Guard With a Knife

Chapter 1102

Nine hundred and eighty-one: [The troubl

Although the acting skills shown by Kupchak and Bass did not reach the Oscar level.

But… it still sparked a lot of discussion in the media: If Kobe Bryant can’t play, can the Lakers win the next game?

Those fans who chanted the Lakers championship on the Internet also gradually became low-key. These days, the posts of the Lakers championship have obviously decreased. The slogan of BEAT-LA has clearly risen.

The Zijin Army swept this way and offended how many fans of the team. And… the Lakers fans were so arrogant and so high-profile before. I can’t help people not come and fall into trouble.

When Pat Riley appeared in front of the camera, even though he tried very hard to control his smile, he still ran out from the corner of his mouth.

“Snoopy is very strong, he is really strong. The Lakers will still be difficult to deal with, and we will not take it lightly.”

He repeatedly emphasized.

However, everyone knows that no matter how powerful the Lord Duke is, he is only an individual. His offensive firepower has always been a problem, and the Lakers, the old, weak, and handicapped, have proven that they can’t help in the defensive intensity of the Finals. They are destined to be a group of icing on the cake.

“Do you think the Big Three in Miami are like soft persimmons?”

Pat Riley finally burst into laughter in the locker room before the game, where he didn’t have to pretend at all. “We won this game and reversed the situation in the finals! Come on!!!”

Pat Riley said strongly.

He could feel that the morale in the locker room was freezing fast. Originally the first two games were about to be beaten by Snoopy, who knows that the situation has changed suddenly, Kobe Bryant actually has water in his knees.

God is on Miami’s side.

He must have seen the efforts of the Big Three… How much ridicule and ridicule the Big Three have received for this championship. Finally…Finally, even God was moved, and its tears fell on Black Mamba’s knees.

The veteran who has won five championships should also rest.

As for Snoopy, he is still young, isn’t he? What’s more, he already has two championships and two MVP trophies, so why not give it to Miami this time?

Our Big Three don’t need much now, as long as one championship can keep face. No one wants to say that it is not one, not two, not three, not four… this kind of dry talk.

Doug obviously doesn’t know the mental journey of the Big Three in Miami, and he has no intention of exploring what makes the Big Three in the pinnacle group silent and low-key.

He just spent time in the boudoir with Daphne, who had a good taste in the morning, and got on his new pickup truck and went straight to the Staples Arena from the French palace.

The weather in Los Angeles has a hint of summer heat in early June.

The billboards on both sides of the fast lane don’t know when they have been quietly replaced with their own images, and they say McDonald’s Family Bucket warmly celebrates Duke Snoopy’s winning the third finals MVP trophy in his career.

On the other side of the billboard is a photo of Kobe Bryant, which says Havana chicken chop celebrating Kobe Bryant’s sixth championship in his career.

Quite a bit of a fight against the table.

From this path past Staples, basically all the billboards were rounded up by Lord Duke and Kobe Bryant: Snoopy’s ads accounted for about 80% of them, and Kobe played the side ball. No way, in terms of commercial value, although Kobe Bryant is also good, but after all, it is still far away.

In the recent period, Daphne upholds the policy of ‘sweeping the wool’ and has carried out sinking money in the California area. Although many brands are not international big names, they don’t pay a lot of money at all. And they don’t need to shoot commercials, just throw two photos over, and they can do it by themselves.

It’s no problem to get hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars for a picture.

No wonder everyone wants to develop in big cities.

Staples Arena was full of more than 20,000 fans before night fell, and the enthusiastic celebration began before half past six.

Although people already know the news that the black Mamba will not be able to play tonight, the enthusiasm of the fans has not been discounted.

The big deal is losing!

The Lakers fans are very indifferent. They have won 14 consecutive games, and it doesn’t matter if they lose one game.

Zijin fans feel quite rich.

In comparison, the Miami Heat seem to be complacent. They are like someone who has finally caught a life-saving straw in a desperate situation. As long as this wins, they may be able to fight back.

Therefore, before the game they performed a grand ceremony, like a witchcraft, James dangling in the crowd, and kept hitting his body, a factory ceremony was stupefied by them for three or four minutes.

The TV station’s Kenny Smith was a little drunk: “Can’t you just throw a powder? Why do you engage in such a mysterious ritual?”

While he said this, James walked to the technical stage, grabbed a handful of magnesium powder, and felt a long-lost release.

“He’s really been holding back for too long. This game is of great significance to him. As the chosen son, he has not proven that he can win in the finals.” Charles Barkley said and said again. Heartbroken: “He is the only superstar who has been swept in the finals since the new century. Of course, that was still in 2007.”


Earl Johnson felt that this might really hurt the hearts of James fans. He quickly said: “He has a great chance of winning this game. Kobe Bryant entered the game in a suit tonight. The lack of black Mamba’s purple gold The Legion is missing the most important scoring blade.”

When Earl Johnson spoke, players from both sides had already entered the field.

