Guard With a Knife

Chapter 988

Eight hundred and seventy-seven: [Thank

LeBron made an extra penalty on the free throw line. Everyone can see that his desire to win in this game is unprecedented. His forehead wrinkles that are difficult to fill are full of “want to win”.

Both for him and for the Big Three. Tonight, they have been forced to the edge of the cliff, and they will be irresistible if they retreat.

LeBron James joined Miami for the championship. If we say that we were eliminated by the Chicago Bulls last year, we can still attribute it to the team’s lack of integration. So this year, they have no reason anymore.

Therefore, both he and Dwyane Wade are ready to dedicate everything to this game. They don’t want to be a league of losers, nor do they want to be the jokes of spectators. I don’t want to be a footnote for Snoopy to start the Duke era: this is an unacceptable fate for any superstar.

However, Miami is not the only one who wants to win.

For Snoopy, this is also a game that must be won. He no longer wants to go to Miami to sunbathe, let alone ride a horse. He just wants to conquer the mighty Miami Big Three to prove it. His existence.

In a sense, this is not just a war about glory, but more like a general offensive from one era to another.

After Snoopy held the ball for halftime, he first executed a pick-and-roll with Carlos Boozer, and then suddenly entered the paint after Chris Bosh was a little slower in his defense. Then the assist used Joe King Noah to cover and avoid LeBron to chase after Lor Deng, who cut into the penalty area from the bottom line, scored a backhand.

When Snoopy became the sharpest arrow of the Bulls and easily tore through the Heat’s weak defense in the penalty area, the abilities of other players were invisibly magnified. This is why the Heat have always been passive defensively.

LeBron quickly held the ball for half-time, and at this time, Snoopy quickly greeted him. At the same time, Hamilton kept up with Shane Battier, while Lor Deng went to see Dwyane Wade: In a sense, as long as Snoopy can limit LeBron, this set of defensive equipment is actually better than before. More reasonable and efficient.

Seeing Snoopy walking towards him, James was slightly surprised.

“From now on, I will defend you alone.” Snoopy said very seriously: “It is what I have been looking forward to to fight against you without reservation.”

LeBron did not answer.

He expressed it in action, and he took a sudden step forward and galloped toward Snoopy’s left side like a big horse’s golden sword.

LeBron’s breakthrough style is very different from Dwyane Wade, and the Flash is known for his explosive speed. However, James is sprinting, the perfect combination of power and speed.

If it was the former little duke, he could resist James’ power. But he couldn’t catch up with his changes and assaults.

However, now, when LeBron took the first step, the little duke had already moved quickly laterally, just as a moving wall directly blocked his violent impact, even though his stature was shaken due to the strong collision, and he subconsciously retreated. A step away.

However, at the same time, LeBron didn’t feel good.

This hard-core impact is an experience he has never had before. In the past, Carmelo Anthony, Ron Artest and Pierce could vaguely give him this feeling, but it is far from Snoopy’s strong and direct.

After stabilizing his figure, he tried to make a second attack, but Snoopy was already close to him, and he rushed back and forth against LeBron’s bottom plate like a rolling rock. This forced LeBron to give up the direct attack on the rim. He turned around and took a back-to-back singles. Use the broad back muscles and tonnage to continuously press inward, but the effect is not particularly obvious, but this still creates a chance for him to turn around and jump shots.


LeBron’s turn-over jumper still failed to hit the basket after all. Because Snoopy’s brown sugar bump made him lose his original rhythm.

This gave Qiao Jin Noah a chance to show off his skills at the basket. He easily picked off the backboard and then passed a long pass to Snoopy.

Snoopy launched a quick offensive. Although Dwyane Wade kept track of the puppy’s whereabouts, he still couldn’t predict that Snoopy would use an unbelievable back pass to hand the basketball to the wing to follow up Hamilton, the CIC King easily hit a jumper.

Frankly speaking, this gave Miami a wave of powerlessness.

