Green Life

The girl in front of my door – chapter 54

In front of my room's entrance was Hina sitting down while lying her back on my door's apartment.

She was hugging her own knees while laying her head over them.

Is she sleeping?

As I was approaching her, she noticed my presence and looked up at me.

[ huh... ] ( Hina )

Her face looked as if she had just woken up and she couldn't understand what was happening around her.

[ What are you doing here? ] ( Hatsuko )

I asked as I was looking down at her.

She stared at me for a second like she just had realized something.

[ Eh?! ] ( Hina )

Realizing her situation around her, she immediately got up and fixed her skirt's wrinkles by slapping them off with her hands.

[ Today is your lucky day!— ] ( Hina )

She put her hand over her chest as if she was saying the proudest thing ever.

What is this little bitch talking about?

[ —As of today, you are being allowed to live with the cutest girl in the city!! ] ( Hina )

[ ... ] ( Hatsuko )

Did this girl lose her mind over the last battle?

What's she doing here anyway?

[ I don't have time to play your games!

Go away! ] ( Hatsuko )

I started unlocking the door of my apartment and opened it without a care what this girl was saying.

[ W-wait!! ] ( Hina )

She grabbed me by my hoodie before I could close the door.

[ What do you want?! ] ( Hatsuko )

I asked her with an annoyed tone.

It was getting really irritating ever since I went to Ichika's birthday party.

[ U-um... you know... ] ( Hina )

She was struggling to answer me while looking away.

[ What is it?! ] ( Hatsuko )

[ C-can I stay over to your house for a while?! ] ( Hina )

[ No you can't— ] ( Hatsuko )

I immediately turned her down.

[ —Oh thank yo- Wait what?! ] ( Hina )

Her reaction turned from a relieved one to a surprised one after understanding my answer.

It's as if she didn't expect me to turn her down.

[ W-why?! Why aren't you letting me stay over to your place?! ] ( Hina )

She asked me with a shocked tone.

Her voice echoed a little on the hallways.

And what does she mean why I'm not letting her over to my house?

The answer is obvious.

[ Is there any reason for me to let you over to my house? ] ( Hatsuko )

I asked her while removing her hand from my hoodie.

[ Me being cute is reason enough!! ] ( Hina )

[ ... ] ( Hatsuko )

Can I kill her?

Who the fuck calls themselves cute?

Is she a narcissist?

She has to be one since she is calling herself that.

She wasn't making any sense anymore.

Now that I think about it, where is that Haruto?

Isn't he supposed to be her boyfriend?

Even though he has more than one girlfriend, I don't think Haruto would allow any of his girlfriends to stay over at any other boy's house.

[ Stop playing around! If you want to stay in a house then stay over to Haruto's house! ] ( Hatsuko )

Her expression changed the moment she heard Haruto's name.

She had a sad look on her face.

[ I c-can't... ] ( Hina )

She can't?

Did Haruto kick her out or something?

Why wouldn't he allow her to stay over at his mansion?

He has rooms for an entire football team so why wouldn't he allow her to stay in one of the rooms?

Even if he did Kick her out, couldn't she just go back to her parent's house? Or she could have just asked one of her friends to stay over?

[ What do you mean you can't? He's your boyfriend, isn't he? ] ( Hatsuko )

[ Look! I'll do whatever you say so please let me stay over! ] ( Hina )

She avoided my question and started insisting on her staying over.

[ No! ] ( Hatsuko )

[ Please! I'll even let you do whatever you want with my body so— ] ( Hina )

[ —Not interested! ] ( Hatsuko )

I declined before she could finish talking and slammed the door close as I finished talking.

The last thing I saw from her, was her frustrated look on her face.

After I closed the door, I felt something rubbing on my legs.

I looked down and noticed Shiro.

She started scratching my leg slightly in a sign of trying to tell me something.

Now that I think about it, has Shiro eaten anything today?

[ Are you hungry? ] ( Hatsuko )

[ Meow! ] ( Shiro )

She answered with an energetic tone.

Every time she wanted to eat, she would just start scratching me with her paws.

She refused to eat anything besides my blood.

I'm not sure if this is a normal thing for a cat to do but I always let her drink my blood ever since she showed signs of becoming healthier.

Does my blood actually have healing effects?

As I switched on the lights of the living room, I started looking around for a bowl over to the kitchen area.

Oh, I found one!

I placed the bowl down and started cutting the veins of my wrist with a created knife with my skill "Materialization"

I would have used a normal knife to do this, but they seem to not work against my skin. Those normal knives didn't even leave a scratch on it that's why I used my own skill to cut myself.

