Guard With a Knife

Chapter 84

Chapter 76 【Broker Team】

There is no doubt that Russell Westbrook is most looking forward to the upcoming finals, and he can’t wait to show his edge.

After knocking out the University of Memphis, his draft pick has been firmly entered into the top five, and ESPN even ranked him third. He is the only point guard in the NCAA this season who did not fall behind against Derrick Rose and even won the victory in the end. Although there were many voices criticizing his shooting choices at the last minute after the game, there were also many basketball stars. This praised him, saying that he had the courage to take the last offense and had the potential to kill! For example: Kobe Bryant.

Actually, except for Russell Westbrook. Kevin Love also entered the top eight for the first time, and Luke Barmot is also hovering in the lottery area.

As for Doug, his pick rose to around 22 in the first round.

For NBA teams, there is too much uncertainty in him, and the advantages he has shown may not necessarily be able to eat in the NBA. This is what prevents him from entering the lottery area. (PS: Lotto area is the top fourteen)

At lunch time, Russell Westbrook mysteriously took Dugger to the western restaurant outside the stadium, and then solemnly introduced him to his agent, Sam Fochel.

Sam Fochel is a tall white man of about fifty years old.

“Hello, Snoopy. I am your senior, and I also graduated from Anderson Business School.” Sam Fochel cordially extended his hand to Snoopy and introduced himself: “I now work at WMG (Wa Thurman Media Group), our main business is rugby, basketball, golf, baseball and football. Our annual contract transaction volume last year was 2.73 billion US dollars, and commissions were 116 million. Second only to CAA and RS, ranking in the world third.”

Sam Fochel’s introduction immediately let Snoopy know his intentions: “So… are you trying to dig me to work at WMG?”

“Hahahaha.” Sam Fochel laughed heartily: “You are really interesting.”

“OK, let’s talk about something serious.” Snoopy put away his joking thoughts and asked seriously: “Why did you come to me?”

“I and my company think that you will become an elite player, and the commercial sector you can leverage far exceeds other star players or even super stars. The vast market behind you fascinates every agency company, and you The traits that come out of your body are what ordinary players don’t have. You are a contradictory complex with a fascinating contrast. You are naturally suitable for Vanity Fair!”

Sam Fochel seriously said something beautiful.

Snoopy was not taken over by these compliments, he just continued to ask: “Under your operation, what kind of draft do you think I can get? Also, do you think it is appropriate for me to participate in the draft this year, or wait again? Played in NCAA for a year.”

Snoopy asked substantive questions.

Sam Fochel was not unprepared. He took out a thick file of documents from his briefcase and said: “This is through your performance on the court and the announcement on the Saturday Special Edition of the Orange County Chronicle. An analysis report based on relevant data.”

He handed the report to Dugge and continued: “You have made significant progress in just two months. This improvement reached its peak in the last game. When you blocked Derrick Rose, your turn and lateral movement were amazing. I guess… this game you have enough ability to make Kansas inside suffer in the paint.”

“As for the draft pick, I can’t give you a definite guarantee until the result of the draw. But I can promise that your pick will never fall out of the top 20, and I can help you get a lottery pick. Rookie contract.”

“As for the draft time, of course it is this year. The NBA does not fully value immediate combat power. Sometimes potential is more important. At present, your potential value can even be said to be the largest among rookies this year. This gives the NBA unlimited imagination.”

“And staying in the NCAA for another year will reduce your imagination. If you make rapid progress during this year, you may get the lottery position. But what if you don’t make rapid progress?”

“Also, I don’t think the trainer is more professional than the NBA. You can get more professional training in the NBA, even if you can’t get on the field. The match in the team will be a hundred times more valuable than the NCAA game.”

Duge nodded, Sam Fochel is indeed very professional, and his analysis makes sense.

So, he stretched out his hand and said, “Are you sure you don’t recruit me to work in WMG?”

Sam Fochel did not understand the meaning of this sentence.

Dugge replied: “Thank you very much for the desk work you have done for me. However, you also know the honors I have won at Anderson College. If I just hand all the business work to you so easily, then, every day Staring at the bank account numbers, my mentor, Mr. Nelson, will definitely use his crutches to slap my ass. I can’t give up my professional knowledge just because I play basketball. This will allow the school to give me a full scholarship and the principal The special prize seems meaningless.”

“I hope the senior can understand.”

Doug is very polite.

Sam Fochel was persuaded by this reason He did not become angry because of rejection, but smiled: “As a senior, I understand and agree with you very much. If you need any help, please feel free to call give me.”

“Maybe you don’t know, I was actually the first student of Professor Nelson. He had just finished graduate school at Harvard, and then he was awarded an associate professor position. We get along like real friends. To be honest, I I miss the heather in his backyard. We planted it by ourselves.”

Snoopy’s eyes widened: “So… you planted those things that are full of essence?”

When he said this, he was full of resentment. Every time he helped Professor Nelson to repair the garden, he would always slander in his heart. He didn’t expect that the ‘initiator’ would stand in front of him today.

After that, the two brothers had a meeting about Mr. Nelson’s interesting facts.

This makes Russell next to him at a loss, he looks like an outsider instead.


After meeting with Sam Fochel, Kevin Love also introduced his agent Jeff Schwartz to Du Ge in the afternoon. He is from ESM, an outstanding sports management company, and the seventh-ranked sports agency in the world.

Jeff Schwartz and his company also had a strong interest in Doug, but the puppy still chose to decline.

He does not intend to hire agents from these well-known companies, he wants to try his abilities. Of course, in the future, he will not exclude one or two brokers from these great brokerage companies, and then set out to build his own brokerage team.

After meeting with the agents of two roommates, Snoopy really felt the commercial atmosphere from the NBA for the first time.

Professional basketball is getting closer and closer to him!


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