Chapter 1702: Fighting Never Ends.

Chapter 1702: Fighting Never Ends.

Ghaster admitted to it. "You are right. I am afraid. I am scared that I will die."

Hadrikomania said seriously, "You don't have a choice in the matter. You will die if you remain here too. If you stay here, you might get peace and safety, but your lifespan will run out and you will die. That might not happen if you manage to become an Origin god of this world. But at the very least, you will become shackled to this world and lose your freedom. In the worst case, you will have your existence overwritten, which also counts as your death."

"So you have no choice in the matter. You are going to die anyway. The choices are for you to determine how you want to die. But if you go to the void universe, you might find a trace of life through immortality."

That enlightened Ghaster. He felt his fear melt away, leaving a boundless fighting spirit. He wanted to fight for his chance at life.

He bowed again and said, "Thank you for your advice, ancestor."

"You are welcome. I'm guessing you have decided to go to the void universe now."

"Yes, ancestor. I must fight for my chance at immortality."

"That's good to hear. The world is competitive. Only the fittest, strongest, and luckiest survive. You have a rare chance not to have to compete for survival. But if you want to progress and achieve something greater than survival, then you must return to the thick of battle and fight for immortality."

Ghaster said with determination, "Yes. I will fight and become a world god. Then I will have peace, safety, and power."

Hadrikomania shook her head. "Silly boy. You can never have peace because fighting never ends. Even your ancestor is fighting. Every world god is fighting."

"It is another reason why staying here is not a permanent solution for peace. Because Ghastorix has chosen to keep fighting, you, too, cannot have peace. If you decide to stay in this world, then his fight will affect you at one time or another. So hiding away has never been the correct decision. The fighting will come to you one way or another."

Ghaster was stunned by what he heard. He thought world gods were at the top of the universe and had nothing to fear. It shook him to hear that the world gods are still fighting.

He couldn't help but ask, "So ancestor Ghastorix can also die?"

She laughed. "That's nearly impossible. He has overcome the struggle for survival. He will always survive now. The best death that he can experience is sleeping for a long time. But he will always bounce back as long as his Supreme Law is intact."

Ghaster asked, "Then what are he and the other world gods fighting for?"

"They are fighting for something greater than survival. They are fighting for power."

She shook her head before she continued, "Creating a Supreme Law doesn't just secure your immortality, it also shapes your existence and determines your future. It is the start of another journey for you. You must achieve what your Supreme Law wants to achieve. You can't ever give up. Your Supreme Law acts as the drive to support your existence and to pursue your expected future."

Ghaster didn't really understand what she was talking about. His confusion showed on his face. So Hadrikomania decided to make things simple for him.

She said, "Take your ancestor, for example. He has a Supreme Law related to lightning and destruction. He has become lightning and destruction, so he must destroy all of reality and make it into lightning. That is the pursuit of Supreme Laws. To make all of reality into themselves. To bend reality, wherever it is, to their Will. World gods can sleep and await the fate of being broken by others, or they must fight to achieve this either by force or by coercion."

"Wow," Ghaster exclaimed in admiration.

He can just see it. All of reality turned into something like the inner world of his ancestor.

"So ancestor is no longer striving for survival. He wants to impose his Will and Supreme Law onto all of reality."

He felt in awe of the power of world gods. Here he is struggling to comprehend laws, but world gods have become laws themselves and want to turn all of reality into their own law. It is the kind of power that he wishes to have.

Hadrikomania agreed with him. "In summary, yes. He is not the only one with that goal. All the world gods have that goal. That means they must fight each other. Every world god is an enemy. There can only be temporary alliances."

"So you have to leave. Ghastorix can be attacked at any moment, and this world might also be affected. It will surely be affected when the end of the void universe comes. There's going to be a bloodbath then."

Ghaster asked curiously, "What will happen at the end of the void universe?"

She rubbed his head playfully. "That's above your station for now. We can address it when you become a world god."

Ghaster moved his head away, but he couldn't escape her hand. The world literally shifted around them to make sure that her hand remained on his head. He saw and felt it happen. Space and matter shifted around him so that he couldn't escape from her grip. So he sighed and gave up on resisting.

He decided to ask another question, "Do you think Legion will be able to participate in the fight at the end of the void universe?"

That question gave Hadrikomania pause. She removed her hand from his head and looked into the distance in thought.

She eventually replied, "They should be able to manage it. But there's no need to compare yourself to them. Soverick wasn't truly your brother, and he wasn't your littermate. He was an Origin god way before you knew him. Now he is something no Origin god can hope to match."

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