Grimoires and Gunsmoke

The Ohio Incident: Chapter 30

Weeks had passed since the Ohio Incident, a surreal event that had thrust the small country town into the global spotlight. Just south of the epicenter, where two worlds once violently collided, there now existed a seamless tear in reality, a blending of the fantastical and the mundane.

The armies of the otherworld, strange and fantastical beings, had been pushed back just outside of New Philadelphia, their advance halted by the might of modern weaponry and tactics. But as many from the broken army had retreated back through the rift, a great deal more scattered, disappearing into the countryside.

Even now, efforts to round up survivors and insurgents continued, but it was an overwhelming task. The creatures and beings that had crossed over were elusive, their whereabouts often unknown, especially when it came to their strange magics or biology. The consensus among the military and local authorities was clear: finding everyone and everything that had crossed over was an impossibility.

The focus now had shifted to the area around the rift itself.

Where there once stood a shimmering portal and a strange blackened spire, now stood an expanse of nothingness. It was as if the two worlds had stitched themselves together at this specific location, creating a surreal landscape that seemed to play tricks on the minds of those who gazed upon it. The rift's glow had faded when the spire collapsed, leaving behind an area that defied explanation.

And watching over the anomaly were the stalwart defenders of this formerly mundane world. The once small forward operating base had grown exponentially, evolving into a gargantuan military complex. The ground rumbled with the constant movement of armored vehicles — some in field exercises, others vigilantly monitoring the other side for any sign of a renewed assault, determined not to be caught off guard again.

Protected by these sentinels were scientists and researchers from around the globe had flocked to the site, each eager to study this mind-bending phenomenon and the magics that now seemingly permeated the Earth. They set up their equipment, running countless tests and experiments, yet the rift remained an enigma, with no meaningful hypotheses coming forward to explain just what they were experiencing

Amidst this backdrop of military might and scientific inquiry, the area around the rift had taken on an almost surreal quality. The local population, once fearful and uncertain, had slowly begun to adapt to their new reality. Stories and rumors circulated, some speaking of strange sightings in the woods, others of mysterious happenings near the rift.

As day turned into night, the area around the rift took on an eerie calm besides the beating of helicopter rotors and the rumbles of armored vehicles. The lights from the military base cast long shadows across the landscape, and the occasional sound of a distant explosion or the staccato of far away gunfire reminded those who grew complacent of the volatile and dangerous nature of the other side.

“This fuckin’ place...” Lieutenant DuPont grumbled after one of his Bradley’s tore into a horrible bear-like creature the size of a pickup truck.

He hated to admit it, but this encounter near the rift was starting to become less… unsettling as time went on. Every hour of every day there had been multiple incursions from these strange monsters and each time the creature had been… peculiar. This particular monster stood out for its sheer size and fearsome appearance, however. The bear-like beast that Lieutenant DuPont's unit had engaged during their patrol was a terrifying amalgamation of Earth's own wildlife and something far more alien.

It was an imposing blend of a massive grizzly and a wolverine, and had a physique that was both awe-inspiring and horrifying. It stood on all fours, its height rivaling that of a large SUV, and its body was covered in thick, matted fur that was a dark, almost black color, with streaks of red that ran along its spine. The fur bristled with a primal energy, giving the creature an even more daunting appearance.

Its head was reminiscent of a marsupial, but with a broader, more powerful jawline, filled with razor-sharp teeth that gleamed ominously in the faint light. The eyes of the beast glowed with a deep, unsettling intelligence, a stark contrast to its otherwise brutish appearance.

But what was most horrifying were its limbs. The damn things were so muscular and robust, DuPont was convinced it could probably overturn one of his armored vehicles if it got too close. Not only that, its limbs ended in massive paws with claws that were more akin to the curved swords, capable of tearing through metal and flesh with equal ease.

