Hacking the Game Didn’t Go as Intended

CHAPTER 44: Magic Missile

An hour later, everyone reconvened in the classroom. After reproaching the stragglers, Professor Bayley led the class out into the courtyard.

“I trust you’ve all had a chance to rest,” he started, his eyes scanning the group. “Now, we’ll be moving on to the practical aspect of the examination, which will be split into two sections: mana output and melee prowess.”

As they assembled, the students’ attention was drawn to an impressive array of wooden weapons neatly arranged on a rack. Swords, shields, spears, maces, bows and arrows, and a variety of other options were available.

Along the stone wall stood wooden targets and training dummies crafted from straw and fabric, while various other types of training equipment were scattered throughout the courtyard.

“I’d like each of you to divide into three groups,” instructed Professor Bayley, punctuating his instruction with sweeping gestures. “Group A will be for those seeking assessment in mana output. I'll provide a Magic Missile spellbook for those without attack skills to ensure no one has an unfair elemental advantage. Group B will consist of those aiming for assessment through melee attacks, and Group C will be a combination of both.”

Among the adventurers, only Daisuke situated himself within Group C; he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to receive a free skill, and he was also curious about magic.


A stifled chuckle escaped the crowd, which was swiftly followed by raucous laughter from the players. Some laughed to the point of tears, while others rolled on the ground. Osten, in particular, relished the moment. For once, Daisuke found himself on the receiving end of widespread mockery.

“Look at this guy,” one player jeered. “Did he really create a hybrid build? Who the hell does that?”

“Clearly this noob has never played an MMO in his entire life,” another chimed in. “Both his physical and magical attacks are going to be complete garbage.”

“What a moron,” someone else added. “He’ll start feeling the burn eventually.”

“Heh. I thought he was cool, but he’s actually just a noob.”

Daisuke remained focused on the horizon, his attention unwavering despite the clear audibility of insults hurled his way. Interestingly, it was his Beastfolk supporters who seemed more agitated and offended.

“Ahem,” Professor Bayley cleared his throat, instantly quieting the crowd. “Group A will go first,” he declared, conjuring the necessary skillbooks with a flick of his wand. They materialized from a magical bag attached to his hip, a feat made possible by space-time technology, which essentially created an alternative dimension for inventory storage.

Daisuke, alongside the other members of Group A, extended their hands to retrieve the books as they descended gracefully with the aid of levitation magic. His fingers made contact with the smooth leather surface of the green hardcover book, and he noticed a magic circle engraved on the cover. As he flipped it open, the text inside shimmered with a radiant blue hue.



[Would you like to learn the spell «Magic Missile» from the spellbook?]


[The spell «Magic Missile» has been successfully acquired.]


[Magic Missile]

Rank: Normal

Classification: Active Skill

Lvl: 1

Proficiency: 0%

A fundamental skill for novice mages, Magic Missile compresses mana into cone-shaped projectiles and hurls them at the target.

Skill Effect:

▪︎ Deals damage equivalent to 10% of your current mana to the target.

Mana Cost: 10

Skill Cooldown: 5 Seconds


Daisuke frowned calculatingly as he read the description of the newly acquired spell. My current MP is 142. 10% of 142 is 14… that’s not enough damage to even one-shot a level 1 mob. And the 14 damage isn’t even taking into account magic resistance, distance, and other variables that mitigates raw damage. But I guess it wouldn’t be called a basic spell if it was any stronger than this.

“As many of you already know,” Professor Bayley continued, “casting spells usually requires the caster to remain entirely still while reciting an incantation. However, since Magic Missile is a basic spell, you need only to focus and chant its name. Allow me to demonstrate.”

The adventurers watched with interest as the professor squared off against one of the circular targets set against the stone wall. With a robed arm extended, he grasped his wand firmly, inhaled deeply, and narrowed his eyes in focused concentration.

“Mana exists all around us—in the air, the trees, lakes, mountains, and also within our bodies,” he explained in a measured tone, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of wisdom.

“Feel the flow of energy throughout your «mana circulatory system». Let it gather in the pit of your stomach. Then guide it upward, through your arm, and out through the tip of your fingers. In my case, I also need to channel it through my staff. Magic Missile!”

Following his verbal chant, a sequence of radiant orbs manifested, hovering just in front of his wand. To facilitate the demonstration, the professor slowed down the intricate procedure.

Methodically, the orbs condensed, elongating into a cone formation while intensifying in magical power and density. With precision akin to sighting through a sniper rifle, the man took aim and unleashed the projectiles.


The orbs systematically struck the wooden target, leaving destruction and scorch marks in its wake. The onlookers were astounded.

Professor Bayley lowered his wand and turned to Group A. “Now let’s begin the assessment.”

One girl nervously stepped forward, a low-level wand akin to a tree branch clutched in one hand.

“State your name.”

“Eleanor Larkspur.”

“Okay, Ms. Larkspur. Take a breath,” Professor Bayley instructed in a calm voice. “Visualize the mana coursing throughout your entire body. Intercept a portion of that power and will it to gather in your stomach. Like a sword, your wand is also an extension of your body; direct that power up into your arms, through your fingers, and to the tip of your wand.”

“Magic Missile!”

Although they were smaller in comparison, a series of small orbs materialized and shot from Eleanor’s wand toward the target. Sadly, they collided into the stone wall with a tiny explosion, missing their intended mark.

“Excellent,” remarked Professor Bayley after jotting down her score. “For a spell you just learned, you managed to execute it from start to finish. Unfortunately, you missed two vital components—you didn’t use «shape manipulation» to give structure to your missiles, hence it lacked speed and penetrative power. And, lastly, you didn’t aim.”

Daisuke watched as Eleanor bowed before the next person took center stage. Each adventurer demonstrated different levels of talent, and there were even a few with explosive potential, but he wasn’t deterred.

Soon enough, it was his turn to square off against the wooden adversary.

“State your name,” requested the Professor.


Ignoring the cackles and jeers rising from the crowd, Daisuke extended an arm, clutched his wrist, and unfurled his fingers. A deep breath separated him from the world and all distractions.

He knew better than anyone else that surpassing a mage with his feeble mana count was nearly impossible, but there was nothing to lose. In fact, he had received a magic spell free of charge. Even if the damage sucked beyond comprehension, he still possessed a range-type skill to use as a diversion when needed.

Another deep breath had Daisuke dismissing all unnecessary thoughts; all that mattered was focusing his power and replicating what the Professor had demonstrated.

He vividly envisioned his veins branching out like the intricate roots of a massive tree. Within those vessels coursed not just the life-sustaining mixture of nutrients and oxygen, but also the pulsating essence of mana.

With sheer determination, he willed that mana to gather, gradually pooling in the depths of his abdomen before streaming into the palm of his hand. His mind sculpted the luminescent spheres, molding them into the shape of a cone.

“Magic Missile!”

Daisuke’s eyes snapped open with conviction as he propelled the projectiles toward their intended target. Forget merely hitting the bullseye; his barrage tore through the air with such force that it not only obliterated the wooden target but also laid waste to a substantial portion of the stone wall standing behind it.

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