Grimoires and Gunsmoke

The Ohio Incident: Chapter 9

With precision, Coleman and his team glided through the thick underbrush, the shadows of the trees offering concealment as they approached the clearing from the flank. A squad of 15 marines, weapons held low and eyes sharp, shadowed the Special Forces ODA, moving silently and swiftly. All were ghostlike figures, invisible under the protective cloak of night guided by the white phosphorous glow of their night optical devices.

The beast nestled in the clearing, a fiery scorpion-like creature, cast an eerie, magma-like light across the open ground, illuminating everyone and everything around it. Coleman, realizing that night vision was unnecessary, flipped his night optical device up, allowing the natural, albeit bizarre, light from the creature to illuminate the scene. His eyes peered through his weapon’s optic as he focused on the handlers around the creature.

There was something peculiar about them, he noticed, as they stood around the monstrosity like it was a piece of equipment, gesturing and engaging in a hushed yet seemingly urgent discussion. These beings bore rabbit-like ears atop their heads, delicately twitching as they conversed.

Coleman narrowed his eyes as he continued to study his enemy. They were rather slim and petite beneath their armor for warriors and there seemed to be the subtle hint of feminine curves. However, their faces and forms were obscured enough to determine exactly what they were.

Suddenly, one with an air of authority with a large bird-like creature perched in their arm bellowed out towards their comrades and gestured towards the surrounding treeline. With hasty odd salutes and gestures the beings ran and picked up their spears and started to spread out in every direction.

Realizing that they were probably a security screen, Coleman pressed down on his push to talk, “Status on our fire support?”

A brief and tense pause followed before a voice edged with frustration, replied. "Just checked in with HQ. No-go on artillery, sir. They're swamped, every asset's engaged elsewhere.."

A slew of curses and expletives left Coleman’s mouth as he quietly turned to the others. “Yep, they told us to eat shit.” He whispered, motioning to the Marines to take up positions along the edge of the tree line. “We’re doing this the old fashioned way.”

Clutching his push-to-talk one more time, Coleman started issuing instructions for their plan B: Assaulting the damned thing themselves.

"Looks like we’re assaulting the damn thing," Coleman began, his voice steady and authoritative, a stark contrast to the irritation he felt inside. "We’re gonna hit it hard, we’re gonna hit it fast. Go on my mark."

A reply of affirmation resounded through his headset as Coleman looked back through the optic to continue observing his enemy and honed in on the bird.

Something about it seemed important, its eyes reflected an intelligent, almost otherworldly light. It was avian yet…. not quite. The thing certainly resembled a hawk or an eagle but it also possessed an almost spectral quality that set it apart from any creature of Earth.

All of a sudden, a terse conversation ensued among the handlers, and with a fluid motion, the one with the bird lofted it into the night sky. The creature soared upwards with incredible speed and precision and the scorpion-like creature’s tail shifted at the movement, quivering and shaking in anticipation.

As if responding to a command, the tail shot upwards in the direction the bird had flown. Every muscle, every mechanical joint of the creature seemed in tune with the avian's movements. Meanwhile the handler chanted a few words and twisted their hands and fingers with grace and fluidity. As the chant grew louder, the eye sockets of their helmet began to glow a milky white color.

“Call me crazy… But what if that person is somehow… controlling or seeing through the eyes of their bird thing?” Elijah whispered, using his own optic to focus on the handler's glowing eyes. "And what if this thing is their indirect fire?."

Coleman opened his mouth to say that was utterly batshit insane, but then immediately closed it again. That conclusion, as crazy as it sounded, was perfectly in line with all the weird fantasy bullshit they were dealing with. From flying and land dragons to feminine-looking, rabbit-eared people controlling a fucking lava scorpion. Why wouldn't magical bird spotters and living artillery be a part of the package?

"Yeah, it's a stretch," Coleman admitted, scanning the clearing with renewed urgency. "But it's starting to make a lot of sense. That bird gives them the eyes in the sky, and this... creature provides the firepower. We're dealing with their version of a Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) with airborne reconnaissance."

"That's one hell of a combo," Bennett remarked with what sounded almost like admiration in his voice.

