Greek Mythology: I, Who Integrated The Mythology Template, Was Exposed By The List

014 The World Comes To An Abrupt Stop! Confrontation! The Great \"Lord Of Heaven\" Pei N

Apollo looked at the ancient Egyptian/Egyptian gods, stopped fighting with the Cthulhu gods, and said in shock:

"Artemis, brother Pei he finally back?"

Artemis said:

"Is there really another parallel universe? If that universe really exists, what are we going to do in the future, capture that universe, or invade that universe? If the gods of heaven, even the Norse gods and Cthulhu gods, ancient Egypt, and Celtic gods are raging, the world seems to be at the end!"

The tall goddess of hunting is extremely worried!

she said:

"Apollo, we did not complete the original mission of Pei Nai big brother, we failed to stop the competition among the major gods for the [God Ranking]"

Apollo smiled wryly:

"This is the first of its kind for the gods of hell and heaven... They directly attacked the central place of hell."

Artemis said seriously: "Now, we must find Pei Nai big brother as soon as possible... All the gods in the world only obey his orders! In the world of ancient Greek mythology, only Pei Nai big brother can To stop the wars of these gods, the original gods such as Nyx, Gaia, and Erebus all failed! But why didn't Pei Nai big brother stop the war of gods immediately when he appeared? And, Apollo, that [ God Ranking】Even if it is settled after 15 days, can the war really be stopped?"

She became more and more worried.

And on the Tower of Babel.

The God of Chaos, Super God, and Kaos seem to have a calm expression, but they are actually worried and look at the chaotic world with great confusion.

"The world we created is far less excellent than the god system created by the "Lord of Heaven" Pei Nai..."

"Otherwise, it would be impossible for Zeus to play the role of a marginal figure in such a war. The only one born and bred in the Twelve Titans is completely old and decayed.

Gaia stood respectfully behind God the Father...

Ka/os looked down at the Tower of Babel with his hands behind his back.

An army of the gods of heaven is in the depths of heaven, the outer ring of the ancient Greek mythological world, on the barriers of stars, the pupils of the earthly python * Yermungand is looking down at the earth, he seems to be extremely eager To see that master...and to show his own growth and strength to his master, in a short time.

The big snake, Jormungandr, absorbed nutrients from chaos and void, and devoured a large number of corpses and the bodies of hell demons!

The gods of heaven have invaded hell!

Naturally, hell is also attacking heaven!!

The eternal battle between the two gods seems to have been agreed upon for hundreds of millions of years, which makes Yemengard, the giant python in the world, find it hard to understand... can't understand..

"The Opposition of Darkness and Light..."

"But why do they take it for granted, so deeply?"

"And our Norse gods, under the command of our father Lo/Ki, Odin, are now attacking the Cthulhu gods?"

"Why... the Cthulhu gods encountered the joint invasion of the ancient Egyptian/Egyptian gods and the Norse gods. Instead of collapsing, the gods' value has not collapsed? On the contrary, they are still growing|2"

Yemengard's curiosity and questions kept coming.

And above the Tower of Babel, that strange god with his hands behind his back.

It seems extraordinarily powerful.

He has a strong body like a middle-aged man, a terrifying physique, and his every move is full of chaotic power and aura, giving Yemeng an extremely dangerous intuition!

Ka/os looked at the extremely handsome young god.

That handsome.

It is not just superficial, but deep into the bone marrow. It looks elegant on the outside, with a warm smile, but in fact, it is extremely evil, extremely terrifying, extremely dangerous, and the emotion of warning/omen lies in the chaos. Shenka/Osi emerged in his heart.

Gaia looked at the elegant young man in horror.

He stepped on the arm of "Ancestor of Monsters" Typhon, stood on his shoulder, with his hands behind his back, and at some point, his long hair was completely pale...

It seems like you can pick the stars and the moon in your hands.

Give Gaia an eerie sense of destruction, life, and endless possibilities!

Gaia even felt that.

I can't face the great "Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven" Pei Nai, his aura, the wave afterglow of divine power, can almost keep pace with the father God Chaos, Kaos, and even stronger!!

Because, after all, this is his home field.

is his territory.

Babel/Tower is the reward he got from the [Monster List] in the past, and it is the place where the souls of the dead of human beings gather!

Gaia became more vigilant and worried.

"Father God...he is the "Lord of Heaven" Pei Nai. After killing Tartarus and conspiring to seize the gods of hell, he secretly created countless gods one after another. After the [Gods List] was announced , directly dyed/pointed to all the rankings of the god system list! Not only that, on the [Artifact List], he also mastered the extremely terrifying power of seven kinds of artifacts, including the first artifact *God's Holy Grail, the second companion artifact, and the eternal gun Kungunir, the third artifact, the sword of parasitic Mitestin, the treasure of King Solomon in the Old Testament, almost makes him have the most terrible wealth in the whole world..."

