Guard With a Knife

Chapter 105

Ninety-four: [1st grade, 2nd ripening]

When Snoopy was flying over the Pacific Ocean with a United Airlines Boeing 747, the American basketball circle found a new ridicule after’actually, I am a point guard’: the mysterious power from Anderson Business School, 5 88.88 million US dollars per year.

The reason is that Phil Knight explained the contract to the angry Kobe team, LeBron team and Durant team at the prom, telling them the truth, Du Ge did not get so much money, and the company did not have it for the time being. Plan for him to launch signature shoes.

Finally, he even showed them the original contract.

The three parties finally extinguished their anger after seeing that the guarantee amount was only 4.88 million and the additional bonus treaty was so harsh.

After the jealousy guard was lifted, the three-party team began to scramble for the right to Du Ge’s sneakers. Nike’s original plan was to hope that Du Ge wore its HD series team shoes, which would help increase the sales of this series.

But now these three teams all hope to use Duger’s skin color to open the market in China, after all, there is rapidly becoming the world’s second largest sneaker sales market.

Nike’s product layout is actually very complete. LeBron James’ sneakers are positioned as a high-end brand, occupying a price range of $200. Because Kobe Bryant switched from Adidas, he has never been Nike’s top card, but his signature still firmly occupies the $180 range. Next is Kevin Durant. His signature shoes are known for their high quality and low price. They are mainly sold and locked in the $150 area.

In terms of product positioning, there is no substantial conflict between them. However, everyone wants to make their brand sales better.

Under the condition that Du Ge does not constitute a positive impact on him, everyone hopes that he can become a gold salesman of his own brand.

So, the three teams began to fight for reasons.

Each has its own reasons. The LeBron team believes that Doug is playing the center position, suitable for his hard and sturdy sneakers.

The Kobe team said that Doug is a highly educated and talented student and should wear the kobe-enomenon series with the highest technological content, so that they complement each other.

As for the Durant team, their right to speak is not high, but they also have reasons: China’s current consumption level cannot keep up, and the KD series of signature shoes are of high quality and low price, which best meets market needs.

The three parties argued inconveniently, and the executives such as Phil Knight were so burnt by them, and finally decided who would not wear the signature shoes, even the previous HD series were also invalidated. Just wear the latest Zoom-HyperREW.

All three returned home in anguish.

Although they were all required not to disclose the specific guaranteed salary of the Dugge contract before leaving.

But, two days later, May 1st.

The “Cleveland Honest Man” suddenly broke the news that Duke Snoopy’s contract is not fully guaranteed, and the amount of protection is only less than 5 million US dollars.

The vowed promise in the report is a first-hand consultation and there is absolutely no falsehood.

This caused the topic that had been slightly less popular to be stirred up again.

Previously, the media had criticized Nike for doing a stupid thing that ‘loses power and humiliated the country’. Now that the truth is revealed, everyone seems relieved, and the American people have finally stood up.

At the same time, they began to tease Dugger in a relaxed tone.

“The popularity of Anderson Business School surpassed the top-ranked Department of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley overnight. The people who can get a full scholarship from them are really not the general population. Our puppy succeeded without the help of an agent. Expansion of a contract worth less than 5 million U.S. dollars into a large order close to 90 million U.S. dollars! Fortunately, he did not continue to work in economics, otherwise I would doubt every data report he has handled.”

“…Our Lord Duke once again demonstrated his IQ. The number 8888 has become mysterious and powerful because of him. It is like a great dream in people’s hearts. It can be easily seen, but there is always no way. touch.”

“…From now on, I don’t think there will be any player in the NBA willing to accept a contract of $88.88 million, and even a contract close to this number of 8866 will be abandoned by them, because from then on, everyone will Doubting the authenticity of 8888 is like people often ask whether 9999 gold is 100% pure gold.”


These ridicules spread through TV media and online media at a very fast speed, and they have generated enthusiastic responses: everyone began to think that this is an interesting thing, especially the number 8888 seems to have been given a new meaning. Many people began to extend it as an unrealized dream, or unrealistic pursuit.

Doug never thought that the contract he signed with Nike would trigger two upsurges of public opinion. He did not intend to conceal the content of the contract, but Nike wanted to deliberately create eyeballs and ambiguously announcing that it had reached a contract worth 88.88 million U.S. dollars with Doug.

But now, this beautiful number has been ridiculed by the American media.

“Because you negotiate the contract with Nike, I only charge you 10,000 US dollars for the contact fee. The perfume and KFC sponsorship are signed by me for you, so I will take 10% of the total contract amount. That’s one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. We will transfer the account from the company…and return it to our account in the form of dividends.”

On the plane, Lin Weiwei began to talk to Du Ge about the share of the sponsorship contract signed before.

Lin Weiwei is a very professional woman, even though she looks a lot like the actress Wang Zuxian and she is still a big breasted version.

“Have you found that your profile is very beautiful?” In a good mood, Du Ge couldn’t help but say something unrelated to work. He looked at Lin Weiwei with appreciation: “Fortunately you don’t look like Nelson. professor.”

Lin Weiwei turned around and rolled her eyes: “So, isn’t my front looking good?”

“Looking at the ridges and peaks on the side, each has its own beauty, and they all look good.” Du Ge praised with his heart.

This made Lin Weiwei raised her eyebrows proudly, and then she said: “Do you like to use Chinese verses when you chase American girls?”

Duge thought about it seriously, and said sincerely: “I don’t seem to have the experience of chasing girls. You American girls are more enthusiastic and always like to kiss me forcibly.”

“Cut, bragging.”

Lin Weiwei turned her head and stopped talking to Du Ge.

Doug is very helpless, thinking I have something to brag about, there are all video records, don’t believe me to check it online.

After 13 hours of flying, the plane finally landed at Pudong Airport.

When getting off the plane, when the sunshine of the motherland shone on him, Du Ge felt refreshed.

He stretched.

I found that I was not as stiff as I imagined. I used to feel stiff when I took a bus from Satmento to Los Angeles in less than 3 hours. But now I have been sitting for thirteen hours, which is not as serious as sitting for 3 hours.

When he went out yesterday, he thought that being in love with Jennifer had no effect.

It seems… it’s still moisturizing things silently.

It’s just that the irritation doesn’t seem so obvious anymore.

But I just think about it again, once it’s reborn and the second is ripe!


【A new day, ask for a recommendation ticket! 】

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