"Yaaaaa…." Coleman noted, as his hand went to his radio. "All the more reason to take it out, as soon as possible.”

The enemy security screen was meandering about, wandering closer to their position when suddenly the supposed spotter raised their head, their eerie, glowing eyes fixating on something in the distance. With a jarring scream, they began to yell something in a strange language before swiping her arms down in a chopping motion.

Suddenly, the monstrous scorpion-like creature's tail began to quiver, the segments undulating in an unsettling fashion. Its once-hard carapace seemed to balloon outwards, glowing with an internal, fiery light that built in intensity. And then, with an ear-splitting pop, a massive, searing glob of plasma rocketed upwards into the night sky, tracing a path of blazing light as it ascended.

Coleman’s gaze followed the plasma’s trajectory, tracking its path as it soared into the abyss above. He and his team were witnessing a feat that was both mesmerizing and horrifying.

“Fuck me, you were right…” Schwarz whispered under his breath.

“Everyone turn on your EUD, start recording this shit!” Coleman barked in hush tones as he grabbed his End-User Device and started to prepare the 8k camera functionality. Schwarz, Bennett, and the rest of the team quickly activated their devices, ensuring to document every intricate detail of the bizarre spectacle unfolding before them.

Just in time to, as another series of instructions from the spotter echoed out in the clearing. The spotter's tone was intense, its hands weaving a sequence of animated gestures, conveying urgency to the monstrous scorpion creature. The alien beast, in turn, adjusted its tail and aimed at a slightly different angle.

“They’re adjusting fire,” murmured Bennett as he narrowed his eyes.

The ground began to tremble faintly, humming in resonance with the creature's energy buildup. Once again, that same ominous glow emanated from the creature, spreading like a heat mirage as the air around it started to shimmer. The night, which had once been cold and dark, was now warm and bathed in the fiery light before another glob of plasma like substance shot out towards the sky.

Having captured the event, Coleman swallowed hard and pressed down on his push to talk. “Next time that thing balloons up, hit ‘em.”

“Roger that, waiting for your mark.” The platoon of marines on the other side of the treeline responded.

Huddled amidst the brush and the looming shadows of the forest, Coleman’s team watched an enemy patrol start to wander closer and closer to their positions. But they were slightly distracted as what they assumed was their leader, bellowed out another series of orders, causing the massive scorpion to rumbled and adjust its tail. Another surge of heat started to build within as the thing’s tail started to balloon once more.

“Get ready, shits gonna get messy.” Coleman said to everyone around him before pressing down on his radio. “Execute.”

Two massive blasts erupted from the treeline facing the scorpion as anti-tank warheads slammed against the massive scorpion's face, causing it to chitter and twist in pain.

Almost immediately after the first round found its mark, the platoon of Marines engaged the enemy with overwhelming firepower and precision. The night was punctuated by the rapid chatter of machine gun fire and the sharp crackling of rifles. Tracers zipped through the night, cutting luminous paths towards the security screen and the mass of infantry around the creature.

Meanwhile, Coleman’s ODA and his squad of marines waited.

Their ambush point was meticulously chosen, a perfect spot that the enemy's wandering patrol was aimlessly wandering towards earlier. Now, with the security detail charging towards the larger fray, the coast was clear for Coleman's team to make their move.

Two operatives further down the line, each armed with MAAWS, swiftly moved into position, taking direct aim at the creature’s vulnerable tail.

The impact was instantaneous; a deafening explosion erupted as the energy within the tail was forcefully and violently released. Liquid fire sprayed outwards, cascading over everything and everyone nearby. The handlers snapped out of their arcane rituals and turned towards the fighting and prepared another set of spells aimed directly at the offensive treeline. But it was far too late, once the second set of warheads hit chants turned to shrill screams of agony as they were engulfed in the searing, molten discharge.

Coleman took a quick, decisive look at the battlefield. The enemy was off-balance, their ranks were in disarray, but they were quickly starting to organize and erecting their strange magical barriers.

Now was the time to strike.

"Light ‘em up" Coleman yelled, signaling his team's turn. The other side of the treeline burst with life as machine guns ripped through the flank of the reeling otherworldly invaders.