"From the beginning of his birth, he penetrated through the sacred mountain of the Olympus pantheon, and even severely damaged Zeus... He plundered Pandora's box, and killed the hundred-armed titan Guges! Not only that... he It also prevented Poseidon from destroying the world's great flood, he seems to be Satan and God in the world's beliefs, the true god who coexists with light and darkness..."

"Advanced into the primordial in silence, mastered the kingdom of darkness, and... murdered Tartarus"

With Gaia's words emerge.

Ka/os was more and more astonished. He couldn't believe that such a young god had such a terrifying record!


Tartarus, countless enemies fell at his feet, becoming corpses and bones.

He looked at the Tongtian Tower of Babel, the head of Typhon's hundred dragons spraying lightning and flames, and the lower half of his body like a giant snake, flying crazily towards the sky. Under the arms of "Ancestor of Monsters" Typhon, who embraced the world, he looked a little small and crumbling!

The White Cloud rippled around.

The extremely handsome true god, with a bewildered expression and fluttering white hair, and the beautiful and dignified younger sister Athena beside him seemed to only have his big brother in his eyes!

that picture.

That shocking and frightening scene made all the gods in the whole world kneel down while watching that scene...

Everyone is praying.

""Lord of Heaven" Pei Nai?"

"That is..."

"He actually stood on the body of Typhon, the ancestor of monsters, and climbed to the height of the Tower of Babel?"

"What is he going to do?"

The people and gods near the Tower of Babel prayed while looking up in doubt, even implying yearning for the great true God. They all understood that this "Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven" meant and symbolized the world's highest The most powerful resourcefulness and the most terrifying divine power and majesty!

The gigantic titan cuts through the clouds.

On Typhon's shoulders, two wings spread out, but all the monsters in the world have a consensus - the Tower of Babel cannot fly!

Countless monsters eager to be recognized by the "Lord of Heaven" Pei Nai once crazily climbed the Tower of Babel.

Some monsters climbed to the top.

Saw heaven.

Joined the god system of the "Lord of Heaven" Pei Nai, some fell from mid-air and died completely, but even without the restriction and restraint of divine power, it is impossible for Typhon to use the huge feather wings behind him to fly high into the sky. Flying, that is disrespect and negation of the theocracy of the Lord of Heaven!

More important reason...

Over their heads!

The strong, ancient middle-aged god standing there is one of the highest super gods in the world, the beginning of the chaotic world, the original order, time and space and the carrier itself - the great ancestor of the true god, Ka/os !

Typhon's father, Tartarus, is his son...

Calculated according to seniority.

Typhon should be the grandson of Ka/os in front of him!

It's just that Typhon didn't understand why this great "Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven" had gray hair?

His power seems to be completely hidden in the body, making it difficult to detect.

Once engaged...

Even an existence like Typhon will face the threat of death... But the monster camp has completely turned to this "Lord of Heaven" Pei Nai, and he is at the top of the list of gods! He can only make one In this gamble about the future, I choose to believe that the "Lord of Heaven" Pei Nai has the courage and divine power to face Kaos directly!


Typhon's huge palm penetrated into the arch of the Tower of Babel, and Ka/os in the sky looked at the evil, charming, mad, warm and heroic white-haired god.

"Pei Nai."


"You plunged the world into chaos and destruction, and killed one of my five children. What do you think I should do?"

"Do as you please."

Athena looks extremely nervous!!

She knows that the big brother is going to destroy the world, but... If it really wants to destroy the world? Why do you use this way of making the world an enemy? (Demo Zhao) How to complete the world transition? She started from birth, Big brother is like an insoluble mystery to her, like an undecipherable equation, the word equation is very interesting to Athena..

in reality.

big brother's kid Cupid is growing up...

But she...

Her divine son has not yet been born, but it is still far away. Hera is Zeus's sister and her wife, so she is the big brother's sister...

Athena's thoughts wandered...

Looking intently at Ka/Os...

The oppression and shock brought to Athena by that chaotic and ancient great god was like a world-collapsing earthquake!

And big brother...will face him directly!

"Can you win?"

Athena thought to herself.

Ka/os at high altitude, point down casually!

The big brother's white hair suddenly rolled in all directions, and the whole world fell into pitch blackness...Boundless darkness enveloped the earth, and Typhon felt that his soul was collapsed and destroyed under the terrifying pressure of chaos!

"Super God...Beyond the primordial chaos at the beginning of other worlds.....The origin of the mythical world, the beginning of the world, Ka/ the great "Lord of Heaven"!"



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