Grimoires and Gunsmoke

Operation Tolkien: Chapter 66

As Shaw's hand closed around her arm and started pushing, Azeline used the very own forces he exerted against him.

In a blur of motion, Azeline’s hip thrusted forward, and her knee shot out, connecting with Shaw's groin with devastating force. The man's eyes bulged, his mouth opening in a silent scream as pain exploded through his body, but Azeline wasn't done.

Before he could even think to double over, the woman’s bodyweight then shifted as her elbow crashed into his eye socket with a sickening crunch. Stars burst across Shaw's vision, the world spinning wildly around him, but that was soon overshadowed by alarm as Azeline's hands grasped his head, her fingers tangling in his matted hair. With a vicious yank, she pulled his head forward, driving her forehead into his face in a brutal headbutt.

The impact was tremendous. Like a sledgehammer against concrete, a deafening thud echoed out in the room as Shaw’s head snapped back, causing his skull to slam against the wooden wall behind him. The wood splintered the force, and Shaw slumped to the ground, his body a broken heap. Blood poured from his shattered nose, his left eye already swelling shut as the man let out a low groan.

Azeline stood over him as the door burst open, the men from outside flooding in with weapons drawn. But they froze at the sight before them—Shaw, barely conscious and mewling in pain, and Azeline, turning to face them with a grin.

"I told you I'd be gentle," she said, her voice a purr of satisfaction as the sound of pitiful whimpers resounded in the stillness of the room.

The men stared, their expressions a mix of awe and horror. They had expected her to be easily overpowered by their prisoner, but what they found… didn’t quite align with the accustomed norms of their world’s reality. By all means, the man should have easily overpowered Azeline. However, the woman showed to be much more powerful… and skillful.

Ian and the HUMINT specialist looked at Elijah, who was equally dumbfounded as they held their weapons like fools.

“Fuckin’ hell…” Ian muttered as the three men stood in stunned silence as their eyes darted between Azeline and the pitiful form of Shaw, crumpled on the ground. It had taken mere seconds for the woman to neutralize the prisoner in such a manner that it even scared the three operators standing there.

The captive’s face was a mess of blood and bruises, and his features were already swelling in a grotesque manner. If it weren’t for the fact that they had just rushed into the room before the scuffle happened, they would have completely believed she had spent a good part of an hour beating the man with a brick.


As the three otherworlders tried to wrap their mind around the scene, their earpieces crackled to life. "Mates, we're going to need to re-evaluate how we handle close combat. That was... terrifying." Josh, the Australian SASR member who had been watching the camera feed, spoke with a voice mixed with awe and unease.

While. If this was the power of a single mana user, a woman at that, what chance did they stand in a full-on confrontation?

The three operators exchanged troubled glances as the SASR member's words sank in. While they hadn't witnessed the actual confrontation, the aftermath spoke volumes about Azeline's sheer power.

Their eyes took in the damage to the splintered planks on the wall where Shaw's head had impacted and the clutter strewn about from the brief but violent struggle. But it was the state of Shaw himself that truly drove home the reality of what they were facing.

The man's nose was horribly mangled, a deep gash split his eyebrow, and blood still oozing from the wound. To top it all off, a massive lump had already formed where his eye socket should have been, swelling so rapidly it seemed to grow before their very eyes.

All of this in mere seconds.

As they watched the woman step over the debris, casually grabbing Shaw by the collar and hoisting him back into the chair as if he were a child, a grim realization settled over them.

If this was the power of a single 'mana-user,' then close-quarters combat was completely off the table. It didn't matter if they were facing men, women, or even children. Anyone capable of manipulating this strange energy was a threat, a force to be reckoned with.

Azeline gave Shaw a light slap, the sound echoing in the stunned silence. "Oh, quit being so melodramatic," she chided, her voice almost playful. "I didn't hit you that hard."

Each of the humans cringed as the smack seemed to reverberate throughout the room. “Holy shit…” Elijah muttered before placing a hand on his head and pushing it up so it ran through his hair. “We’re gonna have to rethink A LOT of things…”

The three operators maneuvered around the clutter, their steps careful and measured as they tried to process the scene before them. Ian, his face a mask of disbelief, looked at Azeline and gestured towards the barely conscious Shaw. "Is he even going to be able to answer any questions?" he asked, his voice tinged with a pained wince as he took in the bloody mess of a man wobbling in the chair.

