Guard With a Knife

Chapter 1023

908: [The Sinner of History]

Old Du fixed his eyes and saw that his son had fallen into the restricted area of ​​the Chinese team, and his body quickly bent up like a cooked shrimp.

The Chinese player next to him looked concerned, and Marc Gasol of the Spanish team tried very hard to explain that he was not out of malice.

Although the Queen of Sweet Song made an excited voice on the side of the court, she was very worried about her son’s injury. In fact, the three Emma and Daphne around her were in this mood. They were anxious and prayed from the bottom of their hearts one by one, praying that Duke Snoopy would be safe.

At the same time, the big screen overhead began to play back the picture just now.

It turned out… when Zhu Fangyu missed the shot, the Duke rushed to the front court at a speed of 100 meters, and took off like an eagle, volleying to compete for basketball. But at the moment he picked up the basketball, Marc Gasol, who was bullied by him, suddenly looked back, and his left elbow instantly hit Doug’s lower abdomen.

At that time, Doug’s body slammed a bow and then lost control and landed from the sky. Before landing, he gritted his teeth and smashed the basketball on Ibaka’s instep and bounced back to win the ball for the Chinese team.


When Doug fell to the ground in the picture, the entire arena was filled with sighs and screams.

It was really painful to the naked eye, and Marc Gasol was hitting such a fragile place.

Many people even began to worry about the lower body of Lord Duke.

Among them…including three Emma, ​​and many duke girls. Of course the most important thing is the Queen of Sweet Song.

Although she tried her best to keep calm on the surface, she kept beating the drum in her heart: I haven’t held my grandson yet. Don’t have anything to do.

At the same time, the Chinese team doctors and arena medical staff stepped forward and after some diagnosis, brought Du Ge back to the bench.

The two referees, after a collegial discussion, were directly given the penalty of expelling Marc Gasol.

Although Marc Gasol has always claimed that he is innocent, from the picture, his elbow wave is extremely malicious.

Perhaps, he was just a conditioned reflex of someone taking the rebound off his head.

But it’s not wrong to send him off the court.

Although Snoopy was taken to the bench, he refused to return to the locker room for further investigation. He repeatedly emphasized: I will never have anything to do, I am a steel and iron bone, this is just an ordinary flaw.

At that time, he was still breathing in cold air when he was speaking, obviously shaking with pain;

Therefore, the head coach of the national team did not hesitate to choose to press him on the bench.

Although national honor is more important than Mount Tai, he is unwilling to take this adventure.

Although the leaders who came to supervise the battle were a bit regretful, it was surprising that they did not force the head coach because of their performance and political performance.

The times are indeed a little different.

They are no longer the kind of leaders who encourage players to play closed games.

Therefore, it was Wang Zhizhi who finally executed the technical foul free throw.

He easily hit two free throws on the free throw line.

This allowed the Chinese team to narrow the gap to 3 points in the fifth minute of the second quarter.


“Spain loses Marc Gasol, and the Chinese team loses Duke Snoopy. This deal is more cost-effective than the Spanish.”

Bill Walton, sitting in the ESPN live broadcast room, complained.

He was very angry that Marc Gasol did something like that. He almost couldn’t stand any malicious actions on the court after he spent almost his career in injuries.

In this matter, his team is 100% Doug. Although when commenting on NBA games, he often hacked his junior brother. But that’s only because…he repeatedly ravaged the Celtics in the playoffs.

Now, he is playing against Spain on behalf of the Chinese team.

He certainly supports the Chinese team more.

Even from the American perspective, losing to the Olympic champion is better than losing to the Olympic runner-up.

“The Chinese team is in danger.”

Reggie Miller, who was sitting on the other side, was also very worried: “Furthermore, seeing the expressions of the three Emma on the sidelines was terrified, and I was afraid that something worse would happen. Marc Gasol hit this elbow. The place that shouldn’t be hit the most.”

“Actually, don’t worry too much. After all, Snoopy has broken the bridge of the Polish hammer’s nose.” McBryn murmured from the side.

His words comforted the countless female friends who were worried about the matter in front of the TV.

The Chinese team lacking Doug has indeed greatly diminished their skills, although the players are still very active and hardworking.

But both in defensive toughness and offensive fluency, they lack the mainstay. Therefore, the quality of both offense and defense is declining rapidly.

After Spain lacked Marc Gasol, it did not create a huge gap in their system. His brothers Pau Gasol and Ibaka supported the penalty area.

If it weren’t for the perimeter guards, the feel is very bad: Rodriguez, Calderon, and Fernández made 2-of-8 shots in the last five minutes. They had a serious hindrance for Spain to open the score.

So, this is why Spain still only led by 56:48 by 8 points at halftime.

While Spain is slowly gaining the lead, Doug continued to emphasize with the medical and coaching staff: “I really don’t have any problems, I can really play the game.”

“I swear, I have nothing to do.”

“I can’t prove this matter. It really didn’t happen at all. It’s very healthy and very active.”

Frankly speaking, Du Ge was going crazy with what he explained.

Can he still not know his body? Although it was still painful, he was sure that it would not affect anything.

But this matter cannot be proved in the public.

I can’t do that.

Finally Dug gave a final notice: “What’s the difference between letting me sit on the bench and letting me play? Anyway, it is a delay in treatment.”

“Moreover, I can’t give up this Olympic gold medal competition. If I am not allowed to play this time, I will never play for the national team again.”

When Du Ge put this sentence out.

The coaching staff, the medical team, and the leaders of the Sports Bureau supervising the battle all agreed seriously and prudently.

They are under great pressure. Now Doug is a baby bump of the people of the whole country, if he has a little slip. The saliva of the people across the country can drown them or even swallow them.

But now, Doug is so persecuting.


Finally, the head coach sighed. He made a decision: “Okay, I will let you play. But if you have any discomfort, quickly get off the court and rest. I don’t want to delay your life because of this incident, let alone become a sinner in the history of Chinese basketball because of this incident!”

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