Guard With a Knife

Chapter 998

Eight hundred and eighty-seven: [Coronat

As Snoopy made a free throw, the point difference widened to 3 points.

The pressure on the Thunder suddenly increased, which can be seen from the sudden silence of the Energy Arena. Only 51 seconds are left for them, although Coach Brooks still holds a short timeout.

But he does not intend to use him immediately, he believes his players can show their own demeanor.

At the same time, silently praying for Thunder in my heart.

This behavior is consistent with the vast majority of fans on the scene, they are praying to God.

However, God seems to have other things to do tonight, and he did not notice the prayer situation in Oklahoma.

So, this is why Westbrook rushed into the paint and hit the layup. Collison tried his best to shoot the basketball beyond the three-point line. Kevin Durant grabbed the basketball and shot wide of the basket again. Snoopy grabbed the basketball, then ran forward, and threw the basketball from the center line to the front court when James Harden fouled early…then…huh!

The basketball actually made it!

When the referee announced that it was a shooting foul, a huge thunder sounded just right over Oklahoma. Countless fans who stood up and looked forward to it reluctantly sat down.

When the game was abruptly played metaphysics by Snoopy, the collapse of Oklahoma was inevitable.


With the little duke easily hit and penalized, 128:121, the point difference widened to 7 points.

The remaining game time is less than 29 seconds.

Brooks finally suspended the Thunder for the last time this season. He carefully arranged Kevin Durant’s three-pointer tactics.

But this tactic could only be invalidated when Snoopy and Jimmy Butler teamed up to double-team Kevin Durant and the basketball was sent to Westbrook by Collison.

Maybe it’s God’s will.

Master Wei passed the Derrick Rose who came to cover the defense like lightning, went deep into the basket and avoided Jokinoa and smashed towards the basket…Bang!

The foolproof goal was actually deducted.

Snoopy grabbed the rebound, and he moved forward quickly.

James Harden and Kevin Durant went after him, but both fouls were flexibly avoided by the Duke, and when he held the ball for halftime, he went deep into the three-point line.

The time has counted down to within ten seconds.

Durant could only stop defending. He supported his knees with both hands on the three-point line, and his head fell heavily.

do not fight.

It doesn’t make sense anymore.

I worked hard this season for a long time, starting from the offseason, and then racing through the regular season and playoffs, creating many miracles.

As a result, he fell into Snoopy’s hands.

And it was a four-to-zero sweep.

This made his eyes a little moist: Is it because he suppressed his entire career?

He was at a loss, so depressed that he couldn’t even breathe, and he didn’t even want to see the radiant Snoopy.

At this time, the electronic buzzer that represents the end of the game sounded.

Kevin Durant finally raised his head. He looked at the disappointed fans around him and suddenly didn’t know what to say. His whole person has been wrapped in deep disappointment and frustration.

At this time, loud applause broke out in the originally silent and lost arena, and many fans cheered their players on their throats. They all hope that these young boys will not be knocked down, and there will be opportunities in the future, and the future will be bright! !

Amid applause and cheers, the Thunder players and the Bulls greeted each other, and they all came off the court.

Their season has passed.

Next, this venue will hold the award ceremony for the championship.

“Kevin Durant is very good, he is the strongest scorer in active service, and he is fully qualified to be included in the history list, to compare with the top attackers like Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and George Gervin.”

“But this world is so regrettable. It’s like me, a talented person with the physique of a center, the speed of a defender, and the attacking methods of a forward… But I still don’t have a champion for life.”

“No one can deny that I am a superstar, I just met people in my career that I shouldn’t meet.”

“Now, when I look at Kevin Durant, I feel that he is repeating my tragic fate. And LeBron James.”

“Frankly speaking, if I were not a Duke fan, I would even shed tears when I was injured.”

Although Charles Barkley was speaking comforting words, he always felt that he would not help laughing in the next second.

In front of the TV, many sad Durant fans, Thunder fans, have called TNT to complain. Why should a fan explain the game?

No way, now TNT is actually two and a half fans, Kenny has joined the family of Duke fans, and Earl Johnson, who has always been watching Snoopy.

Frankly speaking, if it wasn’t for the role needs, Shaker O’Neill would have liked to join this shamelessly flattering family happily.

Because it’s too difficult to have Hesnoopy now, he won’t give you a chance at all.

Just like the MVP trophy tonight.

Although the trophy has not yet been won, everyone already knows that Snoopy will win the prize. Even if David Stern was tumbling and frustrating pretending to be a deep attempt to create suspense, no one listened.

David Stern obviously knew that he was begging for boring himself, and he quickly pronounced Dugge’s name.

Then the trophy was awarded to Snoopy.

There were some cheers in the Energy Arena. Even as an opponent, Snoopy, whether it was tonight, last night, or every night of this season, he was blameless. He deserves the trophy and the cheers of the audience.

