Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 145: legendary mage

The mage who was on the far left, had sparse hair and a thick white beard down to his chest. He looked very old. He was leaning on a cane that had a giant python wrapping around it. He was wearing an almost pure black robe with a faint green pattern on it, looking dark and frightening.

But contrary to the visual impression he gave people, this was the legendary mage Charles Preston, the leader of necromantic studies, and the only mage amongst the current legendary mages that had survived from the ancient magic empire.

His bloodline research has promoted the process of artificial breeding of many magical creatures. At the same time, Charles Preston was also the pioneer of modern medicine. He had created many medical methods including surgical operations. In the past three hundred years, countless people have been treated by his inventions.

Next to Charles Preston was Lanchester Steinen who Reiner was familiar with.

This legendary mage combed his head and wore a trendy outfit, showing a gentleman's demeanor. He was a student of Hohenheim and inherited his knowledge of alchemy. He had contributed to the development and growth of alchemy over the past ten years.

At the same time, Steinen had also formulated and implemented modern alchemy standards, revamping the chaotic unit systems of the past. His discoveries on alchemical elements were also quite amazing. Among the sixty-three elements that people were familiar with today, there were fifteen kinds named by him.

Next to Steinen was a mage dressed in a slightly different style from those around him. His whole body was hidden in heavy armor, more like a warrior than a scholar.

This was Alan von Norbert Reinhardt, a mage from an aristocratic background. He was proficient in all kinds of machinery and started a very new branch of study. He created the new faction of machinery, which was born out of alchemy and necromancy. The armor he wore all over his body was rumored to be his family's legacy. Some people believed that he had already transformed his body into an alchemy doll. Some even speculated that there was nothing in that armor and this legendary mage had already poured his soul into the armor.

Lumia Calvados, the female legendary mage at the far right was wearing a robe dotted with stars and moons. She was proficient in astrology and had drawn star maps of the whole star realm. At the same time, she had done in-depth research on the demiplanes. Before the three laws of Regens were put forward, her achievements covered almost all the current theoretical foundations of astrology.

It was worth mentioning that her father Simon Calvados was once the chief palace mage of the ancient magic empire. The most famous student of her father was Hermann Braggs. In fact, Lumia Calvados was Braggs's wife.

The second man on the right was wearing a pure white mage robe and was spotlessly clean. His hair was slightly longer and looked eclectic. This was Carl David, the leader of elemental studies and the chief student of Braggs. He was a pragmatist and he had mastered and optimized thousands of spells. Among modern elemental magic, there were 179 spells named by him.

Carl David paid more attention to actual combat than theory. He had fought against Sauron anomalies in the demiplanes many times and continues to conduct research on this mysterious enemy.

Of course, he was more famous recently for his academic hostility with his teacher. Carl David believed that light should be a kind of particle while Hermann Braggs obviously prefered light to be a wave. Despite their different opinions, their conflict only existed academically.

To the left of Carl David was a young mage wearing a tuxedo, attracting the attention of many female mages.

This was the last advanced legendary mage and also the most famous mage. The mage of law studies, Isaris Alberton. His achievements need not be mentioned here. While he was still a low-level mage, a subversive paper of his led to the deaths of three reviewers, and more importantly, this young mage was currently single, which had attracted countless female mages.

In the middle, the gray-haired, steady, and wise man was Hermann Braggs. He created the modern magic system at the age of 26 and unified the major factions. He established the Rainbow Tower and ushered in a new era of magic. His research covered many areas including spell models, magic circles, mathematics, elemental magic, etc. He had also participated in formulating the current magic system and standardizing a mage's behavior. It could be said that today's prosperity was largely due to him.

These seven legendary mages were the culmination of many mages, but they did not act arrogantly because of this. Under the suggestion of Hermann Braggs, the legendary mages called themselves the "Seven Fools", which reflected that the more they knew, the more they could feel their own ignorance.

Originally, this meeting was actually to be mainly about the discussions of the high-level mages. Legendary mages were often very busy and they rarely participated in such meetings. In the past few years, only three of them attend these meetings at most. Thus no one expected that they would all show up at this meeting.

"Lanchester, I came here because you said that there will be very noteworthy results published today. I hope it will not disappoint me."

Alan von Norbert Reinhardt said, his voice echoed by the steel armor, deep and robotic.

"You need to come out from the laboratory occasionally to get some air."

Carl David joked. He was investigating the ruins in a demiplane a few days ago. Travelling 16 demiplanes in one night, he arrived in a hurry after hearing the message last night.

"Ahem, you can rest assured. Frederick assured me that this is definitely a discovery across the ages, and I have met with the discoverer already. He is indeed a rare talent."

Steinen soothed. President Demetrius stepped onto the podium and said into the magic loudspeaker that enhanced the sound.

"Everyone, welcome to the third conference of this year's Ernest conference. I am Frederick. Demetrius, ninth-ring high-level mage. According to the programme's schedule, we should be introducing Cornwall Penzance's paper on electrolysis today, but something else happened. I received a special paper yesterday. After discussing with the other high-level mages and legendary mages, we decided to discuss this paper at the beginning of the conference to reflect its importance."

Demetrius's words caused a wave of low-pitched discussions and people were speculating on what kind of paper it was that would allow high-level mages to make such a decision.

The discussion had not yet subsided, but the next sentence of President Demetrius caused the entire venue to explode with even noisier discussions.

"Next, we will have the first-ring mage from Mercury Balance, Reiner Ian Gray, to introduce his paper on the law of elements."

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