Grimoires and Gunsmoke

The Ohio Incident: Chapter 14

Yzael had always been an odd one amongst her High Elven peers in her homeland. Her sense of adventure and disdain for the stifling traditions of her people had led her to leave her boring life of study behind, seeking purpose and meaning amongst Freelancers and taskers. But now, amidst the cacophony of the tavern, she felt that familiar sting of alienation.

The Gryphon’s Tavern was notorious in the city of Aldenshore for its rambunctious and sometimes dangerous clientele of Freelancers. Fights were as common as ordering a pint of ale or a fresh slab of meat. The air was thick with the scent of sweat, booze, and the occasional whiff of a spell gone wrong. Rowdy laughter, drunken ballads, and boisterous tales of exploits filled the space, making Yzael's eardrums throb.

Sitting alone at a corner table, Yzael tried to look nonchalant with her ale, but her sharp elven eyes surveyed the room with a mix of disdain and curiosity. Warriors clad in cloth, and iron clinked glasses together, regaling their tablemates with stories of close calls and glorious victories. Mages huddled in dim corners, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of their grimoires, discussing arcane theories and debating over the best spells for particular scenarios.

Lost in thought, Yzael didn't notice a female figure with knife-like ears that coincided with Sun Elves had plopped themselves down just in front of her. "All by your Lonesome?" The stranger asked, tapping at the table

The voice, soft yet commanding, pulled Yzael from her thoughts. The Sun Elf woman had a fair complexion that seemed to shimmer subtly under the dim tavern light. Her white hair, pure as freshly fallen snow, was neatly tied in a long braid that cascaded over one shoulder, adorned with intricate beads and feathers.

But what caught Yzael's attention the most was the woman's attire. Clad in a thick, fur-lined tunic that was embroidered with intricate patterns of wolves and ravens, while cinched at the waist by a leather belt with ornate metalwork. Her boots were made of weathered hide, laced up tightly and came up to her mid-calf, providing both warmth and protection against the harsh Northern terrains.

Yzael's eyes narrowed slightly, trying to place where she might have seen such attire before. It was distinctively Northern, reminiscent of the lands far beyond the snowy peaks and frozen fjords.

The Sun Elf, noticing Yzael's scrutiny, extended a delicate hand, adorned with a silver ring that sparkled like the morning light. "Ulina," she introduced herself with a smile, "I'm the Tavern Mistress here. Couldn't help but notice you've been sitting here alone for quite a while. And with a grimoire, no less. Are you perhaps… waiting for your partners?"

Hesitation from her bruised ego caused Yzael to look off to the side with flushed cheeks. But after a deep breath, the mage finally swallowed her pride as her fingers tightly wrapped around the edge of her grimoire, "I um… I'm not... waiting for anyone." Yzael admitted with a voice quieter than she might have liked. "I thought perhaps… I thought perhaps I might test the waters here."

Ulina's expression softened, her eyes showing a glint of understanding. "Ah, are you a solo freelancer, then?" she asked with genuine interest. "Or perhaps just looking for a group to join?"

It took her a moment, but a few sips of her ale later Yzael finally gathered her thoughts. "Well… I've always been more of a loner," she confessed. "But I’m not opposed to the idea of working in a team."

“Hmmmm…” Ulina hummed while closing her eyes and resting her head on hand. "Going at it alone has its merits," Ulina continued after a brief moment of contemplation, "but it's a treacherous world out here on the periphery, and even the most skilled can benefit from having allies."

With a motion that caused Yzael to jump in her seat, Ulina abruptly knocked on the hard wood table and stood up. “Ah! I got it!” The tavern mistress yelled when a thought struck her.

She scanned the bustling tavern, her gaze stopping on a lone human seated at the farthest corner of the room. The man was engaged in a heated debate with his mug of ale, gesturing wildly and arguing with a dwarf about "superior brewing methods." He wore a scarred iron cuirass over a tattered gambeson, his scraggly dark brown hair was matted and unkempt, and a perpetual scowl seemed to be etched on the man's face as he argued.

“I’m telling you, you half pinted piss monger, this southern brew is way more refined than your gods-awful mountain swills!” the man exclaimed, sloshing some ale around for emphasis.

