Hacking the Game Didn’t Go as Intended

CHAPTER 34: The Rewards Beyond the Culmination

A woman, adorned in the attire of a mage, graced the chamber of a medieval-style office. Her slender form, the embodiment of professionalism and dignity, came to a halt a few meters in front of a large elm desk.

“Sir,” she began with unwavering composure, “we have successfully tracked down and apprehended the party that infiltrated our Dungeon without the proper permit.”

The man behind the desk responded, his demeanor tinged with amusement. “Excellent. Ensure that their punishment is both swift and severe so that none will make the same mistake.”

“I have already made the necessary arrangements,” she replied with a respectful bow. “I simply sought your confirmation.”

A grin stretched the man’s lips, his pearly white teeth rivaling the gleam of his impressive armor. “Always one step ahead as ever. You—”

His words were abruptly interrupted as a notification flashed in his peripheral vision. As the Guildmaster, he frequently received a multitude of notifications, yet this one demanded his immediate and undivided attention.

With a deft movement of his finger, he clicked on the mail icon, which brought up the «Leaderboard» Window by extension. Ignoring the other categories, he navigated to the latest update—the Hidden Dungeon scoreboard.

There, he saw it. A player by the name of Haxks had cleared the very first level one Hidden Dungeon in the game.

A mocking twist touched the corner of the Guildmaster’s mouth. It’s his very first Dungeon, and a level one no less, he mused, dismissing the achievement as a mere fluke. Hardly worth mentioning.

For Guildmasters like him, the pursuit of glory and fame was an ongoing strategy to attract potential members to their guilds. And one among the many grand stages for such displays was none other than the Hidden Dungeons.

Rankings were determined by clear times and the number of dungeons conquered, and competitors were known to go to extreme lengths to safeguard their positions—this Guildmaster was no exception.



Before Daisuke could fully recover from the shock, he was promptly teleported back to the surface, and the outcrop that had concealed the cave had vanished, leaving no trace behind.

Birds sang merrily, their warbles echoing from all directions. Sunlight filtered through the lush canopy of trees, casting dappled shadows on the vibrant landscape. The summer breeze, cool and refreshing, washed over him, a stark contrast to the humid depths of the cave.

However, Daisuke’s attention was fixated on something entirely different.

“This… can’t be real, can it?” his voice, rough and cracked, barely rose above a whisper. His wide eyes trembled in disbelief as multiple screens materialized before him, like a holographic projection.



[Congratulations! You have slain the Hidden Dungeon Boss «Globerax, the Elemental King»!]

[You have achieved an unbelievable feat!]

[Upon joining the Adventurers’ Guild and successfully clearing a Hidden Dungeon, the System has recognized your desire and commitment to become a player.]

[The Status Window has been unlocked.]

[The title «Lone Wolf» has been acquired.]

[The title «Pathfinder» has been acquired.]

[The title «Unwavering Spirit» has been acquired.]

[The title «Congenial Denizen» has been acquired.]

[The active skill «Eye of Verity» has been acquired.]

[The active skill «§ţæţ @%&¿» has been acquired.]

[The active skill «Alchemy» has been acquired.]

[The passive skill «Novice Archery Mastery» has been acquired.]

[The passive skill «Novice Polearm Mastery» has been acquired.]

[The passive skill «Αφινίτη’s Blessing» has been acquired.]

[The Composure stat has been unlocked.]

[The Indomitable stat has been unlocked.]

[The Dexterity stat has been unlocked.]

[Crude Bonepick has been acquired.]

[Frost Prism x6 has been acquired.]

[Flarial Seed x6 has been acquired.]

[Burn Heal x2 has been acquired.]

[Slime Essence x4 has been acquired.]




The moment the torrent of notifications finally stopped, Daisuke felt a strange surge of energy coursing through his body. It was as if a hidden reservoir of strength had been unlocked within him. His muscles, previously unremarkable, now seemed to ripple with newfound power beneath his skin.

With a puzzled expression, Daisuke flexed his arms experimentally, noticing how his sleeves strained and tore from the increased definition of his biceps. His clothes, already worn and damaged from the grueling trials in the Dungeon, gave way to the growing pressure of his expanding physique, exposing hardened muscles and sweat-slicked skin.

“Did I just rip out of my clothes like the Hulk?” he mused, eyeing the rags now clinging to his body. “I guess my Stats directly affect my body. But wait, I’m not eventually going to look like this, will I?”

He visualized an overly ripped bodybuilder and couldn’t help but cringe. Pushing the thought aside, Daisuke eagerly turned his attention to more exciting matters. Before he could consider gesturing with his fingers or voicing the command, the Status Window popped up with merely a thought.


[Name: Haxks

Species: Human

Level: 1 | EXP: 0/156 (0%)

Class: None

Affiliation: Adventurers’ Guild | Merchants’ Guild

Title: Lone Wolf, Pathfinder, Unwavering Spirit, Congenial Denizen

HP: 54/270 | MP: 15/15

Strength: 3 (+15) | Stamina: 3 (+12) | Agility: 12 (+25) | Intelligence: 1 | Dexterity: 10 (+35) | Composure: 5 | Indomitable: 3

Stat Points: 70


Active Skills:

▪︎ Eye of Verity

▪︎ §ţæţ @%&¿

▪︎ Alchemy


Passive Skills:

▪︎ Αφινίτη’s Blessing

▪︎ Novice Archery Mastery

▪︎ Novice Polearm Mastery

Gold: 0]


“…After all these years,” he muttered, his voice cracking, “I can’t believe this is actually happening.”

