Hacking the Game Didn’t Go as Intended

CHAPTER 66: The Concealed Fairy

“If there’s a barrier constantly surrounding the village, then how did the demons manage to infiltrate?”

“Well, technically,” Feng began, addressing Daisuke’s question, “it’s not a barrier as much as it is a concealment spell. In other words, we can only hide our presence from the world but can’t prevent unwanted intruders.”

Without a word, Daisuke shifted his gaze to the staff and used the Eye of Verity.


[Warden’s Embrace]

[Rank: Rare

Type: Staff

Melee Attack Power: 2 | Magical Attack Power: 72~81 | Durability: 21/42 | Accuracy: 37 | Mana Remaining: 32%

The Warden’s Embrace is a rare staff crowned with a mystical orb harvested from the Titanic Hermit Clam. This orb serves both as a reservoir of energy and an amplifier, containing a finite charge in the form of mana.

The staff possesses a unique concealment spell, allowing the wielder to perfectly cloak themselves or a small area. However, this ability is limited, tied to the remaining energy in the orb. The orb’s energy can be replenished by infusing mana into it, but each infusion permanently decreases the staff’s durability by 1 until the orb eventually shatters.

▪︎ Int +5

▪︎ Mana Consumption -88%

▪︎ Unlocks the «Seamless Camouflage» skill.

Conditions of Use: Lvl 8+ | Strength 1+ | Stamina 2+ | Intelligence 4]

[Seamless Camouflage]

[A spell that empowers the caster to shroud themselves, another individual, or a designated area, rendering them invisible and inaudible to the senses of onlookers. Activation of this spell consumes a fixed amount of mana, providing a potent veil of concealment.]


“From what I can tell,” declared Daisuke with a confident tone, “the staff is essentially responsible for the concealment spell. But it looks like the orb is on the verge of running out of energy.”

“Wait… how did you?”

Feng looked from the flabbergasted chief to Daisuke with an amused smirk. “Heh. Looks like you’ve undergone quite a transformation since the last time I saw you.”

Mia didn’t seem entirely thrilled about that fact; she got a glimpse of Daisuke’s power and couldn’t help but think about the sacrifices he had to endure to attain it.

“You should hand the staff to Elena,” instructed Daisuke with a commanding air. “She has the ability to recharge its power by infusing mana into it—a power you clearly lack as a mage.”

At the astonishment of the group, Timartha clutched the staff closer, a defensive frown creasing her forehead. “This staff has been a treasured heirloom for many generations; it’s strictly forbidden for anyone to possess it other than the village chief.”

Daisuke’s frown deepened, yet his discontent couldn’t match the outrage emanating from Sylvia. Before her anger could reach critical mass, Elena stepped forward, wearing an empathetic smile as she addressed the elder.

“Then keep the staff,” she suggested compassionately. “Simply allow me a moment to touch it so that I can infuse it with my mana. The concealment spell is the lifeblood of the village; without its power, we all risk perishing at the hands of the demons.”

The old woman, her wizened visage strained by paranoia, glanced at the orb atop the staff, now a mere echo of its former luster. “Forgive me,” she apologized, her raccoon ears sagging with shame. “This staff belonged to my late daughter; after losing her, it became not only a means to protect the village… but also a way for me to remember her.”

Daisuke noted as Sylvia clenched her fists, struggling to mask the hint of hate in her eyes. But no one else noticed as they were all focused on Elena as she gently rested her fingertips on the periwinkle-colored orb and started channeling her mana into it.

“…How many injured are there?”

While all eyes remained on Elena, Milo broached a topic that everyone seemed to be avoiding. Elena finished the process in time to step back and observe the miserable expressions on everyone’s faces.



In a dimly lit mound that acted as a ward, injured Beastfolk lay upon beds of straw, their clothes stained with blood. Moans of pain echoed in the confined space, creating an atmosphere of suffering. Families huddled around their wounded loved ones, attempting to provide comfort in the midst of despair.

April covered her ears and buried her face in Mia’s clothes as they were consumed by the depressing scene.

It looks like some of the women, children, and elderly weren’t able to find refuge in time, thought Daisuke somberly.

A young Beastkin with a bandaged arm cried out, “Please, someone make it stop! It hurts so much!”

Next to him, an elderly woman whispered through gritted teeth, “I can’t bear it… help me… please.”

A frightened child, her eyes wide with terror, whimpered, “Mommy, it hurts! I’m scared!”

