Green Life

Getting to know a dragon! – Chapter 61

[ Is this okay? ]

[ ... ] ( Hatsuko )

For a moment I was lost on what was going on.

Wait what just happened?

[ You're that... dragon? ] ( Hatstuko )

I asked the silver-haired girl.

[ What? You don't recognize me, human? ]

The silver-haired girl weirdly looked at me as she said that.

Wait, so this dragon could transform into a human?

Is that possible?
Even from the legends, I have never heard anything about dragons transforming into humans.

Maybe this was never found?

[ Also, stop calling me human! ] ( Hatsuko )

Actually, this has been bothering me since the first time I met her.

The way this dragon called me was bothersome and annoying...

[ Then what do you want me to call you? ]

The silver-haired girl asked.

[ Call me Hatsuko! ] ( Hatsuko )

The silver-haired girl started thinking for a bit. Does my name sound weird to her?

Even if it does, I don't really care about her opinion.

[ Alright, then Hatsuko! ]

What was that about?

Now that I think about it I don't know her name. Or do I just call her dragon?

[ What about you? ] ( Hatsuko )

[ What about me? ]

She looked at me strangely the moment she answered my question with a confusing question.

[ What is your name? ] ( Hatsuko )

I repeated my question once again.

[ My name... ]

She started thinking again while looking somewhere else. Her eyes were wandering around as if she couldn't remember her name.

Does she not know her name? Or maybe dragons don't have names since they aren't humans?

[ Actually, it's been a while since I have used my name... ]

[ ... ] ( Hatsuko )

[ Hmm... Alright, you can call me Akemi! ] ( Akemi )

She has a weird name, but that doesn't matter.

I went near the entrance of this place and found Shiro who was sleeping inside my barrier.

[ Oi, Shiro? You okay? ] ( Hatsuko )

Shiro opened her eyes and looked at me.

[ Meow! ] ( Shiro )

She reacted the moment she noticed me.

Seems like she is fine.

[ What is that little thing? ] ( Akemi )

She asked as she was approaching me.

[ That's Shiro! ] ( Hatsuko )

She looked a little curious as she was taking a closer look at Shiro.

[ I have never seen a creature like this before! ] ( Akemi )

What does she mean by that?

Has she never seen a cat before?

[ What do you mean? ] ( Hatsuko )

Akemi looked at me.

[ What I mean is that when I used to wander around outside, I had never encountered creatures like this! ] ( Akemi )

That's impossible, cats have been known on this planet for about 4000 years.

She must have encountered at least one cat.

Maybe she just doesn't remember.

Wait, why am I even wondering about the fact Akemi doesn't know about cats?

I don't care if she doesn't know about cats as long as she doesn't hurt Shiro!

Shiro crawled inside my hood just like always.

[ That's weird... ] ( Akemi )

She said while looking at Shiro.

[ What's weird? ] ( Hatsuko )

I asked.

[ You know, you're strong but... why are you carrying around a weak creature like that? ] ( Akemi )

I can do whatever I want, and I'm not planning on asking for permission on what I'm doing!

[ Why does that matter to you? ] ( Hatsuko )

I looked at Akemi as I asked her that.

[ No, I'm just wondering why you are carrying that thing around... ] ( Akemi )


I wonder about that myself...

Ever since I found Shiro, she always has been with me.

Even after I tried to kill her... She never complained or bothered me.

But somehow, she seems to be attached to me. Ever since I found her, she has been with me all the time.

Eating with her, sleeping with her...

[ I wonder... ] ( Hatsuko )

[ You sure are weird... ] ( Akemi )

She said while looking at me.

I started walking towards the exit of this place which was the same path when I came here.

Now that I think about it, how did this dragon manage to crawl inside this cave?

Did she transform into a human and walked here?

Akemi was walking beside me while looking around this place.

We didn't encounter any monsters since I had killed all of them.

[ Why are so many dead monsters around here? ] ( Akemi )

She said as she was looking at all the massacred corpses which were laying around.

[ I killed them. ] ( Hatsuko )

[ I thought so... You could match your strength to a dragon like me after all.

That's to be expected of you. ] ( Akemi )

Akemi doesn't seem to have any injuries or scars on her human body.

