Hacking the Game Didn’t Go as Intended

CHAPTER 47: Elite Mob – The Lipanthyer

The moon appeared especially enchanting when it was partially concealed by drifting clouds. Despite the late hour, Wonderelle was still a hub of activity. Lights dotted the town, gracefully flowing out from the many avenues of the central plaza like a mesmerizing motif.

In stark contrast, the newly constructed guild dormitory was cloaked in darkness, a haven of tranquility amid the bustling city. The first floor housed the cafeteria and classrooms, with the second floor divided into a wing for females on the left and males on the right.

On the third floor, a glass greenhouse stood bathed in the radiant light of the lunar goddess. Daisuke leaned against a nearby balcony, his gaze fixed not on the breathtaking view of the guild’s courtyard below or the city’s skyline in the distance, but on his Status Window.

“Sneak-sneak-sneak,” a playful and hushed whisper broke through the stillness of the night.

“Can’t sleep?” Daisuke inquired without shifting his gaze.

“Eek!” A startled gasp escaped the girl’s lips.

Elena had been cautiously tiptoeing into the greenhouse when she suddenly froze solid in her tracks. Her head slowly and nervously pivoted to the side, her eyes locking onto a familiar figure.

“H-Haxks,” she stammered, her cheeks instantly dyed scarlet just from uttering his name. “Wh-What are you doing up so late?” Her heart fluttered wildly. Wait! D-Did he just speak to me? That’s a first!

Daisuke finally turned to face her, and Elena shrank back slightly under the weight of his butterscotch gaze. His disposition was cool and nonchalant. There was something about it that sent shivers down her spine.

“I should be asking you the same thing,” Daisuke’s voice was tantalizingly composed, which made Elena think that it was well worth the wait.

She averted her eyes, hoping to cool her erratic pulse. “The greenhouse is relatively new, so I’ve been tending to the flowers in my free time; it helps me to relax.”

Stirred awake by the conversation, Zephyr leaped from Daisuke’s shirt and into Elena’s arms. She gently massaged his cheek with her tiny hand, her eyes shining with affection.

“Would you like to see?” she offered, turning with the bundle of fluff in her arms, like a child with a newfound toy.

The greenhouse was a rectangular structure, roughly 8 feet wide and 20 feet high. Only a portion of the space was occupied with flowers, and one in particular caught Daisuke’s eye. It was a flower with various shades of blue, but what truly captivated him was the silver-blue glow of its narrow leaves and the frosty shimmer that radiated from its petals, as if touched by magic.

“That’s called a Lunarfrost Lily,” Elena explained. “It’s one of the main ingredients used in the making of mana potions. Its leaves are always glowing, but the flower reacts like that only when exposed to moonlight. Isn’t it amazing?”

A faint smile played on Daisuke’s lips.

At the same time, Elena’s own smile faded, her expression becoming glum. “Lunarfrost Lily… it reminds me of home. Growing them here makes me feel closer to my friends and family.”

Zephyr licked her cheek sympathetically.

“…Why don’t you fight back?” Daisuke’s voice was devoid of emotion.

Elena contemplated his question, haunted by memories of Osten. “I… I don’t want to sow seeds of discord and endanger my family,” she confessed in a hushed tone, as if even speaking about it could invite danger. “It’s important that I stay focused on my main goal so my people and I can find peace and happiness.”

“I see,” Daisuke replied, his gaze distant.

“And what about you? What’s your goal?”

“…I’m not sure,” answered Daisuke. “I guess I’m just trying my best to stay alive and see where life takes me.”

Even as he gave this vague response, a fiery desire for vengeance burned, an unquenchable flame in a blacksmith’s forge, threatening to consume him whole. Each time he tried to smother it, it would surge, effortlessly burning through the reins of his self-control.



In these past few weeks, the academy’s routine had become almost second nature for the students: mornings were dedicated to theoretical classes, where they absorbed knowledge like sponges. While afternoons were reserved for hunting expeditions led by Professor Bayley.

“Consider this as preliminary training for the impending field assessment,” the man would say while stroking his long gray beard, even as they ventured deeper into the dark and foreboding forest.

The team, like a well-oiled machine, was divided into three sections: the tanks stood valiantly at the forefront; the damage dealers were positioned in the center; and the ever-watchful support cast their protective and healing spells from the rear. Professor Bayley, an exceptional adventurer in his own right, orbited around them like the moon did the earth, only intervening when the situation became dire.

This system worked seamlessly to ensure the safety and efficiency of their hunts. Unfortunately, it also meant Daisuke never got the chance to single-handedly down a monster. As a result, he couldn’t tell how he affected them after a slaying.

Currently, all the corpses remained regardless of who had felled them. However, numerous variables could contribute to this outcome. The party comprising of both players and NPCs might play a significant role. Additionally, the fact that the guild needed the corpses to make ends meet could be exerting influence over the system as well.

As time marched on, the accumulation of monster remains continued to swell. Fortunately, Professor Bayley was well-prepared; in his possession was a magic bag that could temporarily store the corpses. When it was filled to capacity, the bodies would be promptly transferred to a large wagon hitched to sturdy horses.

