Guard With a Knife

Chapter 1014

Nine Hundred: [Arrogantly Face Ten Thous

If we say that before that, it was the US team that sought physical contact to create extreme pressure.

So now, it’s the other way around.

The players of the Chinese team are trying their best to struggle with the dream team. When the ball had just reached the top of the arc of the three-point line, Zhang Zhaoxu strongly squeezed Tyson Chandler to reach out for the ball…Although everyone knew that his offensive ability was lacking, he still assumed a completely offensive posture.

Sun Yue was also squeezing his former boss Black Mamba with his back.

The Chinese team seemed to be in full bloom in an instant.

They are no longer in the state of waiting for the basketball to pass, criticized by the fans before, but actively show aggressiveness, even though they all know that basketball will not be handed over to them. But… this is also creating opportunities for Duque.

Durant swallowed Durant at the top of the arc of the three-point line. He used sharp changes and lightning pace to form a breakthrough advantage in a flash, and then cut straight into the paint area.

When Tyson Chandler was shaken by Zhang Zhaoxu, LeBron James had to jump in quickly to make up for defense.

However, while he was defending, the Duke’s pass had reached beyond the three-point line.

Zhou Peng, who was knocked over by James in the last round, caught the ball and shot it. His action was very firm, although his hand was a bit hard.

But it does not matter.

boom! The basketball knocked on the hoop and plunged straight into the net…Huh!

With the arrest of basketball, the Chinese team’s lead has been further expanded.

When the game time becomes less and less, the Chinese fans in front of the TV become more and more excited. They finally realized that a great thing is happening: the Chinese team is very likely to defeat the basketball hegemony Dream Team for the first time in history and take a solid step towards the Olympic gold medal.

This scene that I didn’t dare to imagine in my dreams is now very likely to come true.

And what makes this happen is… desperate players on the court.

The Chinese players who returned to the defensive end brazenly built a great wall of flesh and blood under the leadership of Doug: Although their physical fitness is not as good as these NBA superstars, any impact can make them shake, but… after every staggering, All are more determined to meet up!

The dream team has a headache.

They didn’t expect these fragile Chinese guys to drag themselves into the swamp of physical confrontation.

Are these guys afraid of death?

When LeBron James was made an offensive foul, and it was caused by the thinner Sun Yue. In addition to complaining to the referee, their greater depression comes from their ignorance of China as a nation.

This nation is very simple and reticent, and sometimes even seems very dull. Most of the time, it always only cares about one acre of land and pursues the golden mean. However, when he is ready to fight you hard, you will easily see the tenacity and cohesion from them.


Snoopy made a dunk when he rushed into the penalty area in the frontcourt.

This brings the Chinese team’s lead to double digits.

But then, the Dream Team adjusted in time. The technical and tactical capabilities of this group of NBA superstars are unquestionable. As the world’s most powerful team, they quickly put out intensive firepower. Starting from Kevin Durant hitting a three-pointer outside the three-point line, they immediately launched a wave of fierce attacks.

But this wave of fierce and talented offensive frenzy did not crush the Chinese team. Although the score difference was shrinking, the Chinese team’s tenacious defense did not relax for a while, and the offensive end Doug also completed snipers again and again.

As time progressed, the dream team became more and more anxious, and the action on the court became more and more serious. Because they discovered that as a mammoth, they couldn’t trample an ant to death.

This stimulates their self-esteem.

But the self-esteem thing is played out.

puff! puff! puff! boom! boom! boom!

The Chinese team used tough collisions and falling to the ground to show their steel will. This is the reason that prevents the American team from being 5 points behind when the game is 3 minutes away.


At this time, the good news for the US team is that the Chinese team’s physical fitness has reached its limit under high-intensity confrontation. Their footsteps are obviously slowing down, and their breathing is obviously becoming heavier. This kind of defensive defense consumes three times or more than conventional play.

Therefore, the Chinese team called a timeout at this time.

It was called by Doug.

He doesn’t want to give his teammates some rest time. Zhang Zhaoxu has already struggled to get off the court with cramps, Zhou Peng’s physical fitness has already reached its limit, and his running can clearly see the sequelae of his suffering from James’ impact.

Doug doesn’t want any injuries on the team. But the current situation is that everyone’s sense of honor is fully inspired, even if they die on the court to win the game.

“Let me go!” Wang Zhizhi, the oldest of the team, stood up at this moment.

His stamina is not better than these young players, it can be said that he has run out of stamina in the first three quarters. At this time, if you play again, in case something happens, you are probably sitting in a wheelchair to participate in your retirement ceremony.

Doug was about to refuse.

But Wang Zhizhi gave Du Ge a reason that he could not refuse: “I am a soldier, I am a party member!”

At this time, he felt that he had no reason to sit off the court.

“Now the team needs a second offensive point. I can form a dislocation advantage and make shots from beyond the three-point line.”

Lao Wang said firmly and calmly.


Du Ge nodded slightly, and then Yi Jianlian, Zhu Fangyu, and Guo Ailun all joined in.

This lineup basically represents the strongest attacking firepower of the national team.

In the last 3 minutes, the bayonet saw red, and it was time to attack with a fierce attack.

At the same time, the US team also made their final deployment: Chris Paul, Dwyane Wade, Kevin Durant, LeBron James, Tyson Chandler.

Kobe Bryant was excluded from the core lineup.

Frankly speaking, when the whistle sounded and the Dream Team stepped onto the court, the American audience in front of the TV was a little surprised: they were very unaccustomed to games without black Mamba at critical moments.

Does this show that an era has passed?

But even so, he is still the strongest key man voted by all American fans When the camera cuts to Bryant on the bench, the black Mamba is very calm. You can’t tell if he is upset or indifferent, he is as calm as a lake anyway.

The reason why he didn’t play was due to an internal dispute. He believes that the team should switch to Carlos Boozer to increase the mid-range shooting at this time. He feels that the next step is to play steadily, and the half-court position is enough to disintegrate the Chinese team’s lead and win the game.

The young players obviously lost patience, they hope to beat the Chinese team with high frequency and fast pace.

At that time, Black Mamba said: “No one can beat Snoopy at a fast pace.”

He replied from the bottom of his heart: “The only flaw of this guy is that when he is in a positional war, his technical incompleteness will be highlighted.”

However, as Kevin Durant said loudly: “We can beat him at a fast pace.”

Later, James, Wade, and Paul agreed, and D’Antoni nodded secretly.

Bryant closed the wheat.

He doesn’t want to affect the unity within the team. He is no longer the kind of solo personality that everyone must follow my instructions: Of course, thanks to Snoopy. Had it not been for the Duke Dog to shoot his hot face again and again, he might not have been able to mellow so quickly. It is even more impossible to accept the arrogance of these new generation players.

But even if he chose not to debate, he still felt that the arrogance of these guys would be compromised by Snoopy.

I hope… they can win. I hope other players of the Chinese team can’t provide effective support to Snoopy.

When Snoopy kicked off the ball in the front court, Black Mamba prayed silently in his heart.


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