Growing Lilies


Lily’s clothes were completely unsuitable for leaving the cabin. She started talking to herself about experimenting with a very low power heat spell over her body to stay warm, and Sunica stopped her.

“Just put on some of my clothes. Are you always this insane? Does everything have to be dangerous experimental magic for you?”

“I– oh. I guess I didn’t think of that.”

Lily flushed a little bit. Wearing someone else’s clothes? Even in her empty world she had somewhat preferred to go to a target or something. It felt a little strange to just take something of someone else’s.

“Are you sure? I mean. I wouldn’t want to um. I don’t know. Cause you any discomfort.”

Sunica laughed.

“They’re just clothes, Miss Human. Don’t burn them off with your strange magic and it’ll be fine. Besides, it’s just until we see the tailor.”

“Uh, tailor? We can’t just like, get something off a shelf? I’ve never been to a tailor before.”

Sunica gave her a baffled look. 

“What do you mean ‘off the shelf’?”

Lily groaned.

“Okay but listen. I’m really… I’m scared of people. I’m feeling a little better about you, but there’s still a part of the back of my mind screaming with anxiety and– And crowds and strangers are. Um. I’m gonna be trying hard not to panic. What do I do if someone talks to me?”

Sunica raised an eyebrow.

“Talk back to them?”

“I– I don’t think I can.”

“Not even if they just wave and say hi?”

“I don’t know. I mean, I’ll try. I really will.”

“Hmm. Okay. Here’s what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna stand behind me, and if anyone tries talking to you, you’re just gonna point at me and I’ll take care of it okay?”



Lily narrowed her eyes.

“Isn’t that gonna make us stand out even more?”

“No. I promise.”

Lily bit her lip for a second while she thought about it. She could probably manage that. She’d just hide behind Sunica! Yeah. And be in a crowd. Of strangers. Looking at her. She slapped her cheeks.



“Yeah. It’s for Star. I can do this. I’m– I’m determined!”

After an embarrassing ten minutes of Sunica trying to explain how to put on her clothes through the door of a bedroom, Lily emerged wrapped in what were admittedly the warmest clothes she had ever worn. A mixture of furs and leathers that were a little more complicated and heavy than she was expecting. They were also extremely oversized.

Sunica guffawed, while Lily stared at her spitefully. 

“You look like a baby ice mink that hasn’t grown into its pelt yet!

Lily scowled.

“Oh great, so now I have to be in front of people looking like a joke! You’re not making this easier!”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It’s just…”

She looked up at Lily one more time, and doubled over laughing again.

“You look so cute!”

Lily felt her face grow a little warm. She wasn’t used to being called things like that.

“Oh, shush you! Am I gonna get strange looks? Am I at least wearing all this stuff right?”

“You look fine! Really! Honest!”

“Then why are you laughing?”

“Well it’s just. You were so– It’s the contrast! That’s all! You looked so strange and intimidating before, and now you’re cute!”

“Intimidating? I’ve never been intimidating a day in my life. Hmph.”

“Don’t worry so much. I’m the one that gets strange looks. No one is gonna blink at you.”

“Huh? What do you mean by that?”

Sunica rolled her eyes and pointed to the scales on her face.

“Oh. I just thought all balaur had scales?”

Sunica made a face somewhere in between a grin and a grimace.

“You’ll see.”

With that, they left the cabin. Lily left most of her stuff behind at Sunica’s direction. The balaur girl told her that people would be trying to trade for her stuff if she had anything visibly so interesting, so if she didn’t want to talk it was time to leave it behind. If she had anything she wanted to barter with though, to take it. The idea of haggling over how much a twinkie was worth with a stranger made Lily feel ill. So, she left her things behind. Even the bottles of water, in favor of a water skin Sunica said they could share.

The snow was blinding in the daytime. It was early in the afternoon still, and it had all the hallmarks of a beautiful day. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and but for the biting frost it could have been a perfect day out of a movie.

Before they got more than twenty feet from the cabin though, Sunica stopped.

“One sec.”

She closed her eyes and stood still for a second.

“[Detect Catch]”

Then she shrugged and started forwards again.

“Uh, what the heck was that?”


“The thing you did. What was it?”

Sunica giggled.

“It was a Skill. Don’t tell me you don’t have those either.”

Lily smiled weakly.

“Let’s pretend I don’t. Explain it to me? I mean, I have one I think. But I didn’t know you could… like. Whatever you just did.”

Sunica rolled her eyes, but explained anyway.

“When people level, they get skills. The higher the level the more useful the skill– usually. And not always every level either. Some skills can be used actively, like what I just did. I checked my traps. They’re all empty still. Since we were out, I’d have gone and collected anything that wandered into them.”