Tube launched grenades fired into the mass of combatants huddling together for protection. Their detonations spread chaos and disarray, opening gaps for the flanking marines to exploit.

Suddenly the scorpion chittered and screeched in pain and distress as more warheads detonated against its exoskeleton. Turning away from the battlefield, it began a frenzied attempt to escape, its massive legs pounded the ground, crushing unfortunate soldiers underfoot, adding more chaos among its own ranks.

With the rout of their artillery piece, caused a domino effect as formations crumbled and discipline was abandoned.

"Keep the pressure on, move!" Staff Sergeant Riley yelled, urging his Marines forward. The Marines, seeing their enemy in disarray and seizing the momentum, became a force of nature. They moved through the treeline keeping lock step with the routing enemy, only stopping to pick off those who tried to rally and put up a resistance.

Squad leaders communicated amongst themselves, identifying points of contention and guiding their fireteams forward to ensure the enemy had no avenue of escape or regrouping. From the main line, the platoon of Marines, led by Lieutenant Mitchell, bounded forward in a well-coordinated maneuver, making sure the invader’s were in deadly range and barriers were always being peppered by machine gun fire.

The once confident otherworldly force was now trapped; if they turned to run, their only means of protection would flicker out and they would be subsequently mowed down. But if they stayed where they were, their barriers would eventually buckle under the sustained gunfire, leaving them exposed.

But it would seem the decision would be made for them as a marine took aim with his M3E1 Multi-purpose Anti-armor Anti-personnel Weapon System and pulled the trigger.

The fin-stabilized projectile cut through the air in a gentle arc, heading straight for the dense cluster of enemy combatants. Upon impact, a deafening explosion resonated across the battlefield, sending a shockwave that shattered the invaders' magical barriers like glass under a sledgehammer.

Coleman and his ODA winced as he saw the mass of soldiers drop like flies under the relentless barrage of machine gun fire. However, the sight didn't stop Coleman for long. "Move, move!" he yelled to his team, pressing forward, quickly getting on top of the enemy, ending anyone who still moved.

The ever-so aggressive marines had the same idea and quickly pressed forward, their shouts mixed with the sporadic bursts of their weapons. Once upon the enemy, a new, eerie quiet swept across the clearing save for the still burning hisses of those drenched in plasma, the distant explosions in the background and dying moans of the defeated.

Marines and the ODA members alike regrouped and scanned the area for any remnant as the smell of burnt flesh, molten metal, and expended gunpowder hung heavy in the air.

“Clear!” The marines shouted one by one as everyone took a more relaxed, but still ready posture.

Coleman took a moment to survey the battlefield. Dozens of bodies of the strange beings were scattered everywhere, along with their equally strange equipment.

“These are women.” Elijah’s voice suddenly cut through the quiet, as he stared down at one of the beings with its helmet in his hand.

The entirety of the marines they were embedded with and the rest of the team turned to him, puzzled expressions on their faces. One of the Marines, crouched next to a body and pulled off their helmet. “Well, I’ll be damned. He’s right.” The man muttered with furrowed brows.

Staff Sergeant Riley pulled the helmet of another fallen alien and stared down at the face. The being had a strikingly human visage, but what set them apart were the long, semi-droopy rabbit ears that sat atop their heads. They were covered in a soft, velvety fur that matched the color of their hair.

"My God," whispered Riley, his rough fingers gently touching one of the ears. "They look... so much like us."

A murmur spread through the troops as more of the rabbit-eared humanoids were revealed as more helmets were pulled off. Even the Special Forces soldiers found themselves taken aback by the uncanny similarity.

Kneeling by a still coughing rabbit woman, a dark skinned man carrying an M240 spoke up. “I thought we were being invaded by dragons and lizard people.” Master Sergeant Bernie Lister, the ODA’s Weapons Sergeant turned to the rest of his team. “I mean, that’s what we’ve been mostly fighting so far. The hell with this shit?”

Elijah crouched down beside Bernie and pulled off his medpack. “Should I treat her?” He asked, looking at Coleman.

