Guard With a Knife

Chapter 114

One hundred and two: [Red and White War]

Half an hour before the start of the game, the Orlando training camp has already gathered big names. Almost all of the 30 teams in the league have come. Some teams that failed to make the playoffs or were eliminated early, even the head coach and the general manager. Together, the lineup is far stronger than the draw a week ago.

Not only the general manager and head coach of the Dallas Mavericks, but also the owner Mark Cuban. Although they have no lottery picks this year, this year is the draft year. Even the Chicago Bulls, who holds the No. 1 pick, do not rule out the possibility of a deal.

In addition, Miami president Pat Riley, head coach Spoelstra and core player Dwyane Wade Qiqi were present.

From this lineup, it is not difficult to see how much they attach importance to this year’s draft. Since the overdraft in the summer of 2004 attracted the Sharks to join and win the 2006 championship, Miami is now in a sluggish situation. With Pat Riley’s character, it’s time to harvest a wave of potential stocks in the draft.

Pat Riley has released the draft trade plan to other lottery teams more than once, but so far, there has not been any substantial negotiations.

So, when so many general managers of the league gathered together, Pat Riley had to step forward to discuss the feasibility of this matter.

This year’s draft is mostly center and power forwards.

is a good opportunity for a team that is in desperate need of internal reinforcements.

While the general managers of the team negotiated in twos and threes to analyze the rookies to be drafted this year, three groups of players entered the field one after another. They were wearing red, white and black training vests.

After a simple warm-up by the three parties, the professional referees specially transferred from the NBA called the captains of the three teams to the center of the field.

When Doug walked to the center of the field on behalf of the red team to draw lots with OJ Mayo and Michael Beasley, the general managers and reporters sitting on the stairs were all surprised. According to reason, it should be Derrick Rose?

Derek Rose’s agent was also very surprised, he almost rushed to protest: It is obvious that the protagonist is Derek, why was the Chinese kid stole the limelight? Is it just because he can sing well?

Americans care more about rankings and positions than Chinese people, especially this kind of big event that represents the entire team to draw lots. How can a guy whose draft pick is predicted to be outside the 20th perform it?

But in the red team, no one thinks this is a strange thing.

Derek Rose is the top pick, but Westbrook may not convince him.

But Dugge is different. He is both the MOP and Ibaka’s boss, as well as the general representative of the ‘role player’. He is the most important glue for the entire team. Of course, it is the most natural thing for him to draw lots.


“Your luck is very bad.” OJ Mayo held a white ball and told Doug who also held the white ball: “In the next twenty minutes, you will accompany me as a loser.”

“You?” Du Ge raised his eyebrows and told him honestly: “To be honest, you are really useless.”

OJ Mayo heard the words and immediately stared at Du Ge, full of gunpowder. Du Ge’s expression was calm, his eyes were level, and he was calm and disdainful.

has been playing NCAA for so long. He has been familiar with the style of black players for a long time. It is nothing more than trash talking, staring, and a little action. These things may interfere with people who are not particularly good in psychological quality, but for Duge, it is naive!


The two sides quickly arranged the starting list.

Red team: Derek Rose, Russell Westbrook, Dante Green, Kevin Love, Snoopy.

White team: Jerry Bayless, OJ Mayo, Brandon Rush, Anthony Randolph, Brook Lopez.

The red team does not have a head coach. Only an assistant coach arranged by the training camp is conducting personnel scheduling. This is a unified arrangement for each team in the training camp for the sake of fairness.

However, in addition to the assistant coach arranged by the training camp, the white team led by OJ Mayo also specially invited Tim Floyd, a coaching consultant from the University of Southern California, and OJ Mayo played a leading role in this matter.

Floyd, who was on vacation with his daughter in Orlando, accepted the invitation last night and perfectly copied the USC offensive system for this makeshift team.

is still centered on OJ Mayo, but the team lineup has been upgraded a lot. After all, Lenny Kuhn on the inside has become Brook Lopez, and there are defensive experts Brandon Rush on the front line, plus bounce men Anthony Randolph and Jerry Belles.

Tim Floyd believes that if USC had this lineup, then the NCAA championship last season must belong to the University of Southern California.

Standing on the center line with Doug jumped the ball is the super bouncer Anthony Randolph. His physical fitness is so amazing that one can’t help but think of Kevin Garnett.

However, there is one more regrettable thing. Since Kevin Garnett entered the league, none of the forwards who have used him as a model have made a name for themselves. Whether it’s Eddie Griffin who died in a car accident, Jonathan Bender who was soy sauce in the Pacers, or Dalius Miles who was trapped in Portland Jail and couldn’t help himself.

Becoming the second KG is not an easy task.


When the head coach blows the whistle, pop!

Before the audience on the sidelines even saw what was going on, Snoopy had already shot the basketball to Derrick Rose.

“With Anthony Randolph’s comparison, Snoopy’s bounce rate is even more amazing.” Lakers general manager Kupchak and Grizzlies general manager Chris Wallace talked in a low voice.

They didn’t shy away from their relationship, even though they jointly concocted a big deal that affected the alliance structure half a year ago.

At that time, Kupchak only used Kwame Brown as the main bargaining chip to switch to the All-Star player Pau Gasol, which made the Purple and Gold the favorites overnight.

This deal detonated the alliance, and no one thought it was a normal deal.

In this regard, the Bulls general manager Gal Forman even publicly stated that this is a special robbery. You must know that in the summer of 2007, the offer he made even included Nocioni, Tyrus Thomas, Jokinoa, Safrosa, plus this year’s draft pick to trade Gasol and Warrick.

But Chris Wallace turned it down, and then a few months later, he told the Lakers that Pau Gasol had a clearance sale.

This broke Gal Forman’s overall plan, originally he wanted to trade Gasol in exchange for Kobe Bryant to join.

But now… Kobe has been flying with Gasol in the Lakers.

Whenever he saw this scene, he gritted his teeth.

Fortunately, God did not let him fall into despair. He has a 1.7% chance of winning the No. 1 pick this year.

He firmly believes that this will be the beginning of the Bulls taking off again. UU reading


Derrick Rose on the court rushed into the paint area and finished the drawbar dunks like lightning.

His dunk caused a burst of exclamations.

Derek’s style of play is too eye-catching. His dunk is a combination of power and beauty. He is one of the few players in the entire training camp who has the potential to be a super star.

But at present, Gal Forman is still hesitating whether to choose Michael Beasley or Derrick Rose. Even though Beasley’s barefoot height was only 201, he was born with a scoring sense and talent. It’s totally impossible to give up.

He couldn’t help turning his head to look at Pat Riley, who was five adjacent seats on his left.

With the second overall pick, he seems to be more relaxed, because now everyone knows that between Derrick Rose and Michael Beasley, no matter which one the Bulls choose, Pat Riley will not hesitate to pick the other one.

At this time, the fortune teller is talking with Dwyane Wade.

He whispered: “Did you see it? Sixty percent of the credit for this dunk just now is to be credited to Snoopy. It was he who withstood Brook Lopez’s bottom plate and created enough space for Rose to take off. In the future… if you work together, your breakthroughs will be more efficient.”

Wade nodded, but soon he became frightened again. He stared at Pat Riley with wide eyes and lowered his voice: “Boss, do you want to choose him with the second pick?”


[Thanks to “JACK River” for rewarding 500, thank you to “ljx73”, “Tang Kaiyuan”, “Waiting for you on the side of the sea”, “Exiled Wrangler”, “Those who don’t want to read”, “Tang Shangling”, “Brother Feng”, and “Alloy” Apostle’s reward. 】

PS, there is one more chapter today, ask for a recommendation!

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