“Huh. You can just… tell? How do you know? Do you hear a little voice? Would it work for any kind of trap? Like, what if you went out on the ocean and were tossing crab cages into the water? Is it magic? Do you have any other skills?”

“Are you always like this?”


“You’re so curious about everything! Slow down.”

Sunica smiled at her. She realized that had probably been playful. But her heart had seized up with anxiety when the girl had stopped her. She told herself to stay calm, and tried took a deep breath.

“I’m sorry. I am a… certain way. I like learning new things.”

“Don’t worry, I think it’s charming. To answer your questions, yes I can just tell, no there is no voice, it’s worked on every kind of trap I’ve tried it with, Skills and Magic are different things, and yes. I do have other skills, but that question is considered pretty rude. Don’t ask about other people’s skills and levels if you can avoid it.”


Lily hesitated.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine, you didn’t know. Besides, I meant it.”

“Meant what?”

“It’s charming. I’m having fun teaching you stuff.”

Sunica smiled at her. After a second, Lily returned it.


The city was more than a thirty minute walk away through the snow. A fact Sunica had neglected to mention until Lily asked. It wasn’t the time that bothered her, but Lily was not built for this! They had to take a few breaks to rest along the way. Sunica was a little apologetic, but mostly just surprised that it was an issue. She offered to give Lily a piggyback ride, but Lily refused. She’d need to get used to this if she was going to be here a while.

But, despite the three stops it was only about an hour before they crested a hill and suddenly the city was in view. Lily was thankful that it wasn’t a city like New York was a city. She’d have probably called it a town, herself. But, despite that, she could see people walking around the streets from here, and a sense of dread filled her. She ducked back behind the hill and took a few deep breaths.

“Uh, Miss Lily? I don’t intend to worry you, but there are guards and you’re acting a lot like someone trying to sneak up on the city right now. Probably not a problem, but you know. Be careful?”

Lily started breathing harder. The air around her felt like it weighed a ton. She tried talking to herself, like she had at home.

“It’s gonna be okay. I’ve got this. I just have to go down there into the town full of people and ask around for my lost dog, not at all looking suspicious. It’s gonna be fine. They’ll probably be friendly. Sunica is friendly. It’ll be okay. I’ll blend in. I’ll– I’ll try to blend in. I’ll hide behind Sunica. Please let me blend in.”

A voice from right next to her startled her. She yelped. Sunica put a hand on her shoulder.

“Hey. It’s gonna be alright. I’ve lived here for my whole life. The people down there will be nice to you. Well, most of them.”

“It’s not going to be a problem that I’m a human?”

“Nah. They like foreigners. Lots of people come here to Veni to trade. It’d be a little harder if we were going to Avezare. It’s a larger city set back in those mountains over there. But travelers come here to trade all the time. Usually someone comes down from the mountains to meet them.“

Curiosity partially shocked Lily out of her spiral.

“Are humans not allowed there?”

“Eh, it’s not like that exactly. It can just be a social cultural nightmare for people not used to things. If we ever go, I’ll talk you through it. Things are a lot more lax here though.”

“Okay. I think I’m ready to go.”

“Anything I can do to help?”

“Just… Please stay close to me. I’ll get better at this. I have to. It’s survival. It’s just hard right now.”

Sunica raised an eyebrow at that, but shrugged it off and helped Lily get started over the hill again. It was only a short walk down the hill to the closest gate, and a few minutes later they were waiting in a short queue to enter.

Lily watched as the person in front of her, a balaur man holding a large sack over his shoulder, was greeted by the guards.

“Hey, it’s Mr. Nikia. Got some more kindleberries to sell today?”

The two exchanged some small talk back and forth. The man told a joke Lily didn’t quite understand. Something about balls of fire. Then the man was through the gate. It was such a normal interaction. Lily supposed she shouldn’t have expected anything else. But it was the same kind of conversation she’d heard a thousand times growing up between cashiers and clients that recognized each other, and other situations like that. It actually put her a little at ease. Things weren’t so different here. She was still scared to be around people, but these were people. Just like in her world. The culture might be a little different, but she could just pretend she was visiting a foreign country and didn’t quite understand the rules yet. 

At least, that’s what she thought until the guard caught sight of her and Sunica next in line. His face immediately changed from a customer service smile to something even less friendly. He had slightly grey-white scales on his face, the same as Sunica. Although they seemed to go further down his neck. Gender dimorphism or something else? Lily was going to have to keep an eye out.

“Oh, hey Sunica. Who’s your friend?”

She shook her head and snapped out of it. She was not going to study these people. She was starting to realize that one of the ways she’d learned to cope with fear was to look at things through a detached intellectual lens and that was not healthy when the subject was people. She kicked herself. 

