Guoyun: My system comes with Marvel's black technology

Chapter 116

At the same time, Tang Xiaofan also discovered that after being promoted to level 21,

Zhan Yi's physical condition on the detection screen became more and more like a sun.

This should be the ideal state of qi and blood power, right?

"Jarvis, how is the physical fitness of Zhan Yi?"

"Sir, Zhan Yi's body has reached the peak of human beings."

Yes, it seems that upgrading is not bad, at least it can improve physical fitness and reduce the risk of illness. I must insist on upgrading myself.

At this time, outside the castle, inside the outer wall, a burst of intensive shouting and killing suddenly sounded.

This sound disturbed Tang Xiaofan's thoughts.

He looked up and saw dense goblins rushing out of the gate of the outer wall.

The goblins were equipped with simple weapons and their strength was generally weak, most of them were around level six.

But they were fearless and brave enough to move forward towards the beast tide surrounding the black technology castle.


"Kill all these evil wild monsters and protect the lord's castle!"

"The lord's castle cannot be defiled by the dark forces!"


Many goblins were screaming, and the goblin elders who were fanatics were at the forefront.

Hundreds of goblin warriors rushed over to attack the beasts.

At the same time, Tang Xiaofan also found that many goblin warriors were stained with blood, and their weapons were too broken. Some goblins were bleeding while running. Obviously, they were showing their loyalty.

Tang Xiaofan's guess was right.

The reason why the goblins came so late was because they saw that the monsters had been killed and injured in large numbers.

They felt that it was time to express their loyalty.

Unfortunately, the monsters would not show mercy. A full thousand goblins broke out of the city wall, and then there were only less than 700 goblins left.

Most of the goblins died under the city wall, but the goblins did not gain nothing.

The surviving goblins have gained a lot of combat experience, and almost all of them have been promoted to a higher level.

Some goblins have even been promoted to the 12th level of elites.

By killing enemies, you can gain experience and upgrade, which is a benefit of the castle troops.

After the goblin tribe joined the Black Technology Castle, the goblins in the tribe also became Tang Xiaofan's troops and can enjoy this benefit.

"Believe in the Lord and you will have eternal life!"

"If you don't believe in the Lord, you will die.!"


The goblins were shouting,"Faith is loyalty!"

Inspired by the power of faith, the wild monsters on the battlefield were also a little confused.

They didn't understand why the goblins from the local forces came to join in the fun.

Of course, this thought only lasted for a few seconds and then disappeared.

Then a large number of wild monsters that had lost their minds turned their attack direction and fought with the goblin troops.

Suddenly, limbs flew and blood splattered.

Wild monsters kept falling, and the brave goblins also suffered casualties.

However, whenever a goblin died, their pure souls would float up under the power of faith, floating in the air, and then cast towards the temple in the city, turning into the power of faith.

Seeing this scene, Tang Xiaofan just shook his head slightly, although with the current strength of the warrior team, it could completely resist the beast tide and no longer needed the goblin tribe to participate in the war.

But he did not stop it, nor did he let the goblins retreat.

Casualties are inevitable in war.

If he does not experience war, then these goblin troops of his will will be in a low-level state for a long time.

Weak strength, unusable.

As the world announcement said,

Wan The battle for hegemony among tribes is a journey of blood and fire.

Only the lord of the castle who has experienced cruel tests is qualified to stand at the peak of the endless world and master the authority of the Supreme God!

The core meaning of this sentence is the same when applied to the goblin tribe.

How can one grow into a powerful goblin warrior without experiencing killing and war ? What's more, the heroic sacrifice of the goblins is not meaningless.

After the battle of the beast tide is over, Tang Xiaofan will use light armored trucks to dump the materials produced by the black technology castle to the goblin tribe.

In this way, the sacrifice of the goblins will be meaningful.

On the one hand, the production model of the goblin tribe has changed from inefficient hunting to a highly efficient model such as mining, logging, and quarrying.

On the other hand, the black technology castle provides a series of products for food, clothing, housing, and transportation to improve the quality of life of the goblin tribe.

In this way, it can be regarded as providing a sacrifice value for these sacrificed goblins.

In the future, only tribes that are truly recognized can join the economic circulation system of the black technology castle and enjoy the scientific and technological achievements of the black technology castle.

At this time, Tang Xiaofan suddenly felt a little confused and asked in his mind:

"Besides castles, what other buildings can be built in other towns?"

"Only temples can be built in other towns. Other buildings cannot be separated from the town center or outside the town's sphere of influence."

"The temple must be upgraded before it can be built in other towns"

"Temples can only be upgraded through building upgrade drawings."

Well, if temples can be upgraded, then it's good news.

In this way, just like express delivery bases, farmers can be arranged to serve as clergy in temples in other towns to preach, and related affairs of other towns can be controlled by distributing supplies.

In this way, it is not only safe, but also has strong control.

However, Tang Xiaofan still felt a little surprised, as if he had entered a blind spot in knowledge.

The temple was built by upgrading the castle, not an initial building like a castle or a farmer's factory.

There was no prompt in the information of the temple whether it could be upgraded.

It was directly an advanced building.

Tang Xiaofan originally thought that this kind of upgraded castle building could not be upgraded, but he didn't expect that he was wrong.

"Building upgrade blueprints?"

Tang Xiaofan took a deep breath.

He found that the blueprints were���It's getting weirder and weirder.

Not only are there blueprints for troop evolution and factory, but now even blueprints for building upgrades have appeared.

Although he hasn't gotten it yet, it really exists.

"If you can get a building upgrade blueprint"

"I will definitely not use it to upgrade the temple, but will upgrade the farmer's factory without hesitation!"

For the lord of the castle, upgrading the level of the military buildings has always been the core.

In comparison, upgrading the castle is not that important, let alone the affiliated building temple.?

"forget about it"

"The beast tide is important!"

Seeing all the warriors rushing into the battlefield at this moment, they fought hand-to-hand with the wild monsters nearby.

The warriors had rich combat experience, and they also had the strength and speed added by the Mark Armor. They swung their double-edged axes wildly, accompanied by bursts of machine gun fire, and chopped and killed everywhere in the beast tide. Many wild monsters fell dead.

In a short period of time, the warriors killed hundreds of wild monsters, including elite ones.

This kind of battle without considering danger is very refreshing for the warriors.

This is also the advantage of Jarvis, who can monitor the battle line globally.

He ensures that the impact of the beast tide is maintained at a more reasonable level, and also gives all warriors the opportunity to display their abilities, maintain a low-intensity confrontation, and be ready for larger-scale battles at any time.

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