Azeline threw her hand dismissively, a scoff leaving her lips. "Bah, don't be fooled. He's just being a little baby!" She punctuated her words with another smack to Shaw's head, sending it rocketing forward.

The three otherworlders flinched in unison, a collective intake of breath hissing through their teeth. Elijah, his eyes wide, whispered under his breath, "Jesus Christ..." He turned to the Activity operator, his expression a mix of concern and trepidation. "We're not gonna get in trouble for this, are we?"

The human intelligence specialist from the Intelligence Support Activity looked back at Elijah, his own uncertainty clear in his eyes. "I mean... maybe?" he ventured, his tone hesitant. "We're not the ones doing it, it's the local."

As if to underscore his point, Azeline grabbed Shaw by the shoulders and started shaking him roughly as he groaned in pain. "Hey!" she barked in a sharp and commanding voice. "You're gonna be a nice boy and answer my friends' questions, right?"

With his head lolling in a daze, Shaw could only whimper in response. His one good eye floated towards Azeline as a mute plea for mercy left his voice.

But Azeline was having none of it. She balled her fist, leaned in close, and gave a death glare that would put the fear of the gods in any mortal man. "Right...?" The word was drawn out in a low, threatening rumble.

"Yes... yes... please. Please don't hurt me." A broken and slurred whisper left Shaw’s mouth as he lifted his hands to protect his face. The that filtered into the dark room through the cracks and holes in the wall gave the woman a menacing and ethereal glow that just added to the intimidation.

The HUMINT specialist closed his eyes and shook his head in disbelief at the scene unfolding before him. With a deep breath, he stepped forward and looked down at the broken man with a mask of professionalism. "What's your name?" he asked in a calm and measured voice.

Shaw swallowed hard as his good eye darted between the strangely dressed human and that menacing woman. "S-Shaw," he stammered, thinking better than provoke lest she smash in his other eye. "K-Knight Captain Shaw."

The specialist gaze never left Shaw's face as he nodded. "Alright, Shaw. I'm going to ask you some questions, and I need you to answer them as best you can. Do you understand?"

Shaw hesitated before answering the strange man. He assumed that he was going to have to disclose state secrets of the empire and troop positions, and Shaw had to deliberate just how much his to the Empire was worth. However, seeing the slightest tug downwards at the corner of Azeline’s mouth accelerated Shaw’s value judgment, and came to the conclusion that it wasn’t worth a lot.

"Y-yes. I understand." He capitulated as his eyes shot over to the otherworlder.

And so the interrogation began. Time seemed to crawl for the poor Knight Captain as the slow, methodical, and seemingly benign questions flooded his way, and as the interrogation dragged on, Shaw found himself growing increasingly frustrated. The otherworlders' questions seemed to have little to do with the tactical or strategic information he had expected them to seek. Instead, they focused on his personal life, his upbringing, and the intricacies of his relationships with his lord and the Empire as a whole.

At first, Shaw tried to resist, offering only the barest of answers. But each time he hesitated or tried to deflect, he could feel Azeline's gaze boring into him. And so, bit by bit, he found himself opening up, revealing more than he had ever intended.

"Tell me about your childhood," the otherworlder prompted, his tone almost conversational. "Where did you grow up? What was your family like?"

Shaw, his brow furrowed in confusion, answered almost automatically. He spoke of his beginnings as a slave who lived a life of hardship, sold off by his parents to toiling away in mines and fields before he was drafted into the Auxiliaries. The questions had seemed innocuous enough, so the knight captain answered them as forthrightly as he could, albeit tentatively.

However, he didn’t realize he was slowly painting a picture of his life, his motivations, and his loyalties. He was unwittingly creating an increasingly detailed profile of himself and the world he inhabited, revealing the intricate workings of the Empire and its complex political landscape.

"And your lord," the specialist continued, handing him a strange beverage that nearly made his head spin from its sweetness. "He was a decently powerful noble, right? How much power did he actually have?"

Shaw, his mind growing hazy from the relentless questioning, found himself delving into the labyrinthine structure of the Empire's ruling class. He spoke of the Imperial families, the true seat of power, but also of the nobility that served and sometimes challenged them.

"It's... complicated," Shaw admitted, his brow furrowed as he tried to describe the tangled web of relationships and rivalries. "The nobles, they were supposed to be loyal to the Emperor…. But many of ‘em got their own agendas, their own goals."