“The second time I won this trophy, I really don’t have any new feelings to share with everyone.”

“I just want to say that I thank the fans for their support and my teammates for their firm unity.”

The little Duke’s acceptance speech was unexpectedly brief, and then he handed the microphone to Derrick Rose, Tom Thibodeau, Joe Kinoa… He gave everyone their own time to summarize this exciting season.

And he himself retreated behind the crowd. Then Kobe Bryant came over.

“How do you feel?” Black Mamba asked.

“It’s okay!” Snoopy shrugged, and then said: “Frankly speaking, I have thought of this scene since defeating the Miami Heat. So, I don’t have that kind of surprise or excitement.”

Black Mamba nodded and raised his eyebrows: “Look, this is the championship in easy mode. It won’t bring you any happiness, because you have received a lot of help from your teammates and everyone is working together. It creates opportunities for you to finish shooting. Although this is a wonderful group, it will reduce your sense of existence.”

With that said, Black Mamba did not forget to emphasize: “Chicago is too strong. You should get out of your comfort zone.”

The puppy gave him an angry look: “So, you came from Los Angeles just to say this’blessing’ to me? It’s terrible! You should go after Stephen Nash, I don’t have any reason to leave the Bulls. .”

The little duke expressed his position again.

This makes Black Mamba difficult to conceal the loss, how much he hopes to form a peerless double pride with Snoopy, and join hands in the arena!

It’s a pity that Luo Hua deliberately runs water and ruthlessly, Snoopy is really a scumbag.

After the Bulls won the championship without any suspense, Snoopy went straight to Los Angeles.

For him, the busy summer has begun.

He will train and record his new album in Los Angeles, and will go to Hollywood to star in some movies and TV shows.

As a world superstar, he has almost no personal time of his own.

And because he is going to London to participate in the Olympics this year, his announcements are even more fully arranged.

When he arrived at Los Angeles Airport, a nanny car immediately took him to the set to shoot the commercial, and then went to Britney’s recording studio. Since Snoopy didn’t release an album last year, Spears was very tight this year. She almost used ‘oppressive’ methods to hold Snoopy into the studio for creation and rehearsal. This year’s album, the original singer Little Duke finally included the songs of other creators, and he was only responsible for the creation of four songs.

Because he found that he suddenly didn’t have the inspiration of genius, and the melody that came out of his mind became less and less. In this case, it is inevitable to include songs by other creators.

However, this matter is not important to the fans who love him. What they enthusiastically pursue is the voice and singing of the little duke, and they don’t mind how the song is made.

Anyway, the whole world already knows what a talented singer the little duke is.

The recording of the new album went well, and if nothing happens, it will be released on the eve of the Olympic Games.

“I feel like I’m almost suffocating.” At twelve o’clock in the morning, the little duke returned to his French palace in Beverly Hills. He lay on the sofa and complained to Daphne: “Can you tell me how much assets I have now? Can I repay those loans without having to work hard!”

“No, Snoopy. Without selling the equity, you still can’t pay off all the debts you owe. Almost all of your income has been thrown into Silicon Valley. Although I know your vision is very precise, it does increase. Your work pressure has reduced your quality of life.” Daphne said seriously: “Perhaps, you should stop for a while. I calculated your net worth, and you are now a billionaire.”

Daphne said with some tenderness.

She has been living here recently, and everyone has regarded her as a hostess.

Therefore, she is also waiting for an official announcement.

For example, Snoopy suddenly kneeled down to propose to himself in the red clouds in the sky one evening.

This is something that will make you feel so sweet to explode when you think about it.

Or… he can suddenly take a few days to take himself to a tourist attraction: this is what a couple should do, isn’t it?

But now, Snoopy is almost like a clockwork machine, and he can’t stop it at all.

Now, he has become famous, he has won the highest glory in the basketball circle, his reputation in the entertainment circle is getting better and better, and he has the reputation of a new generation of Buffett in the investment world. Some companies even promised that as long as Snoopy invests, They are willing to automatically lower their valuations. Because Snoopy’s approval basically means that this company can land on Nasdaq unimpeded.

However, the little duke has always been very conservative. He does not accept the kindness of others casually, and is still cautious and screens according to his intuition.

“I have to go to bed first.”

Snoopy waved to Daphne and then turned and walked upstairs. He has no interest in how ESPN reported on his magical performance in the finals on TV.

And what makes Daphne depressed is: Why doesn’t this guy kiss me, and then go up again? I am already his girlfriend now. Even if he rushed over to tear my clothes, I would at most shout no, and then pretended that I had no strength to resist and let him do it.

Could it be that?

Is he really **** like his father said?

Daphne became more and more suspicious. He used to think that Snoopy was a playboy, but now he started to think that Snoopy was not a woman.


Woman, it’s really troublesome.

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