Guard With a Knife

Chapter 1100

Nine hundred and seventy-nine: [The nigh

The Miami Heat is obviously a little jittery.

Snoopy’s super three-pointer made them very nervous, and they had to project too much defensive attention on Doug. Even when Doug ran without the ball, James and Wade’s footsteps followed him unnaturally.

And this… gave the bad old men of the Purple Golden Legion a chance.

When Artest hit a three-pointer at the bottom corner of the three-point line, when Carlos Boozer and Steve Nash played a classic pick-and-roll cooperation, they went down to the paint area to complete a one-handed barely buckle. When Steve Nash kept riding and shooting arrows….

The Purple and Gold Legion that swept the west and made the west’s mighty powers frightened came back.

Pat Riley’s eyes are indeed harsh. He pointedly pointed out that these horrible old men do not have the ability to send charcoal in snow. However, the icing on the cake has always been the housekeeper of the old fried dough sticks.

When the Lord Duke took away a large number of defenses, and Steve Nash was able to thread the needle again, these old guys immediately fired like shotguns.

Although they can’t defend the offensive of the Big Three, their offensive efficiency is even higher than that of the Heat.

This allows the Zijin Army to maintain a two-three-point lead.

When there were 2 minutes left in the game, the Heat suddenly realized that Snoopy hadn’t attacked by himself since he threw the three-pointer. Maybe he didn’t have the ability to vent and project at all. He is the secret of Mingxiu plank road. So, one by one will divert the defensive attention.

Miami had indeed been fooled before, and the luck of Doug’s three-pointer did not mean that his firepower was really on.

However, with three or four minutes of high-speed running, his body did heat up.

When Nash was locked up by Dwyane Wade.

He quickly ran out to take the basketball, and then, after two steps around the three-point line, without even looking for a cover, he shot directly on James… When the basketball was like a precision cruise missile, it instantly penetrated the rim.


James was dumbfounded.

Is the fire control radar turned on or not?

He can’t figure it out.

Soon, Doug told him with the second three-pointer: It’s on!

Then, the fans in Miami consciously began to exit.

Can’t play anymore.

As long as the duke dog’s projection is turned on, who can stop it? The twelve-star shining dream team couldn’t stop his madness, can Miami be able to stop it?

To be honest, this makes Du Ge a little depressed. What he wanted to say in his heart was: It’s really not that scary. It just feels a little smoother for me, it doesn’t mean that I am hitting a hundred shots. You have watched it for so long. Anyway, you have also seen the finale! Give your team some face.

The departure of the fans accelerated Miami’s defeat in a sense.

Although James worked hard in the next two offenses, and assisted Wade hit a three-pointer.

But he couldn’t stop Snoopy from shooting 2 of 3 from beyond the three-point line, and Whiteside grabbed the missed three-pointer and added 2 points.

Miami just lost.

The process is still very exciting, and there is still no suspense in the ending.

Although they once pushed the Purple and Golden Legion to a desperate situation in the first three quarters, they even let Kobe Bryant do their best to fight to the end of cramps. But in the end, as Snoopy threw a three-pointer, a group of old fritters fell into trouble: The Miami Big Three lost like this.

Looking back, can you say that LeBron James didn’t play well? With 32 points, 11 assists, 8 rebounds, 2 steals, and 1 block, he is still outrageous in all aspects, and those with high efficiency can still compete with any ancient sage.

However, if you lose, you lose.

Although Pat Riley tried to explain in the locker room after the game: at least this game we have figured out the Lakers’ limits. Kobe Bryant will definitely have less playing time in the next game. As long as we lead more in the first three quarters and restrain Snoopy, winning will be easy. We still have a 45 percent chance of reversing this series.

However, the frustration of the Big Three is still beyond words.

LeBron James even sat in the locker in silence for almost fifteen minutes, and he did not lift his head for a long time.

The pictures of the past flashed in my mind like a movie slideshow.

He thought of the scene where he was sought after by the United States in high school, the scene where he signed his name on a record endorsement contract, the scene where he came to Cleveland as the No. 1 pick, and the scene when he led the team to the finals. Second limelight.

At that time, I was the absolute pride of heaven.

But why did everything change when Snoopy entered the league.

Why should I join Miami?

LeBron James deeply doubted the decision he made in the summer of 2010. He originally thought he could get everything he wanted in Miami. At that time, he even thought that the Big Three could monopolize all championships. After all, the Boston Celtics were exhausted at that time, and the Purple and Golden Legion was no longer sustainable. The remaining Chicago Bulls and Oklahoma City Thunder are young people with inexperience.

Everything is under control.

So he took great risks and accused him of betraying his hometown in public.

However, who would have thought of Snook’s rapid rise? He sniped the Heat twice in the Eastern Conference, and finally watched him die to join the Lakers in the Western Conference this season. He did not play well in the regular season. All championship targets tended to Miami. I don’t know that they broke out in the playoffs without warning, swept the Nuggets and got a quadruple, swept the Thunder, swept the Spurs, and now, it seems that the Heat will be swept soon.

