Green Life

Monster extermination – chapter 58

As I kept walking deeper inside this place, the numbers of panthers grew in number.

If at the beginning there were 6 panthers, now there are almost 13 or more of them.

Without letting them reach me, I would absord their strength using "Life Draining" after restraining them with chains created with my ability.

As long as i use this skill to these monsters, I will never get tired.

All of their stamina, health, and their very own life force is being transferred to me.

But right now, there was something else that I wanted to test out.

I wanted to see what I was capable of, with my own physical power. I mostly would fight with my special skills but what about my raw power?

No skills but just my pure power?

Can I win without using any of my skills?

I kept walking after I drained the lives of all of the panthers. I made a path full of dead bodies which were mostly black panthers.

After some minutes of walking, I sensed even more monsters coming towards me.

This time were several Black giant Bears.



Species: Superior Bear

Gender: Female

Health: 10000/10000

STR: 9000

MC (mental capacity): 600

AGI: 300

VIT: 200

DEF: 6000

Condition: Hungry

Skills: ( Air slash ) ( Shock wave) ( paw smash) ( Paralyze Roar )



These monsters seemed a lot stronger than the other ones.

[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ROAAAAAAAAARR!!!!! ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

As I let those monsters get closer to me, I launched myself towards one of the bears.

Since I wasn't certain, I put a lot of strength on my leg, finding myself flying towards one of the bears.

I prepared my right arm to punch the monster.

I clenched my fist hard and punched the bear to the face...or so I thought.

My aim was a little off, my fist had punched through the bear's teeth, which were broken to pieces the moment I made contact with it until 1/4 of my arm slid through the bear's mouth.

The next thing I knew, the bear's head was gone. Blood was splattered everywhere the moment I noticed the view behind the bear's body.

As I was lost in thoughts for what just happened, the other monsters started charging towards me.

One of the bear's started swinging is paws towards me which air blades aimed at me were released.

At this kind of moments, I would have created a barrier around myself to block the attacks but I had decided not to use any of my skills so I dodged the attacks by jumping sideways.

Only one of my skills was activated since the beginning which was protecting Shiro with a barrier created around her body.

Other than that, I wasn't using anything else.

The moment the other bears noticed that I was still standing alive, they all started using the same tactics.


Their roars echoed inside this place.

As I was dodging all of their attacks, I suddenly stopped and launched myself towards them once again.

This time I aimed for the chest.

I didn't feel the slightest hesitation to attack them, even though those monsters were trying confuse me by roaring.

This time I decided to hit the monster's chest using the palm of my hand.

The moment I felt the palm of my hand pushing the chest of the bear, the results were different than I was expecting.

The bear's body was pushed all the way back into the depths of this place.

Using the same tactics, I punched and kicked all of the bears.

Those monsters that would survive, I would drain their life essence.

They don't have anything to feel bad about me killing them since this is survival life between the strong and the weak.

Hesitating here will cost my life.



Name: Hatsuko Gee

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Health: 92.002/92.002 -> 92.591/92.591

STR: 11.004 -> 11.378

MC (mental capacity): 12.006 -> 12.264

AGI: 38.980 -> 41.209

VIT: 14.112 -> 14.444

DEF: 26.100 -> 26.432

Soul collected: 9.999/10.000

Condition: Healthy,

Skills: ( Materialisation ), ( Air slash ) ( The eyes of see-through ) ( Rage ) ( Berserk of Gluttony ) ( Presence detection) ( Night Vision ) ( Fireball ) ( Marionette ) ( Auto fight ) ( Poison Resistance ) ( Illusion) ( Life Draining ) ( Telekinesis ) ( Limit breaker ) ( killing intent ) ( Boost ) ( X10 eyes ) ( Aura sense ) ( Eyes of destructing ) ( telepathy ) ( Clone ), etc



Seems like my stats have increased a bit from all the monsters I have killed until now.

Also, there are a lot of skills that I haven't tested yet. This could be the perfect opportunity.

The first one I want to test is "marionette".




As I kept walking, there was one thing that I noticed.

The deeper I went, the lower the ground became. I was certain that I was going deeper into the underground.

Until now, there didn't seem to be any end to this place and it didn't seem to be explored by anyone else.

This place was also banned to all of the hunters who might come across this cave.

Were they too weak to explore this place or just scared?

Well, it doesn't matter to me.

Ahead of me were more monsters coming to me.

From what I could see, those were bigger versions of dogs.



Species: Bloody Dogs

Gender: Male

Health: 8000/8000

STR: 10.000

MC (mental capacity): 200

AGI: 6000

VIT: 2000

DEF: 6088

Condition: Hungry

Skills: ( Rage ) ( instinct )




Species: Bloody Dogs

Gender: Female

Health: 7080/7080

STR: 10.000

MC (mental capacity): 201

AGI: 6009

VIT: 2090

DEF: 6100

Condition: Hungry

Skills: ( Rage ) ( instinct )




Species: Bloody Dogs

Gender: Female

Health: 8000/8100

STR: 10.100

MC (mental capacity): 223

AGI: 6300

VIT: 2210

DEF: 6099

Condition: Hungry

Skills: ( Rage ) ( instinct )



Those were some of their status which caught my eyes.




They had almost the same STR as me.

But what's worse, they were a lot in numbers.

I tried using "marionette" on some of them by only reaching out one of my hands while thinking about it.

The moment I placed my skill over them, they started biting their own kind mercilessly.

Their formation was slowly breaking but most of them were still trying to reach me.

I didn't have any place where to take some distance. If it weren't for this cave I would have been floating at least some meters above them.

