Hacking the Game Didn’t Go as Intended

CHAPTER 26: The Merchants’ Guild


The wooden bridge creaked and groaned as Daisuke crossed the moat that surrounded the town. The lofty walls were more imposing up close, their impressive shadows stretching far and wide on the ground.

“Welcome to Wonderelle,” one of the two sentry guards greeted warmly.

Wonderelle. According to the atlas, it’s in the Arcanium Kingdom—the one that banished and condemned the Percivals.

Pushing the unpleasant thought aside, Daisuke stepped onto the cobblestone streets of the town, surrounded by medieval-style houses that exuded an air of history and charm.

At the heart of the town sprawled the bustling central plaza, a hub of activity where players streamed in and out of the «Gate»—an ogee-shaped structure featuring a swirling blue vortex, offering instantaneous teleportation to distant realms.

Because the game promoted free roam and preferred if players explored the open world, it only allowed users to teleport free once per month. Otherwise, they had to pay an exorbitant amount of gold for the fee.

From the central hub, busy districts radiated outwards, alive with the constant movement of horse-drawn wagons loaded with foods and other supplies, and carriages that transported nobles and merchants.

Market stalls lined the thoroughfares, the shopkeepers energetically advertising their varied wares to passersby. Among the crowd, a mix of people from different races and species mingled animatedly. Clad in an array of armor, some practical and others ornate, they painted a vibrant picture of diversity.

Zephyr’s nose twitched as something delightful coaxed his olfactory receptors. Wafting on the wind was a mélange of aromas, ranging from the enticing fragrance of freshly cooked food to the alluring scents of various cosmetics and perfumes.

He couldn’t identify any of them.

But there was one smell in particular that was especially attractive, and he salivated in response.

“Whoa!” Daisuke exclaimed as the canine’s head popped out from the V of his shirt. He had suggested that Zephyr hid in his clothes because he wasn’t sure what the law on animals… monsters—whatever, was in the town.


Daisuke grinned when he noted the pup’s excited animation, its tongue finding its way outside its mouth in a ravenous pant as they were about to pass a stall hosting the enticing smell.

“Oi, my boy,” the shopkeeper called upon spying the canine’s open enthusiasm. “Your little friend here knows quality barbecue when he smells it! Here’s a sample; a token of my appreciation!”

The culinary genius held a perfectly cooked cutlet of barbecue pork in front of Zephyr’s nose, teasing, suffocating him with a blast of the heady scent.

The pup looked to Daisuke for permission, beaming with glee when he nodded with a smile. Almost immediately, Zephyr tilted his head back and opened his mouth, happily accepting the shopkeeper’s kind offer.

He chewed passionately, relishing the unfamiliar and delicious blend of seasonings and sauces that defined the chef’s unique recipe.

The man hugged his chest and grinned with evident triumph. “It’s always a pleasure to serve those who can tell good quality with but a single whiff of the nose. And you’re no exception, little guy.”


“Thanks, Mister,” Daisuke said with a wave.

“No problem! Be sure to come by again; there will always be free samples for you and your friend!”

While Zephyr was busy trying to lick the remains of barbecue sauce from his nose, Daisuke was busy looking up at the Merchants’ Guild signboard while deliberating.

I’ve been stuck within the game for a few years now, and during all that time, I haven’t been able to pull out a console like a normal player would. That leads me to one conclusion: I’m probably an NPC.

Surreptitious gazes and whispers among finely dressed men and women arrested the lobby area of the guild. The merchants who were once engrossed with broadening their network and sharing information were now glancing at the silver-haired boy who was dressed in rags.

What business could such a degenerate have in a fine establishment like the Merchants’ Guild?

Ignoring their glowering, Daisuke proceeded toward the front desk. Zephyr had already hidden himself again.

As opposed to players who respawn indefinitely after death, NPCs only have one life. Does that same law apply to me? I can’t be sure, which is why I’ve mostly been refraining from putting my life on the line.