The Lakers lineup shocked the commentator.

Byron Davis, Snoopy, Ron Artest, Antoine Jamison and Whiteside made their debut.

“This is an authentic combination of old, weak, sick and disabled.”

Kenny Smith couldn’t help but vomit: “Does the Duke count on Ron Artest and Jamison to be the main scorers? It might have been ten years earlier, but now?”

“The Lakers may have given up the game. They should be training for the next game. In the second half of the regular season, they often do this kind of experimental lineup run-in.”

Earl Johnson said.

In fact, the players of the Miami Heat thought the same way, including the audience.

After all, the first two games have proved the attributes of this group of veterans.


As the whistle sounded, Whiteside and Chris Bosh took off at the same time…pop!

Whiteside took the basketball with his youth and strength, and Byron Davis immediately took control of the basketball.

Afterwards, he steadily moved forward, not at all going to make a quick offensive with the Heat.

What makes the commentator even more surprising is that… Snoopy actually stood in the triangle to attack Kobe Bryant, when he was leaning on Dwyane Wade with his back.

Even Barkley, the **** dog, couldn’t figure it out: “What the **** is going on?”

Subsequently, Byron Davis quickly passed the ball to Snoopy.

Snoopy took the basketball, immediately lowered his center of gravity, he arched back hard…His power immediately formed an overwhelming effect.

The stressed Dwyane Wade suddenly felt miserable: it was much harder than defending Kobe. Kobe is cunning like a fox and scheming, and Snoopy is completely overwhelmed by Tarzan.

God knows how tired defending these two guys is.

Fortunately, Snoopy is flawed.

The Flash found space in the gap between retreats and quickly made a pounce. He tried to disrupt Dugg’s dribbling rhythm. Forcing him to shoot quickly…because everyone knows that Snoopy’s turn-over jump shots in the positional battle are quite bleak, and he is more of a quick shot!


Just as he quickly moved forward to try to steal, Doug suddenly turned around, his body was smoother than Kobe Bryant, and directly avoided Wade’s steal.

Afterwards, he leaned back and jumped with incomparable dexterity, the movements were elegant and elegant, and there was an indescribable sense of freedom.

When he jumped to the highest point, he then shot the basketball.

There were many uncontrollable cheers in the arena.

The action is so handsome.

Much more handsome than Kobe Bryant.


Black Mamba sat on the bench with a stiff expression. In the past two days, his feeling is: What else is better than Snoopy? What else can I teach him? Is this the loneliness that is completely surpassed?

His psychology has not yet adjusted.


At this time, the fans on the scene have already exclaimed incredible amazement as the basketball hits the basket.

Such a goal is never very rare.

Duke Snoopy actually finished?

Has he improved again?

Everyone is looking forward to discovering surprises in their hearts.

However, the camera swept over, and the Lakers bench was calm. The Black Mamba looked at the stadium blankly, and Steve Nash even bit his fingers boredly.

What exactly is going on? Isn’t it strange?

The fans in front of the TV and the commentators in the commentary booth were speculating.

In fact, what they didn’t know was…Steve Nash had already madly dialed the phone to Europe yesterday, and he was starting to prepare his suit after winning the championship. Laona has always been a decent man… For the first time in his life, he won a championship. You have to make your image more elegant and charming.

In this regard, Kobe Bryant has no extra pursuit.

He is just thinking…how many more championships can I win in my form?

Seven? Eight? nine?

amount…. Too much is not good.

Bryant is not a greedy person, he thinks nine are the best. You can also make a digital combination with Michael Jordan’s 6 championships.

Dwyane Wade was obviously a little unexpected, he did not expect Du Ge to complete the jumper so easily.

LeBron James also quickly made a reversal gesture with him. If the defensive singles play, James has an advantage in size.

Looking back, LeBron easily broke through Artest’s defense, but after rushing in, Jamison forced a foul on him.

He had to go to the free throw line.

Then, when he made a free throw, Jamison suddenly walked up and said a trash saying: “If you can’t make two free throws, you will lose the game.”

This sentence makes James very familiar.

In 2005, he led the Cavaliers in the sixth game with Arenas and the Wizards led by Jamison. Finally entered the overtime game, Arenas took the free throw line with the team leading by 1 point. At that time, the young and energetic James stepped up and said a rubbish: “If you miss this free throw Then you will know who will hit the winning ball!”

That sentence made the general who made up to 80% of free throws missed two free throws.

Subsequently, James assisted Damon Jones to hit the lore. What’s interesting is that Damon Jones later became the spokesperson of a well-known sports brand in China with this lore.

James has always been complacent with this rubbish, he talks about it in many scenes.

But I didn’t expect it to go around for eight years. The old Jamison actually returned this sentence.

Although he pretended to smile easily.

But there was still invisible pressure accumulated in my heart.

Then…bang bang!

Both penalties were lost, and the middle-aged king was like the general of the year.

It seems to be a weird reincarnation.

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