Hacking the Game Didn’t Go as Intended

CHAPTER 31: The Path to Vengeance


Zephyr watched in alarm as the hulking man approached. His hands came crashing down like an axe, completely obliterating the structure that Daisuke painstakingly crafted in the blazing sun.

Even as the canine made for safety, he sneered at the people who had just undermined his companion’s hard-earned achievements. Anger surged through him like liquid fire, a visceral reaction to the injustice unfolding before him.

Vicious razor-sharp teeth peeked out from a creased snout. Piercing blue eyes stirred like a mighty wave, rearing back to build momentum. Then it would surge forth with the force of a thousand steeds. The distraught rolling off Daisuke was fuel that stoked the waves even higher.

Reeza’s sudden appearance and the shocking revelation of her betrayal were the final straw. How dare she? Zephyr wasn’t just a mere beast; he had a conscience, an understanding of emotions, and knew the awful hand Daisuke had just been dealt.

Without hesitation, he launched himself forward, his claws digging into the earth as he propelled his tiny body like a bullet. His sole purpose: to reclaim what was stolen, his target the despicable thief who clutched the Mana Crystal.

But he was just a pup.

In the blink of an eye, he found himself pinned beneath the boot of the dreary-eyed man, his ribs and legs snapping by the excruciating pressure. As the agony seared through him, the flames of his rage and fury gradually cooled.

His singular regret weighed heavily on him—his own weakness, a failure that added to Daisuke’s loneliness and grief. But, no matter how much he willed it, his body wouldn’t respond.

The enemy’s sword reflected in the oceanic depths of his eyes. Then, like a vicious viper, it struck out, completely dousing the embers that were left of his rage… and his life.

Daisuke’s voice rang out like thunder.

Blood churned from his scalp to the tip of his toes. Red veins, like the gnarled branches of trees, reached for his quivering pupils. And he gnashed his teeth in sheer anger.

 The voices of the thugs entered his ears like the mocking jeers of hyenas. With a crazed roar, Daisuke threw himself at them like a torpedo. His arm, pulled back taut, shot forward like an arrow from a bow. The speed and force of his blow was impressive.


But it was just a figment of his imagination—a cruel byproduct of rage and adrenaline. With ease, the men stole the wind from his sales and pummeled him into the ground, their laughs drowning out his cries as he endured the merciless assault.

“Tu,” one man spat before taking his coin purse. Then he turned on his heels and began leaving.

Another man snickered. “Weak.”

“Thanks for the crystal,” another mocked.

“Che,” Reeza clicked her tongue.

The woman who was presumably her mother cast a fleeting look of sympathy and guilt before pulling the trolley away.


Daisuke coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Through his swollen eyelids and the gray slant of rain, he looked in the distance and saw Zephyr’s small and motionless body. He was slowly dematerializing into beads of golden light—a spectacle that was both mesmerizing and horrific.

Despite the aches and pains flickering all throughout his body, Daisuke began crawling. He stretched out his arm, reaching for his friend, but before his fingertips could brush the pup’s fur, his body dispersed into a blinding column of light. And, all too soon, he was gone.

Harsh tears spilling from his eyes, Daisuke slowly sat on his knees, gazing at the bloodied spot of ground where the canine lay just moments ago.

As the rain drove into his skin like tiny needles, and sorrow and despair coiled around his soul, his heart gradually hardened into stone, and his eyes lost their once innocent luster. Now from their dark depths, a new resolve emerged.



The female clerk at the Adventurers’ Guild looked the silver-haired boy over assessingly. “How old were you?”

“I just turned twelve,” replied Daisuke in a monotone, completely ignoring the piercing gazes of the people dotting the lobby area.


The girl evidently didn’t seem too convinced.

In this world, the moment a male could father a child, he was deemed a man, which was around the age of twelve. And being a man was the prerequisite for joining the guild, which meant Daisuke was only just eligible.

