Chapter 1697: Now Or Never.

Chapter 1697: Now Or Never.

They were also supposed to scout the realm trees to find vulnerable ones. Then they would bring the information of their chosen realm tree to the realm lord who would then help them to suppress it.

But none of that is going to happen apparently. The realm tree they get to attack would be random and based on luck. They also won't have time to prepare for it.

They have a lot of reasons to complain. But none of them said a word when Monarch High Heaven waved his hand at a realm tree. Space was twisted by a mysterious force and the barrier of the realm tree was shredded.

There was no fanfare or fire works even though this is a large realm not a small realm. It looked as if he had put in very little effort but they know that to be false because they felt the mysterious force that assaulted the realm tree. It was vast like an ocean. It could drown out all 500 million of them just as easily as it shredded that barrier.

The knowledgeable ones knew that vast force to be Cosmic force so they didn't complain. But even the ignorant ones were silent.

No one could speak, despite being immortal. A normal world god can curse them to a life worse than death or freeze them forever in a state similar to death, so a normal world god should be feared. A world god that can belittle a large realm deserves more than fear. Besides, he never promised to give them time to prepare. So no one complained.

They filed in line and responded when they were called into action. The Origin god with the highest contribution was the first to be called. He was assigned the first realm tree. He moved towards it to inspect it. There was a large crack in its barrier for him to go through.

He expected to feel the malice of the world when he entered, but he felt nothing. There was only silence. There was no suppression on him whatsoever. He could teleport as well as use world fragments.

He couldn't help but mutter, "It feels like the Will of the realm is dead."

He heaved a sigh of relief because the apparent dormancy of the Will of the realm is a good thing. It will make his invasion easier. He just has to fend off the billions of Origin gods that were raised in this realm. They will surely come to defend their realm tree.

The Will of the realm might not resist his invasion, but the inhabitants of the realm tree would. If they were anything like the realm of high heaven, and if only 1% of them showed up, he would have to fight off 5 billion defenders. Just thinking about it made him have a headache.

He couldn't help but groan, "I wish I had time to prepare, though."

But there's no time. The contract only says that Monarch High Heaven will suppress the Will of the realm for them. It didn't say when and how. So the realm lord has done his part. The rest is up to them.

The race for victory or defeat has begun, but this Supreme Origin god couldn't help but think about how good it would be to barricade the realm tree so that its Origin gods wouldn't be able to reinforce it. He thought about it and decided to ask the realm lord for assistance in that aspect.

He was willing to pay for that assistance, but Monarch High Heaven rejected him. He explained to his former realm lord how unlikely it would be for him to defeat 500 billion Origin gods and how badly he needed the barricade.

Monarch High Heaven had said in disdain, "You are worried about the wrong thing. You should be worried about the world gods that the realm tree has produced, not the immortals." The Supreme Origin god began to panic after realizing the full implications of a realm war.

"What you are asking me to do is not as simple as sealing off the realm against Origin gods. I also have to fight the world gods that will try to destroy the barricade. Frankly, you can't pay me well enough to do that. If you could, you wouldn't need my help to suppress a realm tree. You would be able to use that wealth to become a world god yourself."

"Even if you somehow have that wealth and you want to offer it to me, what makes you think I am lacking in wealth? I will tell you now that I am not lacking in wealth. What I am lacking is time. It is the time I don't have that I will be wasting to help you when I should be wasting it to help the other 500 million Origin gods."

"So no, I am not helping anyone of you. You are all on your own."

The realm lord said that to all 500 million of them. It made them realize just what they were up against in its full splendor. The Supreme Origin god that asked the question was frozen with helplessness. But all he got from the realm lord was a snort of disdain.

The Supreme Origin god stood in front of the hole in the barrier of the realm, watching it helplessly. He didn't know where to start or how to start the invasion. He didn't even know the races of the realm, their distribution of power, strengths, and weaknesses, etc.

He was trying to come up with a plan of action when the shout of Monarch High Heaven shook him out of his stupor.

"If I were you, I would rush into that realm tree now before world gods come to interfere with your realm war. If they come to find you as you are, then you might not be able to enter the realm at all, much less defeat it."

Monarch High Heaven was mocking him, but the Supreme Origin god took the warning seriously. He rushed into the realm quickly. Then he began calling for every favor he had.

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