As he continued to speak, Shaw described a system where power was constantly in flux and where alliances were forged and broken on a whim. The nobility were far from being a united front and was fractured into factions, with each vying for influence and control.

"Some of them bigshots… they've gone and basically broken away," Shaw revealed, his voice lowering as if he were sharing a secret. "They pay lip service to the Emperor, but in truth, they be rulin’ their own lands like kings."

The specialist leaned forward, his interest clearly piqued. "And these factions," he probed, "do they ever come into conflict with each other?"

Shaw let out a bitter laugh, the sound harsh in the stillness of the room. "All the darn time," he said, shaking his head. "They scheme, they plot, and they always be lookin’ for a way to gain an upper hand. Sometimes it's just politics, but other times..."

He trailed off, his expression darkening. "Other times, they spill blood. Be in secret or open warfare. Sometimes even tryin’ to wipe each other out…"

The specialist nodded thoughtfully. "And where does the Empire stand in all this? Do they intervene?"

The knight captain gave a nonchalant shrug. "Sometimes. If the fightin’ threatens the stability of the Empire as a whole. But often, they let the nobles fight it out amongst themselves. As long as they keep paying they taxes and providin’ soldiers for the Imperial armies or Auxillaries, the Emperor don’t much care what they do to each other."

As the sun began to dip towards the horizon, it pained the sky in orange and pink hues while Elijah stifled a yawn. The questioning process had dragged on into the evening, and while valuable information had been gleaned, he knew the spook types had a lot more questions. The man feared the interrogation was going to last well into the night and there was still much to be done in preparation for their foray into this new town.

“Alright boys, I’m sure you you got this all handled. “Elijah said with a stretch and a sigh. “Aze, can you make sure they don’t get their head bashed in?” HE looked to Azeline as he stood up to excuse himself from the interrogation

Azeline nodded in understanding, "Sure, I'll stick around and make sure this idiot doesn’t get too cheeky," Azeline’s eyes flicked to Elijah flashing a smirk at him as she pat her bicep.

Elijah chuckled, shaking his head as he made his way out of the room. “Alright, dudes. I got shit to do.” He yawned as the other operators nodded, watching him step out of the interrogation room.

Once he was out in the open air, Elijah took a deep breath, savoring the coolness of the evening breeze against his skin. The village was starting to wind down as the sun slowly drifted over the horizon, and the hustle and bustle of the day gave way to a more languid pace. Shopkeepers were closing up their stalls, and the smell of cooking fires drifted into the air, promising hearty meals and warm hearths of humble homes.

As Elijah made his way down the main road, he noticed a group of three young women walking back into the village carrying baskets of folded linens. The laughter and chatter of the lively group carried on the still evening air, giving the village a comfortable and innocuous atmosphere.

But as one of the girls glanced over and caught sight of Elijah, her eyes widened in recognition. She bumped her elbow against her companion, pointing excitedly in his direction.

The girl in the middle, her cheeks suddenly flushed a deep red, smiled bashfully and looked away. But after a moment, she raised her hand in a tentative wave, her eyes darting back to meet Elijah's.

With his face lighting up in recognition, Elijah lifted a hand and came to a stop and waited for the young women to catch up. “Oh, hey Eileen.” He called out in a warm and friendly voice and they approached. "How’s it going? It’s great to see you again."

Eileen, a platinum blonde human woman from the forest encounter, blushed even deeper at being addressed directly. She smiled shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "H-hello, S-Sir Elijah," she stammered, her voice soft but filled with barely contained excitement.

Her friends, catching the familiar exchange, exchanged knowing glances and giggled amongst themselves. Elijah turned his attention to them, his smile broadening.

"Ahh, you don’t have to bother calling me Sir." he waved his hand dismissively and spoke in a lighthearted tone. He then looked at the two women that flanked her. "Are the two ladies next to you friends of yours?"

Glancing to her right, Eileen looked at a brunette with sparkling blue eyes that seemed a lot more brazen than the other two. "This is Jayla," she said, introducing her friend.

“Hello, Sir Elijah, it’s very nice to meet you,” Jayla said in a confident voice and tinged with a hint of flirtation.

Turning to her left, Eileen gestured to a petite blonde woman who seemed the youngest of the group. "And this is my sister Hayli," she added.

Elijah's smile widened as he took a step toward the group and bowed as he saw in a few movies. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet two beautiful women like yourselves," he said, his voice smooth and warm. "I’d like to thank you all for treating me and my friends well. If there’s anything you guys need help with, just let me know."

