Guide to Stabilizing the Blackening of the Villainous Husband

Chapter 92

After she recovered from her thoughts, Ling Zhen realized that the advertisement had already been broadcast for the third time.

Seeing this, Ling Zhen was a little annoyed. She got up to get the remote control and wanted to change the channel.

At this time, a low and soft voice asked from behind her, “Don’t like to watch it anymore?”

Ling Zhen was shocked by Wei Xi’s abrupt voice and subconsciously stuck to the wall near her.

Wei Xi approached Ling Zhen step by step, his expression was gloomy.

The lid of Pandora’s box was opened, and the suppressed things in the dark corner of his heart began to scatter.

As soon as he entered the living room, he saw Ling Zhen blankly looking at Shen Yan Chu’s advertisement on the TV, for the third time.

Jealousy grew like weeds in his dark heart.

Wei Xi’s eyes were cold, he pressed Ling Zhen against the wall, rubbed her earlobe affectionately with his pale fingertips, and softly asked, “…Like him that much?”

Hearing this, Ling Zhen was stunned. She felt a little dangerous and couldn’t get away from Wei Xi, even if she wanted to run.

She tried to answer honestly, “I don’t like him.”

Wei Xi tightened his hand and accidentally caught a bunch of her black hair. Because of this, the little girl’s eyes watered a little.

Ling Zhen instantly felt that Wei Xi’s condition was somewhat wrong.

But she didn’t even know the reason for this weird behavior, so how could she know how to soothe him?

Wei Xi was standing very close, and the clear breath of the past dazed her a little.

Hearing Ling Zhen’s answer, Wei Xi asked again, “What about me?”

Ling Zhen was so frightened that she didn’t dare to blink. She unconsciously let out a gasp, “Huh?!”

“How do I compare with him?”

Hearing this, Ling Zhen paused.

Then she stretched out her trembling hands and hugged him.

The girl’s hand fell on his stiff back and she patted him comfortingly.

Wei Xi was startled.

“You are much better than him, Wei Xi…” the little girl slowly whispered in his ear, “he is not worthy to compare with you.”

In the next second, Wei Xi heavily pressed her into his arms.

An airtight hug.

Wei Xi’s arm was tightly clamped around her waist, and his jaw was leaning against her shoulder, almost rubbing her soft and petite body into his body.

He greedily took her smell and body temperature into his heart.

“Don’t lie to me…” The man’s muffled voice softly rubbed her ears.

Hearing this, Ling Zhen was forced to raise her face. Feeling the man’s hard chest and abdomen against her own flesh, Ling Zhen paused.

The man’s hot breath swept over the tip of her ear, making it slightly hot there.

“I didn’t lie to you.” Ling Zhen strongly emphasized.

Ling Zhen doesn’t know what happened today, but she knows that Wei Xi needs a little care at that moment.

In fact, what she said was completely sincere, and there was nothing that was added deliberately or pretentiously, but it seemed to be ineffective for Wei Xi.

Ling Zhen couldn’t care about this shameful posture but focused on slowly patting him while softly whispering ill about the others.

“Don’t look at Shen Yan Chu. This person looks glamorous, but in fact, he was very self-righteous, and I feel he was even a bit selfish.”

Wei Xi did not speak, but the hand that was on her waist lifted and squeezed the back of her porcelain white neck.

This was a possessive action.

But Ling Zhen didn’t understand. She just instinctively felt that he was unhappy because of the comparison, so she tried even harder to comfort him.

“Although you have a bad temper, you are very irritable, very cold, and a bit extreme, but…but you…you…”

She got stuck.

When talking about Wei Xi’s shortcomings, she smoothly commented, because his bad character had been fully emphasized in the original book.

But when it came to talking about his advantages, Ling Zhen couldn’t think of any appropriate words for a while.

Wei Xi was very good, but he was quite abstract too.

Those universal words used to eulogize the character of mortals did not seem to be reflected on Wei Xi’s body.

But Wei Xi was still very good.

When she paused for a second or two, the man holding her smiled slightly.

Wei Xi hugged her waist with one hand and pinched the back of her neck with the other while smiling slightly, “Ling Zhen, I’m a good person, right?”

The voice was like a soft whisper among lovers, with a hint of unclear meaning in it.

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