Grimoires and Gunsmoke

The Ohio Incident: Chapter 3

Lieutenant DuPont was among the first of his platoon to make it to the tree line with the rest of his men close behind. As he darted past the first tree, he collided with something solid yet slightly squishy and was sent tumbling to the floor.

Recoiling, the Lieutenant looked up to see what he had hit and found himself facing a small humanoid-like creature that looked to only be as tall as his chest. Its large yellow eyes blinked in surprise and a long reptilian snout, somewhat akin to a dinosaur, jutted out, with a row of small, pointed teeth visible even when its mouth was closed. It had a sleek, lithe body, shimmering with a deep blue hue where the light struck, and covered entirely in those same black, protective scales. Thin, almost frail-looking limbs ended in clawed hands and feet, giving it an appearance both delicate and deadly.

DuPont and the creature locked eyes for a brief moment, unable to register each other's existence when one of the Lieutenants' men screamed out in a panic. “CONTACT! CONTACT!” Almost immediately, the forest was flooded with the cacophony of gunfire with bullets whizzing by, tearing into trees, underbrush and creatures that seemed to surround them.

It only took a fraction of a second for DuPont to shove his own weapon into the small monster's face and pull the trigger. A series bang echoed adding into the flurry of gunfire as the creature's head rocked back before it went limp.

“Check your fire! Check your fucking fire, god damnit!!” Lieutenant DuPont barked trying to regain some semblance of control of his squad while pushing the lifeless creature off of him and regaining his footing as his heart raced wildly. Taking a brief glimpse at the fallen creature, the man couldn’t help but widen his eyes in disbelief, but as he surveyed the chaos around him, the feeling only intensified. All around, his squad battled identical monstrous reptiles, desperately trying to keep them at bay.

The situation only took a turn for the better when the rest of his platoon entered the forest, laying waste to the creatures with a well-coordinated onslaught of gunfire. Whatever small monster that wasn’t cut down, quickly fled, disappearing into the dense underbrush and shadows of the trees.

DuPont did his best to take stock of the situation around him as he peered down at his chest mounted phone.The tactical battle map that was supposed to track friendly units and mark enemy positions was of absolutely no use. From the looks of things they were in an outright cluster fuck with both friend and enemy units mixed together all over the place. And it didn’t help that the sounds of gunfire and explosions echoed in every direction leaving them disoriented and directionless.

“W-what do we do now, sir?” Staff Sergeant Takashi asked as he approached, stepping over and staring at the humanoid reptile bleeding out on the ground. His eyes were wide with confusion and fear as looked at his platoon leader for guidance.

The Lieutenant bit back a sardonic chuckle as he wiped the reptilian blood from his face. Looking over his men and back at his Staff Sergeant, a single thought echoed in his mind: that was a good fucking question.

More deafening thumps echoed throughout the forest as the Bradley IFVs on the road main guns erupted again, sending a volley of shells towards enemy concentrations and more large monsters. Popping his head out of the tree line, DuPont watched as the rounds shattered the bodies of both the smaller reptile and more humanized figures.

“Takashi, take your squad and cross to the other side of the road! ” DuPont started barking orders as he darted back into the cover of the trees. "Don’t let our Bradley’s get flanked!"

Staff Sergeant Takashi nodded and immediately sprung to action, pressing down on his push to talk and relaying orders, "2-3 on me!” The man yelled as he and a large swath of men darted out of the tree line.

DuPont looked at Staff Sergeant Cooper and issued another set of orders. “Cooper, you’re taking this flank, I’m taking 2-1 to provide close-in security for the Bbradleys. Make sure any of the squirmy fucks don’t flank us, copy?”

Cooper shot DuPont a curt nod of understanding and shot up to do as he was instructed. "Roger, sir. 2-2, get you heard ‘em, get your asses moving and fan out!" he shouted to the men nearby, waving his hand for them to disperse.

As Dupont’s orders were rapidly executed, he rallied his squad and sprinted towards the IFVs. In the midst of the storm of gunfire and explosions, DuPont experienced a strange sense of stillness. He shook his head slightly, attempting to clear the fog of uncertainty. The unfamiliar terrain, the bizarre creatures, and the blurring line between friend and foe… none of them had trained for anything like this, but then again, the military was notorious for putting their men into positions they didn’t train for.

They just had to roll with it and make it up as they went.

“Gunner, Traverse right 20 degrees! 150 meters, enemy out in the open!” Hofmann shouted as he stared at another large group of small… humanoid reptiles popped out of the forest. “Light ‘em up”

A metallic thunk resounded as Sergeant Kim, the gunner switched the ammo from Armored Piercing to High Explosive and adjusted the turret accordingly. “On the way!” He shouted back, pressing down the trigger and causing the vehicle to rock as the 25mm cannon came to life.

