap the rewards of her efforts.

But then LIES returned. It might be a coincidence that he appeared the moment the fight ended, but PRIDE wasn't going to believe that.

PRIDE could run and give up on the energy pillar, but she sneered and said, "You too want to die? Come then."

PRIDE doesn't think that she will lose. She thinks she will win after beating four enemies, so she didn't run. The two energy clouds clashed.

Pride was a lake of energy at this point. She had shrunk because of the previous fights, but her energy tentacles were still sharp and durable. LIES, on the other hand, had many soft tentacles that were between real and unreal. The tentacles lacked strength, but destroying them was difficult because they could turn unreal whenever they were in danger and return to being real when they were opportuned to harm the enemy.

PRIDE was strong, but she couldn't harm LIES efficiently. Each attack of LIES did little damage to PRIDE, but a large number of drops of water will form an ocean. In this case, each little bit of damage to PRIDE accumulated over time to slowly grind it down.

The two demon gods were doing an equal amount of harm to each other. But one had more energy than the other. LIES was able to lever its vast energy to overwhelm PRIDE. PRIDE was destroyed, leaving LIES with the energy pillar.

She didn't think she would lose, but she was wrong. As for LIES, he had gambled that he would be able to make it in time to take advantage of the situation. If he had been a bit too early or late, then he would have lost. He was right, so he wins.

LIES took the place of LUST and was able to evolve without interference. A new world ender was thus formed. LIES's mind descended into an unknown place filled with corrosion.

The surroundings were dark, and the corrosion was so powerful that LIES's mind was eroded. It couldn't resist the corrosion, so its mind succumbed to it.

LIES screamed, "Nooo0000000000!"

He screamed at the top of his voice in a bid to attract some help. Unfortunately, the sound he made was also corroded as soon as it left him. No one will hear his cry for help. Even if anyone did, they are unlikely to help, and even if they decided to help, these helpers would fail and become corrupted themselves.

However, LIES had no choice. He could only scream, so he screamed. But then he stopped screaming. His mind had become dark and twisted, just like the environment in which he had found himself.

LIES failed the final step of the breakthrough, but he still became a world ender. He has just become mad and corrupted. He has also become more powerful, so no world god can take advantage of his addled mind. This is despite the fact that he has become capable of producing Chaos blood, which world gods all want.

Chaos blood is very important, and LIES has become capable of producing it. Unfortunately, LIES doesn't know how rich he is, and he doesn't appreciate it either. He would have preferred to have overcome the corruption instead of failing it. Chaos blood is a consolation prize, but LIES would have preferred his sanity.

Without sanity, LIES roamed the void universe without any plan or intent. He just went wherever there was more energy. He couldn't do anything to realm trees because of the protection of the void universe. But any world god he encounters and manages to make contact with is doomed. They will have to share in the same corrosion that twisted its existence. No world god has ever survived that kind of experience.

It can be said that CARNAGE was truly lucky. It doesn't know it yet, but it is the prison around it that is preventing its mind from descending to that unknown, dark place.

CARNAGE doesn't like its prison now, but it will pine for it when it suffers a fate worse than death. It will even appreciate the fact that it can't produce Chaos blood like all other world enders can.

-----How To Become A World god.

The era of conquest has ended, and the high heaven realm is no more. It has caused a lot more harm than those done to Sovereigns of law and those weaker than them. Even Origin gods are affected by it.

These effects are good and bad. To those affected by the bad, it is because they didn't perform well enough in the era of conquest. So they lost their opportunity to gain the assistance of the realm lord in becoming world gods.

Guntu is one of them. There are many of them, like him, who have failed to achieve this goal. Guntu suspected it before that he was not in the top 0.1% of the Origin gods of the high

heaven realm. The era of conquest simply confirmed it.

What's worse is that Guntu even failed to acquire enough contribution points to buy the fake alternatives of world seeds and world engines. That's something he didn't expect.

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