As he contemplated the possibility of saving both his mother and Sheba, if only he had received this power at a more opportune time, tears welled up in his eyes.

In that moment, he recalled his parents’ words, spoken just before his virtual mother drew her final breath. They had urged him to keep pushing forward, assuring him that he would eventually find peace.

Considering his cursed existence, the idea of hoping for happiness definitely seemed like a stretch. However, he couldn’t shake the thought of April and Mia eagerly anticipating their reunion. He felt a sense of duty to ensure that they, at least, found happiness.

“…Wait… Haxks?” he frowned in surprise, scrutinizing the name registered on his Status Window as he wiped away his tears. It’s the name Evandria gave to me. I’ve been throwing it around ever since, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that the System decided to identify me as such.

Daisuke sighed.

He could still feel the exhaustion from the battle, and the broiling sun was only sapping his strength even further. “Only 54 HP left? Damn. I was cutting it pretty close back there.”

Finding a nearby oak tree, he cautiously looked around for nearby monsters before gingerly sitting against the sturdy trunk.

Clicking on his «HP bar», otherwise known as «Hit Points», brought up a small, intricately designed window. HP was essentially the total health a character or unit possessed—in other words, if Daisuke’s 54 health had hit zero when he was fighting the Elemental King, he would have died.

And he didn’t even want to consider what fate would await a bugged existence such as himself.

According to the description of his HP bar, he would gradually regain a bit of health by sitting down and resting. However, his recovery would be significantly enhanced if he chose to sleep.

Sounds about right, he thought inwardly. People heal and recover from fatigue when they rest in real life. It would be stranger if a game desperately striving for realism didn’t follow the same principle.


HP: 72/270 | MP: 15/15

Strength: 3 (+15) | Stamina: 3 (+12) | Agility: 12 (+25) | Intelligence: 1 | Dexterity: 10 (+35) | Composure: 5 | Indomitable: 3

Stat Points: 70


Daisuke swallowed, and his heartbeat hastened. I swore the numbers would be different the next time I looked, but nothing’s changed. This is insane!

His eyes quivered.

...Level 1. I mean, seriously, I’m at level 1. So how can I have this many Stat Points already? Just to clarify, the Base Stats of a level 1 character are supposed to be 1 Strength, 1 Stamina, 1 Agility, and 1 Intelligence. So, the total number of Stats for a level 1 character should be 4.

However, mine totals a whopping 19—and that’s excluding the 53 points in my Special Stats and the 121 points from Option Buffs. When you add everything together, it’s a mind-blowing 193 points. And that’s not even including the 70 Stat Points I haven’t distributed yet.

Stat Points are supposed to increase by 10 every time a level is gained, giving players the chance to allocate them to their Main Stats. But here’s the thing: I have 70 Stat Points at level 1—why is that?

Daisuke considered that for a while.

There were just a few theories, the most feasible one being: Despite not awakening as a player, he was recognized as a «Named NPC» by the System and was steadily growing even without being able to call upon the Status Window.

In particular, he spent a very long time exercising and training his body to facilitate his… lifestyle during his time in Dusthaven. And he had killed a host of monsters leading up to the Elemental King.

Whatever the case, simple calculations stated that Daisuke’s Stats landed him around level 19… 26, if it tallied his 70 Stat Points. In other words, he was essentially a kitten wielding a lion’s power. In theory, when he officially got to the double-digit level, he would already be at an overwhelming advantage next to his peers.

“Okay, now let’s try to pinpoint exactly where the Option Buffs are coming from—maybe from the titles I got?”


[Lone Wolf]

[Rank: Rare

An individual who fearlessly charges into the midst of battles, seeking both glory and wealth. They forsake the comfort of companionship, opting instead to bear the full weight of their conquests alone.

Title Effect:

▪︎ Increases defense by 10% outside of parties.]


Daisuke looked down at the tattered and torn state of his clothes. “I could definitely use all the defense I can get.”



[Rank: Epic

Lvl: 1

Proficiency: 0%

Given to those who have glimpsed the elusive Hidden Dungeon. The initial rank is established by your level of involvement in discovering, entering, clearing, or failing of the Dungeon.

Title Effect:

▪︎ Increases attack power against Dungeon-based monsters by 15%. The percentage scales with the Title’s rank.]


“Whoa~ that’s pretty cool. I had no idea there were Titles that could grow and get stronger. It would have been fantastic if the attack increase applied to all monsters, no matter where they are, but this will definitely come in handy the next time I enter a Dungeon. It would’ve been a game-changer before the Elemental King fight though,” he muttered, pokerfaced.


[Unwavering Spirit]

[Rank: Legendary

In the face of powerlessness, you transcended limitations and defied the odds, achieving a remarkable feat that even those wielding great power would struggle to replicate.

