Green Life

A trip back to U.G.C! – Chapter 130

Everyone who was nearby kept glaring at me for some reason.  But I didn't really care what they did for as long as they didn't annoy me. They can even kill themselves for all I care.

Right now, Chloe, Shiro and the sisters were clinging to me on how we were going to sleep.

[ I'm telling you that I don't mind us sleeping together like usual. ] ( Chloe )

Everyone wanted to sleep with me even if it meant sleeping at the same tent with the other guys, or me sleeping together with them at the girl's tent.

[ N-now, now, it's only one night so you don't need to overreact. ] 

One of the soldiers was trying to convince them to go to the woman's tent with a smile on his face. But somehow, I could see a vein popping on his forehead each time he took a glance at me.

[ Nooope! I'm not sleeping at all if i'm not near Hatsuko. ] ( Chloe )

She puffed her cheeks once again and turned her head the other way from that soldier.

Now what am I? A battery to her?

[ Angela, Demonica and Shiro will be with you so stop causing trouble for everyone here. Besides its only one night, tomorrow we're setting off to U.G.C ] ( Hatsuko )

After thinking for a bit, she let go and looked straight into my eyes.

[ Fine… but promise me to show us around the city once we arrive there. ] ( Chloe )

She spent months out in the wild, so I wouldn't blame her for wanting to see around a civilised place. Also I don't see what could go wrong that way.

[ Sure… ] ( Hatsuko )

She smiled the moment I promised her to show her around that city.

[ Okay everyone, let's go to sleep. I'm sure we will have lots of stuff to do once we arrive at that city tomorrow. ] ( Chloe )

Everyone followed Chloe without complaining or anything. It really looked like Chloe was the big sister and the atmosphere around them was as if it was filled with happiness and flowers.






I didn't know why, but last night I couldn't manage to sleep at all. A lot of people were in the same tent as me and I could feel all of their presences flowing around.

This has never happened when I was to U.G.C and I wasn't sure why it was happening here.

But anyway, a new day had begun and some soldiers were preparing their vehicles for the refugees and us.

[ Come on, we don't have all day here! Is everything ready? ] 

[ Yes, now waiting for further orders! ]

[ Good! Prepare all of the refugees to head inside! I don't want a single one in this base! Everyone is going back to a better home! ]

[ Sir, Yes Sir! ]

While all of the refugees were getting ready, me and the girls were asked to go ahead from the rest of the refugees. We were with a team of soldiers to make sure the roads were not blocked by anything, or if there was any kind of monster that would attack the refugees. 

They wanted me to stay back with the rest of the refugees but the girls didn't want to go ahead without me, that's why I'm in the same group as them.

Luckily the roads were in a good condition for the vehicles to pass through at a constant speed. 

[ Ughh… how long until we reach there? ] ( Chloe )

Chloe, who was sitting in front of me at the back of this military vehicle while having motion sickness. She was on the verge of throwing up but she tried holding herself back. I wasn't sure if the soldiers were actually scared of Chloe’s strength but they were surprisingly too kind to all the girls. 

They gave her some kind of motion sickness pills and water, but Chloe refused them by saying “I can handle this much”.

Even Shiro was completely out and couldn't seem to focus on anything, and she constantly kept telling me telepathically that everything was spinning around. On the other hand, Angela and Demonica were asleep the whole time and they didn't bother with anything that was said in here.

On the front seats were Llyoid driving this vehicle and Joy next to him. Joy was concentrating on his laptop in case a monster would be around this place. He also was leading the way to U.G.C.

We continued travelling like this for ten hours until the soldiers stopped to take a break. Ofcourse, Chloe and Shiro took this opportunity to get some fresh air as well.

[ Aghhh! Finally, some freedom! ] ( Chloe )

Chloe stretched out her arms outside as she took a deep breath. The roads were not the same as asphalt roads so we could feel all the vibrations and bumps the whole time. I don't blame Shiro for saying that everything around her was spinning around. The sisters were still asleep in the car so we tried not waking them up.

[ Hatsuko, there’s a lake near here. I'm going with Shiro to freshen up a little. ] ( Chloe )

She grabbed Shiro who was trying to keep her balance and went near the lake she saw. I don't feel any presence from the lake so they should be fine. Actually, I should probably freshen up a bit as well now that I have the chance.

But before I could go, one of the soldiers placed his hand on my shoulder.

[ Oh, hey there, mind if we talk for a little? 

You don't mind, do you? ] 

The one who said that was Lloyd and he didn't seem to like me. 

[ … ] ( Hatsuko )

Some of the other soldiers were coming here as well and they didn't seem friendly as well. 

I tried keeping quiet so I wouldn't snap on them. Killing them now and here would be a really bad idea based on the cicumstates. 

I still dont know whats up with them, but if i had to think of a reason then it would be that I'm just staying around without doing anything. But even that doesn't add up since most of the refugees don't do anything as well.

[ You seem to have quite some beauties around you, don't you think so? ] ( Lloyd )

He still had his hand on my shoulder which was pissing me off but I tried calming myself down after thinking for a bit.

[ Yeah, so we were wondering if you could properly introduce us to them. ] ( Soldier 2 )

[ I'm sure you can do that much, can’t you? ] ( Soldier 3 )

All of them were staring at me with their pathetic faces while trying to be intimidating towards me. 

Well, their presences aren't anything compared to the monsters I’ve gone against so I have nothing to worry about.

But the question is, how do I deal with this? 

[ Hahahah he has gone so quiet. ] ( Soldier 1 )

[ Come on, you don't need to be scared of us. It's not like we’re gonna hurt you. If you don't do what we asked you that is. ] ( Soldier 2 )

[ Now then, what was your name? ...well it doesn't matter. 

Those girls must have gone through so many harsh days, so me and the guys over here would be much better guys since we’ve been trained in many ways to help people, so we know how to properly treat someone. Not to mention those pretty young ladies over there. ] ( Lloyd )

Okay, now they are pissing me off. They remind me of those bastards back at Sakuru! Maybe breaking one of their bones wouldn't be that bad.

[ Haaaa! That was a nice refresh, what do you think Shiro? ] ( Chloe )

But before I could do anything to them, I noticed Chloe and Shiro coming towards me. Shiro was next to Chloe while shaking her hair around.

[ Hm? Hatsuko, is everything alright? ] ( Chloe )

She came near me and asked if something was up.

[ N-no, we were just asking him if he needed anything. It's been a long ride, so we thought he might have been tired as well. ] ( Lloyd )

All of them smiled wryly as they were trying to make something up for their stupid ideas.

[ Is that so? Because to me it looked like you were trying to pick on Hatsuko. ] ( Chloe )

She said as she was looking at how everyone was positioned. She could tell that something wasn't right despite what everyone was saying.

But Chloe coming here might have been a good thing since I would have had to hurt these guys.

[ N-no! We would never do that! Haha...Hahaha. R-right guys? ] ( Lloyd )

[ Y-Yeah! ] ( Soldier 2, 3 )

The soldiers tried laughing at Chloe's judgment on the situation right now.

[ Just kidding, hehe. ] ( Chloe )

She looked at me while taking her tongue out. She already knew that I could take them out without even moving from here, so she tried changing the events that might have happened.





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