Guard With a Knife

Chapter 1104

983: [Los Angeles Reemployment Center]

Miami did improve the offensive and defensive rhythm in the second half. It has to be said that the hard power of the Big Three is still there.

If it weren’t for the monster of Duke Snoopy in the Purple and Golden Legion, they would be the most dominant combination in the league today.

However… the sky is dead!

Lord Duke violently ascended the throne in Los Angeles. While the Big Three carried out a fierce offensive, he used violence to control violence.




Three consecutive unreasonable three-pointers made Miami miserable, and the Big Three were even more distressed.

If you keep playing like this, this guy has to make a six to seventy mark in the finals.

They quickly slowed down and focused on defense.

But once they fell into position, Snoopy also lowered the rhythm accordingly. Now that he has a stable projection ability, he also has a great advantage in positional warfare. When he falls into the strong side to open a singles situation, whether it is double-teaming or single defense, he is always capable of getting kills.

He who made up for the last shortcoming is like a peerless master who has opened up the second line of the governor and governor. He is extremely lethal in every gesture. Whether it is shooting, passing or breaking through, he has reached a level of freedom.

With the relative strength of their teammates, no matter how fierce the Miami Big Three are, they can’t recover the 20-point difference. They can only watch the game move forward.

Although everyone knows that the Big Three are unwilling, so what?

“They were born in the wrong era!” Charles Barkley said calmly: “Although this is cruel, there is no way. There can only be one protagonist in any legend. In the nineties it was Michael Jordan…”

“And now, it’s Snoopydu’s dynasty.”

Barkley said this during a timeout in the third quarter. No one has any doubts, even the most critical critics. At this moment, they are all thinking…what gorgeous words should be used to describe Snu in this game. Than the duke.

38 points, 14 assists, 10 rebounds, 2 steals and 2 blocks.

This is the data sent by the Duke of Snoopy in the three quarters. It took him 36 minutes to prove that he is already a star of another level.

“He reached the state of Michael Jordan back then.”

Kobe Bryant told Steve Nash very seriously from the bench.

But Nash has a completely different view: “I think he may be a little bit higher than Michael Jordan. Back then, the Utah Jazz and other teams could give the Chicago Bulls some threats. However, you think Miami can take even one. Is the festival triumphant?”

Kobe Bryant thought for a while and said rigorously: “Theoretically, it still exists.”

Nash gave him an angry look, and muttered in his heart: Do you still believe in the theory? If you believe in the theory, you won’t be so crazy to shoot.

“As long as you don’t go crazy for the next game, I can put on the championship cap and lift the O’Brien Cup immediately.”

In addition to slandering Steve Nash, he did not forget to emphasize.

This makes Black Mamba quite uncomfortable.

In the fourth quarter of the game, the Big Three launched the final impact, they once approached the point difference to 11 points. However, as Lord Duke made an 8:0 attack wave from inside and outside, he hit an ultra-long three-pointer again.

They simply raised their hands and asked for a time-out and stopped fighting.

It’s no longer necessary.

Snoopy’s score went straight to fifty points.

Lord Duke is also very easy-going. When the Big Three came off the field, he quickly threw a three-pointer to freeze the score to 49, and immediately ended. The 50-point super triple-double in the finals… is not that important to him, it’s just a nickname.

Moreover, God knows how hard he will be beaten by the **** of Little Artai after getting this super record.

It’s not that he feels distressed about money, mainly because he and Daphne have enjoyed their bedroom time very much recently, and the feeling of communication between lightning and meteorite makes him linger. He doesn’t want to stay outside: only those men who care about their homes go outside to socialize every day.

“Why don’t you shoot a basket anymore?” Kobe Bryant asked puzzledly: “Actually, with your touch tonight. It’s easy to break the single-game scoring record in the Finals, only 61 points.”

Dug shrugged his shoulders.

Then he said a sentence that will always remain on the historical record: “Recording this kind of thing is like a cloud to me, if I want to, I can average 61 points in any series…”


Bryant’s eyes widened, and he felt like he wanted to kill.

Snoopy, you have changed. How do you learn from Larry Bird now? You can’t be the king! You must be a good young man who is modest and prudent.

But he didn’t know that Doug was really honest. If you don’t think about winning or losing, averaging 61 points per game is really easy.

128: 109.

When the final whistle sounded, the Lakers easily defended the home court.

Staples Arena has long become a sea of ​​joy, and everyone is boiling presumptuously, and then shouting the name of Snoopy.

