Green Life

Chapter 4 – Sakuru High School

I was really confused about the email I had received.

At first, I thought that the email was some kind of prank or maybe a virus to steal all of my personal information such as my ID card and debit card. Not that anyone would want to steal my ID card.

But I was relieved after I had my mother contact the official number of admission office "Sakuru High School".

They said that my blood sample which they had received from the hospital has great potential on me having an ability. Both me and my mother were shocked and happy at the same time. Of course, my mother gave permission on me enrolling that school. Money wasn't going to be a problem since my father works as a manager at a big gaming company. Even though he is never home, we get a considerable amount of money every month from him.

As I was getting all of my clothes and stuff ready I started talking to myself.

[ But wait, they took my blood, and they sent a sample of my blood to the school without my consent? ] ( Hatsuko )

Do they do this to every patient?

Or did my mother give permission?

No, she was as shocked as me when she heard the news. I don't think my mother knew anything about that.

As I was thinking, I decided not to worry about it because...

The beginning of my new life will start soon.

Sakuru is quite far from my home so my mother purchased online one airline ticket for me.

Since it's late I should get some sleep.

* * * *

It's already morning and my whole body hurts from sleeping in weird postures.

I decided on doing some stretching to relieve my body from the pain.

[ uuuuuhhh ] Hatsuko

This feels much better!

As I thought that, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

After I finished doing my stuff in the bathroom, I went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

[ This smell first this in the morning is the best! ] ( Hatsuko )

I sat on the chair and started eating my breakfast. It was delicious!

[ The flight sets of around 09:00 am so you need to hurry if you don't want to miss the flight! ]

My mother said so even though the time is currently 07:00 am.

I can't blame her though, since she doesn't want me to miss this big chance of enrolling Sakuru High School.

[ Ah yes, I got all of my things ready, clothes, my personal laptop, etc. ] ( Hatsuko )

I replied to my mother as I was about to finish eating my food.

[ What about your ID card? You know that you can't go anywhere without that! ]

[ Yes I already double-checked everything, I have them in my wallet. ] Hatsuko

I answer while trying to swallow the food. To be honest I'm kind of excited about this because it's my first time going somewhere far away alone.

* * * *

I checked my stuff for the last time to make sure I didn't leave anything at home. At the moment my mother is driving me to the airport in her car, and I, as always am playing games on my phone.

I better save some battery for later during the flight.

I thought while putting my phone in my pocket.


Some time has passed and we finally have reached the airport.

After saying goodby to my mother, I went straight to the airplane that had the same number as the one on the ticket. I had to ask some of the staff for directions since this place was really big. There also were a lot of people walking around. You can get lost easily here if you don't pay attention to the surroundings!

* * * *

I spend most of the time on the airplane sleeping and playing games on my phone. By the time I woke up, I could clearly see where the airplane was going to land. Sakuru Country has only 10 entrances around the whole place where can enter through airlines or through seaports.


After getting off the plane I called a taxi to send me straight to the school.

As I was trying to sleep in the car the taxi driver spoke to me.

[ Is this your first time in Sakuru? ] TD (Taxi Driver)

( Authors note: I will call the taxi driver "TD" )

And I who wanted to avoid a conversation at all costs replied.

[ Ah y-yes it is! ] (Hatsuko)

[ By your looks you must be a student, right? ] ( TD )

[ Yes I got invited to enroll in that school. ] ( Hatsuko )

I'm so nervous----- can't he just do his job and drive the car?

I replied to him as I thought that.

[ Is that so... What kind of ability do you have? ] ( TD )

[ I don't know? ] ( Hatsuko )

After that, the driver didn't talk to me until the end of the destination.

It was really awkward...

Why did he want to know anyway?



[ Here is the entrance of the Sakuru High School. ] ( TD )

The taxi driver said as he stopped the car.

[ Yes thank you! ] ( Hatsuko )

I got off the car after paying with my debit card. I didn't have enough physical money to pay him so I used my debit card.

My debit card was loaded with money from my mother since I was going to live on my own from now on.

She said that she was going to send me money monthly.

After the taxi left, I went through the entrance of the School. The place was surrounded by walls and security cameras in specific places. Near the entrance, there was a big screen where the map of the whole School was shown.

