
Chapter 1910

【OVA-EVA】Section 9 The Beauty of Lif

[ovaeva] colortion9 life’s praise.

In the sky, Shi Lei fluttered his wings and flew to a higher sky, about a hundred meters high, before he stopped.

This height is equivalent to thirty-three floors. From the ground, watching Shi Lei, plus the role of the sun, can hardly be seen.

The teacher of the third new Tokyo City No. 1 Middle School discovered the abnormal behavior of the students and then discovered the angels in the sky.

Teachers are not the same as students!

When the legendary angel appears in the real world, the students will watch the fun, will be surprised, will admire, but the teacher is different.

The teacher immediately called the police!

The police hall of the Wozang State still exists. The nerv is only responsible for dealing with the apostles and the deformed devils, and the crimes of ordinary humans still need to be handled by the Metropolitan Police Department.

Of course, the Metropolitan Police Department occasionally deals with the problem of deformed demons. However, the Metropolitan Police Department absolutely does not like to deal with it.

After receiving the alarm from the third new Tokyo City No. 1 Middle School, the Metropolitan Police Department did not immediately issue an alarm. Because, according to the analysis of the alarm information, the creatures that appeared in the third new Tokyo City No. 1 Middle School not only have the white wings of an angel, but also have the ability to fly.

The Metropolitan Police Department was unable to make a judgment. I don’t know what the angels appeared in the Third New Tokyo City First High School. Therefore, the Metropolitan Police Department contacted nerv, hoping that nerv will carry out the association] long] wind] text] learning, ☆ ¢ ≥ t help processing.

This is indeed not that the Metropolitan Police Department is too incompetent, but in the event of a creature appearing in the No. 1 Middle School of the Third New Tokyo City, what should be done like a deformed demon?

So, it’s more secure to call nerv.

however. In fact, even the Metropolitan Police Department does not notify nerv. Nerv will also know soon. It is not that nerv arranged for the eyeliner of the third new Tokyo City No. 1 Middle School to report, but Shi Lei created a bigger movement.

In the sky about a hundred meters. I saw Shi Lei behind him, the white wings, the frequency of fanning is getting faster and faster. As the fan’s fanning frequency increases, a white feather falls from the wings.

A lot of feathers, like snowflakes, fall from the sky!

That strong real effect creates an unparalleled dreamy vision. Have to admire the passive holographic light and shadow technology. It is really too strong.

On the ground, the students found that the angel’s feathers were falling in the sky, and some girls screamed, hoping to grab one or two angel feathers.

But this desire is doomed to be impossible.

Shi Lei is in the sky, creating such an effect. Naturally, it is not boring to play. Shi Lei’s mouth has a faint smile. In the process of falling white feathers, a huge accumulation of energy appeared.

Nerv headquarters, command room.

Yi Biao Moye looked at the panoramic display wall and pressed the alarm. And issued a prompt: “The third new Tokyo city found a high energy response!”

Nerv’s mission is to fight against the apostles, and the ability to fight urgently is very strong, after Iraqi Moses issued an alarm. Less than a minute, almost all the people. All gathered.

Qing Yemao is a deputy operator who has positioned a more specific position. “The high-energy reaction area is the first middle school, and relevant image information is being mobilized, please wait!”

Nerv’s intelligence capabilities are excellent, and their monitoring system seems to be able to monitor the entire third new Tokyo city.

The eyes behind Wuyuantang hidden behind the glasses are a bit gloomy. The third new Tokyo City No. 1 Middle School is almost the heart of the nerv. Because the driver of nerv is basically there!

If the apostle attacked the third new Tokyo City No. 1 Middle School, it would cause great losses to nerv.

However, when the panoramic display wall of the nerv headquarters war room shows the picture, it makes everyone feel surprised. The high energy response of the first middle school is not an apostle, but an angel!

The vast majority of nerv staff know angels!

Gecheng Miri strangely said: “Is that an angel?”

Akagi Riko denied the opening, “Impossible! Angels are creatures in fantasy, how can they appear in the real world?”

Gecheng Miri did not answer the Akagi rhyme, but told Aoba, “Aoba, adjust the surveillance picture, and observe the shape of the angel at a close distance!”

“Yes!” Qing Yemao responded, although Qing Yemao’s direct supervisor should be winter months, but Gecheng Meili’s authority in nerv is very large and has a good foundation. Qing Yemao also listens to Gecheng Meili’s instructions. .

With the adjustment of Qingye Mao, the panoramic display wall, the true face of the angel appeared.

Gecheng Miri screamed in surprise, “Shicun Qijilang?”

Akagi is also surprised to see the situation displayed in the picture, she also knows Shichimura Shijiro.

Wu Yuantang looked at Shi Lei, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he was suddenly released. His hands crossed his fingers and placed in front of him. He asked: “Winter Moon, do you think that the mysterious boy is an angel?”