Sunica perked up, and replied in a demure and polite tone that seemed weirdly out of character for her.

“Hello Mister Avea. This is Lily. I found her lost in the forest. She’s actually looking for her dog if you’ve seen him. Big white dog with a black mark on his forehead. She says he’s really smart, if that helps.”

The man, Avea, laughed.

“I’ve yet to meet someone who doesn’t say their dog is the smartest one. I haven’t seen a dog like that, but you might check in at the guard house. Captain can put out a memo so everyone is on the lookout if he shows up. In the meantime you two can head in. Just don’t cause any trouble.”

Lily nodded to the man as they passed. She was surprised he really didn’t try talking to her at all. That was… strange, right? It felt strange. 

There were a lot of people around once they came into the city, but they did seem to be keeping their distance. Lily could swear some of them were giving Sunica the side eye. What was that about?

What was different about her? Oh. Ooooooh. Yep. Lily looked around. Yeah. That was it.

In the sea of strangers about their business, all of them were balaur. But unlike Sunica, all of them had one thing in common. Their horns, their tails, their scales, they were all shades of white. Some had a slightly milky white, others had a dull almost grey, and a few had a bight and lustrous snow white. But they were all white.

Sunica turned and grabbed Lily’s hand, leading her along carefully. She had been right. No one was really looking at Lily, and they seemed hesitant to even get too close.

What the hell?


Sunica pushed her way in through a heavy door, waited for Lily, and closed it behind her, shutting out the cold.

Inside, dozens of fabrics hung in large rolls over every wall. Most that she could see were wool and linen in simple patterns--some towards the back wall looked nicer, but she didn't get close enough to see for sure. She was sticking to Sunica like a life raft in the ocean. Lily's heart was racing. Was she really doing this? Just going out somewhere? Somewhere public, even? Her nails were biting into her palms. 

Get it under control. Breathe. You have to get through this. It's not gonna be that bad. Probably.

Sunica reached up and rang a flat bell. A sweet voice came from the back of the shop.

"Ah! Coming!"

There was a moment of clattering and a woosh as a fabric was flung out of the way and a new balaur came into view. She was shorter than Sunica, more lithe, and with scales of a misty gray. Her horns curved down near to her cheeks, and she had a pair of spectacles perched upon them, which she adjusted sourly. 

"Oh. It's you." 

"Hello Miss Marici."

"Here for more repairs?" 

The tailor sighed, dusting her hands on her apron. 

"Here I was hoping to make some coin today."

Sunica dipped her head demurely. 

"No, Ma’am. I was hoping to buy my human companion some clothing, if you would allow it."

Marici's brows raised a fraction. 

"Oh. Is that what's hiding in your shadow? Well, bring them here. Let me have a closer look."

Lily felt a rush of ice up her spine, but Sunica's tail was whipping about hopefully. She turned to Lily. 

"Cmon. Marici is nice... Err, well, mostly."


Lily let out in a panicked whisper, her grip on Sunica's cloak tightening. 

"I just mean she's good enough to someone like me. That's all." 

Sunica put her hand on Lily's, leading her forward. 

"It'll be okay."

Trembling, Lily followed her. 

"Ah, now I can see you." 

The other balaur leaned in, peering down her spectacles at the trembling human girl. 

"She's new..." 

She looked appraisingly at Sunica. 

"She's yours?"

Sunica started, squirming, her tail curling and uncurling, 

"She is."


There was a shift in tone and something passed between the two that Lily didn't quite catch. The human girl glanced between the two of them--but her translation spell wasn't giving her anything for the mere insinuation. Lily bit her lip, wishing she knew the culture better.

"My Miss Human needs at least one set of winter clothing." 

Sunica was digging through the large bag she had brought, 

"I, uh, I have five ice mink furs I can barter on."

"Mmm. I can do two sets of linen undergarments and one set of wool over clothes for all five. Simple make, of course. It'd serve for all five--aah, is that fox I see?"

Sunica paused. 

"Uhm, yes?"

"Leave it. I'll use it for the lining."

Sunica nodded.

 "Yes ma'am."

That done, the attention swung back to Lily. 


"Me?" Lily squeaked.

"Arms out straight. Legs down. Chin up. Don't slump."

Lily blinked, then swallowed hard and stood as told. Somewhere past the fear, she wanted to laugh. She was literally being told to T pose, like a video game character. It felt absurd. 

"Good. [Obtain Their Measure]." 

Marici jotted a few lines on a ledger and swiped the six furs up in one arm. She immediately turned to head into the back again, and called over her shoulder.

"Good, good. You can go. Come back in an hour. No loitering." 

Sunica gave a half bow and, thanking her, pulled Lily back to the street.

Lily stood there stunned for a second, before turning to her companion.

“I have so many questions.”

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