
Chapter 1912

【OVA-EVA】Section 11 The Sacred Ring

[ova-eva] color sacred ring.

If it is a normal girl, when faced with a gift from a boy, I will be curious to ask what the gift is. But Ling Bo Li, not a normal girl.

“Oh.” Ling Bo Li faintly responded as if he did not like Shi Lei’s gift. But in fact, only Ling Bo Li’s emotional cognition is weak.

Shi Lei looked at Ling Bo Li, his face was serious, and his tone was serious: “Ling Bo, your body, is it sometimes very uncomfortable? As if there is a kind of power in the body that is not being able to tear you slowly crack?”

Ling Bo Li has two souls in his body.

One is from Lilith, just Lilith’s soul fragments; the other is Ling Bo Li’s self-soul, a young, immature soul.

When two souls compete for the body’s mastery, an indescribable body tear is created. This is also one of the reasons why Ling Bo Li needs to receive systemic modulation frequently.

Ling Bo Li nodded and did not conceal Shi Lei. “Yes.”

Although Ling Bo Li’s emotional cognition is thin, but the young soul of Ling Bo Li, obviously has a good impression on Shi Lei, likes to be close to Shi Lei, and even thinks that Shi Lei can rely on.

Shi Lei just smiled and did not explain with Ling Bo Li that she was a human creature clone. After all, Ling Bo Li does not know what is called artificially manufactured biological gene clones.

Besides, telling Ling Bo Li this information will not only help Ling Bo Li’s soul to grow, but will also attack Ling Bo Li’s soul, thus strengthening Lilith’s soul.

“The gift I gave you will change this situation.” Shi Lei did not explain more, and the right palm was up. A small red box appears.

Shi Lei opened a small red box. Inside the box, it was a silver-white ring. The ring is not inlaid with any decorative materials. On the ring, it depicts the intricate and unclear words, full of mystery.

The main material of the silver-white ring. Gene memory materials were used.

The so-called gene memory material is based on common memory materials, and further incorporates the gene verification function. For example, this ring is given to Ling Bo Li by Shi Lei, then the material of the ring will remember the genetic characteristics of Ling Bo Li.

If it is not worn by Ling Bo Li, then. The special function of the ring will not be turned on, and even the anti-theft function will be turned on.

If it is an ordinary girl, it will be very surprising to be given a ring by a boy. because. The meaning of the ring is too rich. But Ling Bo Li looked at the ring calmly, neither accepting nor rejecting.

Shi Lei briefly introduced it, “Ling Bo. This ring, called “Holy Ring”. It comes from the gift of God. It has many functions. First, it can heal your body as long as you wear it. The pain that bothers you will not happen again. Secondly, it has the function to protect you. When you wear it, when you are in danger, God’s blessing will appear, instead of resisting danger. Finally, if it happens In an emergency, it will become a gift from God to treat you for immediate fatal injury.”

The Holy Ring is not a gift from God!

It is the Mi Rui Technology Group, which combines space technology, nanotechnology, life sciences, memory materials technology, energy science, etc., and is a high-end product of integrated manufacturing.

Inside the sacred ring, through the space technology, a superimposed space is opened, so that in the superimposed space, the energy core based on the fifth-level primary level application scheme of the n5 metal is continuously constructed, and the energy supply of the holy ring is guaranteed.

At the same time, within the superimposed space of the Holy Ring, there is also a nanomedicine robot that combines life science and nanotechnology manufacturing to treat the wearer.

In addition, through the application of energy science, the Holy Ring provides an energy stand that can resist damage. According to the degree of development of the world, ordinary heavy-duty sniper rifles, no matter how close, can not break through the energy position provided by the Holy Ring.

Including the deformed devil, can not break the energy position of the holy ring!

Listening to Shi Lei’s introduction, Ling Bo Li’s red eyes flashed a touch of moving look. This kind of emotional fluctuation is very rare for Ling Bo Li.

“Ling Bo, his left hand is sticking out.” Shi Lei smiled.

Ling Bo Li’s emotional cognition is also very good, at least to some extent, Ling Bo Li is very obedient, as long as it does not involve Wuyuantang, basically will not refuse.

Ling Bo Li did not know how to stretch out her left hand. She didn’t know what it was. Looking at Ling Bo Li’s white and tender fingers, Shi Lei’s eyes flashed a regret.

In the end, Shi Lei will wear the holy ring and wear Ling Lipi’s left hand little finger instead of the ring finger.

The silver ring is much larger than Ling Bo Li’s little finger. When Ling Bo Li was preparing to ask, Shi Lei added: “Yes, Ling Bo, are you afraid of pain?”

Ling Bo Li did not understand why Shi Lei asked so, but Ling Bo Li shook his head. Ling Bo Li often suffers from tearing pain in the body. For general pain, Ling Bo Li has already had great resistance.

