Hacking the Game Didn’t Go as Intended

CHAPTER 57: Out of The Frying Pan into The Fire

Even within the same tier of monsters, a clear hierarchy existed, and one particular Arctic Dire Wolf had invested considerable time and effort to ascend that ladder.

After spending the better part of a several months relentlessly intimidating its peers and trampling those who lashed out, crushing their spirit, the beast had finally claimed the crown.

With its dominance well established, the wolf now faced the task of maintaining its status and keeping up appearances. It was a psychological game, and the creature had become a master at it.

The pack wisely lowered their heads as the alpha male strutted by them. Suddenly, the mighty leader halted in its tracks. Initially, an unbearable stench filled the air, and then the excruciating pain set in before it realized that its tail was ablaze.

A series of pained howls echoed through the cavern as the beast desperately dragged its rear along the hard floor, extinguishing the flames without a trace of dignity. Then, like a magazine cartridge being slammed into a gun, the alpha’s head snapped around toward the source of its torment and humiliation.

Zephyr, with an air of mockery, turned his back, curled his tail like a husky, and brazenly presented his butthole. He silently craned his head around, sticking out a small pink tongue in an evident taunt.

While Dire Wolves struggled to convey facial expressions beyond fury, it was clear the entire pack was on the verge of bursting into a fit of cackling, like a pack of hyenas.

But a thunderous roar from the alpha brought them all to attention, their jaws gaping to reveal saliva-coated teeth, their eyes now locked onto their target. A pair of deadly jaws lunged at Zephyr, but he managed to evade the attack and bolted. The pack relentlessly pursued the pup, following him into a narrow corridor.

Squeezing into the confined space like sardines, the Dire Wolves trampled over each other, chasing the defiant canine until he vanished into a hole too small for their bulky bodies.

It wasn't until the alpha caught a whiff of a peculiar scent wafting from their previous path did it realize something was amiss. However, by then it was too late; the pack found themselves ensnared in a bottleneck, and a crimson sphere, no larger than a marble, fell and rolled to rest at their feet. Its glossy surface cracked ominously, and then—


A powerful blast, akin to the fiery breath of Cerberus, engulfed the pack in a searing shockwave that utterly incinerated fur, hide, and bone.

Amidst the unfolding chaos, in a secluded and dimly lit chamber elsewhere, a pair of colossal eyes gradually creaked open. A sinister growl resonated, its ominous echoes blending seamlessly with the encroaching shadows.

The Arctic Dire Wolves that were mostly outside of the blast radius instinctively retreated. Despite being engulfed in flames—a force diametrically opposed to their elemental affinity—the surviving wolves, driven by a frenzied determination, defiantly charged at their adversaries. They refused to succumb without putting up a valiant fight.

“Warriors’ Battle Cry!”

Adhering to Daisuke’s recommended formation, Gavric raised his shield and invoked his Provocation skill, bolstering his defense for two minutes.

While the beasts grappled with his formidable defense, Rexar—now a force to be reckoned with—swiftly slew them with his steely fists.

“Oriyaaa!” he roared, nailing one of the bastards in the ribs as it menacingly hurled itself at him, razor sharp fangs and saliva narrowly missing his cheek.

Gavric, akin to an unyielding fortress, raised his mighty shield to thwart an attack aimed at his jugular. He then thrusted his one-handed sword forward, impaling the miserable fiend.

In the rearguard, Lyanna, the sub-damage dealer, loosened her arrows, her aim strong and true. With a cool demeanor, she skillfully targeted the eyes and the vulnerable underbelly not shielded by ice shards.

Elena, the main damage dealer, raised her staff as an incantation rolled off her tongue with poetic grace. The wolves already aflame howled as they were consumed by even fiercer flames.

Milo stood amongst the damage dealers, giving heals and buffs as needed. Safeguarding the trio from the rear was Finnian, his blade ringing as he cleaved through his enemies like tofu.


His weapon drew a white trajectory that severed a wolf’s head from its body. As the lifeless corpse fell to the ground, decapitated, Finnian raised his sword and brought it down in a sharp arc, flicking the crimson stain from the gleaming blade.

Simultaneously, Daisuke and Zephyr played a versatile role—keeping a vigilant watch on the battlefield, dispatching monsters and providing aid as required. With this coordinated team formation, they efficiently eliminated the remaining Arctic Dire Wolves.

“Is everyone alright?” asked Daisuke.



“Too easy.”

“Recycling my arrows is a pain, but I’m okay otherwise.”

Elena, Zephyr, Rexar, and Lyanna responded with enthusiasm and vigor, their spirits undeterred. Meanwhile, Gavric and Finnian simply gave a thumbs up in affirmation.

For a moment, silence fell, but a palpable wave of bloodlust suddenly arrested the atmosphere, almost deafening in its intensity. Then, a pair of malevolent eyes, glinting like frozen sapphires, pierced through the inky darkness like twin lanterns.


The steady footfalls echoed throughout the cavern, sending shivers down everyone’s spine. As the eyes slowly emerged into the light, a monstrous beast was revealed, one that rivaled the previous Floor Guardian in its sheer, imposing presence.

Much like the Arctic Dire Wolves, the creature’s body bore accents of protective ice, and the ice formation around its neck resembled the majestic mane of a lion. With each step, a bone-chilling aura followed, transforming the surroundings into a frigid wasteland.



[The Floor Guardian is infuriated by the death of its kin.]

[Glacial Dire Wolf | Lvl 26 | Floor Guardian]



An ear-splitting roar tore through the silence, jolting the stone walls and sending chilling gusts through the chamber, leaving everyone quaking in fear and shivering from the cold. Icicle-laden rock formations dislodged from the ceiling, plummeting like menacing death traps.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, in a jaw-dropping turn of events, a blinding bolt of lightning surged from the cave’s dark ceiling, striking the beast like a powerful tractor beam. The resulting thunderclap reverberated even more loudly than the creature’s prior roar.

The Glacial Dire Wolf convulsed, its once powerful and icy form now steaming and charred. It collapsed lifelessly, a smoldering husk. Emerging from the shadows, a larger, more imposing beast approached with deliberate strides. It clamped its massive jaws around the neck of the motionless Floor Guardian, dragging and flailing the lifeless body as though it were a mere rag doll, until it hung limp.

Time seemed to slow as the shards of ice that once encompassed the guardian’s mane broke free, falling to the ground like panes of glass. The party’s mortified expressions were reflected in the fragments.

Elena blanched, her eyes quivering with dread, while Gavric and Rexar took a step back, their faces slick with sweat. The blood drained from Milo and Lyanna’s faces, and the sword in Finnian’s hand loosened, his shoulders slumping.

Gradually, the fiend turned its malevolent gaze toward the humans, blood dripping from its maw. A shiver coursed through the onlookers as they confronted the formidable force that had just effortlessly dispatched the guardian.



[The Dungeon Boss awakens, seeking retribution against those who have disrupted its peaceful slumber.]

[Volturax | Lvl 30 | Dungeon Boss]


A thunderous roar, making the Floor Guardian’s pale in comparison, resounded through the cavern. The creature’s appearance was a grotesque sight. Its body was adorned with an array of jagged spikes—a nightmarish fusion of bone and exoskeleton, forming a frightening carapace-like exterior.

Lime-blue electricity crackled and danced across its frame, resembling venomous serpents. The eerie, flickering radiance cast an unsettling glow, emphasizing the lupine characteristics of the monstrous beast. It appeared prehistoric, evoking memories of creatures from the ancient Cretaceous Period.

“Formation E!” Daisuke bellowed urgently, the booming sound of his voice jostling the party, wrenching them from the icy grip of fear.

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