This astonishing accomplishment stands as a testament to your unwavering determination and extraordinary resolve.

Title Effect:

▪︎ HP Regen Speed +25%

▪︎ Strength +15

▪︎ Agility +25

▪︎ Dexterity +35

▪︎ Stamina +12

▪︎ 15% Reduction in Damage from Physical Attacks

▪︎ Evasion +8%]


“Wow, this is it—the Title that’s on steroids! Legendary Rank?” he exclaimed, feeling a nervous sweat begin to form. “That’s absolutely insane! But hey... I guess it makes sense. I did put my life on the line, diving into the unknown. They say the greater the risk, the greater the rewards, right?”


[Congenial Denizen]

[Rank: Unique

Despite becoming a player, you remain an integral part of Sehreneti’s heritage, akin to any other NPC. You have shared in the world’s blessings and endured its many challenges, earning you the recognition of a fellow local among the general populace.

Title Effect:

▪︎ NPCs will likely trust, respect, and confide in you.]


“I’m not really sure what to make of this one, but the fact that it’s a Unique Rank must mean it holds more value than I imagine.”



[Enhances agility, hand-eye coordination, and overall finesse, enabling swift movements, precise actions, and heightened accuracy.

▪︎ Higher values increase effectiveness.

▪︎ Stat Points cannot be manually allocated.]



[Fosters decorum and grace under pressure, lessening the likelihood of succumbing to abnormal mental states and significantly reducing their duration if afflicted.

▪︎ Higher values increase effectiveness.

▪︎ Stat Points cannot be manually allocated.]


[Indomitable Spirit]

[Reduces the likelihood of paralysis when losing more than 50% of HP at once.

▪︎ Higher values increase effectiveness.

▪︎ Stat Points cannot be manually allocated.]


“The Main Stats are pretty self-explanatory and the Special Stats are pretty impressive, but the skills have me at a complete loss for words.”


[Eye of Verity]

[Rank: Unique

Classification: Active Skill

Lvl: 1

Proficiency: 0%

Your inherent distrust of people and desire for transparency have culminated in this power bestowed through Alchemy.

Skill Effect:

▪︎ Endows the wielder with the ability to discern truth from falsehood, analyze target Stats, and glimpse beyond the boundaries of reality.

Stamina Cost: 0.7% ⅌ Second

Skill Cooldown: None]



[Rank: Unique

Classification: Active Skill

Lvl: 1

Proficiency: 0%

An ancient and arcane fusion between science and magic, carefully honed to perfection over time by the greatest chemists. Centuries ago, following its completion, the art was sealed away out of fear that its power would fall into the wrong hands.

Skill Effect:

▪︎ By using mana as a catalyst to tap into the Aether Field, Alchemy allows the user to endlessly harness the secrets of nature to transmute, combine, and manipulate matter.

Mana Cost: N/A

Skill Cooldown: N/A]


[Αφινίτη’s Blessing]

[Rank: N/A

Classification: Passive Skill

A blessing given in recompense by The Goddess of Harmony.

Skill Effect:

▪︎ Bestows longevity and total immunity to negative status conditions, including diseases, poisons, curses, and other abnormalities. Given sufficient rest, the body will also regenerate lost limbs and recover from other disabilities.]


[Novice Archery Mastery]

[Rank: Normal

Classification: Passive Skill

Lvl: 1

Proficiency: 0%

Frequent use of the bow and arrow in your hunting experiences has awakened and heightened your proficiency in archery.

Skill Effect:

▪︎ Increases physical attack power by 5% and accuracy by 10% when using a bow and arrow.

▪︎ Enhances your basic marksmanship, including observing atmospheric elements, improving vision, focus, and breath control. As your proficiency grows, your mastery of these techniques will also improve.]


[Novice Polearm Mastery]

[Rank: Normal

Classification: Passive Skill

Lvl: 1

Proficiency: 0%

Using a crude weapon fashioned into a spear during your hunting excursions has begun to hone your skills with a polearm weapon.

Skill Effect:

▪︎ Increases physical attack power by 5% and amplifies attack speed and centrifugal force damage by 10% when wielding a polearm-type weapon.

▪︎ Deepens your understanding of polearm combat techniques. With each advancement in proficiency, your mastery of these techniques grows.]


ţæţ @%&¿]

[Rank: &^$@%#

Classification: %$#*&%

Lvl: X‽

Proficiency: $%?


Skill Effect:

$ %$#@*% <>*& %&#$ #@**$&%#^*@ @#$# $&@ +*&%@$$#@#@%*&% @#$%r #@&/ @#%& ¿s ‐#@.

Mana Cost: Ŋoŋę

Skill Cooldown: #$$ &%$#@<%&]


Daisuke was certain the Composure Stat had a large part to play as he calmly ignored the last skill and focused his attention on the Eye of Verity.

It’s quite unusual to see a skill that consumes stamina as a resource instead of mana. While 0.4% per second may not sound like a lot, in the heat of combat, you’d be amazed at how quickly your stamina drains. Well, I have some time to spare right now, so might as well put it to the test.

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