“Lack of intelligence support is temporarily unrecognizable. However, we have searched the world’s population information and cannot determine the identity of the mysterious teenager. At the same time, the boy has the mysterious power to defeat the apostles. So, no matter what the boy, what is it? I tend to believe in identity information.” Winter Moon Farming responded.

Wuyuantang did not respond, but continued to look at the holographic display wall quietly.

the other side.

Butler is in the mind, reminding Shi Lei, “Private r, found optical detection system.”

Shi Lei’s heart sneered, it seems that nerv has already paid attention to it. Then, continue to the next step!

In the sky, Shi Lei’s frequency of flapping his wings has dropped, and the white feathers falling in the air are slowly falling. In the next moment, in the mouth of Shi Lei, a loud humming sound broke out.



Shi Lei uses the voice of the world of Krentia, as if singing a magic spell.

The loud humming sound spread throughout the first middle school and fell into the ears of every student, making them feel the peace of mind.

This is the effect of Shi Lei using spiritual comfort, which further strengthens the students’ credibility with the existence of angels.

At the nerv headquarters. Wu Yuantang listened to Shi Lei’s humming voice and immediately told him: “Record audio. Prepare to crack the meaning of audio.”

“Yes!” Yi Biao Moye and Qing Yemao recorded the humming sound of Shi Lei.

With the sing of Shi Lei. The white feathers falling in the sky seemed to be drawn by invisible forces, forming a circle of white feathers in the air.

The circle of white feathers slowly descended to the roof of the first middle school building. During the process of falling, the middle of the circle changed.

The white feathers that make up the circle are separated by a part, and in the middle of the circle, an equilateral triangle is constructed. When an equilateral triangle is constructed. Start building the second equilateral triangle again.

Two equilateral triangles, in the middle of the circle, form a six-pointed star shape, as if the legendary magic array!

When the white feathers formed a six-pointed star, Shi Lei once again stirred the energy fluctuations in the six-pointed star range, further stimulating nerv.


When Shi Lei stirred the energy fluctuations in the six-pointed star range, inside the command room of the nerv headquarters, Yi Biao Moye shocked: “The energy fluctuations exceed the third apostle! Is this a teenager, is it really an angel?”

Qing Yemao is worried: “He will not be an apostle?”

Yi Biao Moye snorted. “If it is an apostle, why did he kill the third apostle?”

“Maybe he wants to gain our trust?” Qing Yemao found a reason for himself.

Gecheng Miri couldn’t help but train. “Before that, I have brought him to the headquarters! If Shicun Qiji is an apostle. We have all finished!”

Qing Yemao quickly apologized: “Sorry, Minister Gecheng, I have no doubt what you mean.”

Gecheng Miri waved his hand. “Continue to watch!”

The third new Tokyo City First Middle School’s teaching building, a six-pointed star made up of white feathers. A student who is immersed in holiness and is located on the playground. After being illuminated by the holy light, there was a joyful emotion.

But in fact, it is still Shi Lei who is cheating with spiritual power. Shi Lei only creates a sense of pleasure through the spiritual power, specifically for the students who watch.

Shi Lei’s singing voice is getting louder and louder and more and more urgent, as if he is about to reach the end.

At the headquarters of nerv, Wuyuantang looked at the panoramic display wall. Although his face was calm, his heart was not calm. He found Ling Bo Li!

‘Ling Bo Li, Shi Cun Qi Ji Lang, what is the relationship between the two? Or, what is the plan for Shijiro Shijiro? What did he find? Is the secret of Ling Bo Li exposed? ’

Ling Bo Li is a man-made biological gene clone, and this secret is not everyone known. The truth is the opposite. The person who knows this secret is very rare.

Including Gecheng Miri, who is in the high position of the Minister of Operations, I don’t know!

At the same time, Ling Bo Li relied on the gene of Lilith, this secret, only Wuyuantang knows!

“Hey! That’s Ling Bo Li!” Ge Chengmei Li also found Ling Bo Li. “Aoba, adjust the monitoring screen, look at the roof of the first middle school!”

Qing Yemao adjusted the surveillance screen according to the instructions of Gecheng Meili, and found Lingbo Li!

Gecheng Miri’s heart was strange. Before Shi Lei’s hangar in the first machine showed interest in Ling Bo Li, Ge Chengmei Li secretly watched.

‘Is it the seventh stone of Shimura, like Ling Bo Li? ‘A weird idea suddenly rose in the heart of Gecheng. To be honest, Ling Bo Li’s cold and cold character has a low presence at the nerv headquarters.

If it is not because Ling Bo Li is the driver of eva, I am afraid that in the headquarters of nerv, basically no one will know the existence of Ling Bo Li.

Even if Ling Bo Li is the driver of eva, the sense of existence is still very low and low!

When Gecheng Miri was still thinking, Qing Yemao once again reminded, “The high energy response of the first middle school is raised again!”

In the third new Tokyo City First Middle School, Hong Liang’s voice echoed throughout the campus.

“Blessing! God’s gift! The praise of life!”.

(To be continued…)

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