
Chapter 1905

【OVA-EVA】Section 4 A.T.Field!


Nerv headquarters, the first hangar. ”

The purple-green first machine, quietly standing in the unknown liquid, waiting for the driver to enter, facing the third apostle Sakir.

However, such a situation was stopped by Shi Lei.

Shi Lei did not quite understand the plot of Eva, and the world of this eva seems to have changed a lot. Therefore, Shi Lei certainly wants to stop Ling Bo Li. Because no one can be sure, will you really replace Lingbo in the same way as the original story?

Gecheng Miri stared at Shi Lei, and he couldn’t tell the surprise. When he was facing the third apostle in Hakone, Shi Lei also said that the third apostle was very dangerous.

Now I have to take the initiative to play?

Ling Bo Li is a man-made biological gene clone. Although it has the same emotions as most natural humans, it is not so obvious now that Ling Bo Li presents three emotional expressions.

“If…the third apostle dies, the battle is aborted…” Ling Bo Li said a little.

Shi Lei secretly sighed, and now Ling Bo Li, the soul is not fully mature. Only Ling Lili, whose soul is fully mature, is the real Ling Bo Li.

Even artificially manufactured biological gene clones can have a soul. Once the artificially produced biological gene is cloned, it has a complete soul, which is a brand new individual, not a replica of the mother.

Although the artificially produced biological gene clone has the same genetic characteristics as the mother, it is because of the existence of the soul. There is a difference from the mother.

Even through genetic inheritance technology, inheritance of memory. It also produces different souls. Just the technology of the eva world. It has not developed to the soul level, just knowing the concept of the soul.

“In this case, I pronounced that ugly creature, executed the death penalty!” Shi Lei said with a smile, then turned to Gecheng Miri Road, “Miss Gecheng Miri, please help me lead the way, I lost. I don’t know how to go out. ”

Everyone listened to Shi Lei’s words, and all the faces were suppressed with a smile.

Gecheng Miri is nervous: “You, are you sure?”

“I am sure!” Shi Lei nodded indifferently.

“That is the third apostle, with a monster of a.t.field, how do you defeat it? I remember you said before, you also feel that the third apostle is very dangerous.” Gecheng Meili said with concern.

Shi Lei scratched his head with his right hand, an embarrassed expression. “It’s just a danger. Thank you for your concern. Miss Gecheng Miri, take the road!”

Gecheng Miri looked helpless at Shi Lei, but he could only lead Shi Lei. After all, now, in addition to the implementation of Shi Lei’s method. Is there any other way?

Besides, there is an idea in the heart of Gecheng Miri, she believes that Shi Lei can certainly defeat the third apostle. Because of the power that Shi Lei showed. It is beyond the imagination of Gecheng Miri.

After more than a minute, Gecheng Miri took Shi Lei to the ground exit of the nerv headquarters. “Youth, although I don’t know who you are. But everything is up!”

“Miss Gecheng Miri, I said , my name is Shicun Qijiro.” Shi Lei turned his back to Gecheng Miri, erected his right hand to make a goodbye gesture, then turned around and was embarrassed, “Ah, that, Gecheng Miss Miri, please help me take care of the nigga. Hey, it is!” Shi Lei kicked a deformed demon and handed the rope of his left hand to Gecheng Miri.

Gecheng Miri looked at the deformed demon, although the deformed demon in the hands of Shi Lei, like a pet dog obedient, but that is definitely not the norm of the deformed demon.

The human beings who die in the hands of the deformed devil every year far exceed the apostles.

Shi Lei seemed to see the shackles of Gecheng Miri. The right hand was caught in the void in the void. A silver-white collar appeared. He put the collar on the neck of the deformed demon, and smiled and said: “Miss Gecheng Miri, please rest assured, The collar is in, the **** will not be disobedient. Is it?” The last sentence, apparently speaking to the deformed demon.

After receiving the guarantee of Shi Lei, Ge Chengmei took a deep breath and then took the traction rope of Shi Lei’s left hand with a momentum of excusing.

The deformed magical fruit, like Shi Lei said, came to the side of Gecheng Meili, and like a pet dog, the dog sat next to Gecheng.

Shi Lei took a picture of the deformed demon’s head. “I will come back later. If you are naughty, I will teach you.” After that, Shi Lei turned and stepped on the void.


Shi Lei stepped on the air step by step. Just like the invisible steps in the air, he stepped on the void and let Gecheng Meili behind him stunned.

At a low altitude of about 20 meters, Shi Lei was like a free-flying bird, and came to the opposite side of the third apostle.