“Our problem is inside. We don’t have a good number five.”

Dwyane Wade suddenly opened a critical meeting: “Whiteside, Milicic and even Jordan Hill can have an advantage on defense. We need a top blue-collar center. If we don’t solve this problem, we will never want to kill the Lakers. !”

Listening to the Flash, he seems to be targeting the offseason signings.

But… can the salary space in Miami bear the current prices? A top blue-collar center, at least 15 million start prices.

Pat Riley felt so distressed when he thought of this: Why is the Lakers so strong and the salary space still so healthy? Where did they get the information and why they can sign so many high-quality and cheap top blue-collar centers.

At the same time, Snoopy stood in front of the reporters and said very sincerely: “Miami is very strong. You must do your best to play with them, and it takes some extra luck. Fortunately, our luck in these two games is still Not bad.”

The reporters automatically regarded this passage as unnourished humility.

However, this is indeed the case for Dugge.

If in the last quarter of these two games, he didn’t let himself move quickly and grasp the touch, it may be the Miami Heat that leads 2-0.

Although the final scores of the two games are relatively disparity, but the masters make a move, and the slightest difference is a thousand miles away.

Therefore, Du Ge has always kept a clear head.

Compared with the caution of the Lord Duke.

Xiao Artai and others are very optimistic. Although there is no effort in the finals, they shout louder than anyone else: “Facts have proved…the Big Three team is wrong. Why do you want to form such a group of super teams? Isn’t it good like our Lakers? A superstar, an old superstar who is about to retire, plus a group of experienced veterans, and a group of motivated young people, such a team is healthy, balanced and harmonious. ”

“For the game, there is actually nothing to say. We won as always, it’s that simple!”

Little Artai became more and more choked.

The Lakers fans who are even worse than him are the Lakers fans. Recently, the Lakers fans have been stunned by the air. Anyone who encounters fans of any other team is one sentence: the Lakers championship!

Kupchak thought these guys were a little too proud.

“It’s not going to work like this. We have to save some character, we can’t show off like this. You see, the second game won a lot less points than the first. Let’s keep a low profile!” Kupchak confronted the young man more than once. Buss said.

Therefore, Bass restrained and emphasized on TV: “I hope we Lakers fans keep quiet, you continue to celebrate like this, we can’t sweep the championship! Keep the joy in your heart, okay?”


It’s better not to emphasize so much.

This is much worse than shouting ‘Lakers Championship’.

However, the conscience of heaven and earth, Little Buss really wants fans to act low-key from the heart.

Of course!

As a Lakers shareholder, Ms. Daphne is very satisfied with the two games won by the Purple and Gold in Miami.

Coupled with the group of turbulent fans and Little Buss, the market value of the Lakers club has risen wildly under the jealousy of other teams. Now her investment with the Duke Girl Foundation has almost doubled by 1.8 times, which is equivalent to saying that Snoopy has joined the Lakers. Since then, their market value has nearly doubled. Moreover, it is still rapidly expanding. I believe that after the end of the season, all the financial reports will be released, and all shareholders will usher in a surge of assets!

and so.

When Ms. Daphne hurried back to Los Angeles from Orlando, she decided to celebrate with Doug, the greatest hero.

In fact, before she did this, the members of the Duke Girl Foundation had already held a unity and friendship congress with Lord Duke.

The meeting was very successful and satisfactorily met the strong demands of all members.

Lord Duke also got great satisfaction and recharge from the members.

This makes him more confident to contribute to the club.

And when he sat opposite Ms. Daphne in the sky restaurant, he obviously lost the domineering attitude in the meeting. He appeared very cautious.

“Why did you suddenly think of inviting me to eat in a place like this?”

Doug is a little unaccustomed to appearing with Ms. Daphne in such romantic places.

“We haven’t officially dated yet.” Miss Daphne reminded with a smile, and then she looked at the dim lights of downtown Los Angeles. The view of this sky restaurant was very wide.

However, from this perspective, Daphne is really good-looking.

Du Ge couldn’t help reaching out and grabbing Daphne’s left hand. He said, “Today’s night is so beautiful.”

Daphne was a little surprised and the smile on the corners of her mouth flowed out uncontrollably.

This is a fun, sweet, and ambiguous dinner.

Both sides showed emotions cautiously.

When they finished their dinner and walked out of the restaurant. The Los Angeles reporters who were moved by the wind had been waiting for a long time, and it had been a long time since they had tracked the emotions of Lord Duke.

“After this season, my personal relationship problems will come to a successful conclusion.”

Du Ge said to the flashing spotlight.

Then they took Daphne’s hand and walked into the car without shy. They will return to the Duke’s castle.

I hope this time, no more reckless professors will come and knock on the door to interrupt.

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