
Chapter 1837

Final-029 Circle?

The Chaos Snake resisted the large laser column that broke out of 16 large laser weapons. At the same time, it also resisted the bombardment of forty electromagnetic guns. ¤


The Chaos Snake did not have any signs of defeat!

That’s right!

it is true!

The supernatural power mastered by the Chaos Snake controls gravity, and it seems to be strong enough to have no limit. At this moment, the snake of chaos, like the opening of the ‘God mode’, is completely in the “invincible state”.

“It’s really boring!” The snake of Chaos snorted, and through the voice communication with Shi Lei, as with the trial book, announced the order of two second-generation cracks.

“Shi Lei, I hope you have a card! As for these two boring weapons, I will help you solve it!” The Chaos Snake actually wants to destroy the traces of the sky.

In the eyes of the Chaos Snake, the price of the cracks that cost more than $5 billion seems to be no different from the second-generation raiders!

Shi Lei’s face was faintly pale, and he did not answer the snake of chaos. At this time, it was the moment of life and death. Shi Lei looked at the sword unparalleled.

“Unparalleled, do you have any way to kill this chaotic snake?” Shi Lei asked the sword unparalleled.

The only sword in the field is the expert in the field of biological genes. What is the situation of the snake of chaos, the sword must be the clearest.

The sword had a bitter smile and glanced for a week. He found Shi Lei and Tao Wenxian and Raphael, all looking at themselves, and the sword had a sigh.

“Boss, do you want to hear the truth, or is it a lie?” The sword’s unparalleled tone was very stunned. The expression is also slack, and it seems that there is no strength. Sitting on the chair.

Shi Lei looked at the sword unparalleled, and faintly guessed the answer.

“Talk the truth!” Shi Lei clenched his fist. “It is already this time, I hope to hear the truth!”

The sword nodded and nodded. The opening explained, “Boss, we lost, our hope of victory is very embarrassing. Although, I don’t know the snake of chaos, what method is used, let him gain supernatural power. But very Obviously, the Chaos Snake succeeded and gained a powerful force to control gravity.”

After a little pause, Sword Musou continued to explain. “Perhaps, you don’t have a deep understanding of the concept of controlling gravity. I am not going to say any inscrutable gravitational theory and gravitational application. I just want to say, The snake of chaos is basically invincible now. The power to control gravity is basically unsolvable.”

“So. We’d better prepare in advance! We can disappear, we can hide our name, we have been difficult to confront the Chaos Snake!” Sword said with amazement.

Raphael knows a little about gravitational knowledge. “Stone. The unparalleled is right. According to the current power of the Chaos Snake, it is difficult for us to confront the Chaos Snake. The power to control gravity is indeed an invincible force. ”

Tao Wenxian said on the side: “I don’t believe it! What power to control gravity is invincible, can we kill the snake of chaos?” Speaking here. Tao Wenxian looked at the sword and asked questions. “Small sword, you tell me, is the snake of chaos still not human? Or is the snake of chaos still a flesh-and-blood organism? Don’t tell me, the snake of chaos has become the energy body or information body in science fiction. Energy creatures or conscious creatures!”

Sword Musou responded with affirmation. “I am not sure that the snake of chaos is not a human form, but I am 100% certain that the snake of chaos must be a carbon-based organism with flesh and blood!”

“Since it is a carbon-based living body with flesh and blood, it must be able to kill!” Sword Musou said with certainty, “We can use radioactive metal!”

Radioactive metal strontium is one of the rarest substances found on the earth by Mrs. Curie and her husband. In the earth’s crust, the content of radioactive metal strontium is about one in a billion.

Want to get radioactive metal cesium, basically rely on artificial synthesis!

Radioactive metal strontium, known as one of the most toxic substances.

In fact, there is no problem with removing one of the most toxic substances. Because ah, radioactive metal sputum, claimed to kill all carbon-based living things!

Shi Lei’s eyes lit up and hurriedly asked: “Unparalleled, if you use radioactive metal bismuth, can you kill the snake of chaos?”

Sword nodded without hesitation, “Yes! The toxicity of radioactive metal bismuth is very intense. It is unkind to say that as long as there is blood and meat, even if it is God, it is impossible to resist the toxicity of radioactive metal cesium! It is far beyond my research. Life genotoxin!”

“In this case, we will use the radioactive metal sputum to deal with the snake of chaos!” Shi Lei said with great joy.

Although Shi Lei did not know the specific situation of the radioactive metal bismuth, Yi Zhuer showed some basic information on the virtual transparent screen of the lip lens type information processor.

