Guard With a Knife

Chapter 996

Eight hundred and eighty-five: [Boiling

So, when Rose brought the basketball to the front court, Snoopy quickly ran to the top of the three-point arc, and he took the basketball from Derek.

The players currently on the court in the Chicago Bulls are: Asilao, Boozer, Butler, Snoopy, Rose.

This is a lineup whose offense is clearly stronger than defense.

Originally in Tom Thibodeau’s list, he hoped to replace Boozer with Ty Gibson because Gibson’s defense was better. However, Dugge believes that Boozer can provide more possibilities on the offensive end. The most important thing is…In the second half of the third quarter, Gibson’s finger stabbed the basketball. Although he himself emphasized that there is no problem, but… Nubi still didn’t want any accidents to happen.

For him, it is the most important thing for all players to appear on the podium wearing their jerseys neatly. Although Snoopy himself always chose to gritted his teeth and insisted on playing with injuries, he did not want his teammates to do so.

Westbrook followed, and he stared at Snoopy closely.

He is the person who has the most say in the growth of the little duke. Because he had seen Snoopy once looked like a steel robot, and he even slept with Snoopy before his height soared.

This is actually a very long story, especially when Snoopy is now standing in front of him as NBATOP2.

Boom boom boom boom!

The little Duke’s dribble is tight and very tentative, which makes Westbrook a headache.

And at this moment, Snoopy suddenly opened his left leg, his figure rushing towards Westbrook’s right side like lightning, Westbrook hurriedly looked back and pursued… They started almost at the same time, but Dons When Nubby surpassed his shoulders in an instant, Westbrook finally realized that he had no advantage in explosive power, speed or even agility.

And just at this moment…Puff!

He slammed into Asik. He quickly evaded the defense.

However, at this moment, Snoopy suddenly stopped and retreated. With Asik acting as a barrier, he easily shot…Huh!

The basketball hits the rim accurately and unmistakably.

This is a lightning-fast spot shot.

It was also the first time the Duke made a shot from outside the three-point line tonight.

Everyone was deceived.

No one would have thought that the little duke who broke through all night would suddenly stand outside the three-point line and shoot.

When Westbrook turned around, it was too late.

118: 121.

The score is reduced to 3 points.


Snoopy clapped his palms and roared, and the bulls quickly backed away, like a disciplined army.

There is still 1 minute and 45 seconds left before the end of the game.

The Thunder obviously wanted to suppress a wave of rhythm.

Westbrook resisted the offensive desire and passed the basketball to Kevin Durant, who had already scored 42 points tonight. Durant showed off his various weapons tonight, and Lor Deng, who is known for his defense, was even beaten into a funnel.

On the contrary, after the Bulldog Jimmy Butler came on the field, he was embarrassed by his blood and courage.

And this is why Butler remains on the court while Lor Deng stays on the bench.

Butler’s growth since the playoffs is obvious to all. Almost all basketball media now think that the Bulls are about to emerge as an All-Star, and the Bulls’ lineup will be incredible in the future.

For Butler, the Bulls management is also very satisfied. Not only because he dared to fight, hard work, but also because of his absolute loyalty to Snoopy. The kid was taciturn and had a stubborn expression, but he was the only one who paid homage to Snoopy. In the third game, the Thunder’s Collison even pushed Snoopy when grabbing a rebound. He rushed to push Collison away like a mad dog, and was glaring, trying to beat others. The sight.

This earned him a T, as well as the nickname Bulldog.

After this incident, the entire Bulls team, from the boss and below, looked at him with admiration. The playing time has increased significantly tonight.

Butler regards all this as Snoopy’s favor, he doubled his efforts, doubled his defense, in order to repay Snoopy, and to keep up with the little duke’s footsteps.

As far as Butler is now, he is willing to turn the whole world upside down just to straighten the Duke’s back.

So, his eyes on Kevin Durant were full of anger.

How are you worthy of the duke’s name?

From the moment Durant stopped, he tried to interfere with his body. His movements were very tough or even a little rude, and his hands made KD very uncomfortable.

He had to exercise.

But when he tried to rush to the three-point line, Butler’s defensive strength suddenly increased, and he almost stuck to Durant’s side like a brown sugar.

KD tried to create a defensive foul, but Snoopy was watching him again, for fear that this guy would suddenly come over and complete a steal.

As a result, he had to change his previous offensive plan and pass the basketball to his third brother Harden.

Harden is struggling to move under Rose’s defense.

At this time, the NBA has no body hair foul rules, so his greatest ability has not yet been opened.

So, he had to puck up his **** to win a little space, and then pass the basketball to Westbrook.

Westbrook received the basketball and time is running out.

He didn’t have any hesitation, he was like all the material masses who were brainwashed by MLM: simple mind and rush forward! !

But when he rushed into the paint zone and took off to prepare for a layup, he found that the little duke beside him had already woven a big net for him to cover the sky and the sun.

He didn’t expect that Snoopy’s athletic ability was already terrifying.

He had to turn around and pass the ball.

But as soon as the basketball was shot, Asik fought bravely, took the basketball quickly, and then passed it to Derrick Rose.

Rose has the ball to break fast.

But he was blocked by Harden and passed to Snoopy.

Snoopy reached the top of the arc with the ball and called the pick and roll again.

After Boozer came up, the little duke did not choose to retreat, but quickly rushed after the pick-and-roll, which drove Ibaka and Westbrook to follow up at the same time.

Everyone thought that Snoopy would break into the penalty zone to make a final decision.

But Snoopy made a decision at this time, he passed the basketball to Boozer outside the three-point line.

Boozer, who was criticized in this game, finally gave a perfect answer.

He dexterously took off from outside the three-point line, using his softest technique to get the basketball out.

Then after two and a half seconds, I heard the softest sound of the basketball rubbing against the net.


121: 121!

The two teams tied.

At this time the game has 1 minute and 11 seconds left.

Two rounds to recover 6 points Chicago’s momentum is completely boiling.

When Carlos Boozer screamed hard with his fists, the enthusiasm of the entire Bulls bench was ignited.

Go to the fifth game of Te Mo, we are going to raise the championship trophy tonight! !

The desire to win the championship, which had been slightly suppressed before, was completely vented at this moment.

And the Brooks coach also had to request a timeout, the last 1 minute and 11 seconds, must not let tonight’s efforts in vain.

No one wants to shed regretful tears on such a night.

[Two updates tonight. Tomorrow morning at nine o’clock]

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