Is she hiding them with some kind of skill?



Species: Ancient Dragon

Gender: Female

Health: 1.458/1.999.999

STR: 999.999

MC (mental capacity): 999.999

AGI: 999.999

VIT: 999.999

DEF: 999.999

Condition: Recovering, injured

Skills: ??



Even her health seemed low but she doesn't seem to have any injuries at all.

Based on her status, I could never have won against her.

But how did I win?  The only thing I had in advantage was my health...

Wait! Her health!

Her health was really low, even lower than mine! Maybe the "health" affected her on using her full powers.

Maybe that's the reason.

[ Hmm? ] ( Akemi )

As I was staring at Akemi, she looked back at me.

[ What is it? ] ( Akemi )

She asked.

[ I noticed that you have low health, but your body doesn't seem to show signs of any kind of injury. ] ( Hatsuko )

[ Oh, that's because my injury isn't physical but a curse ] ( Akemi )

[ A curse? ] ( Hatsuko )

[ That's right, a curse!

I was cursed many years ago by an angel. ] ( Akemi )

Many years ago?

It hasn't even been a year ever since angels and demons appeared on this planet.

Am I missing something?

Or is she talking about 100.000 years ago?

No that's impossible!

I have heard that dragons had longer life span compared to humans but I don't think they can live this long. Or do they?

[ Just how old are you? ] ( Hatsuko )

I asked her.

She started fidgeting around the moment she heard my question.

[ You know, it's rude to ask a girl her ag— ] ( Akemi )

[ —Just answer the question!! ] ( Hatsuko )

I cut off her words before she could finish.

I didn't care at all what she thought.

Also, she is a dragon, what does she mean by a "girl"?

[ Why are you so aggressive? ] ( Akemi )

[ ... ] ( Hatsuko )

[ Haa...] ( Akemi )

She let out a sigh while looking down for a bit.

[ I should be around 100.019 years old!

You happy now?! ] ( Akemi )

She also seemed to be a little angry about something.

It's as if she was angry about the way I was treating her.

Doesn't she realize we were about to kill each other just some moments ago?

If it wasn't about this soul contract I would have gotten all of her strength and skills.

Also, 100.019 years old?
She's old!

[ Hey, Did you just think of something rude? ] ( Akemi )

She stared at me as she said that.

[ Can you read other people's minds? ] ( Hatsuko )


Her body trembled in anger.

[ ... ] ( Hatsuko )

[ For a human you are so rude! ] ( Akemi )

Wait, if she is that old, then that means she knows something about demons and angels. She mentioned it before about having information that humans didn't know.

[ Why did an angel curse you? ] ( Hatsuko )

I asked Akemi.

[ I'm not sure how the outside world is right now, but at that time Angels and Demons were always fighting with each other. ] ( Akemi )

As we were walking on our way out of this cave, Akemi started explaining.

[ As you can see, they caught dragons, brainwashed, and used them to fight each other.

You already know that dragons are the strongest beings. ] ( Akemi )

[ I don't care about that. ] ( Hatsuko )

I responded without a care.

[ Eeh?! ] ( Akemi )

All I need to know is the reason why they were fighting and how Akemi ended up in this state.

I have to know about these details since I don't know when I'm gonna face a demon or an angel...

[ Anyways... Those dragons who managed to resist their brainwashing skills— ] ( Akemi)

[ —they decided to kill the dragons? ] ( Hatsuko )

I finished her sentence before she could finish.

[ Eh? Yes, that's right!

Those dragons who didn't want to lower themselves towards those Angels or Demons were killed! ] ( Akemi )

She looked a little sad as she said that.

[ Did they try to brainwash you as well? ] ( Hatsuko )

I asked her.

[ Me? No!

Those spells don't work on me!! ] ( Akemi )

She proudly said about herself.

[ Some Angels were destroying all of my territories so I tried to kill them.

But the results weren't as I was expecting... ] ( Akemi )

At those moments, Shiro popped her head out of my hood and started looking around.

[ They were so strong that I barely managed to land a hit on them. But they also cursed me before I could escape! ] ( Akemi )

So that's how it was.

She decided to spend all these years hiding here until she fully recovered.