Shi Lei and the third apostle’s body shape are totally incomparable!

But the third apostle stopped, and the red eyes in the bone mask between the shoulders seemed to be looking at Shi Lei.

Shi Lei communicated with butler in his mind. “Butler, is this ugly thing, is there any normal thinking? Or is there any higher wisdom?”

Butler responded: “Sir, it is not certain that there is a layer of defense around the target and it is impossible to detect it effectively.”

Shi Lei snorted. “The body is too big, it looks too ugly, and it doesn’t look like high intelligence. Otherwise, it will not stupidly step on the n2 mine. It is completely a disgusting creature!”

The third apostle and Shi Lei were deadlocked. The third apostle seemed to feel the danger of Shi Lei. There was no sign of attacking for the time being; Shi Lei was considering how to clean up the third apostle.

Nerv headquarters, underground command room.

Whether it is Wuyuantang, or winter moon farming, or Gecheng Meili, and other staff, all pay attention to Shi Lei.

Yi Biao Moye is a staff member of the nerv technical department of the Ministry. It is mainly responsible for monitoring the eva synchronization rate and collecting and analyzing eva related information.

Now, it is not eva, Ibuki Maya has no work, she whispered: “Mr. Gecheng, the boy, is it okay?” After that, Yi Biao Moye also carefully looked at the deformed magic around Gecheng Miri. .

Gecheng Miri smiled and nodded. “Reassured, it should be no problem.”

But in fact, Ge Chengmei Li did not have a picture in his heart. Whether Shi Lei is sure to deal with the third apostle is just a vague feeling that Shi Lei will not fail.

Wu Yuantang put his hands and fingers in front of him, hiding his eyes behind his glasses, with a touch of indescribable light, the city’s deep man, almost never reveal his own ideas.

Above the nerv headquarters.

The third apostle seemed to be tired of confrontation with Shi Lei. As in the previous elimination of the human armored car unit, a pair of red eyes shot high-energy light in the white bone mask in the center of the third apostle’s shoulders.

High-energy light hits Shi Lei directly!


The high-energy light did not penetrate Shi Lei, but was resisted by Shi Lei. To be precise, it should be resisted by a light blue twilight layer.

Shi Lei’s eyes flashed a bit of disdain, and Mi Rui Technology Group has advanced technology in the field of energy technology. Similar to the original, direct use of energy as a means of attack, in the eyes of the Mi Rui Technology Group, is absolutely the level of beginners.

“Do you have only such a means? Hey, can you understand?” Shi Lei said casually.

The third apostle simply ignored Shi Lei, or as Shi Lei said, the third apostle could not understand. However, the third apostle had a fighting instinct. It understood that the energy attack could not damage Shi Lei, and then rushed to Shi Lei to try to fight at close range.

The third apostle has a.t.field, and close combat has great advantages. If you don’t break a.t.field, you can’t basically attack the third apostle.

When the third apostle rushed over, Shi Lei flashed a disgusting emotion in his eyes, and whispered in his mouth: “I don’t know how to politely!”

I did not see any action by Shi Lei at all. The third apostle who was about to approach Shi Lei directly flew out. Even a.t.field, which claims to have a strong defense, does not stop Shi Lei’s attack.

The command room of the nerv headquarters.

Everyone was surprised to see the battle between Shi Lei and the third apostle. Yi Biao Moye even exclaimed. “He, he, he, broke the a.t.field directly!”

“No!” responded with a calm voice. A woman wearing a white long plait with a blue base coat and a twenty-eighth-eight blond short-haired woman responded to Yi Biao Moye.

“Dr.?” Yi Biao Moye asked in confusion.

This woman with short blonde hair is the magi system administrator. She has inherited her mother’s career and became the doctor of the nerv technical development department. It is also the direct supervisor of Yibo Mayer.

“The attack of the boy directly penetrated the induction of a.t.field, and did not activate a.t.field, and he had already hit the third apostle.” Akagi said.

“How is this possible?” Gecheng Miri interjected.

A.t.field is known as the field of absolute terror. It can also be said to be the application of soul power, claiming to be able to withstand all attacks. Unless another a.t.field is used for neutralization, other attacks cannot break or penetrate a.t.field.

Why is the conventional power of mankind unable to destroy the apostles?

The most fundamental reason is that the apostle possessed a.t.field, the human conventional power, and could not break a.t.field. Even the n2 mine, which is as powerful as a nuclear weapon, lost to a.t.field.

If, say, a.t.field is defective. Then, the work against the apostles will be very simple!

“Why not?” Redwood said.

(To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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