With the platoon's fourth Bradley catching up, the vehicles unleashed fury, their shells screamed through the air before ripping and tearing through the invaders. The resulting carnage threw the surviving reptilian creatures into panic, scattering them in every direction.

As the strange monster lay dead or dying, Hofmann kept a vigilant watch over the thermal readings on his command screen, searching for any lingering threat. Yet, the only signatures that dominated his display were the vivid bursts of distant explosions, and a vast expanse of fire consuming the landscape. Towering smoke columns rose, casting a haunting silhouette against the backdrop of the continental United States causing Hofmann’s stomach to drop.

But the Sergeant First Class didn’t have time to dwell on the grim scene. There was still work to be done and aliens to kill. The immediate threat might have been neutralized, but the radio chatter indicated that this battle was far from over.

“Wrecker 1, this is Bravo 2 Actual, Interrogative!” The sound of DuPont’s voice crackled over the radio with the sounds of gunfire in the background. “Is your Bradley still operational?”

"Roger that, Lieutenant," Hofmann responded crisply. "We’re she's a bit dented but she's still roaring."

"Good to hear, Wrecker 1," DuPont's voice came back, a hint of relief audible even through the static. "Alright, I got a hold of something resembling command, I need you and your boys to push forward slowly. They’re a bit further up ahead, cut off and surrounded.

Hofmann tightened his grip on his commander's hand station as he scanned the area around them. “Copy, Bravo 2 Actual. Any intel on what we’re walking into?”

“Negative Wrecker 1,” DuPont immediately shot him down. “The only thing I know is that everythings fucked and there’s shit everywhere. Now start moving, Out.”

And with that, the squad radio went silent and the chaos of the battlefield took its place.

With a deep exhale, Sergeant First Class did his best to clear his head and steel his nerves. "Alright, you heard the man," Hofmann began, addressing his crew inside before pressing the push to talk to the rest of the Bradleys under his command, “This is Wrecker one to all vehicles, we’re going to start pushing forward, slow and steady. Stay alert, maintain a line and don't crunch any of our boys. They’re using us as cover."

The driver, Corporal Santiago, let out a deep sigh as he adjusted himself in the forward most compartment. “We’re all going to fuckin’ die..."

“More like you’re going to fucking die, Santiago.” Sergeant Kim chimed in, a smirk evident in his voice, "Your dumb ass jinxed it and so you’re the one that’s going to pay." He continued to tease as the Bradley lurched forward, its powerful engine growling and tracks churning the dirt beneath.

“Hey, fuck you pendejo.” Santiago shot back as he turned to avoid the strange, but dead tank sized dragon in the middle of the road.

The other Bradleys in formation followed suit, maintaining a spaced, but uniform wall of metal as they advanced up the road. Each of their turrets were pointed in different directions, maintaining 360 degree security amidst the uncertain landscape.

As the soldiers trailed behind them, the platoon slowly crept forward and once they finally passed the bend, a scene of destruction awaited them. The air was thick with smoke, the scent of molten metal and burnt flesh almost overpowering. The once busy interstate that should have been filled with commuters and families traveling was now an apocalyptic wasteland. Bodies belonging to both humans and these strange aliens were strewn across the roadway in a macabre and chaotic jumble. Cars and armored vehicles of all types had their metal frames twisted and contorted from the intense heat and explosive force.

“Fuck…” Kim cursed as he used the gunner's sight to take in the full scene. “What the hell is even happening?”

"First contact," Santiago replied grimly. "And it didn't go well."

The platoon maneuvered past the charred remnants of a Bradley, its front appearing as though it had been subjected to an intense, searing heat that caused it to melt and cave inwards abruptly.

Popping open the Commanders hatch, Hofmann pulled himself out to get a closer look at the destroyed vehicle and furrowed his brow. “God damn…” He said he watched a few soldiers from his platoon peer inside the back.

However, the men immediately recoiled away from the wreck, shaking their heads in a disgusted manner, almost as if they'd just seen absolutely horrible. “Yep, no one survived that shit…” One of the men said, stepping over a still red hot glob of molten metal.

Hofmann, drawing a deep breath against the acrid smell of burnt metal and rubber, scowled and retreated back into the confines of his vehicle. The man shook his head, attempting to dislodge the visceral images for his mind's eye. “Keep your eyes open and TOWs ready, I don’t want to let whatever happened to them happen to us.," The Sergeant First Class commanded with a voice that held a trace of uncharacteristic tremor.

A series of affirmations from each of his subordinate Bradleys resounded over the radio as they slowly maneuvered through the still burning hellscape. Even though the sounds of roaring battles still raged on in every direction, the men of Bravo Company, 2nd Platoon advanced towards the very heart of it where it was the most intense.

