Hacking the Game Didn’t Go as Intended

CHAPTER 68: The Mysterious Mountain

[Whispering Gale Ring]

[Rating: Rare

Durability: 4/6 | Magical Defense: +4.8% | Magical & Physical Balance: +5.5%

A dainty ring featuring an intricate swirl pattern, reminiscent of a gentle breeze.

▪︎ Movement Speed +7

▪︎ Critical Hit Rate +9%

Conditions of Use: Lvl 18+]


[Ember Bracelet]

[Rating: Rare

Durability: 5/6 | Magical Defense: +4.4% | Magical & Physical Balance: +5.7%

Forged in the fiery depths of a volcano, this bracelet radiates with the fury of the flames.

▪︎ Strength +4

▪︎ Fire Damage Resistance +10%

Conditions of Use: Lvl 18+]


[Harmony Pendant]

[Rating: Rare

Durability: 5/6 | Magical Defense: +4.3% | Magical & Physical Balance: +5.6%

A delicate necklace adorned with a luminescent crystal that radiates a soothing aura. It grants a sense of equilibrium to the wearer.

▪︎ HP Regen Speed +5%

▪︎ Evasion Rate +6%

Conditions of Use: Lvl 18+]


[Phantom Cloak]

[Rating: Rare

Type: Cloak | Garment

Durability: 99/100 | Physical Defense: 3 | Magical Defense: 4 | Evasion Rate: +2

Made from the steely fibers of the elusive Shadoweave Spider, the Phantom Cloak is more than a mere garment; it’s a shroud of mystery that veils the wearer’s intentions, enabling them to navigate the shadows discreetly. It whispers tales of unseen assassins and elusive rogues, making it a coveted asset for those who thrive in the art of secrecy.

▪︎ Conceals facial features

▪︎ Conceals criminal status

▪︎ Increases stealth capabilities

Conditions of Use: Lvl 21+ | Strength 16+ | Stamina 10+]


Daisuke chuckled. “It seems like Osten and his friends get a kick out of generously giving me their items for free. I'll have to remember to thank him next time we meet.”


The dark navy-blue cloak materialized on his body, its jagged hem fluttering as it settled at his heels. In a fluid motion, he pulled back the fur-lined hood before disabling the visibility of the newly equipped accessories.

Mmm,” he mused, cupping his chin. “I think I picked up a quest during that encounter. Let’s see what it says…”


[Defying the Odds]

[Quest Difficulty: Unknown

Diligently sharpening your mind, body, and soul, you now stand at the threshold of a profound decision. Having attained proficiency in both martial arts and magic, the time has come to chart a new course and focus on a path that leads to both destiny and mastery.

Clear Conditions: Defeat a monster on your own with high physical damage resistance that is at least 10 levels above your own.


▪︎ The opportunity to select a class of your choice

▪︎ EXP +350,000

Quest Failure:

▪︎ Level -1

▪︎ Reduction in quest rewards]


“Figured I’d have to work for it,” murmured Daisuke with a tinge of exasperation. “I guess whether it’s in the real world or this one, you have to put in the effort before you get any rewards.”

He sighed noisily, palming his face. “It would’ve been nice if I had received this quest before taking down the Volturax though—it would have been like killing two birds with one stone. Either way, I've got to tackle this quest; considering the fact that I've been investing all my Stats Points into Agility and Stamina, I need to boost my physical combat ability any way I can. Plus, I've got new weapons on my shopping list, so I should definitely visit the blacksmith now that I've saved up some gold.”

“Big brother,” April called with infectious joy, playfully chasing Zephyr in a circle. She was joined by Aldric and a host of other children reveling in the fun. “Where did you go? You’re missing out on all the fun!”

“Don’t you know a party’s dull without its host?” Mia teased from a distance, flanked by Elena, Rexar, and Milo, all wearing gentle smiles that echoed her sentiment.

Daisuke turned with a smirk, his heart warming at the scene. But a part of him—the part that was cynical and extremely conservative after being abused and betrayed, briefly overlapped the joyous group with the traitors at Dusthaven. But he quickly shook off the thought and took a step forward, hesitantly deciding to confide in people just one more time.

The scene unfurled within the vast, wondrous eyes of the owl-like creature, perched amidst the lofty heights of the trees. All of a sudden, under the night’s veil, a humanoid figure, its silhouette flickering ominously, greedily bore razor sharp teeth and fell upon the unsuspecting spectator.

Death unfolded in a quiet flurry. Breaking bones and rending flesh arrested the night in a dark requiem. The once snow-white feathers of the bird were now stained a haunting crimson red as the creature ravenously feasted.

But the meager meal wasn’t enough to slake its insatiable hunger. Unsatisfied, the abomination turned the full brunt of its malevolent gaze toward the tempting feeding ground that had just conveniently manifested.




Hundreds of feet above ground, the wind gusted, whipping across the rugged mountain face where Rexar clung desperately. Whimpers escaped his chattering teeth involuntarily, his gaze fixed downward as he scaled the sheer cliff, wrestling with the thought of the dizzying height.

“T-This is ten times worse than the dungeon,” he whined shamelessly, his face drained of color. “Why did I ever agree to do this?!”

“Don’t be a baby,” reprimanded Elena, her presence uncomfortably close for Rexar’s liking. “If we don’t do this, the demon raids will never end.”

“A-About that,” Milo began with a sheepish tone as he gingerly inched along a narrow ledge. “Are you sure it was a good idea to leave only Zephyr behind in the village? I hope you realize I wasn’t being serious when I said he could handle the demons alone.”

