Hacking the Game Didn’t Go as Intended

CHAPTER 73: Defying the Odds x2

Rexar and Elena stood in stunned silence, then their faces suddenly twisted in outrage. With a ferocity that frightened even the vile demons, the duo descended upon the fiends like a hunter’s blade toward the throat of a cornered beast.

The conjurer swiveled his head back around with a nauseating giggle, eager to relish the expression Daisuke would make at the sight of his fallen comrade. But instead, the man captured a blinding white streak of light in his periphery and a blur of movement.

Next, he heard a low thud at his feet before he felt an excruciating jolt of pain surging from his arms throughout the rest of his body. Finally, he saw it—both his severed hands laying at his feet, already growing cold and pale.

The man tilted his head back and let out a wailing scream as blood dribbled from his wrists. Then his expression shifted from pain to horror when Daisuke spoke from behind him and the cold kiss of a blade could be felt on his throat.

“I bet the effects of those rings are useless now that they’re not in contact with your body,” scoffed Daisuke as he pressed the weapon closer.

“Y-You…” the man muttered, his voice trembling as his body slowly slipped into shock. “How can you… still move like that with your injured leg?”

“You mean this leg?” said Daisuke, flexing the limb that was last seen with a three-inch-thick projectile wedged in it.

The conjurer was dumbstruck.

“I allowed myself to get injured because I wanted you to let your guard down,” admitted Daisuke. “It hurt like hell but it was worth it. While you were busy watching the others and gloating, I used a potion to heal my leg. It’s kinda shocking you didn’t expect us to have any recovery items with us. I guess you got pretty used to beating up and harassing regular people.”

The man grinded his teeth in regret, observing as the male and female Beastkin rushed to the human’s aid and urgently began feeding him a red liquid from a slender glass vial.

“If you kill me,” he began threateningly, “you’ll simply earn yourself the wrath of the Mhale—”


Daisuke watched with a stoic expression as the decapitated head fell and rolled on the ground before coming to a stop, its visage frozen in shock. “I swear you people are like a broken record.”



[Keith has been defeated!]

[Jet-black Garment has been acquired.]

[Jet-black Boots has been acquired.]

[Invisibility Ring has been acquired.]

[Perseverance Ring x5 has been acquired.]

[Small MP Recovery Potion x5 has been acquired.]

[Sparkling Elixir x1 has been acquired.]

[35 Gold has been acquired.]


Ignoring the notification windows, Daisuke shifted his gaze in time to witness Vernie casting a spell, seizing control of the gigantic golem before it could crumble away following its master’s demise.

“You’ve done me a great service, thanks,” Vernie remarked with a weary and somewhat twisted smile. “After a few months of living with the guy, he had become quite a bore. Once I get rid of you nuisances, I’ll recover the footstools and begin the arduous process of cleaning up this mess.”

Rexar and Elena carefully helped Milo sit upright, their gazes piercing the heartless villain with unbridled contempt. Vernie seemed entirely unfazed by their undisguised hostility—in fact, he appeared rather amused.

“I think I’ll need more hands on deck to get this place spick-and-span, so I’ll likely be paying a visit to your village real soon,” Vernie declared with a dark promise.

A muscle worked in Rexar’s jaw, and Vernie laughed mockingly as the Beastkin’s fingers balled into trembling fists. “You, girl,” called the man teasingly. “You have a pretty face. Do you have any younger siblings? Their gender doesn’t matter… it’s been a while since I’ve deflowered—”

Rexar’s eyes snapped open in outrage. Having had enough, the final thread holding his patience in check snapped, and a roar tore from his lungs like thunder. Before rational words or desperate hands could reinstate his sanity, the beast masquerading as a human lashed out with claws poised to strike.

“Amateur! You’re so predictable!” roared back Vernie, his response both an insult and a command for the golem to attack.

Rexar shrunk back, his ears sagging as the ominous shadow of the golem engulfed him in darkness. The golem’s arm swung around like the jib of a tower crane, intent on crushing both him and his friends. However, just as despair began to tighten its grip, Daisuke materialized with a sturdy wooden club.

