green star

Chapter 30 Training Match

Chapter 30 Training Match

In the West Grass Field of BJ University of Technology, Li Rui's first training session at the university finally started.

Well, by the way, Xin Yang, who had come out of ecstasy, was standing on the sidelines with team doctor Lao Chai, pointing and talking to Li Rui, which made Li Rui very uncomfortable.

"Old Xin, look!! This is a typical steel bar player!!" Lao Chai saw Li Rui making a beautiful touch and was about to dribble the ball. After being bumped by one of his defenders, he just wobbled. , However, he stabilized his center of gravity, and at the same time pulled the ball along the trend, and the moment the defensive player was in a daze, it had already been wiped away...

The so-called steel bar athletes generally refer to those players who don't look strong, but are not bad at confrontation.

Not surprising at all! !

Think about it, how bad is the antagonism of a player whose testosterone index reaches 1250?This is simply an Asian model of Gattuso, of course, referring to the body's resistance to flexibility.


Li Rui was assigned the position of midfielder today.

In the 19th minute of the training match, his side launched a quick counterattack from the backcourt.

After Wang Ziming received the goalkeeper's throw, he drove the ball forward with a big foot, looking for Li Rui who was running towards the front court.

After dismissing Lao Chai who was still in a state of excitement, Xin Yang, who was exchanging ideas with assistant coach Cao Dong, raised his head. This unintentional glance stunned the old coach! !
He saw that Li Rui didn't slow down at all while running, yes, he didn't slow down! ! !
He didn't watch the ball at all. While running, he used the heel of his left foot to pad in the opposite direction, and the ball came to Li Rui's front. Then he lifted his knee, and the ball bounced up. He rubbed the instep of his left foot lightly, and the ball passed by. A wonderful arc flew to the front of the restricted area...

There, all the striker Liu Huan had to do was to show his ability to shoot single-handed shots in front of his head coach...

"Wonderful!!!" Cao Dong applauded desperately. He was completely shocked by this new player who joined the team. The ball was simply amazing! ! !
"Not bad!!" Xin Yang was not as excited as his assistant, he was stunned and said this, but the satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't be hidden! !
"Director Xin, I think we have found a treasure. This player is simply the sharpest scalpel in the defense!! What's more... this guy's physical condition is so good!!!" Cao Dong also said Immersed in excitement, in fact, anyone who saw that pass couldn't help being excited! !

Like the arc of a beautiful rainbow, it is the sound of the deadliest horn! ! !


Xin Yang lowered his head and wrote Li Rui's name in the notebook. After thinking about it, he underlined the name again... He closed the notebook, turned and left.

"Let Li Rui try playing forward in the second half." This is what he told Cao Dong. This experienced old coach has an intuition that this player's offensive talent may be like a No one knows how many unknown elements there are in the treasure.

Why, don't expect more surprises! !

He has already decided that three days later, the warm-up match against South Korea's Pusan ​​University will give this freshman a chance to play. As for whether to start, Xin Yang has not yet considered it.

Young man, the opportunity is given to you, it is up to you whether you can seize it! !

At the corner of the exit of the West Grass Field, Xin Yang turned his head and looked at the disciple who was training under the scorching sun. He took an extra look at the big boy who didn't look too strong...

There are still two weeks left before the promotion finals of the Second Division will start.

The promotion rules are as follows. The National Second Division is divided into the Northern Division and the Southern Division. Now, each of the Northern Division and the Southern Division has four teams that have entered the promotion finals.

In the northern division, the four teams that entered the finals are - BJ University of Science and Technology, Tianjin Locomotive, Harbin Tengfei, XJ Boti.

In the next round, BJ University of Science and Technology will face Harbin Tengfei; XJ Boti will face Tianjin Locomotive; the two winners will enter the finals in the North District, and the winner of the finals will be admitted to the League B next season coupon.

The venue for the four teams' matches was uniformly arranged at the football field of Renmin University of China, and it was a life-and-death battle to determine the outcome.

Similarly, the champion of the Southern Division will also get a ticket to be promoted to League One and B next season.

In the end, the champion of the Southern Division and the champion of the Northern Division will compete for the glory of being the champion of the National Second Division this season. Because, at this time, both teams have been promoted successfully, and there is no mental burden. Some fans even joked , and its excitement is much better than that of the first division league.

So, now, for the student army of BJ University of Technology and the coaching staff headed by the old coach Xin Yang, defeating the Harbin team is the biggest goal in front of them.

Before this life-and-death battle, BJ Polytechnic University only arranged a warm-up match against the Pusan ​​University football team who came to China for training. This Korean university student league champion team is not weak.