She doesn't even know about the fact that Angels and Demons were gone from this world for 100.000 years!

[ What about you humans, how did you manage to live in this world? ] ( Akemi )

She asked.

I'm not sure how to respond to this, since until now we knew that Demons and Angels were only a legend.

[ I'm sure most of you humans couldn't do anything so you just accepted your death! ] ( Akemi )

She said as if she was making fun of humans.

[ You know...

Angels and Demons were gone from this world for about 100.000 years! ] ( Hatsuko )

I told her the truth about them.

[ That's right, that's right!

Wait WHAT?! ] ( Akemi )

It seems like she didn't understand my words for a few seconds leading to a shocked voice after understanding them.

[ Hatsuko... W-what do you mean by that? ] ( Akemi )

[ As I said, Angels and Demons were gone from this world until recently!

They came back and destroyed almost all of the countries in this world and turned all of the animals into monsters! ] ( Hatsuko )

She still had the same shocked look.

[ So I've been hiding in this place this many years for nothing? ] ( Akemi )

[ ... ] ( Hatsuko )

[ Aaaagh, I could have gotten the crystal many times if I knew Angels and demons weren't around! ] ( Akemi )

What crystal is she talking about?

[ Crystal? ] ( Hatsuko )

[ Ah... ] ( Akemi )

She looked on her side pretending she never said anything.

Does it have anything to do with the mentioned crystal?

[ Answer me! ] ( Hatsuko )

[ Answer you what? ] ( Akemi )

[ About the crystal! ] ( Hatsuko )

[ What crystal are you talking about? ] ( Akemi )

This bitch...

Is she pretending she never said anything about the crystal?

[ I order you to tell me about the mentioned crystal! ] ( Hatsuko )

She covered her mouth trying not to speak.

[ mhmmhm!! AAAgh Fine!! I'll tell you! ] ( Akemi )

Seems like the slave contract worked.

Using the contract I could order her to do anything for me as long as I don't order her to kill herself.

{ Authors note: Order her anything hmmmm...}

This contract isn't as bad as I thought.

[ The crystal is an artifact where you could drain all of its energy and transfer it into skills and physical force!

In short...

It makes you stronger! ] ( Akemi )

I see...

So this crystal will boost your status in every way.

She must have wanted to keep this a secret from me so I wouldn't steal it from her.

Well, too bad for her!

[ Do you know where that crystal is located? ] ( Hatsuko )

[ Ah, yes using my tracking skills, I should be able to find it. ] ( Akemi )

I should find that crystal and drain all of its energy.

[ Aaah, that's why I didn't want to tell you! I'm sure you will get it for yourself!! ] ( Akemi )

She started pouting as she said that.

Since a dragon is looking for it, then it must be some powerful artifact.

But who created it?

Was it Angels and Demons?

No, they wouldn't do something like that.


No, they weren't that strong at that time.

Then who was it?

[ Who created that artifact? ] ( Hatsuko )

I asked her.

She was still pouting and didn't seem to want to answer me.


[ Oi, you old hag!

Who created that crystal? ] ( Hastuko )

[ H-how dare you call a maiden a hag!?!?!

I'm not that old!!! ] ( Akemi )

She snapped again at me.

But that doesn't change the fact that she is old.

[ Anyway... I'm not sure about this, but it was said that the crystal was created by the nature. ] ( Akemi )

By the nature?

[ What do you mean? ] ( Hatsuko )

I asked.

[ I don't know much details myself, but one day there was this specific place where plants and fruits appeared where they cured any kinds of illnesses and could make anyone stronger. This place appeared when Angels and Demons were fighting with their fullest power.

This crystal was created in the middle of that place!

Weird right? ] ( Akemi )

[ ... ] ( Hatsuko )

The more I listened to this the weirder it became.


She said a place where it makes you stronger and cured any kind of illness.

Humans have written in books about a "fruit of miracles" where the effects were similar.

That's how humans managed to get their abilities!

Well, I'm gonna look for this crystal for another day.

After walking for some time we finally got out of this cave.

It was already dusk outside and it was becoming darker.

I'm not sure if the gates are opened during the night, so I should probably hurry back to the city.

[ Let's go! ] ( Hatsuko )


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