Peering around at the destruction, the Lieutenant couldn’t help but wonder where in the hell was their air power. The fact that they weren’t all already dead meant that the invaders haven’t gained air superiority. By all accounts, the United States Air Force should have thrown everything they had, including the kitchen sink at these creatures. Yet, the vast majority of distant booms didn't quite add up. This wasn’t the sound of artillery and DuPont so no obvious signs of bombardment.

Something was different.

That's when it clicked. The source of the cacophony wasn't just from the ground. Instinctively, DuPont looked up and what he saw left him utterly speechless.

The sky, normally a haven for human airpower, was now a battlefield of its own. An array of dragon-like creatures, some as large as the vehicles he commanded, others dwarfing even the largest planes he'd ever seen—were clashing and diving among the clouds. Fiery breath met icy blasts in mid-air, resulting in explosions that made the ground battles look like minor skirmishes. What took him completely off guard were the projectiles, missiles from unseen SAM sites and fighter jets, zigzagging between these creatures, trying to find a mark and keep their distance at the same time.

It had seemed DuPont had been unfair. The Air Force was indeed in play and they were struggling just as much as he was. And with that thought, a giant explosion lit up the night sky after one jet strayed too close to a dragon and paid dearly for it.

“The damned things are intercepting our missiles by… Breathing fucking flames…?” The Lieutenant said dumbfoundedly.

The rest of his squad gave him an odd look before they too turned their vision skyward, their expressions shifting from initial disbelief to mounting horror.

The sheer magnitude of the chaos unfolding overhead was as mesmerizing as it was terrifying. Sleek, state-of-the-art jets, designed with the latest stealth and maneuverability features, were struggling against these flying behemoths. A reasonably massive volley of missiles were launched simultaneously, only with most of them to be met with searing flames or a chilling blast of ice. The dragons, for all their mythical reputation, showcased an uncanny knack for intercepting advanced human weaponry.

Only a handful of missiles managed to breach the aerial defenses of these damned creatures, but their impact varied GREATLY. While the colossal creatures remained unscathed, their smaller counterparts weren't as fortunate. The mid-sized dragons were only momentarily stunned, briefly plummeting for several seconds before regaining their composure and flight. In contrast, the smaller, car-sized dragons were devastatingly affected, erupting in a gruesome spectacle that showered the air with debris and gore.

Lieutenant DuPont had seen a lot of shit during his time in the army, both as an enlisted man and an officer, but never in his years had he seen a spectacle quite like this. These… dragons were once confined to fairy tales and epic poems, but now they seemed to dominate the airspace with unparalleled agility and ferocity. It was a scene stranger than that of a fantasy novel, yet the grim reality of it was inescapable.

“What was the saying…?” DuPont said as he shook his head again and marched onward. “The only difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense?” He finished, motioning his men to keep moving and to catch up with the Bradleys.

“Hurry up, we can gawk when we’re dead.” The Lieutenant barked, not wanting to lose focus on the mission. They were still in the midst of a battle, after all, and the enemy on the ground hadn't paused just because the skies were alive with a new kind of warfare.

One of DuPont’s men, a Private Schwarez, always quick with a retort, replied, "Sir, I’m pretty sure we’re not gonna see shit when we’re dead." He secured his helmet tighter as he jogged to close the gap between him and the Bradley vehicles.

“Shut the fuck up, Schwarez.” The Lieutenant responded in a monotone voice as he shook his head.

The unit pressed forward, they reached another bend where the sounds of battle were even more palpable. The distant roar of dragons and the scream of jets was replaced by the more immediate staccato of gunfire, shouts, and the ominous thuds of explosions.

As they cleared the bend, every soldier once again stood absolutely frozen in place, their training and instincts momentarily overridden by sheer astonishment. Not fifty meters ahead, a massive wingless dragon-like creature, unlike any they had seen thus far, towered over the treeline, staring angrily at the forest. Standing on four powerful legs, its body covered in gleaming obsidian scales, the creature's large horn cover head rocked back as its mouth started to glow as if it was trying to swallow molten metal.

Suddenly three explosions, one after another rocked the beast as it stumbled back, accidentally breathing its molten slag on friendly forces just below it. A horde of those small reptile-like creatures and other, even larger humanoids of varying shapes and sizes, screamed in agony as they were scorched by the very creature that they had been supporting.

And from the shadows, rocket’s and machine gun fire darted out with a hissing fury, striking both the larger beasts and any armored humanoid creatures that dared to remain standing. The iconic chops of M2 Browning .50 cal machine guns added to the thunderous battlefield chorus, their bullets tearing into everything, cutting down the invaders as they tried to recover from the bout of friendly fire.

“TOW! ALL UNITS, TOW IT! TOW IT, NOW!!” Hofmann shouted into the intercom system, eyes locked onto the massive creature that was causing so much devastation. “GUNNER!”

