Chapter 1707: A New Archon.

Chapter 1707: A New Archon.

His life has been legendary. He has always been exceptional. But things are different this time. For one, he is the only one he knows who has ever attempted what he is doing. There are no others.

Secondly, the difficulty of what he has to achieve now is beyond the combination of

everything he had to overcome to reach this point.

What he is attempting to do is similar to what kings of law have to go through to become titans of law. Many kings of law fail to even become titans of law with a single law. But he has to use 10 laws.

He and any other person don't need to imagine the difficulty. The difficulty is clear to everyone because if creating a concept with six laws were easy, the realm would already have a realm lord. It wouldn't be the turn of a god to act as the protector of the realm.

10 laws is definitely more difficult than 6 laws. It has four more laws, so it is at least 16 times more difficult to become a divine spark than to become a realm lord. It was so difficult that Hanjerlie spent 11,242 years on it without success. He was shining brightly throughout the whole time.

So for more than eleven thousand years, some parts of the realm did not experience nightfall. Many people came on a pilgrimage to witness the eternal light. Faith and life within the plane received a tremendous boost.

This boon was all thanks to the continuous burning of divine energy that Hanjerlie had stocked up on over the years. There is no time limit for his breakthrough. If he runs out of divine energy, then he will fail.

Hanjerlie knew that because the Will of the Universe told him. He also knows that there is an alternative because the Will of the universe offered it to him.

The Will of the universe said to him, "Become my Archon and I will help you."

The bulk of the message was more of feelings and information than words. From them, Hanjerlie learned what an Archon was and what it would mean to become one.

An Archon is a direct surbordinate of the void universe. It is a grand position that comes with great benefits. He would gain the much coveted Cosmic energy from the void universe.

All Archons have to do in return is maintain the operation of the void universe. They will repair faults and create new parts for the void universe when they become world forges.

His responsibilities are easy things that he can manage. But it comes with one other catch. He wouldn't be able to leave the void universe ever. Even if the void universe is destroyed, he will work to rebuild it and will remain in it. It will be his fate for all of eternity.

Eternity is a big word to entities of his level. In the past, it meant eternal life and longevity. But now it means forever, ever, and ever. Not even death will be able to free him from this.

He would be doing the same thing epoch after epoch after epoch. It means his future is set in stone. This is something that the Tree Father couldn't stomach. But Hanjerlie doesn't have much of a choice in the matter.

He is running out of energy, which means he is dying. He can choose to die, or he can choose to serve the void universe for all of eternity. He chose the latter, so the void universe helped him.

A vast power descended on the realm. This power was not focused on the realm, but it made everyone, including the gods, bow. It was an involuntary reaction. They were literally pressed against the ground by the majesty of the vast presence.

It was odd that only sentient beings sensed this power and its pressure. Beasts and plants remained oblivious and continued with their day without feeling any pressure.

Tall sentient trees were pressed to the ground. Many of them broke, so they will not be straightening themselves soon. Fortunately, the pressure didn't last long before leaving. Everyone breathed in relief after it left. They took in great gulps of air. It was only then that they realized that they hadn't been breathing.

Meanwhile, the domains within Hanjerlie snapped into shape in an instant and fused with the Authority of the Celestial Supreme in his possession. They had been resisting him before, but they didn't show any resistance in the presence of their ultimate source.

Hanjerlie successfully condensed his spark of power. The next stages of his evolution went on without a hitch. He lost his physical body. His divine body was replaced by the godfire in his soul. The divine spark took the place of his godhood within him. Then all the ties of faith between him and his believers were severed.

The void universe urged him, "It is time to go."

Hanjerlie rose up from his position. His actions caused the light he was producing to dim. It gathered the attention of a lot of people in the realm. They looked up to see what was going on with him.

He decided to say something to everyone. He said, "This is goodbye forever. In my place, you will always have the Constitution of Altinno."

He waved his hand and used the energy of the world, air, water vapor, and some of his own energy to create a flat stele. On the stele were his rules written.

He doesn't need his rules anymore to enforce control, but it is important to him that his believers and the people of the realm retain the peace that he fought for them.

The stele is not ordinary material. It looks like an ordinary stone hewn from rock. But it is an immortal stone created with Cosmic energy. It is made from the same material that the immortal lands are made of. As an Archon, he would be building more of those in the future.

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