The performance of Lord Duke tonight made the people of Los Angeles feel the supreme glory. Everyone knows that the purple and gold army that has established a reputation in history is back.

And come back in an unrivaled posture;

“This is just the beginning.”

After the game, Kupchak rushed to the reporters. He was no longer the way he wiped his tears when he was interviewed before the game: “We have every reason to believe that…our dynasty has begun. In fact, when Snu I knew the result better than the moment I joined the Lakers. At that time, I even remembered what LeBron said when he joined Miami: not one, not two, not three, not four, not five… …Yes, only those words can represent my mood.”

Kupchak was a little smug.

If his sadness was pretended before, then his joy now is real and open.

For this reason, he even sprinkled a handful of industrial salt on LeBron’s fragile mind.

LeBron James refused media access after the game, as well as Dwyane Wade.

Chris Bosh was placed in the post-match press conference. He repeatedly emphasized: “The series is not over yet, and Miami is still fighting. We still have a chance!”

But in fact, the Los Angeles reporters in the audience couldn’t bear to continue asking him questions.

The Big Three are under tremendous pressure and expectations. Any basketball fan expects them to come together in 2010 more than just a championship.

But now, three years.

They had no results, and the best result was this year’s Eastern Conference championship, or because of Snoopy’s transfer from Chicago to Los Angeles.

What can I say?

Can the fourth game be won?

Even the most optimistic musician can only talk about Chopin’s sadness at this moment.

“Actually, there are no tactics to win this game. We are simply strong.” Little Artest was eloquent at the press conference, quite proud: “I’ll just tell you that. Even the pinnacle Jordan is standing in LeBron James. In the position, we can still win the game.”

Little Artest’s broken mouth is undoubtedly arguing with Snoopy again.

What he said, not only despised LeBron James, but also overwhelmed the **** of basketball.

This is simply the art of picking things up.

Lord Duke didn’t bother to care about what little Artest said in the media at this time. He couldn’t wait to return home, and then went straight to the bedroom.

Daphne gave him happiness beyond words.

“Are we going to have a baby?”

In the early morning of the next day, Daphne suddenly mentioned this to Snoopy.

This made Lord Duke stunned for a while.

Have a baby?

This is completely out of his calculation range.

He thought for a while and said: “Let’s go with the flow!”

The Duke was calm, and after kissing Daphne’s forehead, he stepped towards the living room.

As soon as I turned on the TV, I found that ESPN was actively discussing whether Snoopy is stronger or Michael Jordan is stronger.

This made him feel quite speechless. What is there to discuss about this hypothetical issue of Guan Gong vs. Qin Qiong?

However, after changing the station, he saw Kobe Bryant’s poker face.

“In my understanding, Snoopy is a stronger player than Michael Jordan. Of course, I mean the overall ability. In some aspects, Michael still has some advantages. For example, height…score experience and the like…”

Well, the black mamba is also stuck.

Lord Duke had to turn off the TV.

Then, he received a call from Steve Nash.

Mr. Nash called over to find a job for his old buddy Sean Marion. Sean Marion recently found a relationship with Steve. He already wanted a championship ring and thought he was going crazy.

So, he called Nash here.

Then Nash called Kupchak.

Kupchak performed on the spot what was meant to be the shopkeeper. He told Steve: “If Snoopy agrees, I will agree. But you have to prepare Sean Marion for the salary.”

Nash quickly promised that salary is definitely not a problem, he just wants a championship.

Then, Kupchak laughed: “Then do you mind telling Sean Marion and let him pour the Lakers a sum of money. You know, there are too many people wanting to join the Lakers now, and we are a champion guarantee unit. ,iron rice bowl!”


Nash mumbled shamelessly at the time, and then called Snoopy.

Snoopy has really received a lot of these kinds of calls recently too many sunset red players want to get a championship ring. Just like Karl Malone, Payton, and Charles Barkley. Back then, they were all holding their thighs for the championship to accept the basic salary.

“After the season is over, you can ask him to come to the Lakers for an interview. If the competitive state is good, it can also be considered.” Doug gave Nash a face. Of course, Sean Marion has his own abilities. As long as the competitive state is okay for his mobile power forward, a basic salary of 1.8 million is still worth the price.

The Lakers’ salary space is very healthy now, with two maximum salaries, plus a middle-class contract for Nash. Most of the others are hovering at the base salary.

With the current trend of these old players in the league, the Lakers can even sell their picks for some cash.

After all…With these laid-off re-employed members, the child labor contract can be released a little later.

When the Lakers began to prepare for the lineup next season.

The Miami media also broke a heavy news about signing for next season! !

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