“At least you’re loud as shit….” DuPont said in annoyance as he clicked his push-to-talk. “Hit the fucker again. Make sure it’s dead.” He ordered as The Bradley's heavy weapons roared to life once again

DuPont had to squint as the muzzle flashes illuminated the darkened landscape, but he soon raised his weapon in alarm as The bear-like creature jolted and sprang to life. It appeared the damned monster was playing dead and under the relentless hail of armor-piercing rounds, it suddenly twitched and rolled in agony as it felt its flesh be torn apart. Each impact sent jolts through its hulking form, causing it to let out a guttural roar that echoed through the night.

“Jesus Christ!” DuPont yelled as he and his men opened fire on the monster.

In a display of sheer primal rage and survival instinct, the monstrous bear surged forward to end whatever was threatening its life. Its massive form, illuminated by the flashes of gunfire, moved with a speed and agility that belied its size and charged towards the armored vehicle currently lighting it up.

The soldiers reacted instantly, their training kicking in as they unleashed a volley of fire towards the oncoming threat. And in a moment that seemed to stretch into eternity, the Bradley's 25mm gun found its mark. An armor-piercing round, fired with deadly precision and struck the creature directly in the head. The impact was instantaneous and devastating as the beast's charge was abruptly halted and its body stiffened.

Propelled by its final charge, the bear-like creature tumbled forward, its massive body narrowly missing Lieutenant DuPont and his men as they threw themselves to the side. The ground shook under the weight of the creature as it skidded across the terrain, kicking up dust and debris in its wake.

Quickly scrambling to their feet, the soldiers pointed their weapons back towards the monstrous beast while their hearts hammered in their chest. As time went on, incursions started to become more frequent and subsequently, patrols started to increase. However, everyone had to ask themselves… Just how many of these creatures slipped through into their world already?

Shaking off the thought, they warily approached the still form of the monster, weapons raised and ready to put a bullet in it if the thing showed any sign of movement. But the beast lay motionless, the only eye that remained intact, stared lifelessly into the darkness.

DuPont took a moment to catch his breath as adrenaline kept pumping through his veins. "Check it," he ordered with a firm voice.

Everyone looked at each other uneasily as they hesitated to move, but two soldiers cautiously approached, and prodded at it with the barrels of their guns. With one jab to the eye, DuPont’s men confirmed that the threat had been finally neutralized.

“Ya, it’s dead.” One soldier said finally relaxing and letting out a deep sigh.

Turning to his men, DuPont's expression was one of grim satisfaction mixed with an unspoken understanding of the harsh realities they faced. "Alright, secure the area. Make sure there aren't any more of these things lurking around," he commanded.

As his soldier moved to carry out his orders, the Lieutenant grumbled under his breath, his eyes fixed on the massive carcass. "God damn things playing dead… fuckin’ great, just what we need," he muttered, a mix of annoyance and wariness in his tone. DuPont had seen his fair share of combat and bizarre situations, but this new reality, where creatures straight out of myth could feign death and almost overrun a platoon, added a whole new level of unpredictability.

“What’s next? Skinwalkers or some shit?” He mused darkly to himself, half-joking but also half-dreading the possibility. “I mean fuck, we already been blasting god damn dragons, so why the hell not?”

While the platoon swept the area for anything else that would jump out at them, DuPont watched the rest of his Bradleys in his platoon maneuvering and used their optics to scan the horizon. Looking up at the light orange glow in the horizon indicating morning was coming, his thoughts drifted to the base and the sheer scale of the military buildup occurring there. It was an unprecedented show of force, the likes of which he had never seen before.

It was a surreal experience. Especially with the increase in patrols, the constant drills, the influx of troops and equipment – all of it pointed to the military setting the conditions for something significant. DuPont had his suspicions, everything pointed to one thing, but he still couldn't help but wonder what exactly they were preparing for.

Or more apt; what they were preparing to DO.

His thoughts turned to those special operations units that were flooding into the base. Every branch and every unit had been increasingly active around the area and these "spooky types," as the soldiers often called them, operated with a heightened level of secrecy that piqued DuPont's curiosity.

