[Greek mythology] Lord of Hades

Chapter 74

This exam confused many gods.

Facing the yellowed kraft paper and the quills that had soaked up the ink, the gods and goddesses sitting on chairs froze for a while before starting to write.Apollo, who is erudite and good at writing, is naturally not afraid of the competition, but when he looks at the content, what is it?

The first question: If the mother god and sister fell into the water at the same time, who would you save?

Apollo recalls his mother Goddess Leto.

It seemed that he and his sister were born on a sea island. If the mother god and his sister fell into the water together—there would only be one result, and he would probably die.Because his younger sister Artemis climbed out of the mother god's belly earlier than him, and helped the mother god to deliver him successfully. Without the help of these two closest women, Chaos, he would have died of dystocia!

With a bitter face, Apollo wrote: I can't choose, they are all relatives I can't give up.

The first question at the beginning is to show off, but the latter is a bit simpler. They are all questions similar to judges. They are asked to give punishments or rewards fairly and justly. judge.

When Apollo was writing quickly, he looked around and found that the blond goddess he liked was biting a quill, with a sad face, and seemed to be stumped by the first question.

The same is true.

Mother God: Rhea, sister: ...he has no sister!

Zeus, who came to Hades under the pseudonym of Europa, thought about who he should save.Changing the role of younger sister to older sister, he then substitutingly thinks about the three older sisters, Hera, Demeter, and Hestia. It seems that he can't save them.

With a smile, Zeus wrote on the paper: Even the ghost rivers under the abyss, I believe that they can climb to the shore with their strength, and they don't need me to rescue them.

After writing this passage, a faint golden light flashed across the kraft paper, as if agreeing with his choice.

Sensing the gaze from the side, he turned his head to look and found that it was Apollo.

He subconsciously smiled at his son.

Apollo's face is full of amazement, and the flames of love are ignited in his eyes. This goddess is so beautiful!Seeing that the other party was thinking wrong, Zeus said to Hypnos unceremoniously: "This guy is reading my test paper!"

Hypnos came over and blocked Apollo's sight with a smile, "Sun God, please abide by the exam rules."

Apollo bowed his head depressed and continued to write the paper.

At the end of the test paper is a simple question: how many realms are there in the world, and which realm is the largest.

Apollo was stunned, never thinking about this matter, "Which one is the biggest..."

Compared with the land and the ocean, Mount Olympus is very small, just a mountain, but Mount Olympus occupies the realm of the sky. In short, the sky is as big as the ground.

In contrast, the sea boundary is a part of the earth, and should be regarded as the smallest.But when the first generation of god kings ruled the gods, the goddess Gaia handed over part of the power to Pentheus, and the sea realm was no longer under the control of the goddess of the earth. The first generation of sea emperor Pentheus seduced Gaia and gave birth to many children. The number of gods in the veins has increased dramatically, and the range of the sea boundary has expanded to several times that of the land.

From this point of view, the earth seems to be the smallest.

Under the earth is the abyss of darkness, but it is extremely scary to think about it. Between the earth and the abyss, there is a world of dark void and night, and few gods go to explore those unknown places.

How wide and how big is the darkness?How many worlds of night does the realm of the goddess of the night include?

Finally, where does the bottom of the Nether Abyss really lead?

Apollo's eyes were blank.

This question made the gods of Mount Olympus anxious, and the goddesses of the underworld also racked their brains to think about it. First of all, they had to divide the territory of the world and subdivide it. It must not be as simple as the three realms.

The sky, the earth, the sea, the abyss.

Space, the sun, the moon, the stars, yes - and the moon.

Night, darkness, day.

Hades, Mount Olympus, the abyssal void that leads to the abyss.

The Nether Abyss is said to be located at the end of the world, but no one has ever been to the end. It is not known whether there is a chaotic world where the legendary Chaos God Chaos sleeps.In fact, the older the gods are, the more taboo they are towards Chaos. They will never talk about the real creator god. live.

In their impression, Chaos is already dead, and he gave all his strength for the world.

This kind of error makes this question full of uncertainty.

Zeus smiled.

Because he had a direct exchange with Chaos, Chaos is alive, so where is he alive?

He raised his pen and wrote——

[There is only one world in the world, and the largest place is in the sleeping place of Chaos God Chaos. 】【Name, Chaos. 】

There, there are no boundaries, no time, no concept of space.

Chaos surrounds the entire world, and it is the origin of everything and the origin of life.

There are not many gods who have written the same answer as him, and everyone's eyes are hesitant, without the confidence of Zeus.After all, most of the second-generation gods came here. As long as no first-generation god came to play shamelessly, Zeus must have the deepest understanding of the world.