The game has not yet started, and the good students of BIT have already pasted big-character posters on the campus, raising the confrontation with the Korean college team to a great height---

'China-Korea Competition'! ! ! !

Right now, outside the training ground of BIT, there are more than a dozen fans holding signs...

On the signboard with red letters on the whiteboard, there are two big red characters——
"Destroy Korea!!!"

It's just that the red color, in Li Rui's eyes, looks a little bloody... Before becoming a player, Li Rui was a fan. As a Chinese fan, it was a lot of suffering. Japan, South Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, which one? Li Rui did not shed painful tears in front of the TV.

Although Li Rui also knows that this so-called "China-Korea Match" is just a confrontation between two college teams, and those grievances and grievances are irreconcilable, but at this moment, looking at the bright red For no reason, Li Rui felt a certain string deep in his heart click and break! ! !


He's in the box, he's going for the point, and it's a corner.

Gao Bo took the corner kick, and the player defending Li Rui was about to take off when he felt his waist being pushed, and immediately saw a figure——
jump up! !

Take off! !
Shake your head! !
After the ball was pushed, it suddenly changed direction and slammed into the upper left corner of the goal! ! !

"Hey... Take it easy, buddy!!!" The player defending Li Rui was lying in the penalty area, complaining, but when he raised his head, he saw that the person he was complaining about had already rushed out.

While the ball was still bouncing in the net, Li Rui had already rushed to the sidelines, in front of the fans holding the 'bloody' sign---

He waved his fist vigorously! ! !

Let out a yell! !

This even shocked those few students! ! !

However, the shock quickly turned into cheers, good job, that's it, this is our BIT player, that's right, that's how it feels, kill the Koreans, level up! ! !upgrade! ! !


"As for it? Isn't it just a training match? It's so dazzling!!!"

"That's right, the China-Korea match is just a gimmick, who really cares about this!!"

Watching Li Rui's actions, some people were whispering.

Wang Ziming didn't speak. He is the field captain of BIT. He looked at Li Rui who was running back. Although he also thought this kid's behavior was a bit arrogant, but---
"On the court, be arrogant? Isn't it necessary?"

After the training, Li Rui took the initiative to ask to stay and pack the football and some equipment. In fact, he wanted to practice for a while by himself.

Captain Wang Ziming deliberately delayed for a while, and when everyone else had left, he came up and said to Li Rui, "Xiao Rui, what you did today is a little too much."

"I just got mad and thought that corner kick was a shot against South Korea." Li Rui touched the back of his head and smiled. He knew what Wang Ziming was talking about when he was taking a corner kick. That one used a secret trick, and when he jumped, he pushed the stomach of his defending teammate.

After the training, Li Rui deliberately found the player named Wang Ming and apologized. Wang Ming was still a little bit angry, but he was a teammate, and he didn't know what was good. Now he also apologized, that is to say Forgive me, of course, I'm still a little angry.

Wang Ziming chatted with Li Rui again, looked at his watch, and when it was time to date his girlfriend, he prepared to leave.

"Still leaving?" He saw that Li Rui had no intention of leaving.

"You go first, Brother Wang, I want to practice alone for a while, and I don't feel very good today." What Li Rui said was that when he faced the empty goal today, he directly volleyed. He has been brooding about the matter of shooting but missing the goal post.

Wang Ziming took a look at Li Rui, smiled, and patted Li Rui on the shoulder, "Come on brother, I'm leaving first, if you have anything to do, come find me in the dormitory, I'm in Building 10, 103!!"

"Okay, Brother Wang, have fun." Li Rui waved Wang Ziming goodbye.


Bang Bang! ! !

When Wang Ziming walked to the exit of Xicaochang, there was a muffled sound behind him. It was the sound of his feet kicking the ball... At this moment, Wang Ziming suddenly had a strange feeling that his junior He is different from his own group of people, and even different from everyone in the present. He can't figure out who he is like, but he just feels that he is different.

Elland Road, Leeds.

Eddie Gray, standing on the edge of the court, heard harsh boos next to his ears. The boos made his stomach retch, and he retched.

Eddie Gray, played 577 games for Leeds United and scored 68 goals. He is the greatest left midfielder in the history of Leeds United. His elegant dance and gallop on the left has become the craziest stadium in England. An eternal monument to...

This native 'Leeds man', now the head coach of Leeds United, bravely took over the coach when Leeds United needed him most. However, only a quarter of the new season has gone on, and Leeds United is already in the relegation zone At the beginning of the season, the cheers of the fans who welcomed Eddie Gray had turned into shrill boos...

Leeds! !
Leeds! !
How blooming this beautiful white rose is, what awaits her seems to be withering...withering...

PS: The author's background has been unable to open, and finally came in, and finally can post.

(End of this chapter)

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