Obviously, you have reached the limit of what you can do, but the Bulls still have a way to score basketball, and you still don’t know who is performing this offense.

The duke dog is really too cunning. When he has unrivaled breakthrough and penetration ability, with his passing ability and coping skills, this is an out-and-out disaster for any NBA team.

Kenny Smith has already found excuses for the Big Three in the commentary: “This failure will not detract from their greatness. After all, they are facing the Chicago Bulls who are 100% compatible with Snoopy, the Little Duke. The only shortcoming has been made up with the help of teammates. And the pitchers of Korver, Hamilton, Boozer, and Lor Deng are all becoming more perfect because of the sudden improvement of the puppy’s breakthrough ability.”

At the same time, James and Chris Bosh played a pick-and-roll on the court. Then, he seized the fleeting opportunity and hit a jumper from beyond the three-point line.

Obviously, LeBron James does not want a step, what he wants is a victory.

After that, the Flash also madly assaulted the restricted area to cause damage.

Chris Bosh is also using three-pointers to prove that he is not an addition to the Big Three.

Driven by the Big Three, the Heat’s role players have also begun to recover, and Sean Battier, McMiller, Haslem and others have also made their important contributions.

However, the unfortunate thing is… they can’t limit the offensive of the Bulls players on the defensive end. Especially, Snoopy’s breakthrough.

This makes it impossible for LeBron, Dwyane, Chris and even Mike Miller to make clapping feats on the offensive end.

Even before halftime, LeBron James hit a super-difficult, super-long-range buzzer three-pointer on Snoopy, but they still trailed the Bulls by 2 points 58:60.

In terms of statistics, Dwyane Wade has 15 points, 5 assists and 3 rebounds in the half, LeBron James has 17 points, 5 rebounds and 4 assists, Chris Bosh has 13 points, 5 rebounds and 2 masters. The performance of the Big Three is both efficient and blameless. .

However, when your opponent Snoopy duo got 12 assists in the half, the Bulls scored in double figures and a total of 9 people scored. It is difficult for you to get a lead.

“Even historical superstars can’t guarantee the efficient output of the whole game. I think the Bulls will still win this game. For Miami, this is definitely a frustrating thing, because they again Once in the Eastern Conference finals. And, we must frankly say that if the Miami Heat entered the finals on behalf of the Eastern Conference, their probability of winning the Thunder is almost the same as that of the Chicago Bulls.”

During the intermission, Mr. Earl Johnson said with great regret: “In fact, the greater significance of this game is that this is likely to be a collective end to the 03 generation champion dream. Because Snoopy showed His potential is not only to win this game, but more likely to rule this era. He is only 22 years old!!!”

Johnson couldn’t help but sighed: “The Bulls are really lucky. They don’t have to do anything now and keep this lineup. At least for the next five years, they will be the most powerful contenders for the championship!!”

Kenny Smith thought for a while, and he said: “No, the Bulls don’t need to maintain their current lineup. Their real horror is that they have Derek, a super bargaining chip worth enough to enter the top five of the NBA. Rose can Go to at least 25 teams to be the leader, and he also has a strong commercial appeal, as long as the Bulls are willing, they can get the best shooter in the world, the most suitable forward for Snoopy, and the best in the next five years. Ample draft picks.”

“I swear that once the Bulls release the news, the entire league will rush.”

Kenny Smith always emphasized that Chicago should trade Derrick Rose. Because now, the little duke has everything that Rose has. The combination of the two abruptly can only cause a waste of resources.

Charles Barkley doesn’t care at all about the matters discussed by the two partners. He is now focusing on choosing the best female donkey for Tracy on his mobile phone. He has very strict requirements, not only to look good, but also to have blood. prove. As if for fear that some female donkeys of unknown origin would tarnish Mr. McGrady’s arena.

The intermission time passed quickly.

At the beginning of the second half, the style of the game immediately showed a completely different trend.