Zeus was proud of himself, but he was calm and reserved on the surface.

Be classy and noble.

He knows which one Hades probably likes, anyway, it is definitely not the passionate type!

Hypnos, who was reviewing the test paper, was not surprised that those sisters could fill in the answers correctly, but he was rarely interested in the unfamiliar Europa.Of all the gods from Mount Olympus, he is the only one who got the right answer. Even Apollo, who is knowledgeable about picking up girls, didn’t write this “chaos” as the answer. It’s not that Apollo didn’t know about chaos, but that Apollo wasn’t sure whether there was chaos. this place.

This is the gap between the two.

Hypnos corrected the test paper at the speed of correcting official affairs in the underworld.

After ringing the copper bell, he said with a smile, "Those who pass the test scores will enter the next round. Please take the test papers well."

The gods stared dangerously at Hypnos.

Hypnos shrugged, "Don't look at me like that, I didn't write the paper."

His Majesty had already given him the answer with full marks. If the answer is consistent, it will be given full marks. If the answer is close, one to three points will be deducted. If the answer is completely irrelevant, it will be given zero points.

With the hatred value of so many gods, Hypnos handed out the papers as usual, and occasionally raised a lazy smile.Thinking about how he was also a victim on Mount Olympus back then, how many black histories of the gods he created with nightmares and erotic dreams, he is not afraid of this mere murderous aura.

Zeus got his own paper, 99 points.

One point less!

Looking at which question had a problem, Zeus cheated and found out that it was the handwriting.

[It's not good to learn who, what to do with Zeus's cursive characters. 】

Zeus blue veins.

How much this Hypnos hates him!

Suppressing the inelegant anger, Zeus calmly walked towards the passer with the paper in hand.

When passing by Hypnos, Hypnos suddenly lifted a lock of his blond hair, put it to his nose and sniffed gently, elegant and frivolous, "beautiful goddess, I have never seen you, what is your priesthood?" ?”

Zeus paused, and raised his lips coquettishly, "I'm here to be the queen of the underworld, so I don't accept your teasing."

He slapped Hypnos directly and left.

Hypnos: "..."

Thanatos, the god of death, came over, glanced at his brother, and spit out a word: "It deserves it."

The rest of the gods who didn't leave were all laughing.

After identity screening and written tests, all the ones left are sincere goddesses, and two or three male gods who sneaked in to play.Apollo walked towards a god filled with the breath of the sea, and jokingly said, "Triton, if Poseidon knew you were coming to Hades, would he come and take you home?"

Triton said cunningly: "Father God will not be angry, I am here to show Father God what Uncle's Queen of the Dead looks like."

He is the eldest son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, so he is naturally qualified to call Hades uncle.

Apollo looked at him suspiciously, "How did you get ninety percent correct?"

Triton proudly said, "I'm smart!"

Apollo ignored his flirt, don't think he didn't see Triton's paper, didn't he just get a lot of points on the last question, which led to his passing?

After Apollo left, Triton pinched the sapphire in his palm and whispered, "Father God, I have passed the second round. There are still eight gods, four of which are the goddesses of Hades, and four of the goddesses of Mount Olympus." Two gods, one earth."

Poseidon's voice came from the gem, "Who is of the earth?"

Triton said: "I don't know her appearance, but by the smell... I feel a bit like..."

On the other side of the sea, Poseidon sat on the throne with his legs crossed, providing his son with off-site support, and watching the fun by the way.The content of that test paper was difficult for some new gods with little experience, but it was not difficult for him, and it was easy to get more than [-] points.

Poseidon urged: "Triton, why are you hesitating?"

Triton lowered his voice, "I have seen the Queen of the Underworld, so I think she looks a bit like Persephone."

Poseidon was surprised.

How dare this woman come to Hades with a different appearance?

But what surprised Poseidon even more was what happened next, the next round was still not meeting Pluto.

The gods are tired.

This time, the three judges of Hades came out, Minos, Radamantis and Aiagos.They were each holding a notebook and a pen, dressed solemnly, and when they arrived at the three vacant seats together, an atmosphere of truth pastoral was formed in an instant.

It seems that the gods below are all people who are about to face judgment.

The corner of Apollo's mouth twitched, "The people in Hades really know how to play, what is the test this time?"

One of the three judges, Minos looked at the blond woman named "Europa" meaningfully, and said in his mouth: "You have passed the written test, and this round is the interview. Please tell me, Your Highness, what do you want to do?" The reasons for becoming the Queen of Hades. I will record your reasons and present the content of the interview to His Majesty Hades."

Zeus suddenly screamed inwardly.

Too many prostitutes, forgetting that Europa is the mother of Minos!

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