Guard With a Knife

Chapter 133

One hundred and nineteen: [Chicago Bulls

June 28, 2008. . The fastest update visit: щщщ.79XS.сОΜ.

This is the second time in Doug’s life that he has walked into Madison’s “flower” garden. He wore a blue suit.

His father, Du Kefeng and mother, Lan Fei, also dressed in formal attire and participated in the first ‘job admission’ session with him in his life. Before entering the main venue, under Lin Weiwei’s arrangement, the Du Ge family accepted an exclusive interview with reporters from China.

For national basketball reporters, today is a day worth celebrating, because finally another national basketball player has entered the NBA. This means that their income and attention will also increase accordingly.

Although Doug’s draft pick has fallen to the end of the first round or even the second round in the three major prediction lists. But… after all, there is another hope worth looking forward to.

And when they saw the famous sweet song queen Lan Fei in the 1980s, they all closed their mouths from ear to ear. They never dreamed that after Doug was actually named’door’, it’s no wonder that they would maintain such a close relationship with the music circle. .

“I actually don’t know much about the NBA, but we fully support my son. We all hope that he can have a good career and spend a fun and competitive time.”

Lan Fei said gently to the camera, she was always so acquainted with **** and gentleness. Talking about it, it will always be so dripping, and will not give the reporter any opportunity to use the topic.

In contrast, Du Kefeng wants more Shanghai style. When the reporter asked him what prediction he had for his son’s participation in the draft.

He simply said: “It must be in the top ten, I have confidence in him. This kid has been very upbeat since he was young, and has never fallen out of the top ten in every exam.”

This prediction made the reporters feel incomprehensible, wondering what is the ‘sexuality’ between the NBA draft and reading? Few NBA players know how to solve binary equations.

When asked what he thought of Doug’s recent performance in the American music scene, Du was at a loss: “What? Music circle? Bulletin board? Champion single? I’m a rough guy, I don’t pay much attention to it.”

Lan Fei pulls the corner of his clothes, and then rounds him back: “My husband is busy with work and rarely has time to listen to music. And he usually doesn’t pay much attention to the dynamics of foreign pop music circles.”

“However, I think these two songs are very well written, and the melody is very ear-catching. The lyrics are also full of free and easy young people who dare to love and hate. Although the translation is a bit colloquial, it is appropriate in the English context. ”

Lan Fei said with a smile.

Then the reporter asked Lan Fei what he thought of the two female singers who worked with Doug. Lan Fei said that they are all very good and very talented, and said a lot of “flowers”. No sin at all.

At this point, Dugge is clearly inherited from his mother.

At this time, a “female” reporter from the Internet media couldn’t help asking a gossip: “So, which of them do you think is more suitable for your daughter-in-law? Recently, the American entertainment circle has been enthusiastically discussing “two The’female’ seizure of love’ event.”

Lan Fei’s expression froze, she glanced at her son, and was about to complete the game.

Du Kefeng on the side widened his eyes and asked the’female’ reporter: “What did you just say? Two’females’ grabbed love? What’s the situation, please tell me.”

He looked very gossip.

The ‘female’ reporter hurriedly told him about the process.

Du Kefeng clapped his palms and laughed heartily: “Okay, kid. I have raised you for so many years, and finally know about Gongcai! Hahahaha!”

He laughed very cheerfully, making reporter friends all laugh.

Lan Fei hurriedly gave him a blank glance and reminded him to pay attention to the occasion in a low voice. Only then did he narrow his smile, but the expression in his eyes when looking at Du Ge clearly said: You will ‘account’ to me later.

At this time, the’female’ reporter asked again: “Then Mr. Du, do you accept Du Ge’s’making’ foreign’female’ friends?”

“Accept, accept, of course accept.” Du Kefeng said very openly: “Love, love, it’s normal! However, there is a principle that you must find a Chinese to get married.”

His emphasis on this point caused an uproar at the scene.

Therefore, Lao Du means: Support his son to play foreign girls, but can’t marry him home? Is this a shot at capitalism, a ‘fat’ socialist field?

Lan Fei couldn’t help it anymore, she gave Lao Du a hard look. Lao Du hurriedly stopped to say more.

Lin Weiwei on the side hurriedly came out to round the court, reminding reporters friends to pay more attention to basketball matters.

Basketball reporters are very cooperative. They began to ask Doug about his views on the teams and his predictions about the draft rankings.

Du Ge always boasted ‘chaotic’, avoiding the heavy and light, and is well versed in the ability of Tai Chi.

After the reporter’s interview, Du Ge took his family into the venue. He was not sitting in the front row, but in the back area. In front are the prospective lottery show members who were personally invited by the league officials, like Westbrook, Derek Rose, Michael Sley, and Kellef sitting in front.

Before David Stern officially took the stage, Westbrook and Carrefour deliberately ran back to greet Dugge’s family.

This made ESPN, who cut into the live broadcast signal in advance, laughed and ridiculed: “The leader is always the leader. Although Westbrook and Kellef are now members of the Green House, but…when you meet the MOP, you still have to go over and say hello.”

They are a joke.

However, CCTV, which broadcasted their signal, delivered the content to the domestic audience. And the host also felt very regretful: “Well, wait for another two years, it may not be the case. The NBA is a small society with well-defined levels. The substitute players are of one level, the rotation players are of another level, and the starting players are another. Level. When you become a star player, there are completely two worlds. Only star players and star players have become good friends. There has never been a close relationship between star players and role players. Because both sides are famous, no matter how famous they are. , Wealth, and social relations seem to be separated by an insurmountable gap.”

From the tone of voice, they are not optimistic that Doug can be selected in the lottery zone. At the same time, they also think that Doug will become a role player, while Westbrook and Kelfour have the opportunity to become NBA stars.

Domestic basketball commentators and hosts rarely have their own judgment ability, they do not have a deep understanding of basketball, and their professional knowledge is pitiful. Their heads are basically equivalent to the mobile hard drives of those expert commentators in the United States. What style is spread in the United States? They spread it to China through Sinicization techniques.

During the recent period, the United States has been watching Duge’s voice, and they naturally think that Duge may fall to the second round.

However, in terms of emotion, they still gave Du Ge a very grand treatment, and said a lot of praise Du Ge.

But while complimenting him, he was worried about slapping his face, so I mixed up a few unoptimistic comments and a few words.

When the hosts of the United States and the United States were talking about nothing new, David Stern walked to the center of the stage and said his first name in this draft.

“In the 2008 NBA Draft, the Chicago Bulls with the No. 1 pick chose… Derek Rose, a point guard from the University of Memphis. Congratulations!”

As soon as the name came out, the audience in the back was alive.

Obviously, this is an expected answer for football fans.

But for Michael Sley, it was obviously not so easy, even though under the camera’s aim, he still had a smile on his face.

After Derek Rose shook hands and embraced his relatives and friends, he wore a hat belonging to the Chicago Bulls. Then he did not run directly on the stage, but strode towards the back. He shook hands with Doug and left in his ear: “We I will pick you at the fifteenth overall.”

This move made the fans, the TV narrator, and the audience in front of the TV dumbfounded.

When did Derek Rose have a good relationship with Snoop? He didn’t even go to shake hands and hug his college teammate Joey Dorsey.

Is there any agreement between them?

“Could it be that the Chicago Bulls should choose Snoop (Doug)?”

The host from the United States and the United States exclaimed at the same time.

Today, there are three magistrates who are rewarded with 10,000 yuan, let me slowly add more tomorrow.

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