The girls giggled at the compliment, their cheeks flushing with pleasure. Hayli, the shyest of the two sisters, ducked her head, a small smile playing on her lips. Jayla, on the other hand, met Elijah's gaze directly, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Oh, you flatter us, sir!" Jayla responded in a playful tone as she eyed Eileen and her sister. "But we're just simple village girls, nothing special."

A chuckle left Elijah’s mouth as he shook his head. “Oh please," he said, his voice firm but kind. "Beauty is beauty, whether it's found in a city or a village. And you three? You’re hidden beautiful gems hidden in the rough." He added, running a hand through his long, curly hair.

The girls practically swooned at his words. A foreign knight that a superior to their village head, calling a humble village girl a beautiful gem was something out of a fairy tale. Even Eileen, who had more intimate dealings with Elijah, couldn't help but beam at the praise.

Noticing the women were carrying heavy baskets, Elijah stepped forward after stretching his neck from one side to another. "Here, let me help you with those," he said, reaching out to take the two largest baskets from Eileen and Jayla.

“W-Wait! Sir Elijah!” Elieen protested, but Elijah waved their objections away.

"Please, it’s the least I could do for your hospitality.," he said, hefting the baskets easily. "Just lead the way, and I’ll follow."

With a smooth motion, he threw a large blanket that Hayli had been carrying over his shoulder and snatched the two baskets from the other two. The girls stared for a few moments as another fit of giggling left their mouths. In their world, men rarely offered to help with such menial chores. To have a man, especially one as handsome and exotic as Elijah, insist on carrying their burdens... it was like those plays they’d see whenever venturing into town.

After deciding to allow the man to do as he pleased, the women led the way. As they walked, Elijah kept the conversation flowing by asking the girls about their lives in the village, their families, and how they felt about the soldiers in her village. They admitted they were dubious about it at first, seeing as their history with bandits and the Auxiliaries, but they were pleasantly surprised. The all-human band of foreign soldiers was not only respectful but helpful.

It didn’t take long for Elijah and the three women to reach the inn and drop off the linens. After handing the short yet stout innkeeper and his helper the baskets, he took a step back and watched with a keen eye as the three girls were paid in a small pittance of copper-like coins.

A hum of interest left his mouth as the girls slowly counted each coin out loud. It didn’t seem like much, but such details spoke a lot about this world and its cost of labor. But before he could fully process the information, the girls turned to him with a joyful smiles while shoving their new found fortunes in their pockets.

As they approached, Elijah put on another smile and turned to walk with them. “Why don’t I walk you girls home?"

The girls readily agreed, nodding their heads and smiling with flushed faces at the thought of being escorted home by what they thought was a knight of a foreign kingdom. They couldn't help but marvel at Elijah's gentlemanly demeanor. In their experience, knights and nobles of the empire were often haughty and dismissive, treating common folk like them with disdain or outright contempt.

But Elijah... he was different. He treated them with respect, with kindness. He listened to their stories and seemed genuinely interested in their lives. It was a kind of chivalry they had only heard about in tales and songs, a nobility of spirit that they had never expected to encounter in real life.

As they approached Jayla’s home, the young woman turned to Elijah with a grateful smile. "Thank you, Sir Elijah," Jayla said, looking up at him bashfully. “Hope the night finds you well.”

“Good night Jayla. I hope you sleep well.” Elijah responded offering a smirk As she disappeared into her home.

As Elijah turned his attention back to the sisters, he continued on with his escort. It was a much silent walk as the two women were much more silent than their chatty friend, and Eileen felt to embarrassed to talk with her sister right next to them. However, it didn’t take long for them to find their way home, and as Hayli disappeared into the small humble cottage, her sister lingered in the doorway.

"I... I could tell…” Eileen paused before taking a deep breath in order to gather her courage. “I could… tell my Ma that I left a blanket by the river," she said, her words coming out in a rushed stutter. "If... if you wanted to... to..." She trailed off, but her implication was clear.

Maintaining his calm, Elijah stepped closer as his hand came up to tuck a strand of hair behind Eileen's ear gently. "I would like that very much," he murmured in a low and husky voice

Eileen shivered at his touch while her eyes fluttered closed for a brief moment. When she opened them again, they were filled with a mixture of excitement when she realized he accepted her invitation.

A wolfish smile spread across the man’s face when the young woman disappeared into her home, calling out for her mother.

He was going to eat very, very well tonight.

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