This approach saved valuable time that would otherwise be spent on the tiresome task of corpse retrieval. Unfortunately, the other two classes, led by less equipped leaders, lacked such luxuries.

They were left to use smaller carts to laboriously transport the remains to the main wagon. Magic bags, especially those of a higher caliber, were a rare and costly product that were reserved for the elite.


A twig snapped underfoot.

Daisuke looked around, scanning the perimeter.

The forest canopy hung heavy with an ominous hush as the class delved deeper into the woods. Birds had long since abandoned their cheerful songs, and the air grew thick with tension.

Daisuke felt it first, a primal shiver down his spine. There was something watching them, stalking them like a shadow. He sensed the bloodlust of a feral beast, then a low growl rumbled through the trees, proving it wasn’t just paranoia.

Professor Bayley smiled with amusement.

“We’ve got company!”

The tank in Osten’s party, a burly warrior clad in gauntlets, broke the silence. Assuming his role as vanguard, he unleashed a provoke skill that drew the unseen menace into the open toward him.

The Lipanthyer, a massive tiger-like creature, twice the size of a lion, leaped from the underbrush with a guttural roar. Its piercing lime-green eyes were in stark contrast to its white coat, and they fixated on the tank, a look of pure predatory hunger in the creature’s fearsome gaze.

Razor sharp claws dung into the ground as the beast lunged forward, its large maw lined with lethal teeth.

“Impenetrable Fortress!”

At his command, the tank’s gauntlets shimmered, conjuring a towering shield before him that the monster slammed into. A fierce roar tore from its jaws as it struggled to rip through the barrier that separated it from its meal.

The adventurers flinched back at the strident sound. Their instincts prickled as they sensed the creature’s hostility surging through the air like an electric charge.

Eye of Verity!

But Daisuke didn’t shrink back.

[Lipanthyer | Lvl 15 | Elite]

So, the Lipanthyer’s Fang in my inventory came from this thing? But I’ve never seen it before. Do Field Bosses give random monster drops?

Pushing the thought aside, Daisuke steeled his nerves. While the monster was preoccupied, he seized his opportunity, springing into action with his Bonepick dagger. He aimed for the Lipanthyer’s powerful hind legs, piercing through muscle and sinew. His attacks triggered his weapon’s bleed effect as he stole away the creature’s speed, and it roared out in pain.

A female archer stepped forward. Her skill with the bow was evident as she pulled the string back taut with practiced ease. With a swish, the arrow was loose, and it sailed through the air with deadly precision.

The arrow found its mark, blinding one of the creature’s eyes and inducing a paralysis debuff. The Lipanthyer, now immobilized and writhing in agony, was an easy target for the mages.

Chanting incantations in unison, they summoned the elements to their bidding. Bolts of lightning, torrents of fire, and gusts of chilling wind converged upon their paralyzed foe, scorching fur and searing flesh.

With the creature weakened and on the brink of collapse, the damage dealers, Daisuke and Osten among them, moved in for the final assault. Their weapons flashed in the dappled sunlight as they struck the deciding blow.

The Lipanthyer whined pitifully as it took its final, labored breaths. Its once fierce eye now held a vacant, lifeless gaze.

“We did it!” Elena cheered, high-fiving her friends. But when she spied Osten’s unfriendly gaze, she shrunk back silently.

As the class regrouped, the victorious feeling of a successful hunt settled over them. The monster’s corpse, like the others, would be brought back to Cleave, the guild’s butcher, at the end of their expedition. The meat would find its way into the academy’s cafeteria, while the gold and valuable materials would be divided among the students.

Daisuke was happy Wallet-kun was putting on a little weight, but he wasn’t quite sure how to feel when the field assessment officially began.



[Ace the Guild’s Field Assessment]

[Quest Difficulty: D

In response to the tragic fates that have befallen numerous young adventurers, the guild has taken a proactive step by instituting an academy. This academy serves as a rigorous training ground, designed to carefully evaluate and nurture its younger recruits.

After weeks of both theoretical and practical instruction, the field assessment stands as the ultimate crucible—the guild’s final gauntlet to ascertain your mettle. It’s your last chance to demonstrate your readiness and worthiness to join the ranks of the greatest adventurers.

Clear Conditions: Slay the Exiled Hilitroll Chief and bring back its head as proof of the kill.


▪︎ Reinstated guild license

▪︎ Affinity with Guildmaster Baldin and Professor Bayley +25%

▪︎ EXP +80,000

▪︎ 75 Gold

▪︎ Spell Book x1

Quest Failure: Your guild license will be revoked.]


The class of eighteen watched in bated breath as the wagon filled with monsters slowly disappeared into the distance, leaving them surrounded by nothing but the perilous embrace of the open wilderness, and a task that would determine their future.

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By the way, what do you think Osten has planned now that everyone's together in the wilderness? Professor Bayley isn't there to save them from his wrath, after all.

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