Guide to Stabilizing the Blackening of the Villainous Husband

Chapter 104

When Ling Zhen heard Wei Xi’s reply, she didn’t want to stay there any longer.

She turned sideways and softly asked into the microphone, “Have you not eaten dinner yet? Do you want me to pack something back for you?”

Wei Xi looked at Ling Zhen from a distance, with a deep black gaze in his eyes, “…Okay.”

Just leave from there.

Ling Zhen said, “Then wait for me, I’ll be back in a while.”

Shen Yan Chu was left aside since Ling Zhen answered the phone. He could actually directly go back, but he didn’t know why, he just didn’t move.

When Ling Zhen hung up the call, Shen Yan Chu asked, “Are you leaving?”

Ling Zhen nodded in response and quickly walked into the banquet hall.

Most of the dishes served at the party were a bit greasy. The few dishes Ling Zhen tried were not very tasty.

Only one seafood porridge served at the party tasted nice. Ling Zhen went to talk to the chef and asked him to pack a portion of that seafood porridge.

Then she apologized to Zheng Qian Qian and the directors and producers of the drama present at the table, saying that she was not feeling well and was going back first.

Everyone understood that the little girl had drunk a lot of wine, and she was probably feeling very uncomfortable.

They were afraid that others would make trouble for them, so they kindly asked her to go back and rest.

Ling Zhen held her coat in one hand and the seafood porridge in the other, and directly walked outside the banquet hall.

Shen Yan Chu was still standing at the door, waiting for Ling Zhen to pass by, wanting to say something to her. But the little girl had long legs and she walked very quickly.

She walked past Shen Yan Chu’s eyes with a swish, with a plain ignoring attitude.

Only a trace of her fruity fragrance remained in the wind.

Ling Zhen didn’t want to let the seafood porridge get cold.

She walked fast, but before she could walk a few steps out, the road ahead was suddenly blocked.

Ling Zhen raised her eyes and saw a familiar figure.

Ling Zhen drank a lot of alcohol today, her reaction was slow, and the process of widening her eyes was clearly visible, “Why are you here?!”

Hearing the question, Wei Xi didn’t answer, but instead reached out and half embraced her.

After hugging her, he looked over the top of her hair and unhurriedly looked at the man behind her.

Just now Shen Yan Chu’s gaze followed Ling Zhen, and he naturally saw Wei Xi.

The eyes of the two men met in the air for the second time.

This time, Shen Yan Chu felt a sudden sense of oppression that was several times stronger than the previous time.

Wei Xi’s dark gaze seemed to be poisonous, with a condescending mockery, like a male beast declaring his territory.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, Shen Yan Chu took the lead to look away.

Only then did Wei Xi withdraw his indifferent eyes.

Then, he nonchalantly lowered his head, and his voice became very soft, “Come and stop the wine for you.”

After hearing the reply, Ling Zhen was silent for a few seconds and slowly reacted “Ah” in a daze.

Wei Xi lowered his eyes, pulled out his long coat, shook it open, and carefully draped it over her shoulder.

Then he pulled the collar of the coat and gently brought the person to his side.

“What did you tell him?” Seeing her in a daze, Wei Xi lowered his head and softly asked, “Huh?”

Ling Zhen wrinkled her nose in response and said, “Some annoying things that you don’t know.”

Hearing this, Wei Xi smiled faintly.

In fact, he could guess why Ling Zhen had liked that person.

A sunny, positive, gentleman.

Before Wei Xi realized the meaning of marriage, he let her go.

Now that his little girl ran back by herself, he was still tortured by jealousy.

But he…

While he was so jealous that he wanted to kill that person, he couldn’t help being what she liked.

The contradiction was like a schizophrenic patient.

Ling Zhen shook her dizzy head and slowly replied, “Why do you come here to help me stop the wine? Didn’t you tell me to just report your name?”

Wei Xi suppressed the madman’s voice in his dark heart, and softly laughed, “Then have you reported my name?”

“It’s a bit too ostentatious…” Ling Zhen was drunk, and her eyes were slightly confused. “I hesitated, I didn’t think I should use you like this.”

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