The dwarf, stout and with a fiery beard that matched his temper, slammed his fist on the table. “You wouldn’t know a good brew if it hit you square in the face, you long-legged lard fucker!”

“Gideon!” Ulina yelled as she squeezed through the crowd and made her way over. The woman’s jovial voice seemed to pierce through the heated atmosphere like a beacon, drawing the attention of patrons nearby. "What have I told you about picking fights over drinks, especially with Thrain? It's ale, for heavens' sake!"

Gideon glanced up at Ulina, a wry grin playing on his lips. "Ah, Ulina. Just providing some entertainment for your customers," he replied, gesturing dramatically to the surrounding audience.

Thrain huffed, adjusting his extraordinarily long and thick beard. "He started it," he grumbled, pointing an accusing thumb at Gideon.

“Piss Monger.” Gideon muttered just loud enough for those nearby to hear as he turned to Ulina.

"Lard fucker." Thrain immediately shot back, turning back to his drink.

Ulina, already feeling exasperated, placed a hand on her forehead and rolled her eyes. "By the gods, you two are like children! Every week it's something new."

Not allowing Gideon to get another word in, Ulina suddenly grabbed the man’s arm and, with surprising strength, yanked him off his chair. Gideon, caught off guard, stumbled but quickly regained his footing as he stumbled forward.

"Hey! What in the infinite hells!?" he protested, trying to free his arm from her iron grip.

“Quiet, you!” Ulina scolded, her voice filled with authority that made even the noisiest patrons glance their way. "Or I'll make you settle your tab all at once."

The threat caused Gideon's face to turn a shade paler. Everyone in the tavern knew of Gideon's infamous tab, an ever-growing list of drinks and meals that Ulina had mercifully allowed to accumulate and the threat of having to pay it off all at once was more than enough to make even the most hardened Freelancer to cringe.

With the large man finally subdued, Ulina briskly marched him through the dining area, weaving through the tables and patrons, until they reached Yzael's little corner. She forcibly shoved the man into the seat opposite the mage, who had been observing the entire scene with wide eyes.

“Why in the world are you so strong…?” Gideon complained, rubbing his arm as he adjusted himself in his new seat.

Ignoring the comment Ulina put on her best sale smile and turned to frazzled mage, "I hope you weren't too attached to that quiet evening of yours!" The tavern mistress said with a wink, gesturing towards the still disgruntled Gideon. "Because I believe I've found the solution to your partnership problem!"

Yzael raised an eyebrow, glancing from Ulina to Gideon with the look of trepidation on her face. "This is the solution?"

Gideon opened his mouth to protest, but Ulina was having none of it as a loud smack rang out, causing the man’s head to jolt forward.

“One more word out of you, and I'll double your tab,” Ulina threatened with a menacing tone.

The threat caused Gideon to immediately close his mouth and instead mutter something incoherent under his breath as he shrank into himself.

Ulina took a deep breath, her expression softening as she addressed Yzael, "Alright, hear me out. You came here tonight looking for a partner and potentially a few starter jobs to get your foot in the door, correct?”

Yzael nodded, "Ah… Y-Yes, and preferably someone experienced. But, with all due respect, him?" She glanced warily at Gideon who looked like he wanted absolutely nothing to do with this.

Ulina smirked, "I know, I know. Gideon might not be the... friendliest face around here. But beneath that rough exterior is a man who's completed more jobs successfully than most in the entire tavern! He's reliable, skilled, and knows the ropes better than anyone."

"You’re going to need someone like him," Ulina continued. "Especially as a mage just starting to cut their teeth. He knows the ins and outs of freelancing and could guide you through the potential pitfalls that come with dealing with taskers.” The tavern mistress explained leaning forward on the table. “You’re going have to get someone to guide you through the complexities of different tasks too if you want to make it in this world. And we need living and experienced Freelancers, not dead ones!"

A half-smirk played across Gideon’s face as he scoffed. "Well, isn't that the nicest thing you've ever said about me, Ulina? I'm touched."

“Shut up, brute.” Ulina rolled her eyes, eliciting a giggle from Yzael. “No one’s talking to you! I'm merely stating facts to help our mage friend here make an informed decision."

Yzael, trying to hide her amusement, pondered on the information, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "I appreciate your concern, Ulina. It's just... partnering with someone is a significant decision.”