Shi Lei pretends to breathe a sigh of relief: “Because the Holy Ring is too strong, it needs to identify a master, and the way to identify the owner requires a drop of blood on it. However, please be assured that only a small drop of blood is needed. Let the holy ring recognize the Lord. Then the Holy Ring will heal the wound immediately.”

After that, Shi Lei’s right hand, a silver long needle appeared, and handed it to Ling Bo Li, indicating that Ling Bo Li tied at the tip of his finger, and gave the Holy Ring a blood to recognize the Lord.

This is the bad taste of Shi Lei!

At the same time, this is also the means by Shi Lei to mislead Wuyuantang!

According to Shi Lei’s suggestion, Ling Bo Li placed the holy ring on the surface of the wooden table, then held the long silver needle in his right hand and stabbed a small wound in the index finger of his left hand.

Ling Bo Li did not wrinkle even his brows. Obviously, the wounds from the silver needles are nothing for Ling Bo Li.

Ling Bo Li’s left index finger tip, squeezed a drop of blood, dripping on the silver-white ring, the holy ring directly absorbed the blood, as if the blood just dropped on it does not exist.

Shi Lei gestured: “Ling Bo, you can wear it!”

This time, Ling Bo Li himself put the holy ring on the little finger of the left hand and saw the corner of Shi Lei. The sacred ring is on the small left thumb of Ling Bo Li, quickly narrowing the ring size, and finally perfectly matching Ling Bo Li’s left hand little finger.

Ling Bo Li showed a surprised look.

Within a day of the day, Ling Bo Li’s emotional volatility even exceeded the number of previous years. Because, Ling Bo Li did see too many things beyond the common sense.

Shi Lei nodded with satisfaction, and then said: “Ling Bo, if there is anything, remember to call me. You only need to call the holy ring, I can know!”

The sacred ring has built-in neutrino communication module, communication inside the planet, and neutrino communication technology, which fully meets the demand.

Ling Boli hesitated a little and then nodded.

Shi Lei stood up and showed a faint smile. “Goodbye, Ling Bo.” After the talk, Shi Lei did not remember, turned and left.

In the corridor, the milky white deformed demon is confronting the two nerv security personnel. When Shi Lei came out, the security staff of the two nervs breathed a sigh of relief.

Shi Lei took a picture of the deformed demon’s head and picked up the leash again. He said: “The nigga, let’s go!” Shi Lei did not pay attention to the security guards of the two nervs. Instead, the two nerv security guards quickly gave way to Shi Lei. .

The security guards of the two nervs know Shi Lei, a mysterious person who can directly confront the apostles without eva, giving them 10,000 courage, and dare not agree with Shi Lei.

When Shi Lei left, the two nerv security personnel rushed to the rooftop and watched Ling Bo Li safe and sound, and he was relieved.

“Miss Lingbo, Commander-in-Chief, told you to return to the nerv headquarters immediately.” One of the security personnel conveyed Lingyuan’s order to Ling Bo Li.

Ling Bo Li nodded coldly and agreed, it seems that it is not important to go to class in the afternoon, but returned to the nerv headquarters with two nerv security personnel.

Nerv headquarters.

In the commander’s office, Wu Yuantang alone met Ling Bo Li, and Wu Yuantang put his hands on the desk with his fingers crossed, just blocking his mouth.

In the commander’s office where the light was slightly dark, Wuyuantang and Lingbo Li remained silent. After a long time, Wuyuantang told him: “Ling Bo Li, all the things that will happen on the rooftop will be reported again.”

“Yes, Commander of the Sui. On the roof…” Ling Bo Li rehearsed in a plain tone, from the initial Shi Lei forced to invite dinner, and then he cured the injury, and then presented a silver ring.

In the case of Ling Bo Li’s report, especially in the first half, Wuyuantang has been watched through the nerv intelligence system. Only the second half, although nerv’s intelligence system is blocked, but Wuyuantang does not think that Ling Bo Li will lie.

“The Holy Ring of God’s Blessing?” The tone of Wuyuantang, with a strong distrust. Wuyuantang does not believe in the existence of God at all, nor does it believe in the blessings of God!

“Yes, Commander-in-Chief. According to the interpretation of Qijilang, this holy ring has been blessed by God.” Ling Bo Li repeated.

“What are the functions of the Holy Ring?” Wu Yuantang cleaned up his mood. Although he did not believe in the existence of God, but the specific circumstances of the Holy Ring, Wu Yuantang is still interested in knowing.

Ling Boli once again replied truthfully. “After I took the Holy Ring, the pain that was originally like a body tear has now disappeared. As for other functions, I don’t know.”

After listening to Wu Yuantang, he took out a small pistol and pointed at Ling Bo Li and shot without hesitation.

” ”

The gunshots echoed in the commander’s office….

(To be continued.)


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