“Relax. Zephyr’s stronger than you give him credit for,” reassured Daisuke. “Besides, if there’s an attack, I’ll know right away.” Zephyr’s HP bar will start going down, he thought mentally, his gaze fixed on the gauge. If he starts receiving damage, I’ll be able to tell. And if I run back to the village at full speed, I should be able to get there before things spiral out of control.

“B-By the way,” Rexar continued his rant, fingers gripping tighter as the wind gained momentum. “How exactly… are you so sure that the mountain is the source of the demons?”

“…Do you remember the negative energy we felt when we first entered Fleecia Forest?” asked Daisuke.

The trio collectively revisited the memory, a shiver crawling down their spines.

“Don’t you realize that ominous energy is gone even though we’re this close to the mountain?”

Rexar pondered that for a second. “Now that you mention it…” The only discomfort I feel right now is just my fear of heights.

“Why do you suppose that is?” inquired Milo.

Elena’s arched eyebrow conveyed her curiosity. “Wasn’t that bad feeling just… well, a figment of our imagination?”

“No, it’s not,” asserted Daisuke. “It’s likely the result of a spell that only takes effect when the targets are at a distance.”

The trio withheld their questions as they cautiously followed Daisuke onto a flat section of ground protruding from the sheer cliff. The moment Rexar secured himself on the ledge, he sank to his knees, gathering his sanity amid the swirling winds.

“We’re here,” Daisuke declared with an air of certainty.

“Is that supposed to make me feel better,” scoffed Rexar.

“Where is here, exactly?” asked Elena, her gaze sweeping the surroundings.

“…I don’t see anything,” added Milo.

“Do you have a secret stash of beer in that magic bag of yours?” quipped Rexar. “You must be tipsy if you think there’s anything up here.”

Ignoring the remark, Daisuke casually approached the mountain’s face and said, “It seems like the demons are flexing their own concealment spell.”

Elena and Milo winced.

“Spell?” Rexar exclaimed, pushing himself to his feet. “That can’t be right… the demons that I remember were like goblins; they were savages.”

“Who said we were only dealing with demons?” said Daisuke as his hand gradually slipped into the wall as if it were made of liquid.

“What tha—”

“If it’s not just demons,” whispered Elena, sealing Rexar’s mouth shut with both hands, “does that mean people are involved?”

“But how would people benefit from harming a humble village like ours?” Milo began in a hushed tone. “And how does one even control a demon anyway?”

“That’s precisely what we’re here to find out,” replied Daisuke as his foot slipped into the mysterious veil.

Rexar pulled Elena’s hands away with a frown. “But you… how were you able to see through the spell?”

“…It’s his eyes,” Elena surmised, her gaze fixed on Daisuke’s face as he disappeared into the mountain.

“The elder once told a story about a legendary sorcerer in possession of one of the many Evil Eyes,” informed Milo. “Apparently, each one is supposed to have a different special ability.”

“Evil Eye? Then doesn’t that mean Haxks is a much more amazing person than we thought?” Rexar marveled in astonishment.

Behind the curtain veiling the cave, two sturdy metal rods were driven deep into the ground, securing long ropes tethered to them. These ropes, now coiled on the cave floor, hinted at their use for scaling the mountain.

A concealment spell likely shrouded them while on the outside—and the fact that they were currently stowed away suggested that someone or something currently lurked within the cave.

“I-I can’t believe you managed to find this place,” muttered Milo, entering the chamber alongside Rexar and Elena.

Daisuke frowned. If it wasn’t for sheer coincidence and the Eye of Verity, this place may have never been found.

Mana Crystals illuminated the cavern that was reminiscent of an old mine. An infrastructure made of wood supported the walls and ceiling. The glow from the crystals cast a blue light on pickaxes that lay beside heaps of rock and pebbles excavated from the walls.

“Are they mining the mountain?” pondered Elena.

“Sure looks that way,” replied Rexar. “But who are they exactly?”

“Enough questions,” urged Daisuke. “We may have already alerted the landlords, so we need to move quickly before they can put any more measures in place that could hold us back. The ground is littered with booby-traps, so stick together and follow my lead.”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

“People generally only lay traps when there’s something worth protecting,” continued Daisuke. “Let’s go and find out what that something is.”

Utilizing the Eye of Verity, Daisuke effortlessly discerned the traps buried and concealed within the cavern. It was as if he gazed through the lens of a UV light, capturing the luminous imprints of magic lingering on the devices.

As they navigated what was akin to a perilous mine field, Rexar, drawn to the attractive glint of silver, copper, and other traces of metals in the small mounds of rocks shewn across the ground, misplaced a step and triggered a trap.


He swallowed when he heard the ominous click from the pressure-induced trap. A bead of sweat rolled down his temple. Everyone froze as a dark dread unfurled in their stomach. Daisuke held onto his composure, his head flitting around as he scanned the surroundings.

Suddenly, from the shadows, a masked figure draped in garments as dark as night lunged towards Rexar wielding a menacing curved blade.

“An assassin?” Rexar exclaimed in horror, his body petrified under the man’s bloodthirsty gaze.

Before the Wolkfin could react, seemingly without reason, Daisuke kicked him in the back, sending him stumbling forward. Elena and Milo watched in shock as their companion was inexplicably sentenced to a grim fate.

Time slowed as Rexar’s horrified eyes reflected the gleaming blade aimed at his forehead, promising a swift and painful demise.

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