Families moved frantically between the injured, offering words of solace and reassurance. A grief-stricken father clutched the hand of his unconscious son, whispering words of love, “Please hold on a bit longer. We’ll find a way to heal you.”

In a corner, a mother wept over the lifeless body of her kin, overwhelmed by loss. “No, no, not you,” she sobbed, her grief echoing through the dwelling.

Daisuke passed a glance over all the Beastfolk as they grappled with misfortune, their stomachs protesting with hunger, a cruel reminder of the dual hardships they faced. And he could completely relate.

In the real world, every day was a struggle to make ends meet and he was always mentally exhausted. Every month his landlord was at his door, verbally lashing out at him about his overdue rent.

And when he wasn’t being threatened to be thrown out onto the street, he remembered constantly living in fear of the loan sharks’ fury. He didn’t know when they would storm into his home or work and ruthlessly break every bone in his body.

He was justified in his terror, for the gruesome event did occur, albeit with only one bone broken instead of all of them. However, the overall trauma of the experience remained unchanged.

Even after being trapped in the game, and as recently as a week ago, he found himself haunted by nightmares of the ordeal. A persistent sense of being watched and pursued by an unfathomable presence weighed heavily on his mind. Yet, he recognized that these feelings could be attributed to the anxiety and paranoia stemming from the traumatic experience.

But the Beastkin’s pursuers were undoubtedly real; they were a race that was despised and unwanted by the rest of the world. Their only value was being hunted for sport or being sold into slavery—and even those who managed to secure legitimate jobs were disrespected and abused beyond measure.

Daisuke more or less knew what he was getting himself into by borrowing money from a shady organization, but demihumans as a race did absolutely nothing to deserve such a miserable fate. It was detestable.

“…Milo,” instructed Daisuke tellingly.

“Way ahead of you.”

“Wait,” Feng intervened as the healer stepped forward. “The reason we didn’t ask for your aid is because we know you’re only able to heal just one person before running out of mana.”

“And deciding who that one person is would stir turmoil among the people,” added Timartha.

“Just be quiet and watch,” asserted Daisuke.

Mia looked on in anticipation, and April pulled back her head to peek.

Milo unfurled his arms and closed his eyes, an incantation forming on his lips. “O divine one, source of eternal light, let your healing grace descend like gentle rain. In your benevolence, weave the threads of restoration, banishing affliction with the whispered breath of rejuvenation. Area Heal!”

At his solemn prayer, a warm, golden light cascaded from above, accompanied by the resonant tolling of enchanting bells. Shimmering feathers descended like leaves in a gentle wind, transforming the somber atmosphere. The pained groans of those gripped by grief and agony changed into gasps of astonishment and wonder as their wounds began to heal.

Families looked on in a mixture of surprise and glee, their expressions shifting from despair to hopeful disbelief. Yet, amidst the awe, Daisuke, Elena, and Rexar maintained their composure knowing full well what their comrade was capable of. As the others stood dumbfounded, their collective gaze converged on Milo, who scratched his cheek with an embarrassed smile.

While a crowd of grateful Beastfolk surrounded and praised him wholeheartedly, Timartha approached Daisuke and bowed. “Thank you,” she said earnestly, tears pooling in her eyes. “It’s thanks to your tutelage that these kids have become such promising individuals. Like Milo, you’ve become a part of our family; we are eternally in your debt.”

Surmising the gist of the situation, all the Beastfolk followed suit and deeply bowed their heads in gratitude.

“There’s no need to thank me,” remarked Daisuke while sheepishly tousling the back of his head. “Their growth is mostly a result of the love and commitment they have for their home and people.”

Elena and Milo blushed, while Rexar’s nose was growing even longer and pointer.

“That reminds me,” said Daisuke while looking down at April, then he shifted his gaze to Timartha. “You mentioned that Milo and I are the only humans in the village… but what about April?”

The woman’s eyes widened in surprise, then she passed an uncertain glance across the others before holding Daisuke’s curious gaze anew. “I… I’m not exactly sure how to say this, but April is… not human. She’s actually a fairy.”

The Beastfolk in the background gasped in astonishment.

“A fairy?” exclaimed Daisuke as he glanced down at the little girl again, trying to decipher the truth of it. “But she looks completely human to me.”

Before he could activate the Eye of Verity—

“It’s because she’s only half fairy,” Sylvia clarified, wary of Daisuke’s response. “As she gets a bit older, her powers will slowly start to manifest.”

“Big Brother,” April squeaked, her large round eyes gleaming with a sea of emotions. “Do you… hate me now?”

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