Lieutenant DuPont's interactions with one particular Army Special Forces team had been a source of intel for both the on goings with the theater and a deeper insight of the many races from the other side. He had fought alongside the Special Forces ODA during the initial stages of the invasion, running the crucible of blood and dragonfire. However, in the past few weeks, that special forces team had become… extraordinarily tight-lipped. It was a stark contrast to their earlier friendliness and candidness.

This shift in behavior was another red flag for DuPont. Special Forces teams were naturally secretive about their missions, but this sudden change in demeanor suggested something more. They were no longer just fellow soldiers shooting the shit, they were preparing for something… And whatever it was, it was a part of a larger, more mysterious operation that DuPont could only speculate about.

The usual conversations and jokes about what they saw or killed when out on ‘safari’ and the absurdity of their situation had become brief and occasional jokes about the absurdity of their situation, had become brief and terse. Any attempts he made to delve into what they might have been up to were met with non-answers or deflections.

It was as if an invisible wall had been erected between them.

DuPont respected the need for operational security, but he couldn't shake the feeling that these men seemed to be at the heart of what was to come. And as time went on, his gut feeling was slowly starting to be vindicated.

From Lieutenant DuPont's perspective, the activities of the special operations forces were becoming increasingly conspicuous, especially around the rift. He'd occasionally catch glimpses of them lurking near the anomaly or returning from its direction, their new Polaris Dagor vehicles and ATVs bristling with an array of heavy weaponry. He also couldn't help but notice that their excursions often seemed to coincide with increased activity or disturbances near the rift. More than once, he and his unit had been called upon as a Quick Reaction Force (QRF) and was sent racing towards the breach to provide support. They'd arrive to find these special ops teams retreating in their light-skinned vehicles moving at full tilt, often with hostile entities from the other side hot on their heels as they peppered away with their weapons.

It wasn't hard for DuPont to put two and two together. These special operations guys were poking and prodding in an attempt to gauge the defenses of whatever lay beyond the rift. Each foray they made seemed to be a calculated effort to test the waters, to push the boundaries and see how the other side reacted. They were not just gathering intelligence; they were actively shaping the battle-space and setting the conditions for what DuPont suspected was an inevitable larger conflict.

“Tie it up and hook it up to one of the Bradleys!” DuPont barked, dispelling the thoughts from his head. “The egg heads back at base are probably gonna wanna see it.”


“Ohhh, look who’s back!” Coleman yelled as he leaned back on the couch, staring directly at Elijah who had just opened the door to the team room. “Hey magic boy! We missed you.” The ODA team leader said sarcastically with an annoying smile on his face.

Elijah, who had just entered the room, glanced at Coleman with an expression that shifted between annoyance and indifference. “Go fuck yourself,” he shot back without missing a beat, as he simply kept walking past everyone who was giving him a shit eating grin.

As he made his way further into the room, Bennett, another member of the team, chimed in with a more genuine curiosity. “How'd you manage to convince the nerds to let you go?” he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. “Figured they’d chain you to a lab table by now, with all that freaky cosmic bullshit you got going on.”

“You can go fuck yourself too.” Elijah retorted in the same indifferent yet agitated monotone voice as made his way to an empty couch. Flopping on top of it, the man let out an exhausted and painful groan.

Bennett chuckled at the response. “Touchy today, aren’t we? Did they do butt stuff and probe you?”

“I fucking wish.” Elijah groaned, rubbing his temples. "That would have been more enjoyable than sitting around like an asshole playing fuck fuck games with spooks and scientists because my goddamn spiritual hitchhiker refuses to talk to anyone normally."

The team erupted into laughter, but the humor didn't quite reach Elijah's eyes. He leaned back into the couch with a distant gaze. "I mean, seriously. You’d think a several millennia-old entity would be more cooperative. But no, it’s like pulling teeth to get a straight answer. And I'm the middleman in this cosmic comedy."

Coleman peered over his shoulder with a confused expression and raised eyebrow. “How’d you escape?”