I created several spikes under their bodies which immediately pierced through their bodies. Even though those spikes had pierced through their bodies, they still were somehow alive. But since they were stuck I decided to focus on the other dogs.

I placed more "marionette" skill effecta over the other remaining dogs which were able to avoid my spikes.

They started biting and eating their kind as If they were starving for days.


This place became more quieter.

The only monsters that remained standing were those with the effect "marionette" which was placed by me.

The dogs remained still without moving just as I thought about it in my head.

I approached them and drained their life one after another. After I was finished with them, I approached those monsters which were still alive from my attacks and drained their life.



Name: Hatsuko Gee

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Health: 92.591/92.591 ->92.989/92989

STR: 11.378 -> 40.001

MC (mental capacity): 12.264 -> 12.400

AGI: 41.209 -> 45.000

VIT: 14.444 -> 14.600

DEF: 26.432 -> 26.789

Soul collected: 9.999/10.000

Condition: Healthy,

Skills: ( Materialisation ), ( Air slash ) ( The eyes of see-through ) ( Rage ) ( Berserk of Gluttony ) ( Presence detection) ( Night Vision ) ( Fireball ) ( Marionette ) ( Auto fight ) ( Poison Resistance ) ( Illusion) ( Life Draining ) ( Telekinesis ) ( Limit breaker ) ( killing intent ) ( Boost ) ( X10 eyes ) ( Aura sense ) ( Eyes of destructing ) ( telepathy ) ( Clone ), etc



These monsters were quite amazing.

They gave me a lot of power from their life force.

Especially my STR, it went from 11.378 to 40.001 really fast.

I continued walking deeper into this place.

Everything inside here looked the same except the monsters that would come and attack you.

There were no lights, it stinks everywhere, in some places you could find dead monsters with all of their guts out, and screeching noises could be heard everywhere.





The next monsters that I encountered were a bit strange.

At first my skill "Presence detection" was alarming me about hundreds of monsters being near me. Even when I was using "10x eyes" I couldn't see any monsters.

It was as if they were invisible.

Wait, what if they actually are?

Maybe they are preparing their attacks...

At that moment I looked up and saw countless massive bats that were hanging their bodies upside down.



Species: Sleepy Bats

Gender: Male

Health: 9.999/9.999

STR: 6.898

MC (mental capacity): 999

AGI: 8.986

VIT: 4567

DEF: 300

Condition: Healthy, sleeping

Skills: ( Bloodsucking ) ( instinct ) ( night vision ) ( Eyes beam )



All of their status were similar to this.

I could approach them while flying up there but that might be risky.

Oh, I haven't tried "eyes of destruction" yet.

From how the skill was described, I could destroy the vitals of the enemies that caught my eyes.

Let's try this on one of them.

I started at one of the bats.

The bat didn't react at all?!

Did my skill fail?

I started at the same bat once again while trying to focus on their vital parts of their body.

Is my skill ineffective towards them or am I doing something wrong?

I tried checking their status once again.



Species: Sleepy Bats

Gender: Male

Health: 3/9.999

STR: 6.898

MC (mental capacity): 999

AGI: 8.986

VIT: 4567

DEF: 300

Condition: Healthy, sleeping

Skills: ( Bloodsucking ) ( instinct ) ( night vision ) ( Eyes beam )



Its health had already reached 3?

Was this the effect of "eyes of destruction"?

I kept staring at the same bat for 1 more second. The bat fell down without making too much noise.



Species: Sleepy Bats

Gender: Male

Health: 0/9.999

STR: 6.898

MC (mental capacity): 999

AGI: 8.986

VIT: 4567

DEF: 300

Condition: Dead

Skills: ( Bloodsucking ) ( instinct ) ( night vision ) ( Eyes beam )



So it did work!

I expected for this skill to cause some pain to the monster but this skill could be useful as well. It's really effective and powerful for monsters that aren't moving around.

I could kill any monster without having them noticed.

I kept using the same skill to some of the bats that hadn't noticed my presence yet.

The bats started falling dead after having all of their vitals destroyed by me.

But at those moments I got too comfortable with using this skill.

The bodies which were falling down started making noises from the fall.

Until now, the bats were falling over some soft dirt ground which didn't make too much noise.

But now, the moment their bodies fell into the hard ground, the other bats woken up...

There weren't as many bats as before but still, there wre a lot of them left.


[ SCREE! ]


All of the bats were awake and now they had their attention towards me.

Some of them started shooting out of their eyes some kind of red beam which melted rocks the moment it made contact.

Some of them attacked me directly with their own body but I dodged them.

I created several barriers around me and at the same time 100 fireballs at the size of a football ball directed at them.


I made 2 other clones of myself and made them attack the bats directly with materialized katanas on their hands and floating ones around their bodies.

The bats were a bit hard to catch but once they caught my eyes, they had nowhere to go.

I watched as the bats were being killed by my fireballs and my clones at the same time.

My clones had a bit of consciousness so everything they did was also me. But using this many skills at the same time cause a little headache.



After the last few bats died I continued walking forward.

On the way, I encountered some more black panthers which helped me replenish my stamina and health.

As I kept walking, I finally reached a weird cave-like entrance inside this place.

It was way bigger than before.

I entered inside and looked around.

There were minerals like crystals around, a massive pond and grass nearby filled with flowers which smelled nice.

This place seemed peaceful and quiet.

[ Oh? What's a human doing here? ]

When I looked in front of me, it was a winged reptilian four-legged creature, well-muscled, with a long tail that made up to one-third of its total length. Its whole body was filled with silver scales. Its eyes were also the same color as their body.


A dragon?

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