Guard With a Knife

Chapter 1001

Eight hundred and ninety: [Ask you how w

Frankly speaking, the puppy is also a little depressed.

Now that the people of corrupt countries don’t engage in foundational work, what do they mean by running over to engage in me? Lalang is not so pulled.

If it weren’t for the British box office of the company’s first huge investment in “Beauty and the Beast,” he would really go crazy.

What are the questions?

“Tonight you made three three-pointers. Do you think it was because of Emma Watson? Did you think of Watson’s beautiful figure when you shot?”

The puppy was pursing his mouth.

He would rather people say that he made a three-pointer as a bad luck, rather than say that it was because of his deep love for Watson.

No matter where this is, this is the biggest humiliation to one’s hard work.


“Yeah. Thanks to the fans at the scene for cheering for me. I fully feel the care and love of the British people for me. Thank you everyone.”

The little duke said with a smile on his face.

What else can he say? The night before, Daphne had already called from overseas, and she told Snoopy to follow the mood of the British people as much as possible. The big production of “Beauty and the Beast” is related to the survival of the company, and there is an urgent need for the big ticket warehouse of English. If they want to set up CP, let them do it, gritted their teeth, just treat it as a grievance for me.

Daphne is talking about this.

What can the puppy say?

However, he was depressed about Daphne’s arrangement of Emma Watson to have dinner with him.


Daphne’s answer is: to make a full set of plays!

Snoopy is really going crazy. He roared deep in his heart: Daphne, you stupid woman. You don’t even know my charm, you are sending sheep to the tiger’s mouth!

But it feels weird to say this kind of thing, no one is so narcissistic.

But the facts always cannot be denied by human beings.

Snoopy and Emma Watson had dinner at the best Michelin restaurant in London, and they both behaved elegantly. Since there is no Mr. Alex who is noisy and likes to smell sneakers as a light bulb, the atmosphere is very harmonious.

“So, are you going back to the hotel later?” Emma Watson suddenly shifted the topic from the shooting fun of “Beauty and the Beast” to personal issues.

This turn caught the puppy off guard. He subconsciously pulled at his clothes. He is now a little nervous: he is about to start, and he must be ready to take me to an unknown place and take advantage of my unfamiliar place in life. Am I doing it?

“Well, yes, because there will be a game tomorrow afternoon. The opponent is Argentina.” Duque said sternly.

Although my heart is flustered as a dog, the surface is still very calm.

“Oh. Forget it.” Watson said suddenly.

The puppy is still a little bit disappointed. After all, Watson is really good. In high school, the girl who likes this feeling is the most favorite. At a certain moment, he suddenly wanted to say: What is this? How can I forget it?

“I wanted to take you to visit a very unique castle, the house of a noble duke in the 16th century…” Emma Watson continued.

At this time, the puppy actually subconsciously said: “I have almost ten days in the UK, we have a chance.”


Emma Watson was a little surprised, and then there was an unconcealable surprise on her face: that’s why she couldn’t get the Oscar.

“So when will you have time?” Watson continued, she couldn’t wait.

“Well… after the group stage.” The puppy also replied subconsciously.

The two people felt like two junior high school students tempting each other walking on a thin sheet of window paper.

God knows when it will be pierced, and then we will meet each other.

The scene of the two having dinner in the restaurant has been reluctant to say goodbye on the corner of the street and failed to escape the magical British journalists: after all, they are the fastest journalists in the world.

When Snoopy woke up and saw overwhelming reports.

He did not have any accidents.

However, the teammates of the national team kept joking: Brother Du, where did you go and sleep? There are female stars all over the world. Really greedy.

Guo Ailun spoke the mood of all players in standard Northeast Mandarin.

Both are basketball players, why is he so strong? We can only go to the American blockbuster female celebrities to watch in the movie theaters. Can he handle it calmly? What’s the difference?

“Isn’t the difference obvious enough? Do you speak English?” Wang Shipeng murmured beside him.

“What you said is the biggest injury to Brother Yi and Brother Wang.” Xiao Guoli boldly took out two former NBA players as a shield.

The two didn’t expect to be able to lie down in the corner by themselves.

“We are not good at this.” Brother Wang explained in a majestic manner.

But how could it sound so unconvincing.