Instead of becoming an adventurer, I’ll become a merchant and use that wealth to lead a comfortable life. In time, I would also have the resources to find and help April and the others—and I may as well try to figure out what happened to me while I’m at it.

“Hello,” the female clerk greeted with a bright smile. “How may I be of service to you today?”

The choice of words had Daisuke fleetingly taking a glimpse at the woman’s generous bust. “Hi. I would like to register for the guild.”

“Certainly. Have you ever been a part of the Merchant’s Guild?”

“No, I haven’t.”

“In that case, please allow me to give you a brief rundown of the process,” she said courteously while resting a large old book on the counter. “The Merchants’ Guild is a private entity that isn’t affiliated with any country, church, or organization. We are completely neutral and focused entirely on enriching our members.”

Her neatly manicured finger hovered over the timeworn page of the book. “As you can see, there are five ranks in the Merchants’ Guild.”

Daisuke skimmed over the chart.


Merchants’ Guild Rankings:

1st » Adamantium Rank:

For Prestigious Trading Empires (with numerous branches)

Enrollment Fee: 8 Gold Coins

Annual Fee/Tax: Calculated based on branch count


2nd » Orichalcum Rank:

Suitable for Mid-Scale Trading Houses (with multiple branches) Enrollment Fee: 4 Gold Coins

Annual Fee/Tax: Calculated based on branch count


3rd » Mithril Rank:

Ideal for Small-Scale Trading Ventures (reasonably sizable enterprises)

Enrollment Fee: 2 Gold Coins

Annual Fee: 5 Gold Coins

Annual Tax: 10 Gold Coins


4th » Gold Rank:

Suited for Independent Establishments (such as roadside apparel or produce shops)

Enrollment Fee: 1 Gold Coin

Annual Fee: 2 Gold Coins

Annual Tax: 4 Gold Coins


5th » Silver Rank:

Appropriate for Traveling Merchants and Street Vendors (lacking physical premises)

Enrollment Fee: 5 Silver Coins

Annual Fee: 1 Gold Coin

Annual Tax: 2 Gold Coins


“Your yearly fees, business type, and size will be determined by your rank,” the woman continued. “Do you have any questions?”

“Not yet.”

“In that case, what kind of venture do you plan to establish?”

Daisuke rubbed his chin in thought. I don’t have any appraising abilities, so I’m not sure what the crystals are worth. The guild would likely only buy them at market price, but if they’re a rare commodity, players might pay more. Right now, what I need most is information.

“I won’t have much of a physical store at the get-go, so I guess I’ll be starting off as a street-side vendor.”

“Then it appears the introductory Silver Rank would be the most suitable choice for you,” informed the clerk as she slipped him a piece of parchment with a feathered pen. “Please go ahead and fill out this application form.”

Daisuke complied and handed back the document as instructed.

“Perfect,” the woman said after verifying the information. “Now then, Haxks… to complete your enrollment, all I will need is the registration fee of five silver coins.”

Before entering the town, Daisuke discreetly moved the coin purse from its secure strap on his inner thigh into his pocket. It held the entirety of the hard-earned loot he had accumulated from various odd jobs around Dusthaven to eventually bring his mother to see a doctor.

Hesitantly, he poured out the ominously light contents of the purse into his hand and breathed a sigh of relief when he counted five silver and three copper pieces. A trembling hand handed over his life’s savings to the clerk.

“Thank you. Please wait here a moment.”

As she stepped aside, a short, elderly woman came up to the counter from the backdoor.

“What is she doing?” Daisuke asked her curiously.

“She’s creating your ID card and registering it on the Merchants’ Guild magic network. This allows you to use it at any one of our guild locations worldwide.”


“By the way,” the woman began, her eyes narrowed shrewdly. “What is it that you have in your clothes?”


Fear of monsters & the unknown: 7.6%

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