With an expertly timed swing, he met the monster’s colossal arm. The impact echoed through the cavern, sending shockwaves that reverberated through the air. The sheer force of the collision created a momentary distortion, as if reality itself recoiled from the clash.

The knockback effect of the Sturdy Club sent the golem stumbling backward, disrupted and disoriented. Yet, thwarting the creature’s attack came at a cost—a large portion of the weapon’s durability was visibly eaten away, a testament to the formidable power of the golem’s assault.

Vernie staggered back with a frustrated growl, his eyes gleaming with malicious intent. “Ideally, it would be better if you all died right here by my hands; the Mhaledictus won’t be as merciful.”

Daisuke sighed, a hint of annoyance etched across his face. “Spare me the cliché villain monologue bullshit, would you?”

With a swift motion, he brandished his dagger, the blade catching the ambient light as it hummed with a feral energy. Leaning into his customary attack posture, a glint of determination in his eyes, he materialized a familiar item from his inventory and clasped it tightly in his hand.


[Bramble Seed]

[Damage: 150

Vicious thorned vines, unleashed from the Bramble Seed, continuously inflict fixed Physical Damage per second on ensnared targets. Adversaries caught within the vines’ AoE also suffer harm. There’s a 35% chance of causing «Bleed» and a 12% chance of inducing «Poison» among those ensnared.]


Vernie laughed. “You’re more of a fool than I thought,” he scoffed. “Challenging the golem is futile. Its might is beyond your comprehension!”

Daisuke smirked. “Well, let’s put that theory to the test, shall we?”

Without another word, he launched himself toward his towering foe like a flash, a blur of calculated strikes upon the monster’s unflinching form leaving trails of brilliant light.

Vernie, growing uneasy, glanced at the golem that stood imposingly in the chamber. “Y-You can dance all you want, but it won’t change the outcome; this golem is indestructible!”

“We’ll see about that.”

Uppercutting the golem with the hilt of his dagger, Daisuke leapt high into the air. Then he retrieved another item from his inventory that exuded a golden gleam.


[Lightning Bead]

[Damage: 2,500

Deals fixed Lightning Damage to the target upon impact. The electrical charge may leap to up to 7 nearby enemies, with a 75% chance of inducing «Paralysis» and a 45% chance of causing the «Burn» Status.]


Rexar, Elena, and Milo watched in awe as Daisuke weaved through the air like an acrobat, the gleam of the Lipanthyer’s fang painting a dazzling display.

Vernie’s guffaw echoed. “You think a mere nobody can defy the golem’s power? I’ve seen it crush mountains and withstand magic that would incinerate you with a glance!”

The last of his words got stuck in his throat however when barbed vines suddenly erupted from the golem’s body, ensnaring it in a thorny grip.

Vernie, stunned and disbelieving, couldn’t stop his mouth from falling agape. Impossible! Did he somehow manage to embed the seeds inside the areas he had attacked with his blade? But how did he even manage to damage the golem?

While the man stood dumbfounded and the vines tightened their grip, restricting the once-unyielding titan and destroying its integrity, Daisuke activated the Lightning Bead against his blade, unleashing a radiant force. Kicking his legs against the ceiling, he launched himself downward, a dazzling bolt of lightning tracing his trajectory.


The Lipanthyer’s blade howled through the air, a crescendo that climaxed in a thunderous explosion. Dust and debris engulfed the chamber as the golem bellowed in agony.

Vernie’s mocking laughter transformed into screams as the stone titan’s body fell apart, cleaved in twain. He was so stunned that caution dawned a moment too late. As the golem’s body crumbled like a landslide, Vernie was caught within its midst.

Courtesy of the rings on his fingers, a series of barriers erected themselves in tandem as the former was destroyed. But ultimately, the accessories failed to protect their master and Vernie’s legs were brutally crushed beneath the falling rocks.

Through the veil of dust from the battle’s aftermath, a silhouette of Daisuke could be seen pushing to his feet, his dagger still charged with electricity.



[The class advancement quest «Defying the Odds» has been completed!]

[350,000 Experience Points have been acquired.]

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