A glint flickered in Ulina’s eyes as she leaned in closer and spoke with a voice dripping with intrigue. "Well, now might just be the perfect time for you both to get to know each other.” She said, leaning in further. “I've got a job that needs doing and the client is willing to pay 5 silver coins for it."

Gideon, despite his initial bravado, found himself slightly distracted. He attempted to maintain his focus on the conversation, but his eyes occasionally betrayed him, drifting to Ulina's exposed cleavage. The allure of the exposed skin caused his gaze to keep flickering back and forth, making him barely acknowledge the amount.

“5 s-silver eh?” Gideon replied, trying to keep his voice steady, but failed given the distraction.

Ulina grinned mischievously, catching onto his flustered state. “Indeed. Now, here’s my proposal: I’ll split it evenly between the two of you, which means 2 silver coins each. And 1 silver as a finder’s fee for the tavern,” she explained, watching their reactions.

Yzael nodded, pondering the split, "That… Sounds reasonable."

Gideon was about to voice his agreement when Ulina interrupted with a playful smirk. "Though for you, Gideon, considering you got a free show,” she teased, placing a hand delicately over the opening of her top, “I think 1 silver will suffice."

The man in question flushed a deep shade of red as he snapped his head towards the woman. “Now wait just a minute!” He nearly shouted. “That ain’t fair Ulina! That ain’t right!” Gideon desperately tried to find words to defend himself, but found it a challenge amidst the chuckles and giggles from the surrounding tables.

“Oh, lighten up Gideon!” Ulina laughed, slapping his back. “Can’t you take a joke? I’m not actually going to shortchange you over some tits!"

The tavern erupted in laughter, and even a table with a group of burly warriors seated at the table next to them joined in the fun, shouting, "You always fall for that shit, Gideon!" This was followed by a burst of laughter from the group.

Gideon could only slump in his seat, realizing there was no way to salvage his dignity at this point. He muttered something under his breath, earning another round of laughter from the crowd.

Trying to keep a straight face Yzael turned to Gideon with a playful glint in her eyes. "Though, I must say, Gideon, you aren't going to leer at me too, are you?" She teased, placing a hand on her own, modest chest. “I wouldn’t want to have to brand you as a lecherous beast…”

“W-What!? NO!” Gideon replied, his head snapping between Yzael, Ulina and the warriors. “Gods damnit!” The warrior said, slapping his hands into his own face in an exaggerated facepalm. "Why does everything always turn into a spectacle with you, Ulina?"

Looking around, Ulina saw that the entire tavern was now a mix of boisterous laughter, playful jabs, and even some patrons toasting and buying a round of drink to celebrate Gideon's "lecherous" behavior. Even some of the more stoic regulars were trying hard to suppress their smiles.

With a flair, she stretched her arms out, gesturing towards the mage and warrior. "See? You two are getting along already!" Ulina declared, laughing heartily. “Now are you going to accept the job or not?”

Gideon groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose as if trying to massage away the headache that was starting to form. "Alright, alright! Fine!” He conceded, resting his elbow on the table. “Just give us the details before you go off and pull another one of your stunts!"

Yzael, still suppressing her giggles, looked between the two of them. "Well, with such a... warm welcome, how could I refuse?” She said sipping on her ale.

Ulina beamed, her energy infectious. She grabbed a few items off another table and sorted them in the rough shape of the city and its surroundings. "The job's simple, at least in theory," Ulina began, tracing a finger along a winding path on the map. "There's been a series of disturbances along the route leading northeast just outside of town. Locals say it's haunted, cursed, or whatever, but my client believes that scroungers are actually to blame and they’ve set up a nest somewhere along the road. They're causing trouble for the merchants and travelers. My client wants someone to investigate, and if it is a nest, to clear it out.”

She paused, letting the information sink in. Then, she used a wooden fork to mark a spot on the makeshift map, not far from the town. “Here,” she said, pointing, “this is where the majority of the disturbances have been reported.” Ulina continued, looking at the two freelancers. “People attacked or went missing in the night, you know the deal.”

Gideon leaned in, inspecting the marked area. "That's the old Dalrymple trail, isn't it? Used to be a popular route for merchants until the landslides a few years back. Makes sense scroungers would make their nest there; it provides ample cover and any commonfolk passing by are easy prey."