First of all, as soon as the game opened, Snoopy grabbed the inward shrinking gap of the Heat’s pick-and-roll defense and made a bold shot from outside the three-point line.

Subsequently, he was obsessed with James’ bulldozing attack, and when he stopped a jumper, he quickly slapped his ball with a sharp eye, and then assisted Lor Deng in the frontcourt and caused Battier’s foul.

This offense, one defense and one counterattack fully proved Snoopy’s energy.

With Lor Deng hit two free throws, LeBron James once again challenged Dugge’s defense with the ball. This time, he still failed. Although he tried very hard to force into the penalty area, he was strongly interfered by Snoopy at the layup, and the basketball he threw did not even touch the rim.

Watching Jokinoa take off the basketball, James was so angry that he clapped his hands. He looked at the referee, and he thought it should be a foul.

However, the referee believed that Snoopy had no extra hand movements. He just used a reasonable collision to withstand James’ bottom game and deformed his layup.

LeBron James grumbled and ran over to the defense with an unhappy expression.

As the Bulls lead more and more, the offense of Miami’s Big Three has become more violent.

However, when Dwyane Wade rushed into the paint area aggressively and desperately, he even hung his body in the air. But the basketball still didn’t score, because Jokinoa and Gibson obscured the sky, and they blocked the Flash’s projection like a steel jungle.

But when the basketball hit the iron, the Flash fell to the ground embarrassedly, Bosh did not grab the rebound in the penalty area. Because Snoopy had taken off from his side, he slapped the basketball to Jokinoa.

The Heat worked very hard and the Flash was very tenacious.

But no way, the strength of the two teams from the moment Snoopy entered the North American Duke Girls Congress, there was a fundamental reversal.

Although, the little duke only improved his breakthrough and perimeter defense. But coupled with his passing and coping, combined with the Bulls team, the energy generated is extremely amazing.

This is the reason why LeBron James rushed into the penalty area as if carrying a bag of explosives when entering the sixth minute of the third quarter, but was relentlessly blocked by Ty Gibson during the take-off and layup.

No way, when Snoopy got stuck in his position tightly, causing his jumping space to shrink, and Joe King Noah was on the side to help defend, LeBron actually had very few choices. Therefore, capping has become a reality that must be faced.

At the end of the third quarter, the scores of the two teams expanded to 11 points. Although in the process, LeBron made several jumpers under Snoopy’s defense, Dwyane Wade several times with desperate breakthroughs into the paint to win damage.

But all this did not actually change the direction of the game.

It’s like… the wheels of history are rolling in, and personal efforts and resistance seem like ants’ resistance.

This is not meant to belittle the Big Three.

On the contrary, compared to the Bulls’ tightly-fitted lineup in all positions, they did not form a truly effective whole.

So, this is why the photo taken by Dwyane Wade in the fifth minute of the fourth quarter is widely circulated.

At that time, James used Chris Bosh’s pick-and-roll to break through the defense. After reaching the three-point line, he suddenly looked back at the moon and passed the basketball to Wade. However, just as Wade reached out to catch the ball and prepared to make a surprise attack, Snoopy suddenly shot out like lightning. He robbed the basketball in front of Wade, and the intense physical collision also brought the Flash away. Pulled to the ground.

When he launched a quick offensive, the Flash, who was lying on the ground, raised his head subconsciously.

At the time his eyes were full of unwillingness, loneliness and helplessness.

And in front of him is the back of the little duke like a broken bamboo.

This picture captured by reporters on the sidelines instantly became a hot spot on the Internet, and people gave it a lot of meaning.

One of the most important interpretations is: when the Flash was mercilessly surpassed by the little duke. Perhaps, the era belonging to the 03 Super Platinums may have passed.

And as Snoopy completed a heavy tomahawk dunk in the frontcourt, the cheers of the United Center Arena instantly reached its peak.

The suspense of this game was also completely scraped away in the sky of cheers.

It says: Thank you for your patronage,

Of course, this is what the Miami Heat said. They have no possibility of another round.


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