Coleman went silent as he looked around. “Uhhh… I, uhh… I honestly don’t know.” He responded by scratching his beard in confusion. “How would we know whatever you do to her won't just outright kill her?”

“Does that even matter?” Elijah lifted an eyebrow, unzipping his medpack. “I mean, she’s either going to bleed out or have a severe allergic reaction to whatever I give her.”

Narrowing his eyes, Coleman's gaze sharpened. "You mean to experiment on her?"

“No? What the fuck?” Elijah looked up at his team leader in both outrage and confusion. “I mean to save her, man. Jesus, look!” Elijah pointed to the hyperventilating rabbit-woman as she stared up at the men, “She's scared, in pain and dying. I can either treat her and hopefully she lives, or just let her bleed all over the place.”

“I just don’t want to deal with any Hague bullshit, Eli.” Coleman replied, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Another hush descended upon the clearing as Elijah’s brow knitted and his eyes turned side to side in contemplation. “Are aliens even covered in the Geneva Convention?”

Master Sergeant Bernie chuckled under his breath, breaking the tension. “Now there's a question I never thought I’d ever fucking hear. International law and Amazoinian space rabbits.” His laugh grew louder as his hand hit face. “What kind of fucked up fever dream is this?”

The marine who had earlier revealed the humanoid’s ears, piped in, "I think the convention covers 'persons', doesn't it? Now, whether or not the international community would recognize them as such is another debate entirely."

“You can’t fuck it Jackson, you’ll get space aids.” Another marine joked and drew out chuckles from the rest of their platoon.

Jackson however, took it in stride. “Hey look, I aint said I would, but.” He made the famous hand gesture from one of the hosts from Ancient Aliens on the History Channel made. “But, aliens.” This led to an uproar of laughter, easing the tension in the clearing.

“Whatever, man… Patch her up I guess.” Coleman finally relented, shaking his head at the absurdity of their situation before turning to Staff Sergeant Riley. “And make sure none of them fuck it, please.”

Staff Sergeant Riley's expression shifted from amusement to the stern demeanor for which he was known. His eyes honed in on Jackson. "Jackson!" He barked, utilizing the classic Marine Corps ‘knife hand’ gesture, pointing directly at him. "You’re pissing off the Snake Eaters! Don’t diddle the fuckin’ space rabbit or you’ll be licking shit off all the latrines!”

Jackson's grin faltered a bit under the Staff Sergeant's fierce glare. "Aye aye, sarge," he replied, trying to keep his composure.

The Sergeant continued, his gaze sweeping over the gathered men. “And that goes for all of you. You’re all makin’ us look bad, so stop being fuck ups for once in your god damn lives!” The intensity of his tone made his marines flinch.

Elijah immediately got to work on the rabbit woman's injuries. She seemed to be conscious but in obvious distress. The alien's ears twitched erratically, and her large, glossy eyes stared up at him with fear and pain. After stripping her armor, his hands steadily as he assessed her injuries and started treating her.

A piercing scream echoed throughout the hall as the medic shoved his fingers into a still bleeding gunshot wound. Coiling his medical dressing, Elijah pushed it firmly inside to stanch the bleeding. The rabbit-woman’s legs thrashed, another cry escaping her lips.

“Quit your yappin’, if you’re screamin’ you ain’t dyin’.” The medic said, causing everyone around him to cringe. A few of the marines turned away, their faces pale, clearly unaccustomed to such up-close trauma work.

"God damn," muttered Coleman, turning towards Staff Sergeant Riley. “Have your boys and your corpsman sweep the area for more wounded,” suggested Coleman, turning to the rest of the marines. "If there are more like her, then we should find them and radio for evac.”

A nod came from Sergeant Riley. "Roger that, we could use as much intel as we can get.” Spinning around, Riley looked at the rest of his marines. “Alright, you useless fucks! You heard the man, go look for any survivors and make sure Baptiste doesn’t get shanked!”

The men sprang into action, while Coleman shook his head and looked down at his still recording End-User Device. Bringing his hand to his radio, the man switched channels to talk to HQ.

“Warmonger, this is Baron, be advised we have POW’s and critical intel. Requesting immediate evac, over.”

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