But even with this, I don't think I can find my way to the principal.

[ Well fuck! ] ( Hatsuko )

I started wandering around, hoping to find my way.


It's been like 15 minutes and still couldn't find another sign to lead me the way...

I became really nervous by the fact that I was completely lost.

[ What am I supposed to do? ] ( Hatsuko )

As I said that I kept looking around.

I heard some footsteps. But I didn't pay too much attention since I was lost in thoughts.

But without realizing it, something crashed in front of me, making me fall down.

[ Ouch! ]

I hear a voice coming from someone who was on top of me. From the voice, realized it belonged to a girl.

Huh, what's this soft feeling on my chest?

Following my instincts, I groped her breasts with my hands. Her big and tender breasts changed shape under my hands and she released a feverish breath. I could feel my blood going to my crotch.

This isn't good!

[ Aah ]

Oh crap, she is starting to notice me underneath her.

[ Uuuu... are you ok? ] ( Hatsuko )

She slowly tried to get up and answered me.

[ Ah yes I'm sorry for bumping into yo... ]

She immediately stopped talking after seeing my face. Well, I can't blame her, since I'm not the most handsome guy who any girl would want to fall over. She seems surprised though, did she notice my half-erect penis?

Some seconds passed by after I decided to break the silence.

[ It's okay,... this is also my fault for not paying attention to where I was going. ] ( Hatsuko )

[ Ah r-right! ]

She starts grabbing the fallen books.

Until now, I couldn’t see her completely but after taking a closer look, my eyes widened. She has brown eyes and a sweet look on her face. I could stare at her forever if it was possible.

Her face was like a true goddess to me.
Her slender long limbs, her attractive narrow waist. She also smelt really good!

How can someone be as pretty as her?

Since I was also part of the fault I decided to help her pick up her books.

[ Thanks! ]

She thanked me.

[ I don't mind...

By the way I'm Hatsuko ] (Hatsuko)

I wanted to introduce myself.

Did I sound too weird for suddenly introducing myself like that?

It's been a while since I have introduced myself to someone my age.

[ Oh my name is Rei! ] ( Rei )

Oh, she also introduced herself! Her voice is so sweet! She also doesn't seem displeased about me talking to her.

[ Nice to meet you Rei! ] ( Hatsuko )

I also couldn't help but immediately respond to her.

While we were picking up the books, Rei noticed that I was staring at her.

[ Um is something wrong? ] ( Rei )

[ ah n-no nothing! ] (Hatsuko)

I was lost in thoughts as I was staring at her but I came back to reality after she spoke to me.

That was really close!

I don't want her to think I'm a creep for staring at her like that!

[ The bags you have there, you must be a new student here? ] ( Rei )

[ Yes, I was actually lost trying to find my way to the principal ] ( Hatsuko )

[ This place is really big, how about I help you? I know where the place you want to go to is. ] ( Rei )

Really? She is going to help me?

[ I'll take up your offer then. ] ( Hatsuko )

My voice sounded calm but on the inside, I was really happy!

I never thought I would get the chance to talk to a girl like this!

A smile appeared on her face the moment she heard my answer. On our way to the principal, I decided to help her carry some of the books while I had my bags on my other hand.

This was the first time I have ever had a conversation this long with a girl.

I was really nervous!

* * * *

[ Here is the door to the principal ] ( Rei )

My reaction was a little slow because I was focusing my gaze on her.
For an instant there, I truly didn’t understand what just happen.
Then I realized she was speaking to me so I tried to reply in a hurry.

[ Oh right, thank you very much for helping me! ] ( Hatsuko )

I answered her nervously as I handed over her books which I was helping her carry.

[ Well I need to go take these books somewhere so, I'll see you around... Hatsuko. ] ( Rei )

As she said my name, a smile appeared on her face.

No matter how you look at her, she really was pretty, but one thing worried me. The fact that her eyes looked really sad...

I can't get it out of my mind.

As she was walking away I knocked on the door.

*knock* *knock*

[ Enter! ]

I entered inside.

The principal was a man in his middle thirties, wearing a dark blue smoker suit.

[ I am Hatsuko Gee, I got an invitation to enroll in this school. ] ( Hatsuko )

[ Ah yes, we've been expecting you! ] ( Principal )

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