Yzael hummed in thought, her fingers tracing an arcane pattern on the surface of her grimoire. "Scroungers you say…?” Her eyes narrowed slightly, a flicker of recognition in her gaze. "I came across a few of those filthy things on my way here, on the northwestern road. Nasty little creatures with more claws than they do sense." Yzael wrinkled her nose as she remembered the scent of their burning flesh when she disposed of them.

Ulina leaned forward, her interest piqued. "Northwestern road?." The woman hummed as she tapped her foot, seemingly connecting the dots in her head. “That all but confirms it then! There’s a scrounger infestation near the town and you two,” She used both her hands to point at the pair. “Are to get rid of it!”

“Right now?” Gideon said with a hint of hesitation in his voice, "I was hoping for another ale and maybe some breakfast first."

A chuckle left Ulina’s mouth as she hung her head in derision, allowing the man to get another glimpse of her cleavage. Gideon's gaze lingered just a moment before he quickly caught himself, the memory of their earlier exchange fresh in his mind, and forcefully turned his gaze to the worn wooden table, feeling a hint of heat rise to his cheeks. It was clear he didn't want to revisit the teasing from earlier.

“Fine, fine.” Ulina relented, righting herself and brushing her braid behind her. “I’ll have some breakfast and an ale sent to your table, on the house.” She gave a knowing look and a wink. “Consider it a gesture of goodwill since I’m pairing you up with a newbie, but go get her kitted first.” Ulina finished, tilting her head towards the door before spinning around and taking off for the kitchen.

"Staring again, Gideon?" Yzael teased with a mischievous smile plastered across her face, having caught his brief moment of weakness.

Gideon grumbled, trying to deflect her teasing. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said as he quickly shimmied out of his seat.

"Oh, please. Your face was as red as a ripe tomato," Yzael chuckled, clearly enjoying the banter. "But don't worry, your secret's safe with me, seeing as we’re now partners.”

“There’s no secret to keep.” Gideon responded quickly as a bead of sweat dripped down his neck. He attempted to regain some semblance of dignity, adjusting his gambeson and focusing on the door ahead. Yzael got up after him, her giggles still hanging in the air, and followed close behind.

As they made their way toward the door, Yzael's laughter faded into a more contemplative expression. “Is she always like that?” she asked, nodding her head slightly in the direction of the kitchen where Ulina had disappeared.

Gideon heaved a sigh, "Yes. Yes, she is. Every single time." He said, shaking his head. “Her shieldmaiden friend Azeline is better at pushing buttons to be honest.”

Yzael chuckled, offering a sympathetic nod in the warriors direction. "Well, I commend you for your patience then."

They neared the door, and Gideon paused before opening it, turning to look at Yzael. "Are you sure you want me to be your partner?" he asked, his tone serious. "I'm not exactly the easiest person to get along with."

Meeting his gaze, Yzael tilted her head in wonder before offering him a sweet smile. "You’ve been decent to me so far.” She paused, her eyes reflecting sincerity. "Besides, everyone has their edges.”

An awkward silence ensued as Gideon blinked in surprise, absorbing her words. The noise from the tavern seemed to fade into the background, and for a moment, all that existed was the space between the two of them.

Rubbing the bridge of his nose in embarrassment, Gideon cleared his throat. "Well little lady… Don’t worry, I’ll keep ya alive." He started as he pushed open the door, allowing the blinding sunlight to flood in. "You're going to need some proper gear if we're headed out beyond the city. Armor, weapons, provisions..."

But as he continued, his words seemed to grow distant, like an echo fading into the vastness of an empty hall. Gideon’s voice grew fainter, muddled, and indistinct. As he reached out to push the door open, a blinding light suddenly flooded in, momentarily overwhelming Yzael’s senses.

The comforting and familiar environment of the tavern faded away, replaced by the stark and sterile whiteness of a place she couldn’t recognize. The rough and rustic wooden beams of the tavern ceiling gave way to a pristine and flat expanse overhead. The soft and ambient glow of lanterns was replaced by the harsh, clinical strips of light embedded into the ceiling.

“G… Gid….” Yzael managed to croak out, her voice barely audible with the foreign tube in her throat. “Gideon…?”

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