Including radioactive metal lanthanum, the global annual output is only about 100 grams, which is super rare and super-controlled substances, but according to the strength of the Mirui Technology Group, there is no problem in obtaining metal bismuth.

The sword has no double-sided luster, just ready to speak, but is interrupted by the sword.

“Boss, don’t be too happy! Jazz, the guy knows that he doesn’t know the other, half-filled with water!” Sword Muss said unceremoniously.

“Hey?” Shi Lei took a moment to look at it. The Chaos Snake is still chasing the cracks of the sky. However, Shi Lei is silent for the Chaos Snake. The crack of the sky has a speed of 10 Mach, how can it catch up?

“The problem has returned to the original point. We should not ignore the snake of chaos and control the supernatural power that controls gravity! The toxicity of radioactive metal bismuth can indeed kill the snake of chaos, but radioactive metal lanthanum has a fatal flaw! Radioactive metal lanthanum The emitted alpha particles have a very short range in the air and cannot penetrate the paper or the skin at all, unless the snake of the chaos kills a wound on the outside of the body and then sprinkles the radioactive metal on the wound. Waiting for the radioactive metal to kill and die.” Sword Musou said an impossible situation.

“Or, or the snake of Chaos takes the initiative to smash the radioactive metal into the body and swallow it. Otherwise, the radioactive metal sputum is impossible to play.” The sword is unparalleled.

In Shi Lei’s mind, there was a faint thought about one thing. It happened in another journey of life. The leader of Xia’s friendly neighbor Bakki State was poisoned by radioactive metal 210 poisoning.

“Jazz, you talk about how the chaotic snake will accept the poison of the radioactive metal scorpion? The chaotic snake has the supernatural power to control the gravitational force. Even if the radioactive metal scorpion really enters the body of the chaotic snake, it is difficult to keep the snake of chaos. It will extract it from the body through the power of gravity control. This way, no operation is possible!” Sword unparalleled spread his hands and make a powerless action.

Shi Lei frowned. “Do we really have no chance of winning?”

“No! Boss, we have a chance! It is the theory I have said before, the law of conservation of energy, the snake of Chaos has erupted so powerfully, how does his body support it? Needless to say, he only said that he has carried out the air. More than 700 million times the energy required for compression is an astronomical figure. How does this part of the energy get?” The sword has no brows and wrinkles. Obviously, it is impossible to understand why the snake of chaos is immune to the law of conservation of energy.

This is absolutely unscientific!

Even the supernatural power possessed by the Chaos Snake is unscientific, but it is not scientific and has a hierarchical orientation. Some basic laws of science, it is absolutely impossible to immunize. But some unscientific things, with the development of science to a certain extent, have a scientific explanation.

Although the supernatural power controlled by Chaos Snake has no scientific explanation for the time being, who can guarantee that the supernatural power will not be the basic force of mankind in the distant future?

Perhaps one day, when human beings enter the starry sky and learn how to use supernatural powers, they will become part of human daily life, just like learning textbook knowledge now, even as learning, becoming part of human survival.

Shi Lei understood the meaning of the sword unparalleled. “We control the circle of snakes and the chaos of chaos. Anyway, the chaos of chaos can’t catch up with the cracks of the sky. Let’s see how much energy is there.”

“This is a good way! There is only one uncertain factor. In case the Chaos Snake does not play, how can I come to Shuangqing City to find us?” Sword Wushuang worried.

Shi Lei smiled and said: “Reassured, I immediately arrange everyone’s retreat and incognito matters!”

Although the Chaos Snake is also the world’s top-level hacker, forging identity information, it is very easy to be seen by the Chaos Snake, but here is Xia Guo, here is a country with less strict system management, forged identity information?


As long as there are enough benefits, why bother to falsify your identity? What identity do you want, what identity?

After all, there were rich people joking, asking a manager to replace the avatar hanging in the capital of Beijing Capital City with the head of the rich father. Then, the rich will give the manager a billion yuan in compensation and only need to hang one day.

After a few days, the manager told the rich that the demand had been completed!

But when the rich went to the capital square to see it, they found that the manager deceived him because the avatar hanging in the capital square was still the big man, not the deceased father of the rich.

When the rich questioned the manager, the manager just smiled and told him to let the rich go back to check their identity information. The rich immediately checked the identity information, and his father had been changed to the hanging big man.

Although this is only a joke, it reveals that some of the identity management systems are unreasonable and can be seamlessly modified through the official.

Shi Lei, everyone wants to hide the name or not, is just a snake of chaos, will it be a circle with the cracks of the sky?

(To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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