However, it is interesting. As Snoopy crossed the paint area under FIBA ​​rules, these two spatial power forwards immediately grew by leaps and bounds. What they cast is called a comfortable one. Anyway, the defensive end only needs to manage the defense, and the offensive end is in a good position to catch the ball. Duge has some ways to create space for them.

This makes Boozer of the US team envious.

Old Bu is now in a very difficult situation with the US team, because he offended all the superstars when he was in the Bulls. His position in the team is no different from transparency. The ball handler led by James Durant doesn’t pass the ball to him at all.

Although Kobe Bryant sometimes speaks to the little Duke in the face of him, but the key is that Bryant is born not to pass the ball.

Therefore, Boozer is no different from this one now. The only thing he can do every day is to carry this bag to the stadium, and then bring the bag back. At most, two cutscenes are played in garbage time, which has no practical meaning.

This made him full of resentment, and he vowed that I will not let any of you here next season.

Therefore, he was full of resentment in the phone call to Snoopy, talking about how he was bullied by those losers in the US team. But at the same time he emphasized that his revolutionary stance is very firm. I have never done anything to shame the Bulls. I will show off my championship ring in front of them every day!


At first Snoopy thought that James was indeed too much, but I heard that he showed off the championship ring every day. Isn’t this… deliberately irritating people?

“Be low-key Boozer.” The puppy quickly persuaded.

Boozer didn’t want to bear it for a moment: “I can’t wait for the new season to start immediately. All dance in front of them!!”

Carlos gritted his teeth on the phone.

Then, the call was quickly interrupted. Before the call was interrupted, Doug heard LeBron James’ voice.

That’s so awkward!

The puppy shook his head helplessly.

However, at this time he did not have the mind to care about Carlos Boozer’s personal feelings. The most important thing at the moment is to get the first place in Group B. Only in this way can we avoid encountering the American team in Group A in the knockout round: after all, the world knows that the American team has already fixed the first place in Group A.

However, Argentina and Germany have the same ideas as Snoopy.

These two strong teams also have card dreams. They don’t want to meet the American team in the knockout or semifinals. What if they do?

So that afternoon. The confrontation between the Chinese team and Argentina showed an extremely stalemate.

Argentina’s Nocioni, Scola, Ginobili, Delfino and other veterans all joined together, and the Pampas Eagles are determined to win this victory.

Overall, Argentina’s lineup is at least two grades stronger than the Chinese team. After all, this team retained the main team that defeated the US team that year.

However, Snoopy is too prominent.

The little duke demonstrated his strength and versatility in this game.

He completely dominated Scola in the paint zone, which once caused the US team to be devastated. As the most cunning inside player in the FIBA ​​system, Scola, his slippery and intense confrontation makes the NBA’s super insiders extremely uncomfortable, because FIBA ​​has no three-second rule. He can even keep rubbing against you like this.

However, he met Snoopy.

Snoopy’s advantages restrained him in all directions.

In terms of strength, the Duke can hold him up to the point where he can’t make progress. In terms of fake moves, the Duke has never suffocated the offensive kaleidoscope of Pierce and Anthony in the NBA. Scola writhed and wanted to embarrass the Duke, Too-young! Naive!

In the first quarter, Scola ate 2 caps. In the second quarter, the little duke handed over the offense to Guo Ailun, and went straight into the paint area, hitting him two consecutively: the little duke’s back-up singles were only afraid of those with the best physical fitness, but like Scola. This kind of floor flow, he is accurate.

Seeing that the ace insider Scola became the Duke’s cash machine, the Argentine coach quickly replaced him, and the entire second half only allowed him to play soy sauce for 3 minutes.

And when the game enters the perimeter projection and breakthrough battle.

The little duke fully proved why he is the number one player in the NBA. Ginobili is old after all. Although his head is bald, he hasn’t become stronger because of it The former Bulls player also tried to make a counterattack in the fourth quarter. , But Snoopy only took three rounds to annihilate him: this easy process is like a 1981 police officer who easily killed Ding Xinglai, a blind man who claimed to be the emperor in the Dabie Mountains.

finally. The veteran team under the FIBA ​​system collapsed after forcibly continuing their lives for three and a half quarters.

Snoopy used two precise three points to see them off.

Coupled with the continuous shooting of Yi Jianlian and Wang Zhizhi, the Pampas Eagles smashed the English Channel.

Amidst the cheers of the audience like a concert, the Duke raised his hands and walked towards the player channel.

Then it’s Germany and Portugal’s turn.

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