Blood started coming out of my veins which was filling up the bowl.

My wound would close up really quickly so I kept cutting myself until the bowl was filled up with my blood.

[ Shiro, here! ] ( Hatsuko )

[ Meow!! ] ( Shiro )

She answered me as she rushing over to the bowl filled with my own blood.

Now that I think about it, this is really weird.

Feeding your own blood to a cat.

But I didn't mind that.

As Shiro was peacefully drinking my blood, I sat on one of the sofa chairs which was located in the living room.

I haven't bought any food supplies in this house yet. I need to buy something soon since I can't find any monsters in this city to drain its life.

Now that I'm not outside of the city I have to replenish my energy by eating normally. That's why I needed to buy some food supplies tomorrow.

I ate some at Ichika's birthday party so I don't have to worry about eating anything tonight.

I could even eat something outside if I wanted since I have earned quite a bit of money from the quests I have completed.

Well, that's what I'm gonna do tomorrow. I'm gonna complete another quest and buy some supplies for this house on my way back.

As Shiro finished drinking the whole bowl of my blood, she came over to me and sat on my lap, and started licking my wrist where I had it cut before.

[ You want more? ] ( Hatsuko )

The wound was long gone and healed but Shiro kept licking it. Her white fur near her mouth was stained with the color red of my blood.

She didn't show any signs of wanting to drink more blood from me since I could tell from her gentle way of licking me.

I started rubbing Shiro's body with my hand. I hadn't noticed it before but Shiro's body is really fluffy. She was really warm and comfortable to touch.

Shiro started purring as I was rubbing her body. She let her body loose over my lap and let me do anything to her.

She showed complete trust in me.

Or this is what I understood from her actions.

In this house, there was no television so I couldn't kill time, that's why I decided to go to sleep.

I grabbed Shiro and went to the bedroom after cleaning her face from my blood.

Shiro was asleep so I softly put her on the bed.

Now that I think about it, did that Hina actually leave?

She is not that much of an idiot to sleep right outside of my apartment, is she?

I don't really care what my neighbor's think if they see her like that but I don't like the fact of someone standing next to my door so I decided to check out if she still was there


I opened the door and looked left and right.

She was nowhere in my sight but still, something was bothering me. Was someone near here?

I looked down and saw her...



She was sleeping in a fetus form in front of my door like a dog.

What the hell was she thinking?

After thinking for a bit, I carried her body inside to the living room. I closed the door and when I got back, I noticed her waking up.

[ Uhm... this is... ] ( Hina )

While half asleep, she was looking around.

I approached her.

[ So? Why were you sleeping in front of my apartment's door? ] ( Hatsuko )

She took a look at me as I said that.

[ ...Hatsuko? ] ( Hina )

I stared at her as well as I was waiting for her to answer.

[ Huh? Where am I? ] ( Hina )

She started looking around in confusion.

[ This is the living room of my apartment. ] ( Hatsuko )

I answered her.

[ Huh? You're letting me in? ] ( Hina )

A face of joy appeared over her.

[ ... ] ( Hatsuko )

Things were getting really annoying...

[ So why were you sleeping outside of my door? ] ( Hatsuko)

She averted her eyes the moment she heard my question.

[ Cause I have nowhere to go... ] ( Hina )

[ What about Haruto? Can't you stay with him? ] ( Hatsuko )

She had an expression as if she was about to cry.

[ I can't go to him anymore... ] ( Hina )

So he must have kicked her out of the house. There's nothing else I could think of.

[ That's why I decided to come to your house! ] ( Hina )


How did she find my house?

I recently just rented this place, there's no way for her to have found my house.

I haven't even told anyone about my house—

Wait... I actually did...

I think I gave my address and room number to Haruto. He was busy at that time so I left that note on his guest's room table.

Maybe she found that note and came here.

But why did she come here?

As I was thinking that, Hina started taking her clothes off.

[ What do you think you're doing? ] ( Hatsuko )

[ Huh? What do you mean? Aren't we having sex? ] ( Hina )

[ ... ] ( Hatsuko )

How desperate is she?

[ I told you I'm not interested! ] ( Hatsuko )

She showed a surprised look.

[ Then what am I supposed to do? ] ( Hina )

[ I'll talk about my conditions tomorrow. For now, go to sleep here! ] ( Hatsuko )

I went to the bedroom and grabbed a blanket and threw it at her.

She didn't complain anymore and went to sleep.

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