Green Life

There is no kindness to your enemies! – chapter 73

As number one finally arrived at number two's position she saw his body on the ground.

[ Kai, what happened?! Are you okay? ]

She approached his body and tried to check his condition. She didn't care anymore about using secret names.

The place around his upper body was a little dark and she couldn't see his condition clearly. Blood was coming out from there.

[ B-blood!? ]

She looked a bit further from his upper body and saw his head which was separated from his body. His emotionless eyes were still open...

[ K-Kai?... AAAAAAAAAAAhhhhha!!! NOOOOOOO!!! ]

She couldn't believe what her own eyes were seeing.

What was going on?

She couldn't understand it anymore.
Was it real?

Or was it fake?

But she knew that Kai wouldn't pull up pranks like this.

Both Kai and that girl grew up together ever since they were really young.

They ate together, fought together, celebrated together!

But right now, in front of her... was his dead body!


She grabbed his head and hugged it really tight into her body. 

[ P-please! Stop-p sleeping! W-we have to go back! ]

Tears started coming out of her eyes.

[ This *sniff* isn't funny! Please o-*sniff*-pen your eyes! ]

Blood was flowing out of his head as she was hugging his head.

{ Everyone! I'm having interferences over the radio! is everything okay? }

{ I can hear you Number six! }

{ Number four! Why isn't anyone else responding! }

{ Something must have happened! Let's head towards them! Abandon the mission! }

{ Roger! }

She ignored all the voices which were coming from the radio chip on her ear.

No... she no longer could hear them...

It wasn't important!

[ I'm sorry that I ate your food this morning! So please *Siff* o-open your eyes! ]





* * * *

[ Number six!! Over here! ]

[ Number four! ]

[ Number two was that way! ]

Both numbers six and four managed to meet up together.

They couldn't waste time anymore.

This has happened to them before but it was never something this serious.

They were hoping that this time, was the same as always.

[ Number six! I can hear number one crying! ]

As number four was informing number six about this, he turned his head to the side to check on his teammate.

But number six wasn't by his side anymore.

[ Number six!? Did he lose me? ]

Number four thought out loud.

"No, there is no way for number six to lose his way!"

He thought.

Number four started looking around for number six.

He started running back from where he came from and saw... number six's body on the ground.

[ Number six! Is everything okay?! ]

He checked the condition of his body to make sure he was alive.

There were no injuries and no scratches on his face and body.

"What happened to him?"

He wondered.

Number four wasn't an expert as a doctor but he knew that something was not okay about number six.

He tried to check his pulse on his neck using his fingers.

[ ... ]


He couldn't feel anything!

"Maybe I'm doing it wrong!"

As he thought that, he rolled over his body and laid him on his back.

He got near his face and noticed that air wasn't coming out of his nose!

That wasn't a good sign!

[ What the hell! He's not breathing! ]

He started performing chest compressions.

He didn't know if he was doing it right but he still tried.

[ Come one buddy! Don't leave me like that! ]

But whatever he did, number six wasn't waking up.

It was as if he had already died and his soul was no longer there.

[ DAMN IT!!!!! ]

Number four didn't know what to do anymore.

It was clear that Number Six was long dead...


As he heard those rustling noises, he turned around and took his stance.

[ Were you the one who did thi— ]

Number four's head fell to the ground before he could finish.

His body fell near number Six's body.

Hatsuko started walking towards the last member.

It was nearby here and her sniffing sounds could be heard clearly.

As Hatsuko was approaching her, she now could be seen clearly as she was hugging a head without its body.

[ Kai... ]

She called out his name.

[ Who sent you? ] ( Hatsuko )

He asked her.

But she didn't respond.

[ Kai... ]

She kept calling out his name. She didn't even know that Hatsuko was right there.

Noticing that she wasn't responding, he made the head she was hugging, float away from her, using "telekinesis" skill.

[ KAI! ]

She started chasing Kai's head but before she could reach it.


Hatsuko shot a fireball towards the head.


Hatsuko also shot a fireball towards Kai's body.

Number one was watching as Kai was burning to ashes in no time.

[ KAI NOOO!! ]

She fell to her knees.

In front of her was nothing else than some ashes.

Kai's body was burned to ashes without a trace.

[ I'm asking you again, who sent you? ] ( Hatsuko )

Hatsuko asked the same question to the girl who was looking at the ashes on the ground with her motionless eyes. Hatsuko's eyes were as cold as ice.

The girl turned around and finally saw Hatsuko who was standing right there.

[ Kai? ]

She looked at Hatsuko as her eyes came back to life. She got up and went straight to Hatsuko.

[ Kai! Why d-did you make me worry like that! ]

She hugged Hatsuko as she cried.

Hatsuko was confused about what was going on.

Did this girl lose her mind?

Or was she having some kind of illusion?

Hatsuko pushed the girl away without mercy.

She fell with her butt into the ground.

[ What was that for?! Kai! ]

She got up once again and rubbed her butt from the pain.

[ Who sent you?! ] ( Hatsuko )

[ ...Kai? You're acting weird... ]

She looked at Hatsuko with a worried look on her face.

Hatsuko let out a sigh and created a katana with "Materialization" skill.

[ Kai?... ]

She reached out her hand towards him.

She didn't want to separate herself from the man she loved. She wanted to be with him.

And she knew that the man she loved wouldn't die that easily.

But before her arm could reach Hatsuko, it fell to the ground.

[ Eh? ]

She looked down and saw her whole arm which was laying on the ground.

Did she scream from pain?


Did she call out for help?


[ Kai! You shouldn't push yourself like that! You should sit down and take a break for a bit! ]

She ignored her own arm on the ground and kept walking towards Hatsuko.

But once again, she fell to the ground.

She tried to get up but she couldn't. She couldn't feel her legs anymore.

Her own legs were separated from her body.

Blood was coming out.

Now it was impossible for her to walk around.

[ Kai? Where are you? Don't leave me! Please!! ]

Even in this kind of position, she kept calling out Kai's name. She felt no pain even though her arm and legs were cut off.

She looked into the sky as she couldn't move anymore. Her energy had left her body and now it was impossible for her to move.

The only thing she could do was move her mouth to talk.

[ heheHahAhaHahahah!!! Kai! Kai! HE IS EVERYWHERE!!!

Kai is everywhere!!!!!!! Hehehe!! ]

Those were the last words that came out of her mouth before Hatsuko slid through his katana through her head.

Hatsuko burned her body as well just like every other member's who were following Hatsuko.

He couldn't manage to find out their real reason why they following them but he made sure to get rid of all the evidence.







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