Gunner Sgt. Kim responded immediately, the whirring of the Bradley's TOW Anti-Tank Guided Missile system to life as its missile launcher popped out of its housing. “Tracking!” he shouted back, the sophisticated optics lining up the enormous creature in its crosshairs. “On the way!”

Several deafening hisses resounded as each and every Bradley launched their TOW missiles in rapid succession. Trails of smoke and fire crisscrossed the battlefield as they honed in on the towering beast.

Four deafening explosions resounded as the gargantuan beast screamed in pain, thrashing wildly in its torment. Its massive clawed limbs crushed everything in its path, inadvertently squashing scores of its own allies beneath its bulk. The smaller reptilian creatures scurried in panic, only to be caught under the colossal foot of the creature or thrown away by its tail's violent swipes. The larger humanoid allies, trying to assist the wounded beast, became collateral casualties as they were either trampled or smashed by its uncontrollable movements.

Then came the second volley from the treeline. The explosions were much smaller in comparison, reminiscent of shoulder fired weapons, but their precision was uncanny. Each missile struck the beast's softer underbelly, causing it to howl in even greater pain.

And then came another volley of missiles from the Bradley’s, their warheads leaving trails of white smoke against the darkening sky. Four more devastating explosions rippled through the air, some hitting the monster directly in the head, causing it to go limp and collapse onto the ground with a ground-shaking thud. Dust and debris flew up, creating a momentary smokescreen, obscuring the aftermath of their assault.

“LIGHT ‘EM THE FUCK UP!” DuPont’s voice echoed over the radio as a hurricane of gunfire erupted from the Bradleys, coupled with both the rapid chatter of machine guns and rifles from the infantrymen. The smaller creatures and humanoid allies, which previously swarmed in support of the massive creature, now found themselves exposed and on the receiving end of a well-coordinated hailstorm of lead.

In desperation, the car sized monsters the platoon had faced before did their best to try and close the distance, but each step they took was met with relentless firepower, cutting them down with ruthless precision. Again some of the shells from the Bradley's main cannon bounced off of them, but most of the armor piercing rounds ripped into the beasts, spraying the asphalt with their blood.

The battle-scarred terrain transformed into a grim mosaic of fallen beings as the remnants of the once fearsome creatures attempted a frantic retreat. Yet, fate was a cruel mistress. Their avenues of escape were swiftly shut down by the unyielding hail of gunfire from the treeline, tearing into those who dared to flee, leaving none standing.

Innumerable streaks of burning red lines barked out of the tree line ripping through creatures causing them to collapse. It was clear that this particular spot had been prepared well in advance for such an onslaught and these monsters were caught in a classic L shaped ambush.

“Cease fire!” Dupont shouted, waving his hand as he walked amongst his troops. “Cease fire! Save your ammo!”

As the gunfire began to peter out, the eerie post-battle silence descended. Only the distant screams of the wounded creatures and the crackles of distant battles filled the air. Walking out of the tree line were a mass of figures clad in the very same camouflaged uniforms as DuPonts. The soldiers' weapons lowered, but they were still alert as they slowly walked towards the carnage, ending any alien that made the mistake of still being alive.

“Must be the National Guard.” One of DuPont’s men said after seeing the sorry state of their gear.

“Yeah, probably.” Another responded, eyeing the mismatching gear and faded equipment that the new group of soldiers wore. "But they held their own, I'll give 'em that. Come on, let's meet the Nasty Girls." DuPont motioned for his men to approach the battered defenders.

DuPont made it a point to keep a couple of the Bradley behind in a supporting position as they approached the National Guard soldiers. His tactical instincts never took a backseat, even during moments like this, it was always best to leave a supporting element in place in case of a counter attack.

“Man, we owe you one.” One of the defenders laughed, walking towards the Lieutenant , his face smudged with soot and grime. “Didn’t think we’d see the cavalry coming our way. Captain Duggen.” The man introduced himself and extended a dirty, gloved hand towards DuPont.

With a nod, Dupont returned his handshake with a firm grip. “Lieutenant DuPont. And trust me, it wasn’t a one-way street. You guys gave us the window we needed.”

“We didn’t do shit, they did.” The Captain said, pointing at the tree line.”

Following Captain Duggen's gesture, DuPont's gaze landed on a group of extremely well-equipped figures. Two held Carl Gustavs, shoulder-launched weapons designed for armored targets. Their advanced helmets, fitted with night vision, tactical lights, and state-of-the-art comms, gave them an ethereal quality. This customized theme continued with their modular vests, filled with meticulously organized gear ranging from specialized electronics to ornate knives, and in their hands were customized guns with higher end optics.

But most surprising was the fact that most of them wore beards.

“Hey, Eli!” One of the operators said, nudging another. “Go see what the dude wants, he's pointing at us.”

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