Elijah exhaled deeply, his face reflecting a mixture of frustration and disbelief. "Escape is a strong word. It was more like... temporary reprieve.” He said sitting up and pressing his fingers into his eyes. “Eggheads kept asking the fairy questions and Yana, the fairy, kept asking why she should bother giving answers to mortals. Her idea of a fair exchange is their souls for her knowledge."

There was a collective narrowing of one's around the room. They knew very well that something insanely stupid was going to be explained to them and it was a type of stupidity that only people in academia could pull off. Especially when it came to a capricious deity.

"And get this," Elijah continued, a bitter edge to his tone. "One of the scientists, cocky little fuck, actually laughed at her.” He threw his arms up in the air in frustration. “Fucking moron called her stupid or something and said something like 'Oh sure, take my soul, like that's a real thing.'”

The team members exchanged worried glances, sensing where this was going.

"Yeah, that didn’t end well," Elijah scoffed with a flick of his hand. "As the CIA dudes screamed at him to take it back in a panic, Yana, in all her glory, decided to take him up on his offer. He did give her permission after all.”

Lister was the one to speak up this time as crossed his arms. “What…? What the fuck…? And then what?”

Elijah looked slowly at the man and shrugged nonchalantly. “She uhhh… consumed his soul.” He said in a serious voice. “One minute he's laughing, the next he's this... empty shell. Body's functioning, brain's got activity, but there's nobody home. It was as if someone simply just turned off the lights."

A heavy silence fell over the room as Elijah's story sank in.

Bennett’s hands touched his head with a stupified look on his face and slowly pushed them outwards as if his brain exploded "Man, that's... that's dumb as fuck. Imagine consigning yourself to oblivion because you can't stop being an asshole.”

“Ya. Ya it is.” Elijah nodded, the absurdity of the situation not lost on him. "And that's not even the half of it. The whole thing turned into a complete shitshow. CIA handlers started freaking out, scientists were screaming and everyone in general was scrambling, trying to figure out how to handle a goddess who just... does that."

Coleman leaned forward, intrigued despite the grim subject matter. "So, how'd you get out of that mess and back here?"

A wry smile tugged Elijah’s lips as he ran a hand through his hair. "Honestly? Yana threw a fit." His smile widened into a grin, albeit a tired one. "She got pissed at the CIA Director for not giving her 'apostle' what he wanted and started ranting about respect, power, or some other cosmic bullshit. It was like watching a child throw a tantrum, but they had the ability to delete you."

The men around the room exchanged glances, a mix of disbelief and amusement on their faces.

"So, they just let you go?" Schwarz asked, skepticism lacing his voice.

Elijah gestured towards the sniper with both hands. "What are they gonna do? Kill her?” He said incredulously. “Do you know how many times WE,” Elijah pointed to himself and everyone in the room, “tried that? Like c’mon.”

Schwarz shrugged and gave up on point. “Okay, fair point.”

“I think they were just glad to get rid of us, to be honest.” Elijah let out an exasperated sigh. ”Yana kept making threats, they couldn’t really contain her. So, they told me to 'keep my mouth shut' and to please fuck off. They probably were hoping she'd follow and leave them alone, to be honest." The medic explained stretching his neck to one side.

Coleman chuckled. "Well, I guess that's one way to deal with bureaucracy. Have a temperamental goddess on your side."

“So where is she now?” Bennett said, looking around. “You said they wanted to get rid of both of you, right?”

Taking a look over his shoulder and then around the room as if looking for someone, Elijah simply shrugged. “Fuck if I know. Last I saw her she was bitching at her spook handler they sent with us or some shit.”

The room filled with a mixture of chuckles and relieved sighs. The thought of Yana, a deity with the temperament of a petulant child, haranguing some unfortunate CIA Case Officer was oddly comforting in its absurdity.

Coleman clapped his hands together, bringing the focus back to the present. "Alright, we've got a lot on our plate. Elijah, you're back with us, so let's get you briefed on the latest. We’re being more proactive and have increased our activity on the border in order to-”

“We’re invading aren’t we?” Elijah suddenly interrupted with an interested look.

“We’re setting conditions.” Coleman gave him a coy smile.

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