The Merchants’ Guild wasn’t overly fixated on its members’ age; they recognized the potential for individuals to receive training in the field from a very young age. Prodigies weren’t all that uncommon, either.

Merchants were also known for employing mercenaries and adventurers as bodyguards, ensuring their safety during business endeavors. This was all the reassurance the guild needed.

However, as far as the Adventurers’ Guild was concerned, early training or prodigious talents didn’t magically bestow a physique that could shrug off monster attacks. So, rather than laying out an easy feast for monsters, the guild took more interest in the applicants’ age.

“For now, go ahead and take these,” the clerk said, handing him a thin piece of polished wood and a sterile needle. “I’ll need to verify your age with a drop of blood.”

After stepping away to analyze the crimson fluid using a strange magical device, the girl returned with a polite smile. “All done. Now, to continue, please go ahead and complete this form,” she instructed, sliding a parchment and pen across the wooden counter.

Daisuke complied with the clerk’s instructions, and then she launched into an explanation that was written in the fine print of the document, which also doubled as a contract.

“Allow me to summarize,” the clerk began, her tone firm yet informative. “Adventurers are categorized into ranks ranging from S to F, with S being the highest tier and F the lowest. As a new member, you will commence at the entry level.

Quests are posted on the bulletin boards,” she indicated, motioning towards the lobby area. “Similar to adventurer rankings, quests are categorized from S to F. However, you can only undertake a quest that matches or is one level above your current rank.

For rankings between D and F, it is imperative that you accept and complete a quest at least once per month to maintain the validity of your ID. Additionally, please be aware that the guild cannot be held accountable for any injuries or fatalities that occur while undertaking a quest.”

The woman stepped away from the counter again, this time approaching a device resembling the one at the Merchants’ Guild.

Upon her return, she held out the same polished wood upon which Daisuke had placed his blood, but now it bore etched writings—his name, age, rank, and more, with the blotch of blood reminiscent of a watermark in the background.

The design was rustic yet simple.

“I’ve also ensured that your ID will be recognized across all our branches,” the clerk informed, “and since your information is already listed on the Global Census Register, there won’t be any additional service fee for its inclusion. Moreover, the guild doesn’t impose any registration fees.”

I guess it would be counterproductive to charge a registration fee when they’re always desperately on the prowl for new recruits. “Are we done here?” asked Daisuke, his tone aloof and unfriendly.

The girl looked him over again, evidently concerned about the many terrible bruises and cuts covering his body. “Y-Yes, but are you—”

“Where can I find records about the monsters living in his area?” Daisuke interjected, cutting her off.

“Oh. Umm. If you take the stairs off to the right, you’ll find a public library on the second floor.”

Before she could even properly finish her sentence, Daisuke’s footsteps were already fading in the distance.

Unnecessary kindness has no place here, he resolved, a dark scowl etching his features. I was betrayed by Brek, used by Reginald, and robbed by Reeza and her goons. I’ve lost everything again—first in the real world, and now in this one.

Daisuke’s belief that his intellect could untangle any knot of trouble had crumbled beneath the weight of reality. Now, it had become painfully clear that power and strength were indispensable companions to his wit.

It was unfortunate he had to learn this harsh truth only after losing those he held dear, but the agony of that loss would fuel his drive to become sharper, fiercer, and more self-centered, no matter the cost.

The paralyzing fear of death that once held him back withered under the weight of his reckless fury. Throwing caution to the wind, Daisuke hurled himself into the library’s depths, devouring knowledge about the local monster species—their strengths, vulnerabilities, and habits.

Next, he turned his focus to the wild, delving into books that detailed survival techniques. He meticulously studied the section on foraging, absorbing insights on identifying edible plants and steering clear of those with poisons.

Finally, his research led him to the art of crafting traps. He poured over the pages detailing their construction, taking in every bit of information about various types of snares and pitfalls, until he stood before the one he had created himself.

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